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    基础会计学(Foundations of Accounting).doc

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    基础会计学(Foundations of Accounting).doc

    基础会计学(Foundations of Accounting)In this paper, by what contributionBasic accountingThe first chapter is general introductionSection 1 the meaning, functions and objectives of accountingFirst, the meaning of accountingAccounting is an important component of economic management. It is through the collection, processing and utilization in monetary units as measurement standard to show certain economic information on economic activities of organization, control, regulation and guidance, a kind of management activity prompted people to compare the pros and cons, gains and losses, stressing economic benefits.Key points of accounting implications:All the currency that economic information (financial information)It is a kind of economic management activityThis paper value managementTwo, the basic functions of accounting1. function of Accounting -Accounting is the function or function of accounting as an economic managementCan play a role.2. basic functions of Accounting: Accounting and supervision(1) accounting function:Accounting is the work of confirming, measuring, recording and conducting fair economic activities through value.Basic characteristics:First, the economic activities of each unit are reflected in the quantity of value.Accounting has integrity, continuity and systematicness.Accounting reflects the whole process of the economic activities of each unit.(2) supervisory function:Accounting supervision is through prediction, decision making, control and analysis,Specific methods such as examination and evaluation, to promote economic activities in accordance with the requirements of the operation, in order to achieve the desired purpose.Basic characteristics:Accounting supervision mainly through the value index.Supervise the whole process of the economic activities of the unit, including supervision afterwards, supervision in place and supervision in advance.Three, accounting objectivesThe ultimate goal of accounting:Part of the whole economic management accounting, so accounting objectives of course from the overall goal belongs to economic management; overall goal of economic management is to improve the economic benefit, so accounting to improve economic efficiency as the ultimate goal.Objectives of accounting:The information provided by the accountant shall meet the requirements of the states macro-economic management, and meet the needs of the parties concerned to understand the financial situation and operation results of enterprises, and to meet the needs of enterprises to strengthen their internal management.The goal of accounting is essentially the requirement of the quality of accounting information.Second, accounting objects and accounting elementsI. accounting objectsWhat is the object of accounting, that is, accounting and supervision?.Graphic representation:Finally summed up:The object of accounting is economic activity of unit organization in currency.Two, accounting elementsAccounting factors explain the necessary factors of enterprise economic activities from the perspective of accounting. Enterprise economic activities can be divided into six factors:1. assetsThe concept of assetsChinas enterprise accounting system defines assets as:Asset refers to the past transactions, matters formed and owned or controlled by the enterprise, the resource is expected to bring economic benefits to the enterprise.Classification of assetsAssets are divided into current assets and non current assets according to their liquidity.Liquid assets are assets that can be realized or consumed within a business cycle of one year or more, including cash, bank deposits, short-term investments, accounts receivable, prepayments, inventories, etc.Non - current assets are non - current assets, including long-term investments, fixed assets, intangible assets, and other assetsCharacteristics of assetsThe essence of A. assets is economic resources.B. this economic resource must be owned or controlled by a specific accounting entity.C. this economic resource must be the result of past transactions or events.D. economic resources may be tangible or intangible.2. liabilitiesThe concept of debtThe enterprise accounting system of our country thinks that:Liabilities refer to the existing obligations arising from transactions or events in the past, and the performance of the obligations is expected to result in the outflow of economic interests from the enterprise.Classification of liabilitiesLiabilities can be divided into current liabilities and non current liabilities.Current liabilities refer to debts that will be repaid within 1 years (including 1 years) or over an operating period of one year, including short-term loans, bills payable, accounts payable, accounts receivable, payable wages, etc.Debt payable during the period of one year or more than one year of the business is non current liabilities, often referred to as long-term liabilities, including long-term loans, bonds payable, long-term payables, etc.Characteristics of liabilitiesA. liabilities are the existing obligations of an enterprise and are the obligations that have been formed by past transactions or events of an enterprise.B. debt liquidation is expected to lead to the outflow of economic interests of enterprises. Whether the present obligation of debt corresponds to the statutory obligation or the constructive obligation, the expected performance will lead to the outflow of economic interests. Specifically for the delivery of assets, providing services, etc.3. owners equityThe concept of owners equityThe definition of enterprise accounting system in our country is:Owners equity refers to the economic interests enjoyed by the owner in the assets of the enterprise, and the amount is the balance after deducting the liabilities,Classification of owners equityOwners equity includes: paid in capital (or share capital), capital reserves, surplus reserves, undistributed profits, etc.Characteristics of owners equityThe A. owner only owns ownership of the net assets of the enterprise,Net assets are the balance of assets minus liabilities.B. owners equity is not an independent element. Its non independence is expressed in the recognition of the amount of the owners equity, and the measurement needs to depend on assets and liabilities.4. accounting equationThe above three basic concepts, namely three accounting elements, constitute the accounting equation:Assets = Liabilities + owners equity5. incomeConcept of incomeDefinition of enterprise accounting standard of our country:Income refers to the sale of goods, services andThe total inflow of economic benefits resulting from day-to-day activities such as the transfer of the use of assets.Classification of incomeRevenues include sales of goods, income from services, and income from the use of the assets of others.Characteristics of incomeA. income is the inflow of economic benefits in daily activities, and the inflow of economic benefits