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    新概念英语第二册 Lesson34.ppt

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    新概念英语第二册 Lesson34.ppt

    单击此处编辑母版标题样式 单击此处编辑母版副标题样式 *1 Lesson 34 Quick Work Nice to meet you! Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst. 抱最好希望,做最壞打算。 First come, first served. 先來後到。 policeman (policemen) -What does he/she do? -He/She is a Police Station -Where does he/she work? -He/She works in Whats your feeling when a policeman call you? New words and expressionsNew words and expressions station stein n.车站,站,局,駐地 railway/bus stationTV station police stationarmy station most must ad. 最;相当,非常 ,绝大多数,最多的 e.g. the most important discoveries a most interesting movie I have the most money in my class. Most of the students like computer games. most very most带有主观感情 very是客观描述 First listen and then answer the questions: 1.How long had the police taken to find his bicycle? 2.When did Dan Robinson receive the letter? 3. Did Dan Robinson go to the station? 4.Where was the bicycle picked up? 5.When was the bicycle stolen? Dan Robinson has been worried all week. Beworriedabout.担心、担忧。 And now he is not worried any more. Surprised suprising Excited wxciting Amazed amazing Confused confusing Shocked shocking all day and all night日日夜夜 TEXT 单击此处编辑母版标题样式 单击此处编辑母版副标题样式 *9 Last Tuesday he received a letter from the local police. accept&receive? 他已经接受了我们的邀请。 Hehasacceptedourinvitation. 我没有收到你的传真。 Ididntreceiveyourfax. accept:强调主动地或自愿地接受,或者说,经过考虑后同意接受 。 receive:着重仅仅接到或收到这一结论或事实,而不含采取主动或 积极行动的意思。 alocalnewspaperlocaltimelocalcolour alocalpain局部疼痛 单击此处编辑母版标题样式 单击此处编辑母版副标题样式 *10 Intheletterhewasaskedtocallatthestation. Callat:(对某地)拜访 Hecallsateveryhouseinthestreetonceamonth. callon:探望(某人);号召 你最近去看过乔治吗? HaveyoucalledonGeorgerecently? 老板号召员工们更努力地工作。 Thebosscalledontheemployeestoworkharder. calloutto:大声叫喊 callup打电话calloff取消 单击此处编辑母版标题样式 单击此处编辑母版副标题样式 *11 Danwonderedwhyhewaswantedbythepolice, wonder= want to know wonder whether/if/who/when/where/what/why + 从句” 她想知道那个孩子在干吗。 She wondered what the child was doing. 我想知道他来不来。 I wonder whether/if he will come. why引导宾语从句,用正常的陈述语气。 Hey, Jack! Youre wanted on the phone. This is the man who is wanted by the police. Want 用于被动语态时可以表示想与某人见面,谈话,或表示通缉 ,追捕。 单击此处编辑母版标题样式 单击此处编辑母版副标题样式 *12 buthewenttothestationyesterdayand nowheisnotworriedanymore. Notanymore: 我不能再见你了。 Icantseeyouanymore.Icanseeyounomore. 我不能再等了。 Icantwaitanymore.Icanwaityounomore. 他不再是个年轻人了。 Heisnotayoungmananymore. Notanymore=nomore Notanylonger=nolonger 单击此处编辑母版标题样式 单击此处编辑母版副标题样式 *13 Atthestation,hewastoldbyasmiling policemanthathisbicyclehadbeenfound. smilingunsmiling 一只睡着的狗 asleepingdog 一张焦虑的脸 aworriedface 单击此处编辑母版标题样式 单击此处编辑母版副标题样式 *14 Fivedaysago,thepolicemantoldhim,the bicyclewaspickedupinasmallvillagefour hundredmilesaway. a)拿起,拾起: 电话铃一响,我就拿起了话筒。 Ipickedupthereceiverassoonasthephonerang. b)用车接人: 我来办公室接你。 Illpickyouupatyouroffice. c)(不经意)学到: 她是在巴黎学会法语的。 ShepickedupFrenchinParis. d)(无意地,顺便地)获得,找到: 你在哪儿买到那本书的? Wheredidyoupickupthatbook? 单击此处编辑母版标题样式 单击此处编辑母版副标题样式 *15 Itisnowbeingsenttohishomebytrain. 长江上正在修建另一座大桥。 AnotherbridgeisbeingbuiltovertheChangjiang River. 我们公司正在举行运动会。 Thesportsmeetingisbeingheldinourcompany. 现在员工正在打扫车间。 Theworkshopisbeingcleanednow. be+doing变被动语态bebeingdone 单击此处编辑母版标题样式 单击此处编辑母版副标题样式 *16 Danwasmostsurprisedwhenheheardthenews. most前面不加冠词,表示“非常”、“极其” 你心肠真好。 Thatsmostkindofyou. 他对我真是彬彬有礼。 Hewasmostpolitetome. 单击此处编辑母版标题样式 单击此处编辑母版副标题样式 *17 Hewasamusedtoo,becausehenever expectedthebicycletobefound. 大家听了关于那支狗的故事都笑起来了。 Everyonewasamusedat/bythestoryaboutthedog. 