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    课时跟踪检测(十四).单词拼写1词汇复现 The captain (队长) prefers working out alone in the gym.2Her father was a quiet man with graceful (优雅的) manners.3The host was a master (高手) of the English language.4We must put more money into the sport if we want to create more tennis legends (传奇人物) of the future.5词汇复现 It was a great honour to be invited to host the important event.6The athletes are training hard to win glory (荣誉) for their motherland.7词汇复现The competitors from all around the world fought not only for medals but also for honour.8词汇复现 Only those who have enough courage and determination (决心) can accept the challenge.9Unluckily, the manager got seriously injured in the car accident.10Well, you know, English is my strength.单句语法填空1It is his determination (determine) that helps him make it finally.2By working out regularly, I strengthen (strength) my body and become healthy.3The audience watched the performers dance gracefully (graceful) in the stadium.4As he had injured (injure) his leg before, he had to quit the game.5As I know, never can failure (fail) make the host lose confidence.6I feel honoured(honour) to have a chance to go abroad for further study next year.7One of the best players had been injured, and the captain had to leave because of heart problems.8My friends and I went to the football match last night and we had a good time there.9Please give in/out the examination papers.10Then came (come) the days we had been looking forward to.阅读理解On a hot evening in September, the Highland High School team was pronouncing to win its first game of the season. “I was really excited,” said Highlanders linebacker Ryan Ferrini. “This was the game when it finally came together.” With several seconds left in the fourth quarter and the Tompkins High School team up 2928, all the Highlanders had to do was go one yard for a touchdown to seize a dramatic comefrombehind victory.On the previous play, after the Highlanders had driven the ball deep into the Tompkins territory (防守区), quarterback Will Gentry had connected with receiver Austin Brauweiler at the threeyard line. As Brauweiler turned upfield, a Tompkins defender delivered a hit, knocking them both to the ground at the oneyard line.“There was a huge force, as if a truck had hit me,” said Brauweiler, who suffered from the collision (撞击). But it was the Tompkins player who got the worst of it. He lay still on the ground and a doctor had been called. Thats when the Tompkins coach walked across the field and told Highlanders coach Colschen that his players were too upset to finish the game and they would lose the game.“In life, the wellbeing of others is whats important, not the scoreboard,” said Colschen. He gathered his Highlanders and told them it was time to support their grieving (悲伤的) competitors. They agreed.After the injured player was airlifted to a hospital, the two teams took the field again. The Highland teams teammates took a knee and didnt start any action, only waiting for the game clock to strike zero. Game over.“What my players did was amazing,” said Colschen. “I was surprised and encouraged that they were thinking not about themselves but about others.”语篇导读本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲述了在一场比赛中发生了双方队员相撞事件后,其中一方的队员为了尊重对方队员将最后的比赛时间耗尽的故事。1What can we learn from Paragraph 1?AThe match was coming to an end.BThe match would end the football season.CThe Highlanders is a difficult team to beat.DThe Tompkins was confident of victory in the final.A推理判断题。根据第一段中的“With several seconds left in the fourth quarter and the Tompkins High School team up 2928.”可知,比赛快要结束了。2Who was most injured in the collision?AA Highlanders player.BA Tompkins defender.CAustin Brauweiler.DWill Gentry.B细节理解题。根据第二段中的a Tompkins defender delivered a hit, knocking them both to the ground at the oneyard line以及第三段中的it was the Tompkins player who got the worst of it可知,是Tompkins的防守队员受伤最为严重。