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    ,Lesson 25,Do the English speak English?,Guessing Game:,Who is he / she? Where does he/ she come from? What does he / she do? What language does he / she speak?,His name is Yao Ming. He comes from Shanghai. He is a Chinese. He is good at (擅长)playing basketball. He is a basketball player. He speaks Chinese well.,看看谁的眼力好!,singer / Chinese,scientist / English,detective/ Japanese,words and expressions,railway n. 铁路,铁道 rail n.(轨道,栏杆)+ way n. 火车站 railway station 一条铁路 a line of railway,地 铁,porter n. 搬运工 port n. 港,口岸 import n./v. 进口 export n./v. 出口,subway tube underground metro,several 几个,一些 several days/weeks/years,wonder n. 奇迹 ;奇观;奇才;惊奇;惊讶 世界7大奇迹 seven wonders of the world What a wonder!多么奇妙 Its a wonder that he survived the plane crash. 短语:No/little wonder难怪;不足为奇 No wonder that =Its no wonder that It is no wonder ( that ) hell sign the contract tomorrow. 他明天签约是 不足为怪 的.,wonder v. 感到奇怪,好奇,想知道 +at sth e.g.She wonders at the beauty of the old town. 这座古老小镇的美丽令他惊讶不已。 +从句(从句用陈述句的语序) e.g. Im wondering what I should do. I wonder who he is. 礼貌地提问或请求别人做某事 e.g. Im wondering whether I could ask you out. Im wondering if you could help me. Wonderful: adj.奇妙的,精彩的,极好的 e.g.I would be a wonderful wife.,1.我想知道她什么时候能来。 I wonder when she will come. 2. 我在想你会不会帮我。 Im wondering if you could help me. 3. 这是个巨大的奇迹。 Its a great wonder.,foreigner n.外国人 adj: foreign 外国的 外贸: foreign trade 外语: foreign language 留学生: foreign student,1. the English 指的是英国人. 2. speak English 指的是英语.,标题解读:Do the English speak English?,Do the English speak English?,Where did the writer arrive? He arrived in London. Why couldnt the writer understand the porter? Because his teacher never spoke English like that. What language did the porter speak? He spoke English Why does the writer wonder? In England, each person speaks a different language. The English understand each other, but he dont understand him.,Text,I arrived in London at last. 到达某地表达方式: get to +sp reach+sp arrived in +大地方 arrived at+ 小地方 The railway station was big,black and dark. black and dark 又黑又暗,arrived in +大地方 arrived at+ 小地方,at last (强调努力的结果) in the end(表示一种结局) finally(次序上的最后),工作不仅是为了赚钱,也是为了生活 Working is not only for making money, but also for life.,Idid not know the way to my hotel, so I asked a porter. I not only spoke English very carefully, but very clearly as well. not onlybut as well not onlybut also,表示”由此及彼” the key to the door the answer to the question the entrance to the building,不仅而且,他不仅自编剧本, 还饰演其中的角色。 He writes his own plays. He acts in his own plays. He_ writes his own plays, _acts in them _. 这个年轻人不仅聪明,而且很勤奋。 This young man is not only clever, but also hardworking.,not only,but,as well,练习: not only.but as well 1. 他不但很聪明,而且很勤奋( diligent )。 He is not only clever but diligent as well. 2. 他不但吸烟,而且喝酒。 He not only smokes but drinks as well. 3. 她不但会说 英语,而且会说德语。 She speaks not only English but German as well.,The porter, however, could not understand me. I repeated my question several times and at last he understood. He answered me, but he spoke neither slowly nor clearly.,He answered me, but he spoke neither slowly nor clearly. neither.nor. 既不.也不.