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    新职业英语 视听说1 Unit 6.ppt

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    新职业英语 视听说1 Unit 6.ppt

    Unit 6 Transportation,Outline,Listening,Speaking,Watching,Fun Time 1,1,2,1,2,1,2,Supplementary Material,Further Watching 1,Further Listening,5,Fun Time 2,2,3,4,Teaching Plan,In Class Period 1: Listening 1Watching 1Speaking 1 (Task 1) Period 2: Listening 2 (Task 1)Speaking 2 (Task 1) Period 3: Speaking 1 (Task 2)Listening 2 (Task 2) Period 4: Watching 2Speaking 2 (Task 2) After Class Unit File + Project + Supplementary Listening,Learning Focus,Knowledge: To know the basic procedures of shipment To know about the insurance of goods Skills: To be able to describe the damages of goods To deal with disputes in goods transportations,Listening 1-Task 1,1. Warming-up,Discuss with your partner and list as many means of transportation as you can.,bus train ship plane Other means of transportation: car motorcycle bicycle taxi truck,New Words you have nooption. 你必须做这件事,你没有选择的余地。 3. seasonal a. 季节性的 As you see, the goods we ordered areseasonalgoods. 你知道,我们定的这批货物是季节性的。 4. scarce a. 不足的;缺乏的;难得的 Food and fuel werescarcein this region. 这地区食物和燃料都很缺乏。,Listening 1-Task 1,5. vessel n. 船;容器 They overloaded thevessel. 他们使那条船超载。 6. airfreight n. 货物空运 AirfreightDepartment 空运部 7. retail n. 零售 Theretailprice of the dress is 60 dollars. 这衣服的零售价是60元。 8. tranship v. 将(货物)转载他船或列车;换船 I want to have goods transhipped from Shantou to Osaka via Hong Kong. 我想要把货物从汕头经香港转运到大坂。,Listening 1-Task 1,New Words Student B should try to decline the request. You may use the hints below.,* based on market analysis * dont want to miss the best season * a 10% increase in sales,* set in the contract * not much shipping space * a 5% increase in shipment fees * transhipment,Student A,Student B,Speaking 1-IV,Sample: A: Hello, Ben. I am calling to ask if you can bring the time of shipment forward. B: Oh? I think there might be a problem with that. It has already been fixed in the contract. A: Yes, I know. But based on our market analysis, if the goods can arrive a month earlier, we might have a 10% increase in sales. B: You know, at this time of year, there is not much shipping space available. A: I understand that, but can you make a try? We really dont want to miss the best season. B: In that case, well have to use another shipping company. There will be a 5% increase in shipping fees. A: Is there any other way? B: How about transshipping the goods via Hong Kong? A: OK. I think that would be the best way. Thanks, Ben! B: You are welcome!,Further Watching 2,Watch the clip from the film “Cast Away” and discuss with your partners: What is the characteristics of Chuck ? What do you think of FedEx?,He is extremely passionate about his work and emphasizes the importance of punctuality.,FedEx is a professional logistics company specializing in express business. The companys emphasis on punctuality is well reflected in the ad.,Further Watching 3,Watch the advertisement of “FedEx” and discuss with your partners: What feature of FedEx is emphasized here?,Despite the fact that FedEx didnt exist, the “boss” points out that the reason why the package didnt make it was that he man failed to use FedEx to deliver the package. Therefore, the security of the consigned package is emphasized here.,Further Watching 4,Watch the advertisement of “Hainan Airline” and discuss with your partners: What are the selling points of its service?,The selling points of its service lie in its being punctual, convenient, thoughtful, comfortable and tender.,Listening 2-Task 1,1. Warming-up,Match the following logos of insurance companies with their full names.,Ping An of China,The Peoples Insurance Company (Group) of China,American International Assurance Co., Ltd.,China Pacific Life Insurance Co., Ltd.,1. insure v. 给保险;投保 Do you wish toinsureit? 您希望给它投保吗? 2. premium n. 保险费 Your firstpremiumis now due.你的第一期保险费现已到期。 3. consignee n. 收货人;收件人;受托人 Consignee means the person entitled to take delivery of the goods. “收货人”是指有权提取货物的人。 4. certificate of insurance 保险证明单 written contract orcertificateofinsurance 书面合同或保险证书,Listening 2-Task 1,New Words & Expressions,5. export declaration 出口申报单 import andexportdeclaration进口/出口报关单 6. covering note 保险证明 Zander was given acoveringnotefrom Bormann. 