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    八年级上学期英语导学案 年班姓名课题:Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?课型:新授课 Section A(1a-2d) 备课/使用时间:2017年9月 设计人/授课人: 纪敏 审核/审签:纪敏 【课标要求】能听懂有关熟悉画图的谈话,并能从中提取信息和观点【学习目标】1. 掌握P17-18单词2.掌握短语:get to, on your right/left, turn left, between . and. , go past, a pair of3.掌握句子:Excuse me, could you tell me where I can get some money? Excuse me, could you please tell me how to get to the bookstore? Do you know when the bookstore closes today? Go to the second floor. There is a bookstore between the bank and the supermarket.【学习方法】 自主、合作、探究、讨论 。【学习重点】宾语从句【学习过程】 任务一 短语学习1. 英汉互译短语。get to just go along pass Center Street on your right go to the third floor turn left/right betweenand go pass the bookstore get some postcards 2. 写出你知道的表示位置关系的介词或短语 任务二 对话学习I. 看1a中的图,并运用1a中的8个短语仿编对话。(两个人一组) 例如:A:Excuse me, could you please tell me where I can get some money? B:Sure. There is a bank on Main Street. Its next to the bookstore. A: B: 2. 熟记语法聚焦并和你同伴一起归纳一下问路的表达方式吧。 如:. Could you please tell me if there is a post office near here ? 3.两人一组读2d对话,并翻译【当堂检测】用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。1 .Please be quick!I wonder when the park_ (close) today.2. I need some postcards and_ (stamp). 3. Go to the _ (three) floor.4. Im _ (excite) to watch the _(excite) film.5 .The word“restroom”is not _ (common) used in China.【知识小结】【学后反思】 课题:Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?课型:新授课 Section A(3a-4d) 备课/使用时间:2017年9月 设计人/授课人: 纪敏 审核/审签:纪敏 【课标要求】能听懂有关熟悉画图的谈话,并能从中提取信息和观点【学习目标】1.会读P19-20单词2.掌握短语:Water World, get hungry, rock band, get a table,等短语3.会读会用询问道路的句子。【学习方法】 自主、合作、探究、讨论 。【学习重点】宾语从句【学习过程】 任务一 短语学习 1.译短语。try the rides Water World get a table go on the new ride get there early rock band hold my hand get hungry pass by walk up to at the door come a little early 任务二 对话学习1.分角色朗读和表演3a对话。2.翻译对话。3.讲解对话。4.指出带有宾语从句的句子: 3.归纳总结问路和指路的表达法: 4.Grammar Focus两人一组练习并翻译。5做4a并核对答案。6.做4b并核对答案。【当堂检测】根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。1. 一I beg your p_ ? 一Restroom?2. My mother is taking a bath (洗澡) in the b .3. We must keep the classroom and t very clean and tidy.4. It is too late. I s we stop here and go home.【知识小结】【学后反思】课题:Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?课型:新授课 Section B (1a-2b) 备课/使用时间:2017年9月 设计人/授课人: 纪敏 审核/审签:纪敏 【课标要求】能根据话题进行情景对话【学习目标】1.会读P21-22单词2.掌握短语:ask about, a good place to eat, kind of, go to the corner of等短语。3.句子:Can you tell me where theres a good place to eat?The clerk suggests they go to the art museum.The clerk tells her to go to the corner of market. What kind of food do you like?【学习方法】 自主、合作、探究、讨论 。【学习重点】宾语从句【学习过程】 任务一 短语学习 译短语。询问,打听 一个吃东西的好地方 种类 去的角落(路口) the younger/ older girl of course really interesting fresh vegetables public restrooms at the corner of as well as 任务二 对话学习1.请根据示范编写自己的对话,描述自己熟悉的某个景点。例:A:What do you think of the new shopping center in our city? B:Its convenient. The goods there are beautiful but inexpensive. And its uncrowded on weekdays. A:I agree. What do you like best about the Fine Arts Museum? B:The Fine Arts Museum is really interesting,and its beautiful,too 2.角色扮演。两人一组,分角色扮演,把三段对话的内容写出来,练习对话。 例:A:Can you tell me where theres a good place to eat? B:Of course. What kind of food do you like? A:Id like some snacks/ fast food/ seafood 【当堂检测】选词填空 interesting,corner,safe,convenient,clean 1. Playing on the street is not _. 2. The air today is nice and _.3. I hear that computer games are _, but Im not interested in it. 4. There is a table in the _ of the room. 5. Our house is very _ for the shops. 【知识小结】【学后反思】 课题:Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?课型:新授课 Section B (2c-self check) 备课/使用时间:2017年9月 设计人/授课人: 纪敏 审核/审签:纪敏 【课标要求】能在听的过程中用适当的方式作出反应【学习目标】1.单词:polite, politely, request, correct, direct,indirect, direction, speaker, whom, address, underground, 2.短语:request for directions, sound less polite, ask for help, in different situations, depend on, sound impolite, lead in to , parking lot3.句子:Excuse me, Mr. West. Do you know when the school trip is?Peter, could you please tell me your E-mail address? Pardon me, could you please tell me where to park my car.【学习方法】 自主、合作、探究、讨论 。【学习重点】宾语从句【学习过程】 任务一 短语学习译短语。问路的请求 询求帮助 取决于 导入到 听起来不太礼貌 在不同的情况下 make polite requests a foreign country in different situations ask for help politely a very direct question depend on much more polite spenddoing an underground parking lot pass the salt change some money the way to the village school 任务二 对话学习在日常生活当中,我们有时需要别人的帮助,而懂得怎么样向别人提出有礼貌的请求,很重要。请讨论:Where do you need to make polite requests? Think of some possible situations. 【当堂检测】 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。1 .Could you please show the _ (direct) to Bobs shop?2. It is important_ (learn) how to use proper language.3. Sometimes we even need to spend time_(lead) in to a request. 4. He gave an_ (direct)answer.5. Good_(speak)of English change the way they talk when they speak with different people in different situations. 【知识小结】【学后反思】 Anything is possible. 一切皆有可能。


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