(两者都不.) Neither he nor I am tall. (用neithernor连接并列主语时,谓语则随最后一个主语的人称和数而变,就近原则) She neither knows nor cares what they say.,I am a foreigner,I said.Then he spoke slowly, but I could not understand him. My teacher never spoke English like that! The porter and I looked at each other and smiled. Then he said something and I understood it. Youll soon learn English he said. I wonder.,I am not sure.,In England, each person speaks a different language. The English understand each other, but I dont understand them! Do they speak English?,each更强调个人或个别, every更强调全体或全部 Everyone has to take part in the meeting, and each should give us a short speech.,用适当的连词将两个句子连起来.,I did not know the way to my hotel. I asked a porter. 2. I spoke English very carefully. I spoke very clearly. 3. I repeated my question several times. At last he understood. 4. He answered me. He did not speak slowly. He did not speak clearly. 5. Then he spoke slowly. I could not understand him. 6. Then he said something. I understood it. 7. The English understand each other. I dont understand them.,I did not know the way to my hotel, so I asked a porter.,I not only spoke English very carefully, but very clearly as well.,I repeated my question several times and at last he understood.,He answered me, but he spoke neither slowly nor clearly.,Then he spoke slowly, but I could not understand him.,Then he said something and I understood it.,The English understand each other, but I dont understand them.,并列句(compound sentence): 把两个或几个简单句用并列连词连接起来,则成为一个并列句。,常用并列连词coordinating conjunctions,平行并列连词: 转折并列连词: 因果并列连词: 选择并列连词:,and, bothand, not only but also, neithernor,but,however,while,yet,for,so,or,eitheror,请用合适的并列连词把每组句子合并为一个并列句。 1.He was tired. He went to bed. 2.The child hid behind his mothers skirt. He was afraid of the dog.,He was tired, so he went to bed.,The child hid behind his mothers skirt,for he was afraid of the dog.,He made a promise.He didnt keep it.,He made a promise,but He didnt keep it.,Mary is opening the door. John is greeting her guests.,Mary is opening the door,and John is greeting her guests.,某人(事)怎么样.这种情况也适合另一个人(事). 肯定式.too, also -My mother is a teacher. I am a teacher,too. 否定式.either, neither,其中,either表示两个中的任何一个,neither 两个都不, either of (两者其一) 这两个后单数 neither of(两者都不) Will you come here this evening or tomorrow evening? - Either is OK. Im free. -Neither . Im very busy.,either.or是连词, 意为 “ 或或” (2选1) Either my father or my mother cooks dinner on weekdays 常见的结构有. 1. 连接并列主语, 谓语一般和邻近的主语一致. Either you or he has to go there. Either mum or I wash clothes. Either you or I am right. Either you or she is going. Either he or his brother knows the way there.,2. 连结并列谓语或表语,状语 You may either watch TV at home or play basketball outside. He is either a doctor or a teacher. Do you speak either English or French. You may come either before class or after class.,either.or是连词, 意为 “ 或或” (2选1) neithernor., (既不也不) (2选0) not only but also(不但而且) (2选2) 1.Neither you nor he is wrong. 2.Not only you but also your teacher was wrong. 3.Not only Li Ming but also his wife works in the USA. 与以上三个不同的是,bothand(两着都)连结两个主语时,句中谓语动词应是复数形式 Both you and your teacher are wrong. Both Li Ming and his wife work in USA. My father has friends both at home and abroad.,Choose the right verb form to complete the sentences. Both my brothers _ in Italy. ( lives/ live) Neither of his parents _ butter and cheese. (likes/ like) Neither John nor Mary _ at home. ( was/were) Both Peter and Mike often _ football match but neither of them_ football very well. (watches/watch) (plays/play) Either you or I _ going to cook supper tonight. (are/am) Either my father or my mother _ dinner. Both my brother and I _ them on weekends. (cooks/cook) (helps/help) All the people in my family _the housework. (does/do),live,likes,was,watch,plays,am,cooks,help,do,Fill in the blanks with “ eitherorneithernor both(and) My father and my mother are _ teachers. They teach in the same school. 