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    新概念二Lesson 17.ppt

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    新概念二Lesson 17.ppt

    lesson 17 Always young,青 春 常 驻,words,appear / pi/ v. 登场,扮演 stage /steid/ n. 舞台 bright / brait/ adj. 鲜艳的 stocking / stki/ n.(女用)长筒袜 sock /sk/ n. 短袜,appear v. 扮演, 出现,(反),disappear,他扮演王子。,He appeared as a prince.,飞机出现了。,The plane appeared.,她显得紧张。,She appears nervous.,appear (on the stage) as,系动词 + adj.,扮演角色,显得,stage nc. 舞台, 阶段, 时期,on the stage,在舞台上,in the stage,在某一阶段,at the stage,在现阶段,bright adj. 明亮的, 鲜艳的,bright red,鲜红色,bright yellow,明黄色,bright blue,宝蓝色,bright + 颜色,Grammar,1. must 的四大用法(情态动词),表达义务,译为 “必须” have to,must 强调主观,通常无时态变化,是 现在情况的义务。,区别:,我不喜欢这个,我得走了。,I dont like it. I must leave.,have to 强调客观,时态丰富,有多种时态变化,替代 must,(视为实义动词,疑问、否定句要加助动词),时间不早了,我得走了。,Its late. I have to go.,小时候,我不得不工作贴补家用。,When I was young, I had to work to help my family.,明天我非得去参加聚会吗?,Shall I have to attend the party tomorrow?,表示推测,“一定”,must + v.原形,你脸色不好,准是累了吧!,You look pale. You must be tired.,must + have + v.过去分词,她当时肯定是这么说的。,She must have said so.,表示对现在的推测,表示对过去的推测,否定推测用 cant + v.原形 / have + pp 不可能,这故事不会是真的。,The story cant be true.,你绝干不出这样的事!,You cant have done such a thing.,否定 mustnt 禁止 / neednt 不必,此处严禁吸烟。,You mustnt smoke here.,你不必在10点前睡觉。,You neednt go to bed before 10 oclock.,表示抱怨,为什么又在星期天下雨?,Why must it rain again on Sunday?,Exercises,C Write these sentences again using must or have to in place of the words in italics. It is necessary for you to work hard. You must work hard. / You have to work hard. 1. It will be necessary for you to see a doctor.,You must see a doctor.,You will have to see a doctor.,2. Is it necessary for you to make so much noise? 3. She said it would be necessary for us to stay here.,Must you make so much noise?,Do you have to make so much noise?,She said we must stay here.,She said we would have to stay here.,4. It is necessary for me to have some help. 5. It was necessary for him to go out last night.,I must have some help.,I have to have some help.,He had to go out last night.,2. as 的用法,prep. 作为,如同 (真实身份),他是个农民。,He works as a farmer.,他作为一个士兵出名。,He is famous as a soldier.,他干起活来像个农民。,He works like a farmer.,区别:,like 像 (实际并非这一身份),pron. 正如,像样的,(引导非限定性定语从句),大家都知道,我已决定月底离开。,As you know, Ive decided to leave at the end of the month.,conj.,1)由于,因为,由于没汽车,他去那儿很不容易。,As he has no car, he cant get there easily.,2)当时候,我刚要出门,电话就响起来了。,The phone rang as I was leaving the house.,3)像那样 (引导方式状语),按别人告诉你的那样做。,Do as you are told.,A What does as mean in these sentences? 1. He works as a pilot. 2. You mustnt shout so loudly as youll wake up the baby. 3. As we were listening to the radio, someone knocked at the door.,prep. 作为,conj. 因为,由于,conj. 当时候,3. dress / suit / costume,都指衣服,区别: dress,指男子或女子穿的外衣, 尤其 正式场合穿着的外衣。,(也可专指妇女和女孩穿的上衣), suit,指一套衣服,(通常包括短上衣, 裤子或裙子), costume,是一定地区时间内某团体中的人所 穿的有特点的衣服,(如民族服装或演出服装等),4. grow,动植物的生长, 成长, grow up,长大成人, 思想上成熟 (人), grown up,adj. 思想, 行为上成熟的, grown-up,n./adj. 成年人,grow up,(感情等)形成, 变得强烈,他们建立起亲密的友谊。,A close friendship has grown up between them.,B Choose the correct words in the following sentences: 1. Trees take a long time to (grow) (grow up). 2. My father bought a new (suit) (costume) recently.,3. She hired a (suit) (costume) for the fancy dress party. 4. Do you like my sisters new (dress) (costume)?,Text,My aunt Jennifer is an actress. She must be at least thirty-five years old. In spite of this, she often appears on the stage as a young girl. Jennifer will have to take part in a new play soon. This time, she will be a girl of seventeen.,In the play, she must appear in a bright red dress and long black stockings. Last year in another play, she had to wear short socks and a bright, orange-coloured dress. If anyone ever asks her how old she is, she always answers, Darling, it must be terrible to be grown up! ,Listening,1. Whats your aunt called?,Shes called Jennifer.,2. What is she?,Shes an actress.,3. How old is she?,She must be at least