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    新版PEP五年级英语下册U5 let27s learn.ppt

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    新版PEP五年级英语下册U5 let27s learn.ppt

    ,Unit 5 Whose dog is it? A lets learn,人教版英语五年级下册,授课教师: Cherry,Free talk Whose schoolbag is this? Its_. Whose books are these? Theyre_. Is this pen yours? Yes/No,_. Are these storybooks Amys? _,我弟弟的书包,Cherry的书,Cherrys,Johns,my brothers,Cherrys,it isnt,No, they arent.,There is a dog show.Lets have a look. Whose are they ?,谁的,Lets watch and answer What can the dogs do? What are they like?,Miss Green,Miss Greens dog,Miss Black,Miss Blacks dog,Mr Whites dog,Mr White,Uncle Sam,Uncle Sams dog,Aunt Sally,Aunt Sally s dog,Whose dog is it?,I dont know the man!,The dog is his.,Its his dog.,Whose dog do you like best?,I like Amys dog.,I like her dog.,I like _.,Amys dog,Toms dog,John and Jack s dog,What about you?,Look! Thats my dog!,Yes! Its your dog. The dog is yours.,Zooms dog,Whose dog is it?,Its my dog. Its mine.,Its _ _.,Its _ .,my,dog,mine,Its _ .,Ha! Its your dog. Its yours.,Guess! Whose dog is it?,Its _ _.,your,dog,yours,Unit5 Whose dog is it ?,Its Chen Jies dog. Its her dog. Its hers.,The dog is _ . The dog is _ .,Chen Jies,hers,Unit5 Whose dog is it ?,Its Mikes dog. Its his dog. Its his.,The dog is _ . The dog is _ .,Mikes,his,The dog is _.,Look! Its our dog. Its ours.,Unit5 Whose dog is it ?,ours,Unit5 Whose dog is it ?,Its Mr and Miss Greens dog. Its their dog. Its theirs.,The dog is _.,The dog is _.,Mr and Miss Greens,theirs,mine,Its my dog . The dog is mine .,yours,Ha! Zip! Its your dog .The dog is yours .,hers,Its her dog . The dog is hers .,his,Its his dog . The dog is his .,ours,Its our dog .The dog is ours .,theirs,Its their dog . The dog is theirs .,his,hers,yours,theirs,mine,ours,Look and read,Whats missing ?,1.Toms/his,2.Lisas /hers,3.Mike and Johns/theirs,Pair work,-Whose book is this? -Its Toms. Its his.,mine,yours,ours,Pair work,-Whose glasses are these? -Theyre my glasses. -Theyre mine.,Look, Read and Choose A. Look! That is his dog. B. Whose rulers are these ? C. Its their dog. D. Zips cat is so cute. E. This is her phone .,1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._,Look,say and comeplete.,Whose book is that?,Its Amys book.,Ah! The book is hers.,Amy,John,John and Amy,(your name),(you and your partner),Its her book.,The book is hers.,Look,say and comeplete.,Amy,John,John and Amy,Lily,Lily and Daisy,Its her book.,The book is hers.,Its his book.,The book is his.,Its their book.,The book is theirs.,Its my book.,The book is mine.,Its our book.,The book is ours.,Read and Choose 1. The blue pencil is _. (my,mine ) 2. This is not my dog. Its _. ( she , hers) 3. -Whose pictures are these? -They are _.( we ,ours) 4. Is this _ (Amy, Amys ) desk ? 5. The white cat is _ (he, his ).,mine,hers,ours,Amys,his,Read and write.阅读并用框内的单词填空 There is a dog show. Lets have a look. Whose are they? Thats my dog. The dog is _. Its big. Thats your dog. The dog is _. Its small. Look at the white one. _is it? Its Chen Jies. The dog is _. Look at the black ones. Whose are they? Theyre Mikes and Jacks. Oh! Theyre_. Theyre Welcome to our dog show. Thats fun.,mine yours his her hers ours theirs Whose,mine,yours,Whose,hers,theirs,Unit 5 Whose dog is it ? A Lets learn Sum up 1. Its my dog . / The dog is mine. Its your dog . / The dog is yours. Its his dog. / The dog is his. Its her dog. / The dog is hers. Its our dog. / The dog is ours. Its their dog. / The dog is theirs. ,Unit 5 Whose dog is it ? A Lets learn 2.We must take gook care of our things. When we see some things that someone lost, we should return them to the owner.,人教版英语五年级下册,Homework 1、完成腾讯英语君的相关作业: 绘本阅读,读背P49单词 2、完成问卷星,拍照上传到小程序。,


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