3Why did the Highlanders take no action until the end of the game?ABecause they had already won it.BBecause one of their players got injured.CBecause they were given an unfair judgment.DBecause they cared and respected their competitors.D推理判断题。根据第四段、第五段的内容以及最后一段中的“I was surprised and encouraged that they were thinking not about themselves but about others.”可知,在相撞事件发生后,Highlanders的队员们认为在比赛中身体健康才是最为重要的,所以Highlanders的队员们在比赛结束前任凭时间一分一秒过去而不采取任何行动,这也是为了安慰因队友受伤而伤心的对方队员们,表示对对手的尊重。4What message is conveyed in the passage?AMore haste, less speed.BAll men cannot be first.CBetter to be safe than sorry.DFriendship first, competition second.D推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中的“The Highland teams teammates took a knee and didnt start any action, only waiting for the game clock to strike zero.”和最后一段中的they were thinking not about themselves but about others可以看出,在双方的竞争中,Highland高中的队员们没有一味地为了追求成功而不顾对方的感受,相反,他们把对对手的尊重置于个人的荣誉之上,这传达出的正是“友谊第一,比赛第二”的精神,故选D。A项意为“欲速则不达”;B项意为“不可能人人得第一名”;C项意为“安全胜过遗憾”。.完形填空Susan was a shy but clever girl. She _1_ thick glasses, which were often made fun of by her classmates. The worst thing was that Lewis had started calling her “Four Eyes”, and the nickname had become very _2_. Now everyone knew her as “Suzy Four Eyes”One day, the class went to visit some famous caves. When walking to the caves, Lewis put his right _3_ in a hole and slipped (滑倒). While _4_, he caught Susan, who was walking next to him, and they both fell into the hole.They _5_ in a dark cave. There was only a ray of light coming from the cave roof. Susan and Lewis shouted for help, _6_ no one came.Sitting together in the cold, dark cave, they passed a long night.The next morning, they still hadnt been _7_. Lewis continued shouthing for help, _8_ to look for a way out. But nothing was found.Hours later, Susan noticed that the light was _9_ into the hole in a straight line. Quickly, she gathered some leaves. Using her glasses as a magnifying glass (放大镜) , she focused the _10_ onto the leaves until a little flame came out. Lewis watched all this with _11_ and excitement._12_ the light from fire, they began to explore the cave._13_, they found a way out and Lewis gave Susan his sincere thanks. Now he regretted having named Susan “Four Eyes”, _14_ after seeing that it was her glasses that had saved them both. Lewis told everyone what had _15_ and said, “I couldnt have been with a better friend than Laser (激光) Light Suzy!”And from that day there was no longer any Four Eyes at their school, but Laser Light Suzy instead.语篇导读本文是记叙文。Susan戴着眼镜,所以她的同班同学Lewis叫她“四只眼”来嘲笑她。结果在一次探险活动中,正是Susan的眼镜救了他们。1AmadeBsoldCworeDtookCSusan经常被同班同学嘲笑,因为她戴着(wore)厚厚的眼镜。2AfunnyBpopularCinterestingDsuccessfulB根据下文“Now everyone knew her asSuzy Four Eyes.”可知,人人皆知她的外号,所以她的外号传开了(popular)。3AfootBhandCfingersDarmA Lewis的脚(foot)被洞跘住,滑倒了。4AwalkingBjumpingCfallingDcatchingC根据前面的“Lewis put his right foot in a hole and slipped”可知,此处是指“他摔倒(falling)的时候”。5AstoppedBlandedCleftDmovedB根据上文可知,他们俩掉进洞底,所以是落地了(landed)。6AsinceBbecauseCbutDsoC他们呼救但没有人来,上下文是转折关系,所以填but。7AfoundBreachedCfollowedDsolvedA根据下文中继续呼救可知,无人发现(found)他们。8AfailingBmanagingCtryingDpreferringC根据下文可知,他试图(trying)找到出去的路。9AgrowingBbuildingCrecoveringDshiningD根据in a straight line可知,光线照(shining)进洞里。10AeyeBholeClightDfireC根据上文及物理学知识可知,放大镜可以聚焦光线(light)。11AsurpriseBsadnessCpatienceDangerA他嘲笑的人做出的事情是他想不到的,所以他吃惊(surprise)地看着。12AForBWithCFromDOrB此处用with表示手段或工具。13AStrangelyBSuddenlyCLuckilyDUsuallyC处在困境有了出路,所以非常幸运(luckily)。14AgenerallyBespeciallyCgraduallyDnormallyB尤其(especially)是看到正是她的眼镜救了他们。15AhappenedBimaginedCwitnessedDspreadALewis告诉每个人发生的(happened)事情。.微写作结合课文主题,使用本单元词汇与句型写一篇50词左右的短文。1你可能知道许多NBA的篮球明星,但是说起中国的NBA传奇人物(legend),姚明是最佳的。2他曾经给我们国家带来荣耀(honour and glory)。尽管几次受到伤病(injury)困扰,他还是向我们展示了他的力量和决心(strength and determination)。 答案You may know many basketball stars in NBA, but speaking of the living legends of Chinese NBA players, Yao Ming is the best. He once brought honour and glory to our country. Though injury bothered him several times, he showed us his strength and determination.


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