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    Lesson 55 The sawyer family 索耶一家人,live v. 住,生活 stay v. 呆在,停留 home n. 家;adv. 在家,到家 housework n. 家务 lunch n. 午饭 afternoon n. 下午,usually adv. 通常 together adv. 一起 evening n. 晚上 arrive v. 到达 night n. 夜间,live v. 住,生活(是指长久的居住,住在自己家中),stay v. 呆在,停留(是指临时,短时间的居所),你住在哪里? eg: where do you live ? live in .住在 后接国家名称或城市名称(接大地点) 我住在北京。 eg: I live in Beijing. live at .住在后面接确切的地址 (接小地点) 索耶一家住在国王街87号 eg : The Sawyers live at 87 King Street.,stay in 呆在家里不出去 他们总是去公园,但是我呆在家里。 eg: They always go to the park but I stay in . stay with sb和某人呆在一起。 她总是和我呆在一起。 eg: She always stays with me.,home n. 家 ;adv. 住家,到家,housework n. 家务,1) n. 家 欢迎来我家 eg: Welcome to my home . 在家 at home 呆在家 stay at home 她总是呆在家 eg: She always stays at home. adv. 住家,到家(副词前不能加介词) 回家 go home 到家 come home 她经常到家很晚。 eg: she always comes home late.,做家务 do the housework 家庭主妇 housewife,lunch n. 午饭 早餐 breakfast n. 晚饭 supper n. 吃早餐/午饭/晚饭 have breakfast/ lunch /supper afternoon n. 下午 morning /evening 早上/晚上 在早上/中午/晚上 In the morning/afternoon/ evening,usually adv. 通常,我们通常在家做我们的家庭作业。 We usually do our homework at home . 她通常在晚上打扫房间。 eg: She usually cleans her room in the evening . together adv. 一起 一起做某事 do sth together 我最好的朋友和我住在一起。 eg :My best friend and I live together. 我们有时候在一起喝咖啡。 eg :We sometimes drink coffee together.,evening n. 晚上 night n. 夜间,午以后和上床睡觉前这段时间,比night的时间要早。 arrive v. 到达 arrive in 到达(大地方) arrive at 到达(小地方) 到达法国 arrive in France 到达酒店 arrive at the hotel 到家 arrive home,night 一般指夜里 晚安 good night 在夜里 at night 一整夜 all night =the whole night He always does his homework all night.,The Sawyers live at 87 King Street.,the+姓氏+s,表示某某一家人。 the Wangs 王先生一家人,Text:,at+地址时,在具体的门牌号,在城市或者街名前要用in,In the morning, Mr. Sawyer goes to work (上班)and the children go to school.(上学) Their father takes them to school every day.,把某人带到某地,take sb to sp My mother often takes me to the park,Mrs. Sawyer stays at home(呆在家)everyday. She does the housework.(料理家务) She always eats her lunch at noon 。(在正午),In the afternoon, (在下午) she usually sees her friends 。 他总是会见他的朋友 They often drink tea together. 他们经常在一起喝茶,In the evening,(在傍晚) the children come home from school. 孩子们放学回家 They arrive home early .副词修饰动词) 他们到家很早 Mr. Sawyer comes home from work. 索耶先生下班回家. He arrives home late. (副词修饰动词) 他到家很晚,At night, (晚上) the children always do their homework 孩子们总是做作业 (do ones形物代 homework) Then they go to bed. 然后去睡觉。 Mr. Sawyer usually reads his newspaper。 索耶先生总是读报纸。 可数 read a newspaper 读一张报纸 but sometimes he and his wife watch TV. 但有时和他的妻子一起看电视。,Language points 1.the Sawyers the + 姓氏+ s = the + 姓氏 + family 2.go to work school bed hospital 3.take sb to sp e home from school work 5.arrive home early late 6.read a newspaper 7.watch television TV,What dodoes+someone+(频率副词)+do+时间状语? 某人通常在某个时间做什么? 他们早晨通常做什么? What do they usually do in the morning? 他们早晨通常整理床铺。 They usually make the bed in the morning. 他/她/它早晨通常做什么? What does he/she/it usually do in the morning? 他/她/它早晨通常整理床铺. He/She/It usually makes the bed in the morning.,listen to the radio clean the blackboard go to bed wash the dishes type the letter drink some milk watch TV eat lunch read a newspaper,


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