thirty-five.,4. Does she often appear on the stage as a young girl?,Yes, she does.,5. What will she have to do soon?,She will have to take part in a new play.,6. How old will she pretend to be ?,She will pretend to be seventeen years old.,7. What colour dress must she wear?,She must wear a bright red dress.,8. What kind of stockings must she wear?,She must wear long black stockings.,9. Did she appear in a play last year?,Yes, she did.,10. She had to wear short socks, didnt she?,Yes, she did.,11. Do most women of thirty-five wear clothes like that?,No, they dont.,12. Do people ever ask how old she is ?,Yes, they do.,1. My aunt Jennifer is an actress.,我的姑姑詹妮弗是位演员。,actress (对应词),女演员,actor,男演员,一般以 or / er 结尾,表示,男性;,以 ress 结尾,表示,女性。,男 / 女服务员,王子 / 公主,waiter /,prince /,waitress,princess,神 / 女神,公 / 母狮子,男医生,女医生,god /,lion /,man doctor,woman doctor,goddess,lioness,(复数),(复数),men doctors,women doctors,2. She must be at least thirty-five years old.,她至少也有35岁了。,must be,一定是,at least,至少,at most,最多,他最多有20岁。,He must be at most twenty years old.,at the latest,最晚,at the earliest,最早,(表示肯定推测),at (+ the) + 最高级 表示,“最, 至”,3. In spite of this, she often appears on the stage as a young girl.,尽管如此,她却常在舞台上扮演小姑娘。,in spite of this,尽管如此,尽管,in spite of,prep. + n.,despite,although / though,conj. + 从句,尽管她飞快地开车前往火车站,却没赶上火车。,In spite of / Despite driving very fast to the railway station, she missed the train.,appear on the stage as,在舞台上扮演,in spite of / despite + the fact that (从句),4. Jennifer will have to take part in a new play soon.,詹妮弗很快又要参加一个新剧的演出。,have to,不得不,take part in,参加(活动),join sb./sth.,参加(某个团体,群体),attend,参加(会议等),参军,join the army,入党,join the party,加入我们(口),参加比赛,出席宴会,上课,join us,take part in the race,take part in / attend the party,attend class,5. This time, she will be a girl of seventeen.,这次,她将扮演一个17岁的少女。,this time,这次,be,扮演 (避免重复),a girl of seventeen,一个17岁的女孩,他15岁。,He is fifteen years old.,他是个15岁的男孩。,He is a fifteen-year-old boy.,He is a boy of fifteen.,6. In the play, she must appear in a bright red dress and long black stockings.,演出时她必须穿一条鲜红色的裙子和黑色的 长筒袜。,in a bright red dress and long black stockings,穿一条鲜红的裙子和黑色长筒袜,in,穿着,穿绿衣服的男孩是我弟弟。,The boy in a green coat is my brother.,表示穿、戴 v. 穿着(表状态),wear,穿上(表动作),put on,prep. (取代动词,避免了一句话中出现两个谓语词),7. Last year in another play, she had to wear short socks and a bright, orange-coloured dress.,去年在演另一个剧时,她不得不穿短袜和一件鲜艳的橘红色的衣服。,another,另一个 (三个以上中的),a bright, orange-coloured dress,一件鲜艳的橘红色衣服,一件橙色的外套,an orange-coloured coat,coloured,n. + ed 构成 adj.,8. If anyone ever asks her how old she is, she always answers, Darling, it must be terrible to be grown up! ,一旦有人问起她有多大年纪,她总是回答: “亲爱的,长大成人真可怕啊!”,ever =,任何时候,how old,多大,宾语,陈述句,他问我你多大了。,He asked me how old you were.,at any time,(引导 从句,用 语序),(adv.),It must be terrible to be grown up!,长大成人真可怕啊!,must + v. 原形,对 推测,it,形式主语,,grown up,长大成人的(adj.),现在、将来的,作,真正主语,不定式,Often-used phrases,1. 至少 2. 尽管 3. 扮演 4. 在舞台上 5. 参加(活动) 参加(组织),at least,in spite of /,despite /,although /,though,appear as,on the stage,take part in,join,6. 一个17岁女孩 7. 成长(v.) 长大的(adj.) 成年人(n.) 8. 穿一条裙子 9. (某人)做某事怎样,a girl of seventeen,grow up,grown up,grown-up,wear a dress /,in a dress,It is + adj. (for sb.) to do sth.,Summary writing,1. Is your aunt Jennifer an actress or a nurse? 2. Is she over thirty years old or is she under thirty years old?,My aunt Jennifer is an actress.,She is over thirty years old.,3. Does she often appear on the stage as a young girl or not? 4. Will Jennifer act the part of a girl of seventeen in a new play soon or not? 5. Does she ever tell anyone how old she really is or not?,She often appears on the stage as a young girl.,Jennifer will act the part of a girl of seventeen in a new play soon.,She never tells anyone how old she really is.,Multiple choice questions,Comprehension 1. 2. Structure 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Vocabulary 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.,d,b,b,d,c,c,b,a,a,c,a,d,


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