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    Unit 10 Jump in!,Revision,你的棕色的小猫们,他的绿色的袜子,他的蓝色的衬衣,我的黑色的小狗们,她的黄色的袜子,你的白色的衬衣,她的灰色的书包,我的红色的书包,我的狗都是棕色的吗?不,它们是黑色的。 你的猫都是棕色的吗? 是的,它们是。 你的狗都是棕色的吗? 不,我的狗不是棕色的。它们是黑色的。 你的衬衣都是什么颜色的? 它们是纯白的。 我的书包都是灰色的。你的书包是什么颜色的? 他的铅笔都是银色的吗? 不,他们是白色的。 她的袜子是脏的吗? 她的袜子不是脏的,是干净的。 P71 看图造句。,Revision- 翻译句子,Are my dogs brown? No, they are black.,Are your cats brown? Yes, they are.,Are your dogs brown? No, my dogs arent brown. They are black.,What colour are your shirts? They are pure white.,My bags are grey? What colour are your bags?,Are his pencils silver? No, they are white.,Are her socks dirty? No, her socks arent dirty. They are clean.,P72 造句练习 (每一小组派三对分别选择 三个例句中的一句造句) 课文复习 快速回答P69问题 音标复习 DICTATION,Look at those pictures!,Claire,Robert,Lucy,Listening and Understanding,Listen to the text, and answer: Is the bus full? Whose bags are full? Is the car full?,Are the school buses all full? Whose bags are full? Is the car full?,Yes, the school buses are all full.,Lucys and Roberts bags are both full.,No, the car isnt full.,Answer the questions:,祈使句。,等一会。= Just a minute. Wait a moment.,Jump in! Hurry up!,Listening and Understanding 课文注释,表示沮丧或遗憾。,Heres the bus.,Here开头的句子,主语是名词需要倒装。,Wait a minute!,Oh, no! Oh, dear!,Our school buses are all full. my, your, his, her, our, your, their,our 我们的, 形容词性物主代词,buses,名词单数变复数规则变形: 1. 直接在词尾加 s, dogs, cats, books 2. 在以s, x, sh, ch结尾的单词后加 es, boxes 3. 以-f或-fe结尾的单词,改-f或-fe为v,再加-es leaf-leaves thief-thieves knife-knives 4. 以辅音字母+y结尾的名词,改y为i,加-es party-parties family-families city-cities 5. 以o结尾的名词,是生物加-es, 非生物加-s tomato-tomatoes potato-potatoes piano-pianos photo-photos,实战练习:,city- country- book-,pencil- knife- photo-,photo- tomato- wolf-,radio- leaf- dog-,party- box- table-,family- toy- piano-,My bag is full of books, too. Gee, they are heavy! Theyre full of books, and the buses are full of people.,be full of 被填满 表语形容词+介词,固定搭配,Gee表示吃惊的感叹词; are要重读。,不规则变化的复数形式。 person的复数通常是people。,别担心!=“please dont worry about it”.,Never mind!,Listen to the text again and repeat. Answer the questions on Page 77 一般疑问句:Is + 主语 ? 特殊疑问句:What/Whose/Which ? Read the text by yourself.,My _ is _.,Pattern Practice,My _ isnt _.,bag,full,bag,empty,My _ _ old. _ _ _ _.,Camera is,My camera isnt new,Pattern Practice,her,his,my,your,your,his,_ is _. _ isnt _.,My _ is _. My _ isnt _.,my your his her our your their,即兴造句。,Revision:,My _ is _.,Pattern Practice,My _ isnt _.,bag,full,bag,empty,Our _ _ empty. _ _ _ _.,bags are,Our bags arent full,Your _ is _.,Pattern Practice,Your _ isnt _.,camera,old,camera,new,Your _ _ new. _ _ _ _.,cameras are,Your cameras arent old,His _ is _.,Pattern Practice,His _ isnt _.,teacher,young,teacher,old,Their _ _ old. _ _ _ _.,teachers are,Their teachers arent young,Her _ is _.,Pattern Practice,Her _ isnt _.,car,clean,car,dirty,Their _ _ dirty. _ _ _ _.,cars are,Their cars arent clean,Revision: Pattern Practice,My/Your/His/Her _ is _. My/Your/His/Her _ isnt _. Your/Their _ are _. Your/Their _ arent _. P79即兴造句。,单数名词,单数名词,复数名词,复数名词,Pattern Practice,Is your bag full? Yes, it is.,Are your bags full? No, they arent.,Your bag full.,is,Your bags full.,are,Fill in the blanks,_? Yes, it is. _? No, it isnt. (your),_? Yes, they are. _? No, they arent. (your),Are your cameras new,Is your camera old,Is your camera new,Are your cameras old,Fill in the blanks,_? Yes, she is. _? No, she isnt. (his),_? Yes, they are. _? No, they arent. (their),Are their teachers old,Is his teacher young,Is his teacher old,Are they young,Fill in the blanks,_? Yes, it is. _? No, it isnt. (her),_? Yes, they are. _? No, they arent. (their),Are their cars dirty,Is her car clean,Is her car dirty,Are they clean,3. Is your/his/her _ _? Yes, it is. No, it isnt. 4. Are your/their _ _? Yes, they are. No, they arent.,复习句型:P 79 看图造句,P71 Pattern Practice,P80 书面练习: a. 1, 4 b. 2, 3 及练习2和3.,Review Class 1 & 2. 学习国际音标 P73 听力练习。 填字游戏和选择填空。 随堂练习。,Pronunciation,/ thing three thirteen thirty thirsty thanks / / there they this these then father,Listen 相同还是不同?,others - Athens both - bother bathe - bather bath - bathe the - them with - without than - thank you thin - within,this - that think - thought though - throw three - thee those - these brother - mother father - feather south - southern weather - wither,


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