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    新概念英语3 lesson10.ppt

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    新概念英语3 lesson10.ppt

    Lesson10 The loss of the Titanic,Introduction of the Titanic,The Titanic was designed by experienced engineers, using some of the most advanced technologies and extensive safety features of the time. It was also called “unsinkable ship”. The Titanic was a passenger liner, after setting sail with 2,223people on board, she struck an iceberg in the north Atlantic Ocean on her maiden voyage from Southampton, England, to New York City, United States, and sank at 2:20am on the morning of 15 April, 1912, resulting in the deaths of 1,517 people.,Call for help,The ship carried lifeboats for only 1,178people. A number of men died due to the women and children first. This meant that many boats were only half filled. Further, only a few were picked up from the water. Wireless operators Jack Phillips and Harold Bride began sending help signal , which was received by several ships, including Mount Temple, Frankfurt, Virginian and Titanics sister ship, Olympic, but none of the vessels were close enough to reach the liner before she sank. In the end it was the Carpathia which came to the rescue and picked up the survivors from the lifeboats in four hours too late to rescue all of Titanics passengers.,Warm up,Titanic,the great ship,Jack and Rose,shipwrecks,Have you ever watched the movie “Titanic”? How do you like the movie? What do you think about the ship “Titanic”?,New words 悲惨的 sad eg. A tragic story that perhaps happens only in the movies. 7.liner lan(r) n.班船,班机,8.voyage vd n. 旅行、航行 a journey made by boat or ship v.航海 travel over the sea 9.iceberg asb: n.冰山 10.lookout lkat n. 瞭望员、监察所 a person who watches 监视动作 the act of keeping watch eg. keeping a lookout for the enemy 前景、远景 a likely future eg. It is a good lookout for you if you study hard.,Detailed Study of the Text,Listening Comprehension,Please close your text books. Listen to the tape of the text carefully and try to answer the following question: 1. How many tons was the Titanic? 2. Had the Titanic ever sailed before? 3. Did the captain think the ship had been damaged? Why? 4. What would have happened if only two of the sixteen water-tight compartment had been flooded?,Language Points,The great ship, Titanic, sailed for New York from Southampton on April 10th, 1912. 1. Titanic是the great ship的同位语。 great adj. 大的 very large in degree or amount 2. sail for 行驶往/到某地,向驶去 The ship will sail for Hawaii in two weeks. My aunt sailed from Portsmouth for Dover. We sail with the wind.我们顺风航行。,She was carrying 1,316 passengers and a crew of 891. Even by modern standards, the 46,000 ton Titanic was a colossal ship.,3. crew (集合名词)全体工作人员 all the people working on a ship or plane= staff The crew is/are waiting for instructions from the captain. 全体船员正在等候船长的命令。 The “Maine” carried a crew of 350. air/ground crew空勤/地勤人员 a train crew列车乘务组,4. by 根据,按照 By Article 3 of the Treaty, the dealer must pay for the delay. Do you sell apples by jin or kilo?,At the time, however, she was not only the largest ship that had ever been built, but was regarded as unsinkable, for she had sixteen watertight compartments. Even if two of these were flooded, she would still be able to float. 5. as unthinkable是主语补足语, as 在此是介词,意为“作为”,后面可跟adj.,分词等构成短语。 e.g. The idea struck him as (being) novel(新奇的). regard as 把当做 be regarded as e.g. I regard her as my best friend.,6. unsinkable 不会沉没的 un + v.+ able 否定前缀 + 下沉、下降 + 形容词后缀 unforgivable unavailable unavoidable unbearable unbelievable unforseeable uncontrollable unchangeable undeniable unfashionable unforgettable unfavorable unacceptable unaccountable unanswerable,The tragic sinking of this great liner will always be remembered, for she went down on her first voyage with heavy loss of life.,7. go down =sink 下沉,后面的两个介词短语作状语。 她首航沉没,遇难者甚多。,Four days after setting out, while the Titanic was sailing across the icy waters of the North Atlantic, huge iceberg was suddenly spotted by a lookout. 8. water n. Un水;Cn 海域,(江、河、湖、海的)水体则用复数。 the waters of the Pacific the Chinese territorial waters 中国领海 the upper waters of the Yangtse River 长江上游,9.spot v.挑出、查出、认出 to see or notice n. 点、圆点、斑点 small mark 地点 place Seeifyoucanspotthem. 