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    全国2009年10月高等教育自学考试旅游英语选读试题课程代码:00837请将答案填在答题纸相应位置上IMultiple choice:(115=15) Directions:Beneath each of the following sentences,there are four choices marked A,B, C and DChoose the one that best completes the sentence1Local people usually see tourism as a cultural and_ factorAhistoricalBbusiness Cemployment Deducation2An international tourist is defined as anyone visiting a country, other than that which is hisusual place of residence,for_ hoursAmore than 48 Bmore than 24 Cless than 48 Dless than 243As in any business,there must be one person called _who is highly trained,capableof directing a complex successful hotelAassistant manager Bresident managerCvice manager Dgeneral manager 4Recent promotions by Amtrak have emphasized the _benefits of taking the trainAsafety Bcomfort Crelaxation Dcost5Business travel is greatly influenced by business related attractions such as_Aconferences and exhibitions Binelastic pricesCbig-city orientations Dexecutives needs6_is the most widely recognized international organizations in tourism todayAInternational Civil Aviation Organization BInternational Hotel AssociationCWorld Association of Travel Agencies DWorld Tourism Organization7Wastage can be reduced by establishing standards _which we can monitor the performance of travel agents Aupon Bwith CagainstDwithin8Airlines will_ to allow for the high number of_ ,but must exercise cautionAoverbook, independent travelers Boverbook, no-showsCunderbook,business travelers Dunderbook,repeat travelers9The sum of all incomes in a country is called the_ Aeconomic income Bproductive incomeCfinancial income Dnational income10The governments of many developing nations give priority in their strategic tourism planning to the development of_,because it generates badly-needed hard currencyAprofessional tourism Bconvention tourismCbusiness tourism Dinternational tourism11During the 1920s and 1930s,_was one of the fastest growing segments of the international tourism industryAtrain tourism Bcoach tourism Ccruise tourism Dair tourism12However, other travel agents have recognized that the technological revolution will affect their business to a greater extent than almost _ Aother industry Bany other industry Cother industries Dany other industries13Since China opened to the outside world in _,the number of hotels has increased considerablyA1970 B1978 C1980 D199714Tourism,_,has the potential to help bridge the psychological and cultural distances that separate people of diverse races,colors,religions and stages of social and economic development Aproper design and develop Bproperly designing and developingCproper designing and developing Dproperly designed and developed15Ecotourism is one of the most rapidly growing form of specialized travel in the West,with central American countries,such as Costa Rica,_the principal destinations at presentAbe Bto be Cbeing DbeenReading comprehension:(210=20)Directions:Read the following passages and make your proper choices(1)Culture is the total sum of all the traditions,customs, beliefs,and ways of life of a given group of human beingsIn this sense,every group has a culture, however savage,undeveloped,or uncivilized it may seem to beTo the professional anthropologist,there is no intrinsic superiority of one culture over another, just as to the professional linguist there is no intrinsic rank or hierarchy among languagesPeople once thought of the languages of backward groups as savage,undeveloped forms of speech,consisting largely of grunts and groansWhile it is possible that language in general began as a series of grunts and groans,it is a fact established by the study of“backward”languages that no spoken tongue answers that description todayMost languages of uncivilized groups are,by our most severe standards,extremely complex,delicate,and ingenious pieces of machinery for the transfer of ideasThey fall behind our Western languages not in their sound pattern of grammatical structures,which usually are fully adequate for all language needs,but only in their vocabularies,which reflect the objects and activities known to their speakersEven in this department,however, two things are to be notedFirst,all languages seem to possess the machinery for vocabulary expansion,either by putting together words already in existence or by borrowing them from other languages and adapting them to their own systemSecond,the objects and activities requiring names and distinctions in“backward”languages,while different from ours,are often surprisingly numerous