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    福师《体育保健学》在线作业一(Division of physical education and health Fu online homework).doc

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    福师《体育保健学》在线作业一(Division of physical education and health Fu online homework).doc

    福师体育保健学在线作业一(Division of physical education and health Fu online homework)Fu Shi "Sports Health Studies" online homework one or twoTest paper 13 spring total score: 100 test time: -Judgment questionRadio examinationA multiple-choice questionJudgment questions (a total of 26 questions, a total of 52 points)1., massage techniques if the force of large, fast frequency, duration is short, can play an exciting roleA. errorB. correctFull marks: 22. epiphyseal injuries are a more common injury in women.A. errorB. correctFull marks: 23. over 50% of the standard body weight is moderately obese.A. errorB. correctFull marks: 24., more content of calcium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, chlorine, sulfur, iron and other 7 kinds, known as the major elements. Magnesium, iodine, fluorine, selenium, zinc, copper and so on are called trace elements.A. errorB. correctFull marks: 25., frostbite refers to local frostbite ().A. errorB. correctFull marks: 26., the direction of massage should generally be carried out along the direction of lymph flow, in addition, where the lymph nodes should strengthen the massage.A. errorB. correctFull marks: 27., ring dressing method applies to the uniform thickness of the body parts. Such as the forehead, wrist, and lower part of the lower leg.A. errorB. correctFull marks: 28., in strengthening the lower limb muscle strength training, we should pay attention to improve the flexibility and coordination of the knee joint.A. errorB. correctFull marks: 29. the methods of clinical assessment, body height and weight comparison, and nutritional index measurement are the methods of nutritional assessmentA. errorB. correctFull marks: 210. the basic unit of protein is the amino acidA. errorB. correctFull marks: 211., the use of small intensity, long massage, can overcome the tension before the game.A. errorB. correctFull marks: 212. protein digestibility is the extent to which a protein can be broken down by digestive enzymes.A. errorB. correctFull marks: 213. chronic bronchitis patients often use the wrong way of breathing when they attack.A. errorB. correctFull marks: 214. excessive training is a physiological reaction caused by continuous accumulation of fatigue.A. errorB. correctFull marks: 215. children and adolescents do not need to be grouped in sportsA. errorB. correctFull marks: 216. when rescuing drowning patients, artificial respiration and chest compression of the heart without breathing and heartbeat must be performed above 1h.A. errorB. correctFull marks: 217., frozen shoulder, also known as frozen shoulder ()A. errorB. correctFull marks: 218., the increase of heat consumption in the body caused by ingestion of food is a special dynamic action of foodA. errorB. correctFull marks: 219., the joint ligament injury is mainly due to indirect external force caused by a closed injury.A. errorB. correctFull marks: 220., the age of puberty is approximately 16 to 20 yearsA. errorB. correctFull marks: 221. men who do not exercise regularly insist on running. After one month, their blood volume can be increased by 16%.A. errorB. correctFull marks: 222., sports injuries in situ inspection, first of all to observe the overall condition of the wounded.A. errorB. correctFull marks: 223. exercise therapy is a natural method.A. errorB. correctFull marks: 224. muscle strain caused by active contraction, more damage in the muscle belly ()A. errorB. correctFull marks: 225. bandage compression bandaging method is suitable for hemostasis of small artery / small vein and capillary bleeding.A.errorB. correctFull marks: 226. calcium and oxalic acid can be better absorbed.A. errorB. correctFull marks: 2Fu Shi "Sports Health Studies" online homework one or twoTest paper 13 spring total score: 100 test time: -Judgment questionRadio examinationA multiple-choice question14, radio questions autumn (a total of 20 questions, a total of 40 points)1., the description of muscle spasticity is incorrect.A.s cramp muscles are stiff and painfulB. involves limited flexion and extension of the jointsAfter C. convulsion is relieved, local still has ache, unwell feelingD. is difficult to relapse after remissionFull marks: 22. the diagnosis