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    阅读完形专练一Thanksgiving Day is a national holiday that Americans celebrate on the fourth Thursday in November. This autumn festival is traditionally celebrated with family and friends over a big meal that takes hours to prepare.The meal usually includes turkey served along with dishes like sweet potatoes, green beans and pumpkin pie. The turkey is usually seasoned(调味)and roasted in an oven, but some people fry the bird in oil or cook it on a grill(烤架)or in a smoker.The National Turkey Federation estimates that Americans ate forty-six million birds for last years holiday. The government expects turkey production to increase two percent this year. About two-thirds of the turkeys raised in the United States came from six states: Minnesota, North Carolina, Arkansas, Missouri, Virginia and Indiana.Turkey is eaten all year round, and Americans have been eating more of it over the years, though chicken, beef and pork are still more popular. Federation president Joel Brandenberger says 2018 will not be as profitable for turkey farmers as the last two years were. Feed costs are up while turkey prices are about the same.In 1939, as the Great Depression was ending, President Franklin Roosevelt established the holiday on the fourth Thursday. He did not want to shorten the Christmas holiday shopping season in years when November has a fifth Thursday.The season traditionally begins with a busy shopping day on the Friday after Thanksgiving, although some stores are now opening on the holiday itself.One of Americas founders, Ben Franklin, thought the turkey would better represent the country as its official bird than the bald eagle. But Joel Brandenberger disagreed."I think were better off having the bald eagle on our coins and the Thanksgiving turkey on our dinner table."1. The big meal on Thanksgiving Day includes the following dishes EXCEPT_. A. sweet potatoes B.green beans C. pumpkin pies D. baked sausages2. The underlined word”profitable” in the fourth paragraph probably means_A. beneficial B.convenient C.boring D.comfortable3. From the passage, we can know_.A. Americans dont like eating porkB. Americans prefer to eat the turkey fried in oilC. the turkey are only eaten on Thanksgiving DayD. most of the turkeys raised in America came from six states4. Why did Franklin establish Thanksgiving Day on the fourth Thursday?A. There is a fifth Thursday sometimes in November.B. He didnt want to shorten the Christmas holiday shopping time.C. He thought the fourth Thursday in November was a good day.D. The Great Depression was over on the fourth Thursday in November.Little Chad was a shy, quiet young man. One day he came home and told his mother that hed like to 1 a valentine for everyone in his class. Her heart 2 . She thought, "I wish he wouldnt do that!" because she had _ 3 the children when they walked home from school. Her Chad was always behind them. They laughed and 4 on to each other and talked to each other. But Chad was never 5 . However, she decided she would go along with her son. So she bought the 6 , the glue and crayons. For three weeks, night after night, Chad made 35 valentines. Valentines Day dawned(临近), and Chad was beside himself with 7 ! He carefully put them in a bag, and rushed out of the door. His mother decided to bake him his 8 cookies and serve them with a cool glass of milk when he came home from school. She just knew he would be 9 .Maybe that would ease the 10 a little. It hurt her to think that he wouldnt get many valentines - maybe 11 at all. That afternoon she 12 the cookies and milk on the table. When she heard the 13 outside, she looked out of the window. Here they came, 14 and having the best time. And, as always, there was Chad 15 them. He walked a little faster than usual. She fully 16 him to burst into tears as soon as he got inside. His hands were 17 , she noticed, and when the door opened she held back the tears. "Mommy has some cookies and milk for you," she said. But he 18 heard her words. He just marched right in with a bright 19 , and all he could say was: "Not a one. "Her heart sank. And then he 20 , "I didnt forget a one, not a single one!"1. A. buy B. take C. bring D. make2. A. ran B.sank C. jumped D. stopped3. A. watched B. recognized C. known D. found4 . A. shook B. waved C. hung D. pushed5. A. carried B. asked C. passed D. included6. A. paper B. books C. toys D. water7. A. argument B. honor C. excitement D. sorrow8. A. different B. favorite C. delicious D. familiar9. A. satisfied B. disappointed C. puzzled D. pleased10. A. worry B. hope C. illness