and complicatedA Western language distinguishes merely between two degrees of remoteness(“this”and“that”);some languages of the American Indians distinguish between what is close to the speaker, or to the person addressed,or out of sight,or in the past,or in the futureThis study of language,in turn,casts a new light upon the claim of the anthropologists that all cultures are to be viewed independently, and without ideas of rank or hierarchy16According to the author, to the professional linguists,_Aall languages came from grunts and groansBall languages in the world are equal and independentCWestern cultures are better than Eastern culturesDthe superiority of one culture over another is difficult to explain17We can infer that the author is_Aa professional anthropologistBa linguist as well as an anthropologistCa language researcher from the WestDa language researcher on“backward culture”18The languages of backward groups fall behind those of the West in terms of the_AvocabulariesBhistory and cultureCmachinery for vocabulary expansionDsound patterns and grammatical structures19According to the article,some languages of American Indians are_Atoo undeveloped to be understoodBmore civilized than Western languagesCderived from their own remote systemDable to distinguish more degrees of remoteness20What is implied in this passage is that the study of languages_Ahas challenged anthropological studiesBhas reinforced the view of the anthropologistsCis the same as the study of anthropologyDhas contradicted the result of the study of anthropology(2)The Concorde,plane of the rich and famous,is also probably the worlds safestThe fireball outside Paris Tuesday was the supersonic jets first fatal accident ever in 24 years of regular operationAnd Air France officials said their current fleet was fit to fly safely until 2007Yet the plane had been having mishapslittle thingsIn October a piece of tail fell off in mid-flightLast January, within a span of 24 hours,two British Airways Concordes had to make emergency landings for technical reasonsone engine failure,one mysterious false alarmA few months ago,small cracks,said to be“microscopic”in size,were detected in all seven British Concordes,a British Airways spokeswoman said Monday;one of them was grounded because the cracks had gotten widerHas the Concorde hit old age ahead of schedule? Only 20 of the supersonic passenger jets were ever built,of which 13 are still in service,operated by British Airways and Air FranceThey were all built between 1975 and 1980Both companies hope to keep the planes flying for another 14 or 15 years,and in fact both have recently upped their estimate of the number of“cycles”roughly one transatlantic flightthe plane could stand,to 8,500By this calculation,the planes are cleared for takeoff until 2006 at leastThis view is supported by the fact that although its flights are high-stress and its takeoff and landing more labored than other planes,the Concorde makes only about a fifth of the trips more popularAfter the crash,Air France asserted,perhaps prematurely, that the crash was due not to any wing problem,like sneaking cracks,but to an exploding engineThat makes it the fastest investigation on recordThey have not grounded the fleet beyond a thorough maintenance check,which on these delicate birds,with their 30-year-old technology, will be expensiveBritish Airways says its Concordes gave the company prestige,shuttling the swells on their surprisingly cramped,1,336-mph passage at $10,000 a headTake a trip aboard and one must have been like joining an exclusive but rather cramped and uncomfortable clubBut part of its charmto the small number of people who flew itwas that it was superior to the other planes,saferFor the price of a ticket,you were buying a guaranteeIf British and French industry officials,who built the Concorde together in the 60s as a kind of supersonic dove,decide that feeling is gone forever with Tuesdays catastrophe,then its not hard to imagine that they will seriously consider retiring this distinctive,one-of-a-kind aircraft21The reason why the Concorde crashed is that_Aone engine failed Bits engine explodedCa piece of tail fell off Dthe cracks had gotten wider22Concordes are expected to fly _8,500 times in the coming 14 or 15 yearsAfrom Paris to London Bfrom London to New York CityCfrom Paris to New York City Dacross the Atlantic Ocean23British Airways has got prestige from its Concordes because _Ait is superior to other planesBit offers a safer though expensive flightCit provides cozy and comfortable seats