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    新概念二册 第75课PPT SOS.ppt

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    新概念二册 第75课PPT SOS.ppt

    Lesson 75 SOS,2021/2/13,【New words and expressions】 生词和短语(6个) thick adj. 厚的 signal n. 信号 stamp v. 跺,踩 helicopter n. 直升飞机 scene n. 现场 survivor n. 幸存者,2021/2/13,thick adj. 厚的,做adj时:厚的,密的,浓的等意思; thick and thin任何时候 1. 例句:他们在任何情况下都是好朋友 They remained friends through thick and thin.,2021/2/13,signal n. 信号,暗号,标志V.发信号,用信号传达,信号,例句: 我们住的地方离城里太远, 不能收到清晰的电视图像。 We live too far from the city to get a strong television signal. V.例句:他作手势要侍者拿菜单来。 He signaled the waiter to bring the menu.,2021/2/13,stamp v. 跺,踩n.邮票,章,印记,邮票:Postage stamp 他不耐烦地跺脚。 He gave a stamp of impatience.,2021/2/13,helicopter n. 直升飞机,可以表示飞机的词语 plane ;airplane; aero plane; aircraft 喷气飞机 无人驾驶飞机 jet plane robot plane 例句:坐飞机去美国要花多少钱? How much does it cost to fly to the United States?,2021/2/13,scene n. 现场, n.(事件发生的)地点,现场 A helicopter soon arrived on the scene to rescue the survivors. 一架直升飞机很快飞抵出事现场搭救幸存者 n. 风景,景色;景象 A beautiful scene always makes me delighted(高兴的). I have just seen a sad scene.,2021/2/13,survivor n. 幸存者(指人),相同词根词: survival n. 幸存的东西 survive v. 生存;存活下来 I learn how to live, but now I know how to survive. I survived after the fire.,Qs on the Text,When and where did the plane crash and what happened to the pilot? What happened to the passengers? How did the woman and her baby daughters spend the night? How did the woman get help early next morning?,2021/2/13,【课文讲解】,1、When a light passenger plane flew off course some time ago, it crashed in the mountains and its pilot was killed. off course 脱离轨道 fly off course 飞行偏离航线 During the storm, the ship went off course. kill v. 杀(仅表示死了,不一定是人为的杀死,有可能是火灾等) Fire in Tokyo. Five people killed. Ten persons injured.(受伤) murder v. 谋杀(故意杀死),2021/2/13,2、The only passengers, a young woman and her two baby daughters, were unhurt.It was the middle of winter. 3、Snow lay thick on the ground. lay 是系动词,thick是形容词作表语,表示主语的状态或性质。 The old man lies ill and neglected(被忽视的 )in bed.,2021/2/13,4、The woman knew that the nearest village was miles away. miles away 几英里之外(距离的表达方式) 5、When it grew dark, she turned a suitcase into a bed and put the children inside it, covering them with all the clothes she could find. During the night, it got terribly cold. turninto = change sth. into 把变成 get 作不及物动词时可以表示“变得”: 例句:天气变得越来越暖和了哦。 The weather is getting warmer,2021/2/13,6、The woman kept as near as she could to the children and even tried to get into the case herself, but it was too small.,asas sb. can/could 等于 asas possible 尽可能的 例句:Tell Jim to come to my office as soon as he can. near to = close to,2021/2/13,7、Early next morning, she heard planes passing overhead and wondered how she could send a signal.,hear sb. doing sth. 听见某人正在做某事 overhead adv. 从头顶 wonder = want to know,2021/2/13,8、Then she had an idea. She stamped out the letters SOS in the snow.,stamp out 踩出 out 在这里为副词,表示“出现,显露”等 The writer has brought out another book. SOS = Save Our Souls 国际通用的呼救信号 in the snow 在雪地上 9、Fortunately, a pilot saw the signal and sent a message by radio to the nearest town. by radio 通过广播,2021/2/13,Sample of Summary Writing,A plane crashed in the mountains, but the only passengers, a young woman and her two baby daughters were not hurt. It was midwinter and extremely cold, so the woman put the children in a case, covered them with clothes and kept close to them all night. When she heard planes early next morning, she stamped out SOS in the snow. This was seen by a pilot, who sent a radio message, and they were soon rescued by helicopter.,2021/2/13,【Special Difficulties】可以表示“变成”的一些动词 grow,turn,go,get,com,fall 等动词均有“变成”的意思,但它们在用法上有时有差别。 