有趣的故事感到有趣的 amusingstoriesamused expectsb.todosth. expectsthtobedone JennyexpectedherhomeworktobedonebyTina. ItwasstolentwentyyearsagowhenDan wasaboyoffifteen! aboyoffifteenyearsold aboywhoisfifteenyearsold(定从) afifteen-year-oldboy Keylanguagepoints 1. use your hand: 拿起 The bicycle was picked up in a small village 400 miles away. 2. use your car: 搭便车 Ill drive to work tomorrow so I can pick you up at your house. 3. “use your head”: 学会,学成功 Where did you pick up your French? He picked up mending cars when he was working in a car factory. 4. 使好转,改进,增进 Sue was able to pick up her health under the help of the doctor. The train is slowly picking up speed. pick sth. up 1. call at 2. call on He was asked to call at the police station. George is calling on me tonight. (Less formal) 3. call out: shout 4. call up: telephone People on the bank called out to the man, but he didnt hear them. Mr. Green will call you up tomorrow morning. 5. call off: cancel It began to rain so we called off the match. The couple decided to call off their reservation. -Call- to visit wonder 想知道 I wonder why. I was wondering if I was wondering if you can have dinner with me. -What are you doing? -Im just wondering. Translation 1. 我想去拜访一下当地的居民。(call on) 2. 老板不能来,请取消会议。(call off) 3. 我想问一下我可以抽烟吗?(was wondering) 4. 我再也不吃猪肉了。(notany more) Dan Robinson has been worried all week. Last Tuesday he received a letter from the local police. In the letter he was asked to call at the station. Dan wondered why he was wanted by the police, but he went to the station yesterday and now he is not worried any more. At the station, he was told by a smiling policeman that his bicycle had been found. Five days ago, the policeman told him, the bicycle was picked up in a small village four hundred miles away. It is now being sent to his home by train. Dan was most surprised when he heard the news. He was amused too, because he never expected the bicycle to be found. It was stolen twenty years ago when Dan was a boy of fifteen ! Language pointsLanguage points Exercise 用恰当的词填空 : 1 I called_ you five times yesterday. Were you out? 2 Its too late to go to the meeting. Why dont we call the whole thing _? 3 We called _to him but he could not hear us. 4 I called _ the post office on my way to work. 5 Please call me _ tonight. This is my number. 6 Lets call _ a doctor for the baby. call on/upon 拜访(某人) ,号召 call (sb) up 给某人打电话 call off 取消 call out(to) (向)大声喊 call at 拜访(某地) call in 召集, 邀請 on off out at up in 【Special Special difficultiesdifficulties】难难难难 点点 被动语态 在主动句中,主语是动作的实施者。被动句中,主语则 是动作的承受者。 be+过去分词 不同时态的被动语态 1.一般过去时was/were+过去分词 Intheletterhewas askedtocallatthestation. 2.现在完成时has/have been +过过去分词词 Ihave been toldtogotoyourbirthdayparty. 3.过去完成时hadbeen+过去分词 Thebicyclehad been foundfivedaysago. 练习题讲解 练习册讲解 rob 与 steal 的用法区别别 1.从意思上看:rob指公开地“抢”、“夺”(通常使用 暴力);而steal则指在人们不防备或不在场的情 况下悄悄地“偷”。 2.从结构上看,两句所使用的句型完全不同: rob被抢的人或地方of被抢的东西 steal被偷走的东西from某人或某地 Theyrobbedthebankofalotofmoney.他们从银 行抢了很多钱。 Theystolealotofmoneyfromthebank.他们从银 行偷了很多钱。 Theirshipwasrobbed.他们船上的东西都被抢走 了。 Theirshipwasstolen.他们的船被偷走了。 第七部分 家庭作业(2分钟) 1.听光碟30分钟 2.抄写L34课单词五次造句并默写 3.背L34课课文 4.写L34课练习册习题 5.预习L35课 6.摘要写作 所有作业家长签字。 被动时态变化规则以及call词组抄写两次,下次听写 call on/upon 拜访(某人) ,号召 call (sb) up 给某人打电话 call off 取消 call out(to) (向)大声喊 call at 拜访(某地) call in 召集, 邀請 【Special Special difficultiesdifficulties】难难难难 点点 各种时态的被动语态构成 一般现在时: 一般过去时: 一般将来时: 情态动词: 过去进行时 现在完成时: want/except to do sth=want/except sth to be done S+ am/is /are + done S+can/may/must/should+be+done S+ will + be + done S+ was/were + being+ done S+ have/has + been+ done S+ was/were + done 各种时态的被动语态构成


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