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    * * Readandcompare: hot few big short small old fine easy hungry early heavy exciting carefully hotterhottest fewerfewest biggerbiggest shortershortest olderoldest finerfinest easiereasiest hungrierhungriest earlierearliest heavierheaviest moreexcitingmostexciting morecarefullymostcarefully smallersmallest many、few + C much、little + U Ihavemanyfriends. Ihavemorefriends. Ihavemuchmoney. Ihavemoremoney. I want to buy a new house, but its very expensive. I dont have enough money. I cant afford it. Who can give me some good advice? Yes, I can buy it on installments. I can borrow money from the bank. Ok, thank you very much. Well watch a story. Will the people buy a house? * Lesson 111 The most expensive model * Newwordsandexpressions: modelmdln.型号,式样 affordf:dv.付得起(钱) depositdipzitn.预付定金 instalmentinst:lmntn.分期付款 pricepraisn.价格 millionairemiljnn.百万富翁 * modelmdl n. 1)型号,样式, Thisphoneisthelatestmodel. 这部手机是最新型的 2)模型 modelplane飞机模型 注意,把model放在名词前面 3)模特儿 afashionmodel时装模特 * affordf:dv.付得起(钱) 有足够的(金钱,时间)做 我们买不起新车。 Wecantaffordanewcar. Wecantaffordtobuyanewcar. afford+n. afford+todo * affordf:d v. 付不起(钱)买不起cantaffordsth/todosth.(通 常用于否定句) Wecantafford(tobuy)anewcar.我们买不起 一辆新车 没有足够的(金钱/时间)做. Icantaffordthetime.我抽不出时间。 * depositdipzit n.1)预付定金,押金,保证金(通常以单数的形式表示 ) Makeadepositof500yuanonanewcamera. 为买新的照相机付500块的定金。 2)存款 定期存款afixeddeposit活期存款acurrentdeposit v.3)把(钱)存起来 depositmoneyinabank把钱存入银行 * instalmentinst:lmnt n. 1)分期付款,分期摊付的钱 以分期付款的方式in/by/oninstalment Hepaidforthecaroninstalment. 他以分期付款的方式买那辆车。 * priceprais n.1)价格,prices表示物价的意思 Thepricesofvegetablesaregoingup.蔬菜的价格正在上涨。 themarketprice市价,市场价格 表示price价格的高,低时,用形容词high,low, Thepricesofwatchesareverylowatthatstore. 那家店的手表很便宜。 询问价钱时,price与what连用, Whatisthepriceofthiswatch?这手表多少钱? Howmuchisthewatch? * millionaire,miljn n.百万富翁 亿万富翁billionair 贫民窟的百万富翁 (SlumdogMillionaire) * Watchthevideoandanswerquestion: Q1. How many models do they see? Q2. Which model do they like better? Q3. Do millionaires buy things on installments? * MR.FRITH:I like this television very much. 一般现在时肯定句 very much “非常”,作状语修饰动词like . How much does it cost? =How much is it ? How much 多少,询问价格或不可数名词的量。 How much milk is in the cup? 杯子里还有多少牛奶? Cost表示花费时间,金钱,主语一般是物 This book cost me 10 yuan. 这本书我花了10美元。 Spend 花时间,金钱,主语一般是人 * Spend(money)onsth.在方面花钱 她花很多钱在衣服上。 Spend(time)indoingsth花时间做某事 我花很多时间读书。 She spent much money on the clothes. I spent a lot of time in reading. ASSISTANT:Itsthemostexpensivemodelintheshop. 形容词expensive的最高级, 大多数两个以上音节的形容词可与more/less连用构成比较级, 与most/least连用构成最高级。 形容词最高级前要有定冠词the. 型号,样式 介词短语表示范围 It costs five hundred pounds. 一般现在时的肯定句,当主语为第三人称单数时,动词加s hundred前有具体数字,后不加s. hundreds of 数以百计的 MRS.FRITH:Thatstooexpensiveforus. 形容词“昂贵的” too太,具有否定意义,放在它所修饰的形容词前 We cant afford all that money. afford,动词,付得起,一般用于否定句和疑问句中, Can you afford a car? 你买得起一辆轿车吗? afford+n. afford+todo ASSISTANT:Thismodelslessexpensivethanthat one. expensive 的比较级,多音节词的比较级要在词前加more/less. “比”,比较级的标志词 Its only three hundred pounds. But, of course, its not as good as the expensive one. 仅仅 hundred前有具体数字,后不加s. asas 和一样,中间要用形容词副词的原级 not asas 不如 这辆车没有那辆车新. This car is not as new as that one. MR.FRITH:Idontlikethismodel. 一般现在时否定句。 The other models more expensive, but its worth the money. the other翻译为另一个(指两者中的另一个) 含义是有范畴的,共2个,2个部分,2个人等。 I have two sisters:one is tall;the other is short. 我有两个姐姐,一个高,一个矮。 another:指三者或三者以上其中的另一个 expensive的比较级 be worth 值钱 This book is worth 50yuan. 这本书值50元。 be worth doing 值得做某事 这本书值得一读 The book is worth reading . MR.FRITH:Canwebuyitoninstalments? buyoninstalments以分期付款的方式购买 * Language points 7.Canwebuyitoninstalments? 你为什么不以分期付款的方式购买这座房子呢? Why dont you buy this house on instalments? * ASSISTANT:Of course. You can pay a deposit of thirty pounds, and then fourteen pounds a month for three years. pay a deposit of 付的定金 你要先付300英镑的定金来买这辆车。 钱数前面用 of ,买什么东西用for fourteen pounds 前面省略了一个动词 pay You need to pay a deposit of three pounds for this car. MR.FRITH:Doyoulikeit,dear? MRS.FRITH:Icertainlydo,butIdontliketheprice. but前后为两个句子,该句为并列句 do 代替动词like ,为了避免重复 You always want the best, but we cant afford it. but连接的并列句 cant afford sth./to do 负担不起. Sometimes you think youre a millionaire! 