看您是否能够找出它们 Thescenicspotis on north- westernoutskirtsofBeijing. 这个风景区位于北京的 西北远郊。,After the alarm had been given, the great ship turned sharply to avoid a direct collision. The Titanic turned just in time, narrowly missing the immense wall of ice which rose over 100 feet out of the water beside her. 10. give an alarm 发出警报 It was just a false alarm.只是一场虚惊。 There is nothing to get alarmed about. Lets set the alarm clock for 5 oclock. 11. in time 及时,narrowly missing 勉强避开,narrowly : in a narrow manner(勉强地) e.g. He narrowly lost the election .(很少的差距) She narrowly escaped death .,Rockets was beaten narrowly.,Suddenly, there was a slight trembling sound from below, and the captain went down to see what had happened. The noise had been so faint that no one thought that the ship had been damaged. Below, the captain realized to his horror that the Titanic was sinking rapidly, for five of her sixteen watertight compartments had already been flooded! 12. sothat 如此以致于 e.g. I worked so hard that I got the first place. 区别: so that 为了, 表目的 e.g. I work hard so that I can enter a good high school.,13. to his horror (令) 他惊恐地发现 类似的表达方式有: to ones joy/ disappointment/ satisfaction/ regret/ dismay/ sorrow/ delight/ amazement e.g. To his horror, the bus caught fire. To his amazementthe bee began to perform a dance.,to his horror Peter tried to go and open the door, but, to his horror, he could not move! To our amazement, nothing happened . He broke the vase, much to my annoyance . To his great disappointment, she wasnt on the train,The order to abandon ship was given and hundreds of people plunged into the icy water. As there were not enough lifeboats for everybody, 1,500 lives were lost. 14. plunged into: jump into 投入、跳入;(使)突然陷入 某种状态 e.g. He plunged into the icy water to save the drowning child. A power failure plunged the whole house into sudden darkness. 停电了, 整个房子突然陷入一片漆黑之中。 He was plunged into despair by the terrible news.,The order to abandon ship was 有些名词后可以接不定式做同位语,这类名词有: order, plan, wish, offer, decision,etc. e.g. Thank you for giving me the chance to go abroad. Who made the decision to go there? He had a strong wish to see the world. 16. As引导原因状语从句 e. g. Wear strong shoes as we shall do a lot of walking today.,17. abandon: 1) desert; leave behind -Drivers had to abandon their cars . 2) to give up completely -The girl abandoned hope of passing the exam . -The game was abandoned .,Read the text by yourselves, try to retell it and pay attention to the usage of the past perfect tense. 过去完成时:表示发生在过去的动作对过去某一点造成的某种影响或结果,即“过去的过去”。 结构为:had done e.g. The film had already begun when we came to the cinema. He told me (that) he had read the Thorn Birds (荆棘鸟)three times.,Key Structure,Word-building: v.-er (-or, -ar) n. 表示人 visitor, liar, dancer; n./adj. ist n. 表示的人 artist; adj.-ness n. 表示状态、性质 frankness, friendliness, carelessness; v.-ion n. 过程、接过、状态discussion, election, impression; n./adj. -ity 性质、情况、状态popularity, humanity.,Special Difficulties,Southampton, England,New York,April 10th ,1912,1316,891,46,000 ton,16,waters of North Atlantic,struck an iceberg,1500,The Titanic,she,the 46,000 ton titanic,the largest ship,this great liner,14. How does the writer call the Titanic ?,a colossal ship,How to express large ?,the 46,000 ton titanic a huge ice berge the largest ship this great liner a colossal ship the immense wall of ice,6. voyage: ocean trip ; sailing on the sea travel : general journey : long -distance movement trip : short -distance movement (especially time ) tour: a journey or route all the way around a particular place or area It was a long , but we eventually arrived . The ship will start its maiden next Monday Theyre going on a world . They planned to make a wedding to Paris . He met many interesting people in his .,voyage,travels,journey,trip,tour,tour,travelling,journey,trip,voyage,TheWhitesspenttwomonths_aroundtheworld. Doyougetseasickduringthe_?Theyarefondof_.Weareona_totheEasternSuburbPark.Life is a _ full of surprises. At first I was afraid the long _would be too much for her . We went on a guided_ of Italy that included stops at Milan, Venice, Florence and Rome. Florence and Rome. I go to work by train, and the_ takes 40 minutes.,travel,trip,journey,Thank you very much!Have a nice day.,


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