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    Section A,Unit 9 My favorite subject is science.,单击页面即可演示,I like apples best. =My favorite fruit is apples.,复习与导入:,Whats this ?,Dou you like it ?,Whats your favorite fruit?,I like soccer ball best. =My favorite sport is soccer.,Whats your favorite sport?,Whats your favorite color?,blue,orange,green,yellow,white,red,black,Whats your favorite food?,My favorite food is tomatoes / hamburgers / salad / apples / bananas / oranges / carrots / ice cream,running,playing baseball,playing tennis,playing basketball,playing soccer,Whats your favorite sport?,REPORT: 1、Whats your favorite color? 2、Whats your favorite food? 3、Whats your favorite sport? 4、Whos your favorite teacher? 5、Whatt your favorite subject?,How many subjects do we have now?,What subjects do we have?,Chinese,math,English,history,geography,P.E.,health,politics,computer,music,art,biology,You will learn a new subject next year.,science,Memory Challenge,Chinese,math,English,history,computer,music,art,P.E.,science,Do you know how to write these subjects in English?,学科 语文 数学 英语 历史 科学 音乐 美术 地理 体育,Chinese,math,English,history,music,art,physical education / P.E.,science,subject,geography,Whats your favorite subject?,My favorite subject is,Pairwork,Whats your favorite subject? My favorite subject is .,Chinese English P.E. math art music science geography,My favorite subject is science. Whats your favorite?,Whats your favorite subject?,Music.,Whats his favorite subject?,His favorite subject is music.,PAIRWORK,A: Whats your favorite subject? B: My favorite subject is science.,For example:,interesting,relaxing,difficult,fun,boring,What do you think of the things?,art science music P.E. math,fun interesting boring difficult relaxing,Description,Subject,What do you think of?,A: Whats your favorite subject? B: My favorite subject is ,A: Why do you like,B: Because,Practice,A: Whats the date today?,B: Its ,A: What day is it today?,B:Its.,Nice to see you!,Sunday,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday,There are _ days in a week .,7,Days of the week,Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday,weekdays,weekends,busy,free,tired,Today(今天)is Tomorrow(明天)is 星期日 星期一 星期二 星期三 星期四 星期五 星期六,Sunday,Tuesday,Monday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday,Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday,on,from Monday to Friday,The expression for “在星期几”,The expression for “从星期几到星期几”,1b,What subject do you have at school? I have at school.,Chinese English math,history biology geography,politics P.E. Music,art computer,study,study,learn,learn,Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday,The days of a week:,is the first day of a week.,is the second day of a week.,is the third day of a week.,is the fourth day of a week.,is the fifth day of a week.,is the sixth day of a week.,is the seventh day of a week.,is the last day of a week.,is the weekend of a week.,Lets chant!,Sunday, Sunday. Its the first day of a week. Monday, Monday. Lets go to school on Monday. Tuesday, Tuesday. Its my favorite day. Wednesday, Wednesday. Do you like Wednesday? Thursday, Thursday. I love Thursday very much. Friday, Friday. We are happy on Friday. Saturday, Saturday. Lets go and play!,When do you have math? I have it on .,Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday,Chinese English history biology geography politics P.E. music art computer,from Monday to Friday, and ,1c,A: What is your favorite subject? B: My favorite subject is A: Why do you like ? B: Because I think its A: Who is your teacher? B: My teacher is Mr / Mrs /Miss / Ms ,Ask and answer in pairs.,PAIRWORK,3b,我是你唯一的选择,1Ken and Lindas favourite subject _ P. E. A. are B. is C. am 2.Whats your favorite_? Blue. A. pen B. book C. color 3What _you do after supper? A. does B. doC. is 4I dont like documentaries because its _. A. funny B. relaxingC. boring,我是你唯一的选择,5Whats your favorite subject? _ A. YesB. Science C. Football 6Why dont you like math? Because its _ AinterestingBfunC.difficult 7I like music _ its relaxing AbecauseBbut CwhyDor 8.Why_ your mother like red sweaters? A.do B.is C.are D.does,每空填一个单词 ,使句意完整.,1,What is your f subject? 2,He likes English because it is i . 3,My s teacher is Mr king. 4,I am very b today. 5,I eat l at 12 oclock. 6,My favorite day is F _. 7,I t you like some subjects. 8,Do you want to k about my mornng. 9,Can you play the d . 10, Our school s at 7:40.,avorite,nteresting,cience,usy,unch,riday,hink,now,rum,tarts,1His favourite subject is English. (改为一般疑问句?) 2Her mothers favourite color is blue. (对划线部分提问) 3He likes art because its fun. (对划线部分提问) 4My sister often does her homework in the evening.(改否定句),句型转换,Is his favourite subject English?,Whats her mothers favorite color?,Why does he like art?,My sister doesnt often do her homework in the evening.,Whats your favorite subject ?,My favorite subject is English.,你最喜欢的科目是什么?,我最喜欢英语.,为什么喜欢英语呢?,Why do you like English ?,因为它有趣.,Because its interesting .,because , at, dont, favorite, get, go, have, lunch, on, teacher,I_ up at 7:00 and I _ to school at 8:00. I _ science at 9:00 and then I have math Class at 10:00. Math is my _ subject . I like math _ it is interesting . Mr Tan is my math_ .I eat _ at 12:00 and then. I have music at 1:00. I have history class_ 2:00. I _ like history ,I think it is boring. But I really like my art class. I have art class _ Wednesday at 2:00.,get,go,have,favorite,because,teacher,lunch,at,dont,on,Thank you!,


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