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    新概念第一册 lesson 115-116.ppt

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    新概念第一册 lesson 115-116.ppt

    Make a card,Read and Answer,1. Where does a lion and a monkey live? 2. The monkey is proud of his _ 3. The monkey leads the lion to _ 4. The lion is_ 5. When the lion looks into the river, What does he find?,Review,conductor,none,fare,change,note,neither,get off,tramp,except,besides,passenger,get on,envelop,coin,either,ticket,biscuit,square,none of,both of,all of,Translation,1. 我找不开10英镑的钞票 2. 你没有零钱吗 3. 恐怕我没有零钱 4. 我来问问其他乘客 5. 您有零钱吗? 6. 我也没有 7. 您能把这10英镑的钞票换开吗? 8. 您必须下车 9. 我又零钱 10. 我也有,Practice2fill in the blanks,Lesson 113 Small change CONDUCTOR: _, please! MAN: Trafalgar_, please. CONDUCTOR: Im sorry, sir. I cant _ a ten- pound _. Havent you got _ small change? MAN: Ive got _small change, Im _. CONDUCTOR: Ill ask some of the_. CONDUCTOR: _ you any small _, sir? 1st PASSENGER: Im sorry. Ive got _. 2nd PASSENGER:I havent got any _.,Practice2fill in the blanks,CONDUCTOR: Can you _ this ten-pound _, madam? 3rd PASSENGER:Im _ I cant. 4th PASSENGER:_ can I. CONDUCTOR: Im very _, sir. You must _ the bus. _ of our _ can change this _. Theyre all _! TWO TRAMPS: _us. 1st TRAMP: Ive got some _. 2nd TRAMP: _have I.,1. I like swimming . 2. She went to the church,1. I like swimming. 2. She went to the church yesterday. 3. He has had some cake. 4. I wont go to American this winter holiday. 5. She is a beautiful girl. 6. We can play basketball on the playground. 7. Linda isnt going to visit her grandparents tomorrow. 8. Id like some fish. 9. She doesnt want to eat fish. 10. My mother cant cook.,So I Nether_I,Game time,Emma : I havent got any cakes. Students : I have got none.,Emma出示名词卡片,学生造句 apple- Ive got no apple. water- Ive got no water.,Ken,is my English teacher.,Who,Kate,is her best friend.,Who,Her brother,is eating an apple.,Who,代词who,指代人,My house is,near the school,where,.,His book is,on the desk,where,.,代词where,指代地点,Someone,is knocking at the door.,定不下来的代词,就是不定代词,We will have a picnic,somewhere,.,I want to eat,something,.,who,where,what,everyone everybody everything everywhere,no one nobody nothing nowhere,someone somebody something somewhere,anyone anybody anything anywhere,every-,some-,any-,no-,Everyone is asleep.,Everybody is asleep.,Everything is untidy.,I looked for my pen everywhere.,Is there anyone at home?,Is there anybody at home?,Is there anything in that box?,I couldnt find my pen anywhere.,There is no one at home.,There is nobody at home.,There is nothing in this box.,Where did you go yesterday?,Nowhere. I stayed at home.,There is someone in the garden.,There is somebody in the garden.,There is something under that chair.,My glasses must be somewhere.,Youre wearing them.,I didnt buy anything.,I bought nothing.,=,I didnt do anything.,I did nothing.,=,I didnt see anyone.,I saw no one.,=,I saw nobody.,=,I didnt go anywhere.,I went nowhere.,=,I didnt meet anyone.,I met no one.,=,I met nobody.,=,P236 A,A: Did you see anyone?,B: No, I didnt see anyone. I saw no one.,Did you hear anything?,Did you go anywhere?,Did you write to anybody?,Did you speak to anyone?,Did you buy anything?,Did you meet anyone?,P236B D,What are they doing?,They are watching TV.,Everyone _ watching TV.,is,P236 C,Lesson115 Knock, knock!,knock at the door,Listen and answer,What does Jim have to drink?,Beer,watch the flash,New words and expenssion,anyone,invite,anything,knock,everything,quiet,impossible,nothing,lemonade,joke,asleep,glasses,untidy,tidy,Jack,the door,knocking at,Who,is,.,?,谁在敲门?,Jack在敲门。,knock at,be,Is,to meet,possible,it,Yaoming,.,?,有可能会遇见姚明吗?,It,is,可能会遇见姚明。,it,be impossible,get a taxi,here,it is impossible,it is impossible to get a taxi,Its impossible to get a taxi here.,这里是叫不到出租车的。