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    Lesson 137 A pleasant dream 词汇讲解 football n. 足球 pool n. 赌注 win (won, won) v. 赢 world n. 世界 poor adj. 贫穷的 depend v. 依靠(on) pool 1) n. 赌注,总赌款 足球赛的赌注 football pool 3) n. 游泳池 宾馆有游泳池吗? Does the hotel have a pool? win 1) v. 赢 Which team won? 哪一队赢了? 2)v. 赢得,获得 他终于获得她的爱。 He won her love at last. world n. 世界 他的梦想是环游世界。 His dream is to travel around the world. 他是世界上最优秀的网球选手。 He is the best tennis player in the world. 那消息迅速传遍了全世界。 The news spread quickly all over the world. the world 世界上的人,人类 全世界的人都在关注这次会议。 The whole world is watching the conference. poor 1)adj. 贫穷的(反义词:rich) a poor man 贫穷的人 be poor at 我们的女儿数学不好。 Our daughter is poor at maths. 3)adj. 可怜的,不幸的 那个可怜的老人 the poor old man depend 1) v. 依靠、依赖、指望 depend on sb 你不能永远依赖你的父母 You cannot depend on your parents forever. Brian Julie z listening What is Brian doing? What would Julie like to do, if she had the money? She doesnt want a mink coat, does she? Are you doing the football pools, Brain? Yes, Ive nearly finished, Julie. Im sure well win something this week. football n.足球;(美)橄榄榄球 soccer (美)足球 do the football pool 做足球赌赌注 If I win a lot of money Ill buy you a mink coat. You always say that,but we never win anything! What will you do if you win a lot of money? buy you a mink coat =buy a mink for you buy sb. sth. =buy sth. for sb. All right. If we win a lot of money well travel round the world and well stay at the best hotels. Then well return home and buy a big house in the country. Well have a beautiful garden and I dont want a mink coat! I want to see the world. world n. 世界 in the world 在世界上 worldwide 全世界范围的 travel round the world 周游世界 depend on. 依靠,依赖 He depends on his parents to live. If we spend all the money well try and win the football pools again. But if we spend all that money well be poor again. Whatll we do then? Its a pleasant dreamIts a pleasant dream, but everything depends on if!but everything depends on if! Translate the following into chinese 朱 莉:布赖恩,你正在下足球赛的赌注吗? 布赖恩:是的。我这就做完了。朱莉。 我敢肯定这星期我们会赢一点的。 朱 莉:你老是那样说,但是我们从来没赢过! 要是你赢了许多钱,你打算做什么呢? 布赖恩:要是我赢了许多钱,我给你买件貂皮大衣。 朱 莉:我不要貂皮大衣。我要去见风世面。 布赖恩:好吧。要是我们赢了很多钱,我们 就去周游世界,并且往最好的旅馆。 然后我们返回家园,在乡下买幢大 房子。 我们将有一个漂亮的花园和 朱 莉:但是如果我们把所有钱都花光了, 我们又会变穷的。那时我们怎么办呢? 布赖恩:如果我们花光了所有钱, 我们设法在足球赛赌注上再赢一次。 朱 莉:这是个美好的梦,但一切都取决于“如果”! If I get up late, I will be late for school. If I dont finish my homework, I wont go to bed. 由if引导的从句叫条件状语从句,if意为“如果” 若主句是一般将来时,从句要用一般现在时。 If you join the band, you will be famous. =You will be famous if you join the band. Grammar条件状语从句 If If the telephone rings, I the telephone rings, I will will answer it. answer it. If If you get up late, you you get up late, you will be late for schoolwill be late for school. . Look and sayLook and say If If you feel hungry, you feel hungry, youyou shouldshould eat eat something.something. If you feel tired, , youyou must have a resthave a rest. If If you are ill, you you are ill, you mustmust go to see a doctorgo to see a doctor . . If If you are riding a bike in you are riding a bike in the street, youthe street, you must must be be very careful.very careful. If I have enough money, I will travel around the world. If 条件句歌诀: 条件句,放在前, 逗号要放句中间; 条件句表可能, 从句多用现在时, 主句多用将来时. If 引导的条件状语从句 主句(一般将来时)+if从句(一般现在时) 1)If I play basketball well, I will join the school team. 2) If it is fine tomorrow,we will not stay at home. 3)If I have a holiday,I will travel all over the world . 4)If she chooses me, Ill try me best to do everything well. 5)If she becomes a star,her parents will be proud of her. 6)If I refuse to play, our teacher wont choose me. 7)如果明天我忙,我将不去看你. I _ _ _ _you _ I _ _ tomorrow. 8)如果我努力学习,我将取得好成绩. _ I _ hard, I _ _ good marks. 9)如果你喜欢它,我将把它送给你. _ you _ it, I _ _ it _ you. wont go to see if am busy If study will get If like will send to 用括号内所给词的正确形式填空 1.Im sure if he _(go) to the party, he_ (have) a great time. 2.If the rain _(stop) tonight, we will go to the cinema. 3.Ill buy a computer if I _(have) enough money. 4.You _(not get) nervous if you _(do ) enough exercise. 5.If she _ (be) kind to me , I _(not argue) with her. 6.I want to know if he _(come) tomorrow, if he _(come), I _(give) the massage to him. 7.If you _(pay) more attention to that, he _ (not get) injured. goes will have stops have wont getdo is wont argue comes comes will give pay wont get 8.Well be punished if we _(break) the rules. 9. If it _ (be) cloudy, they _(not go) there by air. 10. Please let us know if he _(arrive) tomorrow. Please let us know if he _ (arrive) tomorrow. 11.Shall I say “Hello” when the foreigner _(come) into the classroom? 12 .Hell get better grades if he _ (study hard) 13. if you work really hard, you _ (be famous and rich). break is wont go will arrive arrives 请告诉我们他明天是否会来。 如果他明天来的话请告诉我们。 comes studies harder will be famous and rich. Complete the sentences using your own ideas. If I get up late tomorrow,_. If I dont finish my homework,_. If I eat too much lunch,_. If I dont get enough exercise,_. If I am a good cook,_. If I watch too much TV,_. If I dont help others,_. What have learnt today you Summary


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