grow 表示“(逐渐)变得”,比get要正式些: He has grown fat. grow = get slowly慢慢变得 turn表示“把(状态、性质)改变(成)”或“使变颜色”等 Leaves will turn yellow in autumn.,2021/2/13,go表示“变成(某种状态)”,通常表示不好的变化: Some foods go bad easily. The milk went sour. get 在口语中使用较多,表示“成为(某种状态)”,强调的是变化的过程(一下子变得)。天气变化, 一般用get,get cold(变冷) Things got so bad recently that he decided to go on a diet.,2021/2/13,come可表示“变成,成为,达到”等,与true连用时表示“实现” Her dream to swim across the channel has come true. The dream comes true. 梦想成真。 Take it easy. Everything will come right. fall 可表示“变成的状态” fall + asleep/ill 坠落梦乡/病倒了 You fell asleep while I was talking to you.,2021/2/13,Exercises,B: flew (1.1); crashed (1.2); was killed (1.2); grew dark (1.5); turned (1.6); put(1.6); could find (1.7); got (1.8); kept(1.8); could(1.8); tried to get(1.9); heard (1.9); wondered (1.10); could send (1.10); had(1.10); stamped out(1.11); saw(1.11); sent(1.11); arrived (1.12),2021/2/13,难点练习答案,1. grew/got/turned 2. fell 3. grew 4 .turn/go e/become 6. grew 7.growing/gettinggrowing/get ting 8. got/grown 9. fell 10. come,2021/2/13,多选答案:,1. c 根据课文第1-2行可以推断,只有c. it wasnt flying in the right direction 才是飞机坠毁的原因,所以只有c. 是正确答案。其他3个选择都不能说明飞机坠毁的原因。 2. a 根据课文第11行a pilot saw the signal and sent a message 可以推测,只有a 是课文所暗示的内容,其他3个选择都与课文的内容不符。 3. b 只有选b. young 才能使该句同前一句意思相同.若选a. a youth 同前一句意思不符;c. a young 不合乎语法; d. youth 既不符合语法也不合乎题目意思.,2021/2/13,4. d 此句是一般过去时疑问句。 因为有助动词did 提问,所以句子的谓语动词要用原形。a. lay 是动词原形,词意思为“使躺下, 放置”,它也是动词lie 的过去式;b. laid 是 lay 的过去式和过去分词形式;c. lain 是动词lie 的过去分词;d. lie 是动词原形,意思为“平放着,处于某种状态”;只有lie 最符合语法和题目意思,所以选d. 5. b 只有选b. big enough 才能使本句与前一句It was too small 意思吻合。而 a. enough big 词序不对,不合乎习惯用法,c. fairly big(相当大),d. rather big(相当大),他们都很少用于否定句中。 6. a 该句的谓语动词hear后面应该跟名词+不带to 的动词不定式,或跟名词+动词+ -ing ,只有a. pass 是不带to的不定式最符合语法,其它3个选择都不符合语法,所以选a.,2021/2/13,7. b 只有b. soon afterwards (不久,很快)与前一句中的not long before 的含义相同,其他3个选择a. after (在之后);c. behind (在后面);d. much later (更晚)都不符合题目意思,所以选b. 8. b 该句需要选出一个与前一句的light(轻型的)意思相反的词. a. dark( 黑暗的), b. heavy(重的), c. black(黑的), d. deep(深的)4个词中只有heavy是light的反义词,所以选b. 9. d 该句应该选前一句的terribly(可怕地,极端地)含义相近的形容词。才能使两个句子意义相同。 a. frightening(使惊恐,恐吓)是动词frighten的现在分词形式,很少作形容词用,因为它的形容词形式是frightful; b. horrifying(使毛骨竦然,使震惊)也很少做形容词用,因为它有形容词horrible; c. shocking(令人震惊的,骇人的,极坏的)语气比terrible 要强烈;d. frightful(惊人的,可怕的)是动词frighten的形容词形式,只有d与terribly 含义最接近,所以选d.,2021/2/13,10. d 本句需要选一个与前一句中的signal(信号)含义相同的词。 a. a letter(信,字母),b. a sign(记号,标志), c. a signature(签名,署名),d. a message(消息,信息,音信)这4个选择中只有d. 与 signal含义相符合。 因为send a signal(发一个信号)就等于send a message(发个消息或信息),所以应该选d. 11. c 该句需要一个能同句中的动词stamped (跺,踩)配合的名词才能使句子意思完整。 a. hands (手),b. head (头),d. knees (膝盖)这3个词都与stamp 搭配不合适,都不合乎情理,只有c. feet (脚)能与stamp 配合使用,所以选c. 12. c 该句需要一个能够做表语的词或短语,才能使句子意思完整。 a. live(生活,居住)是动词,不能做表语;b. lively(活泼的,快活的)是形容词,可以做表语,但意思不符合这个句子;d. in life(在生活中)是介词短语,不适合做表语;只有c. alive(活着的)是形容词,可做表语,意思符合该句,所以选c.,


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