2. _he _she can join us. We want both of them. 3. The trousers are _ too short_ too long. Neither of them is the right size. 4. She is _Chinese _ Japanese. She comes from Korea. 5. Everyone helps parents with the housework because my parents _ work.,both,Either or,either or,neither nor,both,Fill in the blanks with the proper verb forms Either your mother or your father _(be) a worker. 2. Either they or he _(be) a student. 3. Neither you nor Tom _(have) this book. 4. Both your parents and your sister _(be) at home.,is,is,has,are,I arrived in London_ _. The _station was big, black and dark. I did not know the _ _my hotel, so I asked a_. I _ _spoke English very carefully, but very clearly _ _. The porter, however, could not understand me. I repeated my question _ _and at last he understood. He answered me, but he spoke _slowly _ clearly. I am a _, I said. Then he spoke slowly, but I could not understand him. My teacher never spoke English like that! The porter and I looked at _ _and smiled. Then he said something and I understood it. Youll soon learn English! he said. I_. In England, each person _ _ _language. The English understand each other, but I dont understand them! Do they speak English?,1.c a.ThewriterdidntknowanyEnglish与课文实际内容不符;b.TheporterdidntspeakEnglish也与实际情况不符;d.Thewriterwasaforeigner虽然是课文涉及的内容,但不是作者不能听懂搬运工人讲话的真正原因,因为作者也懂英语;只有c.ThewritercouldntunderstandtheportersEnglish最符合课文的实际情况,是正确答案。 2.b 根据文章MyteacherneverspokeEnglishlikethat!,只有b.expectedeveryoneinEnglandtospeaklikehisteacher说出了作者的想法. a.didntthinktheporterwasEnglish与事实不符合,文章中没有这样的暗示. c.doesntthinktheEnglishspeakEnglish,不是作者的真实想法. d.thinksthattheEnglishspeakmanydifferentlanguages虽然作者是这样说的,但是不一定是作者的真实想法. 3.b 只有选b.is最符合语法。a.are不合乎语法,因为English做“英语”讲时是单数名词,不能跟复数的系动词are;c.was也不合乎语法,因为陈述一种语言的性质应该用一般现在时;d.has(有)更不符合语法,因为has不能做系动词。,4.a 这个疑问句是针对次数提问的,回答是severaltimes,只有a.howmanytimes多少次,是问次数的。 其他3个选择都不是对次数提问的。 5.b 这是一个否定句,只有选c.either最符合语法。因为只有either可以用于否定句中表示“也不”。a.neither(两者都不)一般不用于带否定词not的否定句中,它可以同nor连用;c.too(也)只能用于肯定句中;d.nor不能单独使用,只能用neither连用,表示“既不也不”。 6.c 本句中的both是“两个人”的意思,因此不能选a.I和b.He,因为她们都是单数人称代词;d.they(他们)可以是两个人,但若选d.则同前面句子人称不一致,不合乎逻辑;只有c.We(我们)最合乎语法和逻辑。,7.d 本句需要选出一个关系代词做定语从句中的宾语. a.who只能做定语从句的主语(指人) b.whose只能做定语从句的定语 c.whom只能做定语从句的宾语,不能指物 d.which可以做定语从句的宾语,指物. 8.b 本句需要选一个与前一句中的several(几个)意思相近的词。a.much(很多)不是several的近义词,也不能修饰可数名词;c.onlyafew(只有少数)同several的意思不够接近;d.three(3个)太绝对化了,因为several虽然可能是3个,但也可能多于3个;只有b.anumberof(一些,几个)同several的意思相近,所以选b. 9.a 该句需要选出同前一句中的Atlast(最终)意思相同的词组。只有a.intheend(最终)同atlast意思相同。而b.atleast(至少),c.lastly(最后地),d.atthefinish不是正确的表达方式,这3个选择都不符合题目意思。,10.a 只有选a.aforeigner(外国人),才能同前句Icomefromabroad(我来自国外)的意思相吻合。b.strange(陌生的,奇怪的)不符合题目意思;c.overseas(国外的,海外的)是形容词,也可以作副词但不如aforeigner意思准确;d.abroad(出国,在国外)是副词,Iamabroad(我正在国外)与前一句意思不符。 11.d 只有选d.taught(教)最正确。 a.learnt(学习);b.trained(培训);c.instructed(指导)这3个选择都不符合题目意思。 12.a 只有a.amnotsure(不确信)同前面的wonder(感到奇怪)的意思比较接近。 b.amsure(肯定,确信);c.wander(漫游),d.know(知道,懂)这3个词的意思都不合乎题目意思。,


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