D. pain11. A. little B. none C. one D. any12.A. ordered B. placed C. attached D. sent13. A. bus B. help C. cry D. children14. A. scolding B. acting C. laughing D. walking15. A. over B. in C. behind D. between16. A. remembered B. experienced C. exchanged D. expected17. A. open B. full C. closed D. empty18. A. hardly B. also C. never D. still19. A. arm B. shirt C. face D. hair20. A. advised B. added C. repeated D. wrote阅读完形专练二The church in the 1600s decided that it was about time to honor our real mothers. Mothers Day was created. This actually became a holiday of relief and pity for all people, including the poor. This is because Mothering Day was a day of rest for servants and working people: they were allowed a day of vacation to visit their mothers. Unfortunately, Mothers Day was not allowed to continue in the Puritan New World. But the desire and need to have a day to visit our mothers continued.The birth of the “modern Mothers Day” came about when in 1870 Julia Ward Howe published a poem, coming up with an idea of an international Mothers Day celebrating peace and motherhood. It is ironic that the woman who brought us the Battle Hymn of the Republic because of her love of the Union and hate for slavery became one of the main supporters of pacifism after the Civil War. She had become disgusted (厌恶的)by recognizing how many people were killed during the war.Julia Ward Howe is credited with bringing about Mothers Day, and helping us recognize the contributions women make. Mothers Day became an official holiday during the work of Anna M. Jarvis. She made it her personal project to bring about the adoption of Mothers Day as a National Holiday. She continued with Julia Ward Howes focus on peace, and by 1908 there was an official Mothers Day in the US.1. The authors attitude towards Mothers Day is _. A. dissatified B. favorable C. distrustful D. hopeful2. We can infer from Para.2 that_. A. Julia might have misunderstood slavery.B. the Civil War changed Julias attitude to warC. pacifism was to blame for the Civil War.D. Julia was responsible for the killed during the war3. Which of the following is TRUE about Mothers Day? A. It was made a national holiday by JuliaB. It was first celebrated in the 1870s. C. Its formation was a long and hard process.D. It has nothing to do with Mothering Day.4. What does the article mainly talk about? A. The origin of the “modern Mothers Day”. B. Julia Ward Howe, a great woman. C. The difference between Mothering Day and Mothers Day. D. The two women who brought about Mothers Day.Labor Day is held on the first Monday of September in America. It was originally organized to 1 the social and economic achievements of American workers. It is largely a day of 2 in modern times. Many people mark it as the end of the summer season and the last chance to make 3 or hold outdoor events. For students, it is the last chance to organize parties before 4 starts again. In some neighbourhoods, people organize barbecues and public arts or sports events. The 5 season starts on or around Labor Day and many teams play their 6 game of the year during the Labor Day weekend. Traditionally, people didnt 7 white clothes, particular shoes, after Labor Day. 8 , this custom is slowly 9 . More and more people are now dressed in 10 all year round, rather than just in the summer. Labor Day is a(an) 11 holiday. All government offices and many businesses are 12 . But it is the start of the football season. As too many people take trips, there may be some congestion(堵塞) on 13 and at airports. Public traffic systems do not usually 14 on their regular timetables. The first Labor Day was 15 in 1882. Its origins come from the 16 of the Central Labor Union to create a holiday for workers. It became a national holiday in 1894. It was originally 17 that the day would be filled with a street parade to 18 the public to appreciate the work of the trade and labor organizations. After that, a festival was to be held to 19 local workers and their families. In later years, well-known men and women held 20 . This is less common now, but is sometimes seen in election years. 