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    新概念二Lesson 15课件.ppt

    Warm up,English jokes,Before the final examination, Tom told his mother, Mom, I had a dream last night that Id passed todays exam.Dont trust dreams, dear. It is said what you experience in dreams usually turns out to be the opposite. Mother replied.Then I do hope Ill fail the other subjects in my dream tonight, Tom said.,Revision,Key Words and Expressions,amusing be amused at/by experience experienced wave wave to/at lift ask for a lift reply reply to a question language speak a language journey trip,mjuz ksprn wev lft rpla lgwd dn,Text,Grammar,一、过去完成时: 1. 过去完成时的构成: had + done(过去分词) e.g. 在1999年之前,他们已经在这个国家住了很长时间了。 They had lived in the country for a long time before 1999.,2. 过去完成时的用法: 1)表示过去某时刻或某动作发生之前就已经完成的动作或状态,常与before, when, after, as soon as, notuntil, by, by the time等引导的时间状语连用。 e.g. 你给她打电话之前她已经等了1小时了。 She had waited for an hour before you called her.,2)没有时间状语出现,但时间先后可从上下文判断。 e.g. I didnt know he had moved out. They returned earlier than I had expected.,1. 他来我们学校之前已经在那所学校工作了三年.,2. 当Millie到达电影院的时候, 电影已经开始了半个小时了.,3. 自从他离开南京我们就一直没有见过面.,He had worked in that school for three years before he came to our school.,The film had already been on for half an hour when Millie got to the cinema.,We hadnt seen each other since he left Nanjing.,1. 我在你回来之前就已经把晚饭准备好了.,2. 当我赶到学校时, 已经开始上课了.,3. 在我到家之前他已经走了.,I had finished dinner before you came back.,The class had begun when I got to school.,He had left before I got home.,Lesson 15 Good news,Theyre/look tired,How do they look?,How do they look today?,angry,cold,thirsty,hungry,terrible,busy,Questions:,1、If your teacher asks you to hisher office, how will you feel? 2、If you are an officer, and your boss asks you to hisher office, how will you feel?,【New words and expressions】,secretary n. 秘书 nervous adj. 精神紧张的 afford v. 负担得起 weak adj. 弱的 interrupt v. 插话,打断,sekrtr nvs fd wik ntrpt,secretary n.,1.秘书:她是经理的秘书 。 She is the secretary to the manager 2.部长secretary secretary-general秘书长,总书记 secret:秘密 发音与secretary的不同,nervous adj. 精神紧张的, adj. 神经质的,神经紧张的 e.g.: 她是个神经质的女人。 She is a nervous woman. 紧张的,担心的,情绪不安的 e.g.: 他从来没在公共场合讲过话,所以他非常紧张。 He had never spoken in public, so he was very nervous.,同义词辨析,nervous adj. 精神紧张的(事情发生时) worried adj. 担心的(为以后的事情) upset adj. 不安的 (对以前的事情) irritable adj. 易怒的,急躁的 e.g. Our teacher is an irritable old lady. She gets angry easily.,afford v. 负担得起, vt. 买得起(常与can/cant连用) afford sth. e.g. 我能买得起那本书。 I can afford the book. vt. 担负得起(损失、后果等),花得起(时间)(常与can/cant连用) 1)afford money/time I can afford the hoilday. (有时间去) I can afford five yuan. 2)afford to do sth. I can afford to buy the book. vt. 提供,给予 John afforded us a room for the night.,weak adj. 弱的,不结实的,in a weak voice 用微弱的声音 a weak building 不结实的建筑 反义词:strong,interrupt v. 插话,打断,interruption n. 中断,打断 disturb v. 打扰某人 Sorry to disturb you.,Enjoy the story and find out,1.How does the writer feel today? 2.What did Mr. Harmsworth say about the business?,a businessman/a boss,nervous,surprised,直接引语和间接引语Direct Speech and Indirect Speech,直接引述别人的话,叫“直接引语”; 用自己的话转述别人的话叫“间接引语”; 直接引语一般前后要加引号; 间接引语不用引号。,如: John said, “I like reading very much.”(直接引语) John said that he liked reading very much.