频度副词,“有时候” think 的宾语 MR.FRITH:Millionlaires dont buy things on instalments! 一般现在时否定句 buy.on instalments,以分期付款的方式购买 非常地 非常喜欢 多少钱 像一样 这个红色的苹果和绿色那个一样甜。 不像一样 这个白包和那个黑包不一样新。 值得做事 这本书值得一读。 分期付款 预付定金 1.very much like very much 2.how much 3.as as The red apple is as sweet as the green one . not as as =not so as The white handbag is not as/so new as the black one . 4. be worth doing sth. This book is worth reading . 5. on installments 6. a deposit of * Grammar 形容词与副词都有三个等级,原级,比较级,最高级。 原级比较:asas BillisasfatasTom.Bill和Tom一样胖。 Herunsasfastasyoudo.他和你跑得一样快。 在asas中间使用的形容词和副词一定要用原级. 否定用not as as * Zhou Jielun is as tall as Lin Zhilin. * Is Shen Chunyang as tall as Xiao Shenyang? No,she isnt. Shen Chunyang is not as tall as Xiao Shenyang. * This green apple is as sweet as the red one. * Is the fruit cake less delicious than the chocolate one? No,it isnt. Its more delicious. Its the most delicious cake I have ever eaten. * Is Li Meiqi more beautiful than Zhao Yazhi? No, she isnt. Zhao Yazhi is the most beautiful actess that Ive ever seen. 比较等级三兄弟,so, as, very跟原级; 同级比较用原形,asas 永不离; than, a little和much,一前二后比较级; 碰上“老鹰(in)”或“饿虎(of)”,最高级 定与它们见高低。 2021/2/14 * MR.FRITH:I like this television very much. How much does it cost? ASSISTANT:Its the most expensive model in the shop. It costs five hundred pounds. MRS. FRITH:Thats too expensive for us. We cant afford all that money. ASSISTANT:This models less expensive than that one. Its only three hundred pounds. But, of course, its not as good as the expensive one. MR. FRITH:I dont like this model. The other models more expensive, but its worth the money. MR.FRITH:Can we buy it on instalments? * ASSISTANT:Of course. You can pay a deposit of thirty pounds, and then fourteen pounds a month for three years. MR. FRITH:Do you like it, dear? MRS. FRITH:I certainly do, but I dont like the price. You always want the best, but we cant afford it. Sometimes you think youre a millionaire! MR.FRITH:Millionlaires dont buy things on instalments! * Are these sweets as sweet as those ones? No,they arent. These sweets are not as sweet as those ones. Its the most expensive model in the shop . The other models more expensive . 多音节和少数双音节形容词的比较级和最高级: 在词前加more/most. expensive more expensive most expensive difficult more difficult most difficult 较高比较级 This models less expensive than that one . 多音节和少数双音节形容词的比较级和最高级: 也可在词前加less/least.(称作较低比较级) expensive less expensive least expensive difficult less difficult least difficult 较低比较级 Its not as good as the expensive one . The red apple is as sweet as the green one . The white handbag is not as/so new as the black one. 形容词都有三个等级:原级,比较级 ,最高级 原级比较常用“as + 原级 + as” 否定原级用“not as/soas”结构。 平级比较级 Exercises 1.Ofallthestudentsinourclass,sheis_. A.mostcarefulB.carefulC.morecarefulD.themostcareful 2.Thesnowstormwhichhitthisarealastnightwas_inrecent years. A.heavyB.heavierC.heaviestD.theheaviest 3.Someofthedoctorsarepaidalmosttwiceas_asthenurses. A.muchB.manyC.moreD.most 4.-Allofusareproudoftheprogresshesmadeduringthepast fewyears. -Yes,weresurehewillbeeven_. A.successfulB.moresuccessfulC.mostsuccessfulD.successfully 5.LilyandJanearebothgoodatsinging. -Whosings_? A.niceB.wellC.betterD.thebest 一 根据句意填空 1. How much does this television _ ? 2. Its the expensive model in the shop. 3. Thats too expensive for us. We cant all that money. 4. This model is not expensive as that one. 5. He is very rich. Hes a . cost most afford as millionaire 二 用所给词的适当形式填空 1. This model isnt so (good) as that one. 2. I dont like this model. The other model is (much) expensive, but its worth the money. 3. Sometimes you think you are a (million) 4. This book isnt so interesting as that one. Its (little) interesting. 5. You can buy it on (instalment). 6. This case is (heavy) than that one. good more millionaire less instalments heavier 7.Tom is not as _(tall) as his brother . 8.Jimmy looks _(fat)than before . 9.A dictionary is _(expensive)than a story book . tall fatter more expensive 谢谢! 放映结束 感谢各位批评指导! 让我们共同进步 知识回顾知识回顾 Knowledge Knowledge ReviewReview


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