1. A. describe B. celebrate C. reward D. measure2. A. walk B.game C.rest D. study3. A. reports B. fortunes C. collections D. trips4 . A. school B. journey C. homework D. experiment5. A. football B. harvest C. hunting D. fishing6. A. last B. first C. only D. next7. A.buy B. mend C. wash D. wear8. A. Besides B. Therfore C. However D. Moreover9. A. making up B. dying out C.turning up D. coming back10. A. white B. black C. yellow D. blue11. A. extra B. informal C. long D. national12.A. connected B. moved C. closed D. increased13. A. beaches B. highways C. hills D. floors14. A. operate B. change C. improve D. return15. A. prevented B. noticed C. held D. repeated16. A. custom B. rule C. desire D. courage17. A. replied B. taught C.proved D. intended18. A. persuade B. allow C. force D. beg19. A. amuse B. surprise C. warn D. protect20. A. dances B. examinations C. parties D. speeches阅读完形专练三We parents work so hard to relay(传递)the historical and spiritual importance of traditional holidays. Hanukkah, the eight-day winter holiday, isnt primarily about gift giving; its about a Jewish long-ago freedom struggle. Unfortunately, Hanukkah that has stayed with my children as the most significant of their childhoods has nothing to do with the freedom.One night in the 1990s, we tidied up wrapping paper and toys in the little room while the lit menorah(大烛台)stood on the kitchen. In our absence, our long-haired balck-and-white cat, Ladybug, jumped onto the kitchen table and brushed past the candles.“Do you smell something?” asked my husband, Donny.“Is something burning?” asked Molly, our oldest child, age ten.It was Ladybug! The fur on her left side had been burnt down to the skin. She wasnt hurt, but she wore an annoyed expression all evening, and for the rest of the week she hid whenever we began talking over the candles. Though her fur grew out as thick as ever, Ladybug took a dim view (对.不以为然)of Hanukkah after that. The following year, for a fifth-grade assignment about family traditions, Molly wrote about Ladybugs sufferings with the Hanukkah candles. The teacher, Lynn Fink, enjoyed Mollys story and gave it an A. Three years later, Seth got Ms Fink for fifth grade. He also got an A for writing about the car. Ditto(同上,同前)our son Lee, three years later: the same teacher, the same story, the same A. We had no idea these retellings were piling up.The year Lily got Ms Fink for fifth grade, she also felt inspired to pen an account of the night. By now, we were very fond of Ms Fink. We invited her to join us for a night of Hanukkah. It was her first time to experience the Jewish holiday. Delightedly, she opened the small gift of homemade cookies the children had prepared for her. As the evening seemed to be winding down, she clapped her hands and shouted, “So! When do we burn the cat?”1. What do we learn from the first paragraph? A. The authors kids didnt like Hanukkah at all. B. Hanukkah is about American freedom struggle. C. The author didnt support the traditional holiday. D. The authors kids remember Hanukkah in another way.2. The accident that Ladybug was burnt happened_. A. one night in the summerB. during Hanukkah holiday C. in the authors living roomD. in the church nearby3. Why did the four children all write about Ladybug? A. Lynn Fink asked them to doB. Lynn Fink liked the story C. Children took a dim view of LadybugD. Children all experienced it.4. In the opinion of Lynn Fink, burning the cat _. A. was a traditional event B. was a good behavior C. was a humorous story D. was to end HanukkahMany people do not understand a love of reading. Why bother with reading? Reading books can be an escape. A book is another 1 you can pretend to live in for a little while. You can have a 2 into someone elses life and someone elses problems. For the time that you 3 the book in your hands, you can 4 from the world for a while. You can choose your other world, be it 5 or future, male or female, near or far. 6 type of world you want to escape to exists in books. You can 7 just about anything you want from a book. Fiction or non-fiction, 8 have something to teach. Non-fiction, of course, can 9 you facts. There are books with general or specific 10 , biographies and historical accounts. There are books about science, dinosaurs, art, cooking 11 everything in between. Fiction books, even those not 12 fact, can offer knowledge about others lifestyles and thoughts. Reading is a great way to 13 . It takes your mind 14 life. It doesnt require much 15 or preparation though, just picking up a book. 16 , it can be done anywhere for any amount of 17 . If you just need a quick five-minute break, a book will 18 . If you have an hour to spare, you can 19 for that too. Books are informative, relaxing and can help you escape. 20 a book and see if it turns you into a reader!1. A. roomB. spaceC. starD. world2. A. look B. walkC. talkD. trouble3. A. closeB. holdC. findD. mark4. A. comeB. dreamC. escapeD. drive5. A. pastB. oldC. newD. near6. A. SomeB. Any C. AnotherD. Other7. A. buyB. find C


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