aboardDit is the fastest planes in the world24The word“one-of-a-kind”in the last paragraph probably means“ _”Aunique Bcomplicated Cdelicate Dmodern25It can be seen that the writers attitude to the future of Concordes is _ Abiased Bobjective Coptimistic DpessimisticCloze:(115=15)Directions:Choose the one from the given A,B,C and D to complete the passage properlyThe Great Exhibition held in London in 1851 was probably the first show to be called a world fairSince then there have been 31 universal exhibitions and many cities 26 to have a world fairIn 1928 the International Bureau of Expositions was founded in Paris to co-ordinate these events and ensure that there is only one each yearThere are various and interlinked objectives 27 holding a world fairThe stated objectives include encouraging trade,increasing the visibility of a city and country, developing tourism, 28 economic development and increasing employment,stimulating the re-use of land and 29 improvements,the celebration of a past event,and the entertainment of the masses, 30 the often unstated one of obtaining 31 funds from the higher levels of governmentThe 32 motive for holding a world fair is to 33 the city ,but as well as selling the city ,there is also the selling of ideasMost expos are linked in some way to the notion of the progress of civilization or modernityNot 34 ,Expo 92 in Seville,Spain,had the 35 of discoveryOther themes include education and international understandingThe 36 city usually prepares a special site for the event 37 new buildings and structures of hoped-for architectural distinction and image changing ability are erectedEarly examples 38 Londons Crystal Palace and Pariss Eiffel Tower and a more recent one is Seattles Space NeedleThese structures will remain a 39 legacy to the area,as will any general infrastructure put in placeThe fair itself usually contains exhibitions of both arts and manufactures,with pavilions 40 also by foreign nationsWorld fairs usually last between five and seven months,but sometimes they last for a whole year26Asought Bhave sought Cseek Dhas sought27Aabout Bat Cof Dfor28Aaltering Bswitching Cattracting Dmodifying29Abasic Binfrastructure Cwelfare Dquality30Aas well as Binclude Cplus Dadd31Aexact Bidentical Cextra Ddistinct32Aprime Bbig Clarge Dpotential33Aboom Blift Cincrease Dboost34Asurprised Bsurprisingly Csurprising Dsurprise35Apurpose Bslogan Ctitle Dtheme36Ahost Bguest Chospitable Dhostile37Athat Bwhich Cwhere Dwhose38Ais Bwere Cwas Dare39Atemporary Bbetter Clast Dpermanent40Aprovided Brequired Cconfronted DacquiredPhrasal verbs:(110=10)Directions:Fill in the blanks with the proper phrasal verbs given belowMake some changes if necessaryapply to gear toassociate with have effect onattribute to set the seal onbring about tailor todeter from vary in41Education should_ the childrens needs and abilities42This regulation _every hotel in this country43A word from his teacher _a great _my son44His stories_ popular tastes45I always _this piece of music_ Haweii folk dance46The open-and-reform policy has_ miraculous changes in our country47Television sets _widely _price and quality48Both companies have _the agreement of technical cooperation49Nothing can _me _doing what I think right50MrGreen _his good health _careful living Phrase translation:(120=20)Part OneDirections:Translate the following into Chinese.51cross trait charter flights 52the modern service industry53net discretionary incomes 54air fare quotations55Green Flag International 56in the capacity of a diplomat57inadequate air conditioning58enjoy the spectacular scenery59give full exposure to Chinas tourism resources 60accommodationsleft much to be desiredPart Two Directions:Translate the following into English61重要的第三产业62旅游业对经济的影响63定期客运服务 64心理承受力65需求不足 66签约国67永久移民 68旅游保险69国家级“旅游度假区” 70保护世界文化遗产Passage translation:(102=20)Directions:Translate the following passages into Chinese71Tourism was brought sharply into international focus at the end of the Second World WarWithin a mere 20 years of the industrys take-off, international tourism displayed nearly all the characteristics of its manufacturing counterpartit was mass,standardized and rigidly packagedBy the mid-1970s,tourism was being produced along assembly-line principles,similar to the automobile industry, with tourists consuming travel and leisure services in a similar robot-like and routine mannerUnderstanding the evolution of mass tourism,and the factors that created it,are key to understanding the industrys transformation72


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