of patellar strain is ().A. knee pain, knees softB. joint effusionC. femoris four muscle atrophyD. semisquatting test positiveFull marks: 2A dressing with 3. figures for (or) dressing.A. ankle jointB. forearmC. wrist jointD. shankFull marks: 24., excessive tension is the exercise load than the bodys ability to produce.A. an acute pathological conditionB. a chronic pathological conditionC. acute soft tissue injuriesD. chronic soft tissue injuriesFull marks: 25.1 grams of protein can be released and oxidized in the body.A., 16, 74kcalB., 16, 74kJC., 37, 655kcalD., 37, 655kJFull marks: 26. the early treatment of acute closed soft tissue injury is ().A. cold compressB. pressure bandagingC. raises the injured limbD. Three at the same timeFull marks: 27. the spiral dressing of the bandage applies to ().A. upper armB. shankC. knee jointD. wristFull marks: 28. when the bodys blood sugar is reduced, the first to be affected is.A. nervous systemB. respiratory systemC. motor systemD. endocrine systemFull marks: 29. () can promote the absorption of calcium in the intestine, promote the calcification and normal development of bones and teeth.A. vitamin AB. vitamin DC. vitamin ED. vitamin PPFull marks: 210. people with high vision requirements need more.A. vitamin EB. vitamin DC. vitamin CD. vitamin AFull marks: 211. the sign of dislocation of the joint is ().A. severe tendernessLoss of B. functionC. joint deformityD. or more is correctFull marks: 212. almost all of the heat energy in short duration exercise is supplied by ().A. sugarB. fatC. proteinD. vitaminsFull marks: 213. () exercise requires a higher level of vitamin B1.A. speedB. is sensitiveC. staminaD. powerFull marks: 214., the most abundant foods containing vitamin D are ().A. animal liver, cod liver oil, poultry eggsB. Cereals, beans, milkC. animal liver, milk, green leafy vegetablesD. eggs, fish, eggsFull marks: 215. after humeral fracture fixed, can use ().A. large cantilever beltB. small cantilever beltC. any of the large or small cantilever bandsD. the upper arm is fixed on the side of the bodyFull marks: 216. chronic injury of epiphysis can cause ().A. epiphyseal separationB.s epiphysisC. epiphyseal fractureD. epiphyseal separation and fractureFull marks: 217., liver congestion caused by movement, abdominal pain, the location of more than ().A. right hypochondriumB. right upper abdomenC. left hypochondriumD. left lower abdomenFull marks: 218. () can make the bodys high valent iron reduced to cheap iron.A. vitamin EB. vitamin DC. vitamin AD. vitamin CFull marks: 219. the key point of fracture diagnosis is ().A. pain and swellingB. dysfunctionC. malformationD.EcchymosisFull marks: 220., the physiological function of nutrition known as ().A. fats, proteins, vitamins, waterB. sugar, fat, vitamins, mineralsC. sugar, fat, vitamins, mineralsD. proteins, vitamins, minerals, waterFull marks: 2Fu Shi "Sports Health Studies" online homework one or twoTest paper 13 spring total score: 100 test time: -Judgment questionRadio examinationA multiple-choice question, (a total of 4 multiple-choice questions, a total of 8 points.)1., the nutritional function of protein has ().A. regulates physiological functionB. provides heat energy, a major function of proteins in the bodyC. improves the excitability of the central nervous system and strengthens conditioned reflexesD. is the major component of cellsFull marks: 22. the sports hygiene requirements for children and adolescents are ().A. is based on short time speed exercisesB. the amount of exercise should be reasonable, the average intensity density may be slightly largerC. avoid doing too much breath movementD. should not use excessive endurance and strength exercisesFull marks: 23. descriptions of the development of respiratory systems in children and adolescents are correct.A. children and adolescents breathe faster than adults, with little lung capacityIn B. exercise, children and adolescents increase lung ventilation mainly by increasing the frequency of breathingC. children and adolescents have wide chest width, poor breathing and little oxygen requirementD. children and adolescents should exercise more breathing depth during exerciseFull marks: 24. () general sanitation requirements for sports building equipment include.A. position selection should be reasonableB. avoid environmental pollution zonesC. convenient transportationD. is near the waterFull marks: 2


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