arising from accidental activities can only form gains.The economic benefits of B. are tangible.The formation of C. income is always accompanied by an increase in assets or a decrease in liabilities.6. expensesThe concept of costThe provisions of the enterprise accounting system of our country:Cost refers to the enterprise for the sale of goods, services and so onThe outflow of economic benefits occurring in everyday activities.Classification of expensesMultiformCost characteristicsA. fee recognition should be determined with the income ratio.B. costs represent the outflow of the economic benefits of an enterprise, or a deduction for the income of an enterprise.7. profitConcept of profitProfit is the operating result of an enterprise during a certain accounting period. Including operating profit, total profit and net profit. Their contents and relationships are as follows:Total profit = income - expensesNet profit = total profit - income taxAssets = Liabilities + owner equity + income - expensesThree, the identity of accounting equationAssets = equityAssets = creditors equity + owners equityAssets = Liabilities + owners equityBalance sheetAssetsAmount of moneyLiabilities and owners equityAmount of moneycashZero point twoShort-term borrowingTwo hundredbank depositTwenty-eight point eightAccounts payableFour hundredAccounts receivableOne hundred and forty-onePaid in capitalThree hundred and fiftyStockFour hundred and eightyAccumulation fundFiftyfixed assetsThree hundred and fiftyTotalOne thousandTotalOne thousandThe third section is the basic rules of accountingI. The basic premise of Accounting: accounting hypothesisAccounting subject: spatial scopeContinuous operation - timeAccounting period - a supplement to continuing operationsMonetary measurement the basis of measurementTwo. General principles of accountingThe general principles of accounting standards promulgated in China can be divided intoThree levels:(I) principle of general requirementPrinciple of prudence, principle of usefulness and principle of accrual basis(two) the principle of the quality requirements of accounting informationPrinciples of authenticity, comparability, consistency, timeliness, clarity(three) the principle of confirming and measuring requirements;It divides the principle of income expenditure and capital expenditure, the principle of material property according to the principle of actual cost and the ratio of income and expensesIn addition to the above general principles of accounting, there are some exceptions to the accounting principleThe principle of materiality is more important than the form principleSection fourth accounting methodsAccounting method refers to the means to realize the task of accounting and to fulfill the functions of accounting and supervision.I. accountingTwo 、 Accounting AnalysisThree, accounting assessmentFour. Accounting forecastFive, accounting decisionsThe second chapter deals with accounting methods* accounting confirmation, measurement, recording and reporting.Section 1 Accounting ConfirmationI. initial confirmation and re confirmation of P21(I) initial confirmation1. definitions of initial validation- confirm the raw economic information of the input accounting system.2. the substance of initial confirmation- can economic data be translated into accounting information and entered into accounting system?3., the primary standard of initial recognition monetary measurement(two) reconfirm1. definition of reconfirm- the processing of the output of an accounting systemAccounting information confirmation.2. the substance of re confirmationAccording to the managements needs, to confirm which items in the account information should be included in the financial statements, or how much financial information and financial information should be revealed in the financial statements;The economic data have been confirmed in the days after the due again to confirm the effects of changing.3., the primary standard of re recognition the needs of accounting information usersTwo, accounting standards(I) definableFirst of all, it is necessary to confirm whether the economic business can enter into the accounting system, and then to confirm the economic business which can enter the accounting system, according to the definition of accounting elements, to confirm it as an accounting element.(two) measurability;(three) the reliability of economic information;(four) the relevance of economic informationThree, the confirmation of accounting elements(I) recognition of assets1. asset definitions2. specific measure of asset recognition(two) recognition of liabilities1. liabilities definitions2. specific measure of liabilities(three) confirmation of owners equity1. owner equity definitions2. specific measure of the owners equity(four) recognition of income1. revenue definitions2., the specific measure of income recognition(five) recognition of expenses1. cost definitions2., the specific measure of the cost of recognition(six) recognition of profits1. profit definition2. specific measure of profitabilityThe second section is accounting measurementI. accounting measurement and accounting confirmation1., the relationship between accounting measurement and accounting confirmationAccounting confirmation and accounting measurement are always inextricably linkedTogether, without recognition, it cannot be measured; without measurement, recognition becomes meaningless.2. content of the accounting measurement process(1) measure the physical quantity of the object to be measured(2) monetary performance of the subject to be measuredTwo, accounting measurement unitMonetary measurement is mainly based on physical measurement and labor measurement. Bookkeeping standard currencyThree, the basis of accounting measurement(1) historical cost -(two) current cost -(three) realizable value -(four) fair value -The measurement of enterprise accounting, usually based on historical cost, but also with other measurement based combination, such as the value of the stock is determined based on historical cost, if the net realizable value is low, according to the lower of cost and net realizable value measurement principle.Section third accounting recordsThere is no separate confirmation in the accounting process,In the measurement phase, recognition and measurement are integrated into specific methods of accounting records.In the traditional manual bookkeeping program, it mainly includes the following special methods:(1) set up account and account P38 (2) double entry accounting(3) prepare and audit evidence (4) registration books(5) cost calculation (6) Property Liquidation(7) preparing financial statements;Relationships among methodsPrepare vouchers registration books to prepare financial statementsThe accounting work of an accounting period shall be concluded, and then entered into the new accounting period in accordance with the procedures mentioned above, so as to continue the cycle until the liquidation of the enterprise.Traditionally, people will fill in the registration certificate, record and prepare finan


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