(间接引语),Mr. Chen says that he will never give up!,I will never give up!,say,Lets practice,feel,The baby,The baby feels that English is very important!,I am the greatest man!,Mr. Bush,Mr. Bush hopes that he is the greatest man.,hope,Coofy tells Bens that he won the first place!,Bens,tell,Leo thinks that he will be the first!,think,Leo thought that he would be the first.,I am doing morning exercise.,know,Little Tommy,Little Tommy knows that he is doing morning exercise.,Little Tommy knew that he was doing morning exercise.,Mr. Chen says that he will never give up.,Little Tommy knows that he is doing morning exercise.,The baby feels that English is very important.,Mr. Bush hopes that he is the greatest man.,Leo thinks that he will be the first.,Coofy tells Bens that he won the first place.,间接引语,The Object Clause 宾语从句,Leo thinks that he will be the first.,引导词,= Leo thinks he will be the first.,结构:,The Object Clause 宾语从句,1.Lucy says, “Kate has a cat.” 2.Tom said, “My mother is cooking.” 3.Mike says, “Our teacher likes fish.” 4.Lily said, “We will go to school by car.” 5.Sam says, “ I want to see Mr Green.”,Lucy says that Kate has a cat.,Tom said that his mother was cooking.,Mike says that their teacher likes fish.,Lily says that they would go to school by car.,Sam says that he wants to see Mr Green.,间接引语,1、主从一致 : 主句和从句的时态一致 主句的动词为一般现在时, 从句为任意时态 主句的动词为一般过去时, 从句为相对应的过去时态(时态倒移) 一般现在时一般过去时 现在进行时过去进行时 现在完成时过去完成时 一般过去时过去完成时 一般将来时过去将来时,1、我知道你是对的。 2、Mary告诉我她已经完成了家庭作业。 3、我听说(hear)她明天将会去香港。 4、我想Jim现在正在听音乐。 5、Lisa说Ken昨天没有去学校。,试 一 试,I know/knew that you are/were right.,Mary told me that she had already done her homework.,I heard that she would go to Hong Kong tomorrow.,I think Jim is listening to the music now.,Lisa says that Ken didnt go to school yesterday.,1.He said that business was very bad. 2.He told me that the firm could not afford to pay such large salaries. 3.He said: “ Dont interrupt.” 4. He smiled and told me I would receive an extra thousand pounds a year!,第3句和其他几句有什么区别?,1.He said that business was very bad. He said: “ Business is very bad.” 2.He told me that the firm could not afford to pay such large salaries. He says to me: “ The firm can not afford to pay such large salaries.” 3.He said: “ Dont interrupt.” He told me not to interrupt him. 4. He smiled and told me I would receive an extra thousand pounds a year! He smiled and said to me: “ I will receive an extra thousand pounds a year!”,直接引语 / 间接引语,Key structures,look up from his desk / look the new words up in the dictionary enter /enter for feel / felt / felt nervous cant afford to do sth. P. 69 salary / wage P. 54 解雇: be fired / be laid off my turn / Its ones turn to do sth. / take turns / by turns / in turns / turn left / take the first turning on the right say in a weak voice / noise / sound an extra sum of one thousand pounds,Discussion:,What do you think of the writer?,He is a lucky dog. 因祸得福,Retell: 假设你是作者,向您的家人说说今天的事,The _ told me that Mr. Harmsworth _ see me. I felt very _when I _ into his office. He did not look up _ his desk when I _. After I had sat down, he said that _ was very bad. He told me that the firm _ not afford to pay _ large salaries. _ people had already left. I knew that _ turn had come. I said _ a weak voice: “ Mr. Harmsworth.” But he told me not to _ him. Then he _ and told me I would _ an extra thousand pounds _ year!,secretary,would,nervous,went,from,entered,business,could,such,Twenty,my,in,interrupt,smiled,receive,a,


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