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    新概念二Lesson 8.ppt

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    新概念二Lesson 8.ppt

    Lesson 8The best and the worst,最 好 的 和 最 差 的,Words,competition / ,kmp tin/ n. 比赛,竞赛 neat /ni:t/ adj. 整齐的,整洁的 path /pa:/ n. 小路,小径 wooden / wudn/ adj. 木头的 pool /pu:l/ n. 水池,competition cn. 比赛, 竞赛,赢得比赛 面对挑战,(所有的),win a competition,face competitions,race,(游戏类)比赛,(孩子们,有评委,电视节目类)比赛,(有规则的)比赛,比赛(速度方面),match,contest,game,neat adj. 整齐的, 整洁,主要表示 “ ”,=,tidy,不错的地方,很好的演讲,a neat place,a neat speech,好,棒,pool cn. 水池,pond cn.,游泳池,swimming pool,(人工的),池塘(天然的),Grammar,1. 形容词,副词的比较级和最高级,1)用法: 原级:,本身特征,没有相比,我很高。,The horse runs fast., 比较级:a.,二者之比,常用 than,这匹马跑得快。,I am tall.,(前面不用 the),彼得比我高。,Peters taller than I .,这匹马比那匹马跑得快。,This horse runs faster than that one.,b.,两者中较的人/物,the + 比较级 of the two,这两个学生中谁比较好?,Who is the better of the students?,c.,the + 比较级, the + 比较级,越越,多锻炼,身体越好。,The more exercises you do, the better your health will be., 最高级:,三者(以上)相比,最为突出,常连用 in + 范围 / of + 同类 /(完成时)从句,他是我们班里最高的。,Hes the tallest in my class.,迈克是我们所有人中年龄最大的。,Mike is the oldest of us all.,这是我看过的最长的故事。,The story is the longest one (that) I have ever read.,2)原级,比较级,最高级的变化方法, 单音节,a: b: c:,重读闭音节结尾, 双写最后字母加er, est,以 e 结尾加 r, st,直接加 er, est,(辅 + 元 + 辅),long, rich, high,nice, brave, fine,big, fat, hot, thin, 双音节词 a. b. c. clever slowly often d.,以辅音字母加 y 结尾的,把 y 变 i 加 er,est,后缀为 ful / less / ous / ve / ing 等, 前边加 more, most,其余较长按多音节,较短按单音节,dry - drier - driest,(lazy, busy),useful, famous, charming,cleverer / more clever,cleverest / most clever,more slowly,most slowly,more often,most often, 多音节词前加 more, most, 词本身不变,beautiful,more beautiful,most beautiful,good well bad ill old,many much little fore far,better,best,worse,worst,older,elder,oldest,eldest,former,foremost,more,most,less,least,farther,further,farthest,furthest,特殊变化:,如 dead / single 等,表达 “完全的”,“唯一的”,“绝对的” 含义 的形容词无比较级和最高级。,Exercises,D Put in of or in. 1. Which is the longest river _ the world? 2. This is the finest picture _ them all. 3. This stereo is the most expensive _ all the ones in the shop. 4. He is the best boxer _ our town.,in,of,of,in,口语:背Lesson7重点句子。(后3句) 听力:Lesson8课文听力。 书写: Lesson8单词每个四遍,标汉译。 听写:Lesson7和Lesson8单词, Lesson7短语和Lesson7重点句子 (后3句)签字。,May 13th, 2018,Text,Joe Sanders has the most beautiful garden in our town. Nearly everybody enters for The Nicest Garden Competition each year, but Joe wins every time. Bill Friths garden is larger than Joes. Bill works harder than Joe and grows more flowers and vegetables, but Joes garden is more interesting.,He has made neat paths and has built a wooden bridge over a pool, I like gardens too, but I do not like hard work. Every year I enter for the garden competition too, and I always win a little prize for the worst garden in the town!,Listening,1. Does the writer live in the same town as Joe Sanders?,Yes ,he does.,2. Has Joe got a garden?,Yes, he has.,3. Is his the most beautiful one in the town?,Yes, it is.,4. What does nearly every one enter for?,Nearly everyone enters for “The Nicest Garden Competition”.,5. Who wins every time?,Joe Sanders wins every time.,6. How big is Bill Friths garden?,Bill Friths garden is larger than Joes.,7. Does Joe work harder than Bill?,No, he doesnt.,8. Whose garden has more flowers and vegetables?,Bill Friths garden has more flowers and vegetables.,9. Whose garden is more interesting?,Joe Sanderss garden is more interesting.,10. What has he made?,He has made neat paths.,11. Is there a pool in the garden?,Yes, there is.,12. What has he built over it?,He has built a wooden bridge over it.,13. Does the writer like gardens?,Yes, he does.,14. What doesnt he like?,He doesnt like hard work.,the best and the worst,最好的和最差的,1. Joe Sanders has the most beautiful garden in our town.,乔桑德斯拥有我们镇上最漂亮的花园。,the most beautiful garden,最漂亮的花园,adj. 最高级前必须有,adv.,the ;,最高级前可省略。,2. Nearly everybody enters for The Nicest Garden Competition each year, but Joe wins every time.,几乎每个人都参加每年举办的“最佳花园竞赛”, 而每次都是乔获胜。,nearly adv. (同),几乎,almost,我几乎忘了。,I nearly / almost forgot it.,相同:,肯定句中可换用,都可用在行为动词的 否定式前。