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    高三联考英语试卷答案1-5 BCACA 6-10 ABBBC 11-15 CABCB 16-20 AACBB21 24 CDAB 25 27 CDA 28 31 BDAC 32-35 CBDD 36-40 EACFG41-45 CCDAB 46-50 BADBC 51-55 DBCAA 56-60 ABDCD61: unlucky62: stuck63: which64: flashing65: a66: beautifully67: have been68: beginner69: long70: your短文改错 As we all know, avoid wasting is a very challenged but meaningful task. avoiding challengingAs students, we may wonder that we should do. whatIn my opinion, we should do this in our daily life. First of all, we had better not to waste food. For example, in the canteen, we should eat up what we have bought instead of throw away leftovers. Whats more, it is better not throwingto waste the notebook when they are still half blank. Also, we can make full notebooksuse of paper and pencils as well. Lastly, it is suggested that we must use our should pocket money wisely rather than spend it in something unnecessary. onIn word, we should take action immediate to advocate saving and a/one immediatelyavoid wasting.书面表达Dear John,I am so happy to learn that you have won the first prize in the English Speech Competition. I would like to congratulate you on your splendid success.Since you have been devoting yourself to preparing for the competition, its no wonder that you achieved your goal you set for yourself. It is an award that you truly deserve. You know my English is so poor, especially my spoken English. Could you share with me some helpful ways to learn English well? I would be very grateful if you could do me a favor.I wish you greater success in your future study and work.I am looking forward to your early reply.Yours, Li Hua听力原文第一节(Text 1)M: What would you like to order?W: A hamburger and a Coke, please.(Text 2)M: Look, Ill pay you ten dollars if you sweep the room for me.W: Sounds reasonable.(Text 3)W: Rose is a famous movie producer! M: Really? Why havent I heard of her before then?(Text 4)W: Mike, you live far from the school, right? Do you go to school by school-bus or in your fathers car?M: Well, I used to take school-bus but now I ride my bike(Text 5)W: Did you go to Guilin for your holidays?M: I wish I had but a traffic accident prevented me from getting to the airport in time.(Text 6)W: Hi Bob, come in. This is my new office.M: Wow, its great. Theres so much furniture. A sofa, armchairW: How about my desk. Isnt it beautiful?M: Yes, look at that. Is that a new computer?W: Yes, it is. The latest model.M: Is that New Times Magazine on your desk?W: Yes, it is. Therere some more copies in the cupboard.M: Its a great magazine. I love it.W: Yes, lots of good information. Would you like a cup of coffee?M: Sure, is there a coffee maker here, too?W: Yes, there is. Theres everything in this office.(Text7)W: Hello, can I help you?M: Well, I m looking for some winter clothes for my wife.W: Oh, it is a good time for shopping at our clothes shop. We are now having a pre-season sale on all our winter clothes.M: Really? Whats that?W: Everything for winter is 20% off.M: I think my wife may like the sweater in the shop window. And would you like to help me to look for any skirts going with this sweater?W: Sure. We have both skirts and trousers that would go well with the sweater. Look in this section.M: I especially like this flowery shirt. My wife would look very pretty in it.W: You have a good taste. It is very much in style this year.M: Ill take this one. Can I pay with a travelers check?W: Thats OK.(Text8)M: Excuse me, could you help me?W: Yes. What seems to be the problem? M: Well, I was wondering if anyone has turned in a passport.W: Im afraid not. Have you lost your passport?M: I think so. I cant find it anywhere in my hotel room, and I remember the last place I used it yesterday was in this department store.W: Where exactly did you use your passport in the store?M:In the suit-dress department. I had to show it to pay for these dresses.W: Well, let me call the suit-dress department to see if theyve found a passport Sorry, your passports not been handed in there, either.M: Then what shall I do?W:You can fill in this lost property report, and Ill keep my eye out for it. Those kinds of things usually turn up in the end, but I suggest you contact your embassy and tell them about your situation.M: You are right. Do you have a pen?W: Here you are.M: Oh, I seem to lose something every time I travel.(Text9)W: Did you hear how cold it got last night?M: I heard the radio announcer say it was 18 degrees below zero.W: Thats cold. I could hardly start my car. It was so cold this morning.M: My car didnt want to start, either, at first.W: Dont you have a garage?M: Not in the new apartment. We have to leave the car in the parking lot.W: How much antifreeze did you put in your new car then? You must have to keep it well below zero.M: I do. Right now I have it protected to 30 below.W: Does it ever get that cold around here?M: Not really. It sometimes gets to 20 below.W: Speaking of cold, how about going for a cup of coffee to warm up.M: Sounds good.(Text10) Cambridge has been described as the loveliest city in England. It is the seat of one of the two oldest universities in the world. The first teacher came in 1209 from Oxford, but it was not until 1284 that the first college, Peterhouse, was founded. More colleges were set up in the 14th, 15th and 16th centuries. Then no more were founded until the 19th century when new colleges including two for women were founded. The 20th century has seen more new colleges, and some of the old ones have become co-educational, that is, they take men and women. The finest single building in the city is in Cambridge, I think. And there are the lovely grounds next to the River Cam, behind some of the colleges.


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