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    用neither或so引导的倒装句: 表示前面的情况同属于后面的人。 句型基本结构: 肯定句,so +助动词+. I have got a ten-yuan note. So have I. (So has he.) 否定句,neither+助动词+. I cant swim. Neither can I. (Neither can he.) Knock, knock! Made by Star Lesson 115Lesson 115 单词学习 anyone pron. 任何人 knock v. 敲,打 everything pron. 一切事物 quiet adj. 宁静的,安静的 impossible adj. 不可能的 invite v. 邀请 anything pron. 任何东西 nothing pron. 什么也没有 lemonade n. 柠檬水 joke v. 开玩笑 Key wordsexpressions knock v. 敲,打 quiet adj. 宁静的,安静的 impossible adj 不可能的 invite v. 邀请 lemonade n. 柠檬水 joke v. 开玩笑 asleep adj. 睡觉,睡着 glasses n. 眼镜 anyone pron. 意义和用法与anybody相同 但anybody比较“口语“化。 1)(用于疑问句和否定句)任何人 有谁在那里吗? Is anyone there? 你不应该依赖任何人。 You should not rely on anyone. 2)(用于肯定句)无论谁 任何人都可以听他演讲。 Anyone may attend his lecture. everything pron. 一切事物,每样事物 一切顺利 Everything is going well. 告诉我整个事情的来龙去脉。 Tell me everything about it. knock nk v. Knock the door! knock at敲 eg:His son was knocked down by a car. knock down 把撞到 eg:Knock it off! Im trying to sleep knock it off(口语)别吵!住嘴! quiet kwait adj a quiet night 安详的,安定的 a quiet life in the country (人,性格)稳重的,寡言的 a quiet child 反义词:noisy quiet 1)宁静的,安静的 寂静之夜 a quiet night 安静的房间 a quiet room impossible impsbl adj. Thats impossible. 那是不可能的。 It is impossible for sb. to do sth It is possible for sb. to do sth. It is possible for me to pass this exam. Anything is possible. Nothing is impossible. impossible adj. 不可能的,办不到的 反义词:possible It is impossible for sb to do 做.是不可能的 在这样的下雨天是不可能搭到出租车的。 It is impossible to get a taxi on such a rainy day. 要 他解决 那个问题是不可能的。 It was impossible for him to solve the problem. It is possible for sb. to do sth. It is possible for me to pass this exam Were inviting our friends to the party. n. invitation a letter of invitation invite invait, v invite v. 邀请 v. 邀请 invite sb to 邀请某人到 Were inviting our colleagues to the party. invite sb to do 邀请某人做 我邀请她喝咖啡。 I invited her to have coffee. 我们将邀请我们的同事参加这个聚会。 v. 请求;要求 We invite readers letters for this magazine. 本杂志欢迎读者来 信。 2021/2/14 She is only joking with you v. 开玩笑 v. 取笑 Dont get angry. -it was only a joke! n. 玩笑;笑话 joke duk Arent you joking me? You must be joking! anything pron. 任何东西 (疑问句,否定句)任何事 物,任何东西都不 你说了些什么吗? Did you say anything? 你想喝点什么? Do you want anything to drink? nothing pron. 什么也没有。 关于那件事他什么也没说。 He said nothing about it. 没 有任何事能改变他的心意。 Nothing could change his mind. -修饰nothing的形容词要置于其后。 Nothing interesting joke 1) v. 开玩笑,戏弄,嘲弄 我的兄弟经常开玩笑 My brother is always joking. 我和他开玩笑 I joked with him. 2) n. 玩笑 他有时会说笑话。 He sometimes tells jokes. 2021/2/14 2021/2/14 Ill knock again, Helen. Everythings very quiet. 1)everything 也是不定代词 2)表示一切事物 3)everything 作主语,谓语动词用单数形式 。 课文讲解 Isnt there anyone at home? 反义疑问句 玻璃杯中没有什么牛奶吗? Isnt there any milk in the glass? anyone是不定代词,是由any和one组成的 复合词,谓语用单数形式。 Im sure theres no one at home. Be sure 确信,有把握 no one 也是不定代词 no one 作主语,后面的谓语动词用单数形式 。 没有人想要那个房间。 No one wants that room. But thats impossible. That pron. 指代没有人在家的这件事 impossible adj. 不可能 Carol and Tom invited us to lunch. invite sb to 邀请某人参加,去(to是介词 ) 我想邀请你参加我的生日晚会。 Id like to invite you to my birthday party. 我可以邀请你到我家里来作客吗? invite sb to do 邀请某人做某事 我邀请你到我家来。 Id like to invite you to come to my house. Look through the window. through prep. 穿过 穿过森林。 go through the forest Can you see anything? Anything用在疑问句和否定句当中,谓语用单 数形式。 你有没有什么吃的? Do you have anything to eat? 