,他几乎没听清我说了什么。,He almost / nearly didnt hear me clearly.,区别:,almost 能与 never, no, none, nothing, nobody, too, more than 等连用,而 nearly 不能,everybody 不定 作主语 时视为,每个人, 大家 ,代词,单数。,enter for,报名参加,约翰报名参加了考试。,John entered for the examination.,(enter 表示进入某个空间 ),不用 for,each / every:,均可以表示,每一个,区别:,1),两个中的每一个, 可用 each 而不用 every;,2),every 重点在 “大家一致”, each 重点在 “各有不同”;,3),every 是 adj., 只有在与名词连用或构成复 合词时, 才能做主语或宾语, 可与 of 连用 (every one of , 不用 everyone of),each 可用作 pron, 作主语或宾语, 可与 of 连用(each of),4),作主语时视为单数;,5),二者后决不能再加 all 表示 “都”,我们希望每个人都成功。,We want every man to succeed.,每个人都将找到自己的成功之道。,Each man will find his own personal road to success.,我们每个人都有自己的缺点。,Each of us has his weakness.,3. Bill Friths garden is larger than Joes.,比尔弗里斯的花园比乔的花园大。,Joes =,Joes garden,乔的花园,名词所有格, 语法作用相当于 adj. 限定后面的 n. 如果其所修饰的词前面已经提到, 第二次可以省 略, 以避免重复。,我的裙子比安的更漂亮。,My skirt is more beautiful than Anns.,A + be + adj.比较级 + than B,A比B更,我今天比昨天忙的多。,Im much busier today than I was yesterday.,4. Bill works harder than Joe and grows more flowers and vegetables, but Joes garden is more interesting.,比尔比乔更勤奋,种植的花卉和蔬菜也更多, 但乔的花园更富有情趣。,work harder than,比更努力,A + v. + adv.比较级 + than B,他比我跳得高。,He jumps higher than I.,5. He has made neat paths and has built a wooden bridge over a pool.,他修筑了一条整洁的小路,并在一个池塘上 架了一座小木桥。,make,词义笼统,常表示“制做,制造” 某个产品, 工具等, 而且制成的东西一般体积较小。,这只钢笔是日本制造的。,The pen is made in Japan.,build,把零碎的东西放到一起形成一个完整, 独 立的结构, 多用于建筑业,建造规模较大 的建筑物(房屋,桥梁等),他们去年建了座新楼。,They built a new building last year.,over,在上方(正上方),河上有一座木桥。,There is a wooden bridge over the river.,above,在上方(不一定正上方),on,在上面(有接触面),6. I like gardens too, but I do not like hard work.,我也喜欢花园,但我却不愿意辛勤劳动。,hard work work hard,困难的工作 ( + ),工作努力 ( + ),too 用于 (句尾),也 ,肯定句、,否定句,疑问句,用 either,adj.,n.,v.,adv.,7. Every year I enter for the garden competition too, and I always win a little prize for the worst garden in the town!,每年的花园竞赛我也参加,但总因是镇上 最劣的花园而获得一个小奖!,win sth. for,因而赢得了,由于工作努力,她赢得了好名声。,She has won her a good name for her hard work.,win 后不加 用 + 对手,,对手 ,defeat / beat,表示打败,我赢了你。,I defeat / beat you.,Often-used phrases,1. 报名参加 2. 因而获得一个小奖,enter for,win a little prize for,口语:背Lesson8重点句子。 听力:Lesson8课文。 书写: Lesson8重点句子一遍,左英右汉。 听写:Lesson7和Lesson8单词, Lesson7和Lesson8短语, Lesson8重点句子,签字。,May 20th, 2018,Summary writing,1. Who has the best garden in town? 2. What does he win each year? 3. Who else has a fine garden?,Joe Sanders has the best garden in town.,He wins The Nicest Garden Competition each year.,Bill Frith also has a fine garden.,4. Is Joes better or not? 5. Is the writers garden beautiful, or is it terrible? 6. What does he always win a prize for?,Joes is better.,The writers garden is terrible.,He always wins a prize for the worst garden in the town.,Exercise,A 1.How does Marys handwriting compare with Janes? 2.How does Carolines handwriting compare with Marys and Janes?,Marys handwriting is worse than Janes.,Caroline s handwriting is worse than Marys and Janes.,3.How does Carolines dress compare with Janes? 4.How does Marys dress compare with Janes and Carolines?,Carolines dress was more expensive than Janes.,Marys dress was more expensive than Janes and Carolines.,C,1. most beautiful 2. Nicest 3. larger 4. harder 5. more 6. more interesting 7. worst,Choose the correct verbs in the following sentences. 1. Everybody (believe) (believes) he will win. 2. I heard a noise and went downstairs. I found that everything (were) (was) in order. 3. Everyone (try) (tries) to earn more and work less.,Put in the word for where necessary. 1. He is very ill. No one is allowed to enter _ his room. 2. Will you enter _ this weeks crossword competition?,/,for,3. Many athletes have entered _ the Olympic Games this year. 4. No one saw the thief when he entered _ the building. 5. I have entered _ the examination but I dont want to take it.,for,/,for,Multiple choice questions,Comprehension 1. 2. Structure 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Vocabulary 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.,d,b,b,a,c,c,b,b,a,d,b,b,


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