,we,need,to call him,as soon as possible,we need,we need to call him,We need to call him as soon as possible.,我们需要尽快给他打电话。,he,invite,I,he invited,he invited me,He invited me to come to his party.,他邀请我参加他的派对。,come to his party,the river,go through,the river goes through,The river goes through the village.,这条河流经村庄。,the village,she,walk across,she walked across,She walked across the road.,她横穿马路。,the road,he,jump over,he jumped over,He jumped over the wall.,他跳过了这堵墙。,the wall,Can,for us,tell a joke,you,?,你可以给我们讲一个笑话吗?,You,can,你可以给我们讲一个笑话。,.,HELEN:Isnt there _ at home? JIM:Ill _ again, Helen. _ very quiet. Im sure theres _ at home.,复合不定代词 anyone 看作单数,用在疑问句和否定句中. 试比较:There is someone at home. everyone, no one, anyone, someone,anyone,knock,Everythings,no one,HELEN:But thats _. Carol and Tom _ lunch. _the window,邀请某人做某事,不可能,look at look up look out of look for,impossible,invited us to,look through,impossible adj. 不可能的 Thats impossible. 那是不可能的。,Anything is possible.,Nothing is impossible.,impossible adj. 不可能的,办不到的 反义词:possible It is impossible for sb to do 做.是不可能的 在这样的下雨天是不可能搭到出租车的。 It is impossible to get a taxi on such a rainy day. 要 他解决 那个问题是不可能的。 It was impossible for him to solve the problem.,invite. 邀请 1. invite sb to 邀请某人到 Were inviting our friends to the party. 2.invite sb to do 邀请某人做 我邀请她喝咖啡。 I invited her to have coffee. n. invitation I accepted the invitation to the party.,邀请;邀请函,HELEN:Can you see _? JIM:_ at all.,I can see nothing at all.,anything,Nothing,HELEN:Lets_the back door. JIM:Look! _ in the garden.,try,Everyones,CAROL:Hello, Helen. Hello, Jim. TOM:_wants to have lunch in the garden. Its _and_out here.,Everybody,nice,warm,CAROL:Come and have _to drink. JIM:Thanks, Carol. _ I have_ please? CAROL:Beer? Theres _ You can have _ JIM:Lemonade!,can, may, must 情态动词 May I?= Could I? 语气比can I?委婉,something,May,a glass of beer,none left,some lemonade,TOM:Dont _ her, Jim. Shes only_. Have _ beer!,believe sb. 相信某人 believe sth. 相信某事 believe in sb.=trust sb. 信任某人否定祈使句,believe,joking,some,joke v. 开玩笑 She is only joking with you. 2. n. 玩笑 He sometimes tells jokes.,You must be joking!,make a joke 开玩笑;讲笑话,have a joke with sb. 和开玩笑 =play a joke on sb. 取笑某人,HELEN:Isnt there anyone at home? JIM:Ill knock again, Helen. Everythings very quiet. Im sure theres no one at home. HELEN:But thats impossible. Carol and Tom invited us to lunch. Look through the window. HELEN:Can you see anything JIM:Nothing at all. HELEN:Lets try the back door.,JIM:Look! Everyones in the garden. CAROL:Hello, Helen. Hello, Jim. TOM:Everybody wants to have lunch in the garden. Its nice and warm out here. CAROL:Come and have something to drink? JIM:Thanks, Carol. May I have a glass of beer please? CAROL:Beer? Theres none left. You can have some lemonade. JIM:Lemonade! TOM:Dont believe her, Jim. Shes only joking. Have some beer!,Grammar,不定代词: 不指明代替任何特定名词或形容词的代词,1. 和some,any的用法一样,somebody/someone/something/somewhere一般用于肯定句; anybody/anyone/anything用于疑问句与否定句; nothing/nobody/no one相当于,not anything,not anybody,not anyone,2一般情况下,形容词修饰名词时,通常形容词放在名词前面 a beautiful bird 形容词修饰不定代词时,通常形容词放在不定代词之后。 something good, anything wrong 动词不定式可以跟在不定代词之后做定语 something to do, nothing to eat,回忆一下enough的用法,改错 1.Are there anyone in the room? 2.Kate has else nothing. 3.He looked at me and didnt say nothing. 4.Did you meet somebody on your way home? 5.I dont have something to do. 6.Noone is in the room.,Is,nothing else,anything,anybody,anything,No one,小结不定代词 不定代词是不指明代替任何特定名词或形容词的代词,英语中不定代词有: some(something,somebody,someone,somewhere),any(anything,anybody,anyone,anywhere) no (nothing,nobody,no one), every (everything,everybody,everyone,everywhere),all,each,both,much,many,(a) little (a) few,other (s),another,none,one,either, neither等。,


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