她对烹饪一窍不通。 She doesnt know anything about cooking. Nothing at all. Nothing是不定代词,作主语时,后面的谓语 用单数形式。 没有什么可以喝的。 There is nothing to drink. 对此她什么都不了解。 She knew nothing about it. at all 根本, 一点也(不)(用在否定句当 中) 我根本不喜欢他。 I dont like him at all. 她一点钱也没有。 She has no money at all. Lets try the back door. Look! Everyones in the garden. Everybody wants to have lunch in the garden. try 试一下 Try it again 再试一下 Everyone,everybody 不定代词每个人(大家),作主语,谓语用单 数形式。 所有人都必须参加这个会议。 Everyone must attend the meeting. Its nice and worm out here. Come and have something to drink. 每个人到的都挺早的。 Everybody arrived nice and early. come and do 过来做 来看看我们的新车。 Come and see our new car. have something to drink 喝点什么东西 Thanks, Carol. May I have a glass of beer please? Theres none left. You can have some lemonade. May I? 我能? 我可以看一下你的书吗? May I have a look at your book? 我可以问你一个问题吗? May I ask you a question? none 表示“没有任何东西”,是代词。 theres none 表示“什么也没有” left 是过去分词,表示“剩下的”,修饰none. 12. May I have a glass of beer please? May I?= Could I? 语气比can I?委婉 13. Theres none left. leaveleftleft 句中的left是leave的过去分词,表示“剩下的、没用 完的”,它还常位于不定代词之后,出现在there is/are结构中。 There is nothing left in the refrigerator. none=no beer=not any beer Dont believer her, Jim. Shes only joking. Have some beer! Dont 不要(祈使句否定形式) 别关门 Dont close the door! joke v. 开玩笑 sb is only joking. 某人只是在开玩笑。 14. You can have some lemonade. 15. Shes only joking. 16. Dont believe him. juice 果汁 soft drink 不含酒精的饮料 beer 啤酒 whisky 威士忌 wine 葡萄酒 believe sb. 相信某人 believe sth. 相信某事 believe in sb.=trust sb. 信任某人否定祈使句 Lesson 116 Every, no, any and some asleepadj. 睡觉,睡着(用作表语) glasses n. 眼镜 every 每一个 everyone 每一个人 everybody 每一个人(多用于口语中) everything 每件事情 everywhere 到处,每个地方 2021/2/14 none 没有 no one 没有人 nobody 没有人 nothing 没什么事情 nowhere 不在任何地方 2021/2/14 any 任何 anyone 任何人 anybody 任何人 anything 任何事情 anywhere 任何地方 any-用于疑问句与否定句中 2021/2/14 some 一些 someone 某人 somebody 某人 something 某件事情 somewhere 某个地方 2021/2/14 Key Grammar 重点语法 EveryNoAnySome OneEveryone No one AnyoneSomeone Thing EverythingNothingAnythingSomething Body Everybody NobodyAnybody somebody 不定代词词: 不指明代替任何特定名词词或形容词词的代词词 2021/2/14 不定代词的用法 代词:是代替名词的一种词类。大多数代词具 有名词和形容词的功能。 1.不定代词大都可以代替名词和形容词,在句中 作主语、宾语、表语和定语。 作主语 Someone is knocking at the door. Nobody is absent. Something is wrong with my watch. Everything is all right. 不定代词作主语都作单数看待,谓语动词一 般用单数 2021/2/14 作宾语 I know nothing about it. I didnt see anyone in the garden. She didnt talk to anyone at the party. She talked to nobody at the party. 作表语 He is somebody(重要人物) in the company. I am nobody(小人物,什么也不是). But I have a dream. Thats nothing. 那没什么。 2021/2/14 2 和some,any的用法一样, somebody/someone/something/somewhere 一般用于肯定句; anybody/anyone/anything用于疑问句与否定 句; nothing/nobody/no one相当于not anything/not anybody/not anyone。 2021/2/14 3 一般情况下,形容词修饰名词时,通常形 容词放在名词前面 a beautiful bird 形容词修饰不定代词时,通常形容词放在 不定代词之后。 something good, anything wrong 回忆一下enough的用法 动词不定式可以跟在不定代词之后做定语 。 something to do, nothing to eat 2021/2/14 Practice Practice 练习练习 改错 1.Are there anyone in the room? 2.Kate has else nothing. 3.He looked at me and didnt say nothing. 4.Did you meet somebody on your way home? 5.I dont have something to do. 6.No one is in the room. 2021/2/14 Homework 1. To finish the exercises after the text. 2. To practise the structures learned during the class. 2021/2/14


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