山德尔从鲍曼那得到了一封保险证明。,Listening 2-Task 1,New Words & Expressions,Listening 2-Task 1,2. Extensive Listening,Alice is asking Bill about the insurance issues. Listen to the conversation and decide whether the following statements are true or false. Then write down the key words to support your answers. 1. According to the conversation, the insurance company is usually chosen by the importer. 2. Once you receive the covering note, your goods are protected against loss or damage.,False “You mean the freight forwarder chooses the insurance company.”,True That secures the goods until the actual policy is written.,Script,Listening 2-Task 1,3. Intensive Listening,Listen to the conversation again and put the following steps of making insurance in the right order. 1. As soon as the insurance company gets the export declaration, they write a policy fixing the terms and the premium. 2. The freight forwarder prepares all the documents needed for shipping, including the certificate of insurance. 3. The insurance company issues a receipt for the premium called a covering note. 4. As soon as the order is ready, our company issues an order to our freight forwarder.,4 2 1 3,Script,Listening 2-Task 1,4. Language Summary,employee interviewee trainee,Listening 2-Task 2,1. Warming-up,Describe the meaning of the following shipping labels in your own words.,1. please do not freeze or store at low temperatures,2. please keep away from heat,3. do not use a knife to open,4. fragile, please handle with care,1. track v. 追踪;跟踪 trackdown a criminal 追踪罪犯 2. delivery n. 运载;传送;交付 The price will be paid ondelivery. 货到付款。 3. unload v. 卸货 You can have a rest after youunloadthe car. 你们卸下车上的货物后可以休息一下。 4. warehouse n. 仓库;货栈 Thewarehouseis guarded. 库房有人看守。,Listening 2-Task 2,New Words & Expressions,Listening 2-Task 2,2. Extensive Listening,Bill is calling Jack about shipment tracking. Listen to the conversation and decide whether the following statements are true or false. Then write down the key words to support your answers. 1. Bill calls Jack to inform him that the whole delivering process of the goods has finished. 2. It can be inferred from the conversation that Jack cant take the delivery after 4 p.m.,False The goods have arrived at the port, not the warehouse.,False Jack said, “Well have to, I cant afford to lose that much time.”,Script,Listening 2-Task 2,3. Intensive Listening,Listen to the conversation again and tick () the correct answer to each question. 1. When will the goods arrive at Jacks warehouse? A. On Thursday afternoon. B. On Friday afternoon. C. On next Monday. 2. When will Jacks company take delivery? A. From 4 a.m. to 9 p.m. B. From 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. C. Anytime. 3. Which of the following is NOT among the preparations that Jack has to make for taking the delivery? A. Calling the warehouse manager. B. Making sure that there are enough people for unloading. C. Getting the trucks to transport the goods.,Script,Listening 2-Task 2,4. Language Summary,Read aloud the following sentences about tracking the shipment. 1. The goods have arrived at your port and will be unloaded this afternoon. 2. When can you take delivery? 3. If the trucks arrive later than 4 p.m., can you unload the goods? 4. Ill make the delivery as early as I can. 5. I need to make sure there are enough people to unload and check the goods.,Further Listening,1.Howlongdoesitusuallytakeyouto ?2.Asarule,wedeliverallourorders afterreceiptofthecoveringL/C. 3.Couldyoupossibly furthermore?4.Ihopethatthegoodscanbeshipped afteryougetourL/C. 5.ShipmentshouldbemadebeforeOctober, otherwisewearenotableto .6.The wecanmakeisearlyMarch.7.Imsorry, wecant .,makeadelivery,withinthreemonths,advanceshipment,promptly,catchtheseason,earliestshipment,advancethetimeofshipment,Watching 2-Task 1,1. Warming-up,Put the following words into the right categories and try to brainstorm some other reasons that might cause goods damage during the transportation.,People: collision rough handling war squeezing stealing Natural force: dampness rain earthquake tornado,1. consignment n. 装运的货物 Theyre concerned with the dispatch and receipt ofconsignment.他们关心的是发货和接货。 2. carton n. 纸板盒(箱) We packed the books in a largecarton. 我们把书装进一个大纸板箱中。 3. estimate v. 估计;估价 Youestimatehis intellect too highly. 你太高估他的智力了。 4. replacement n. 代替;替换 regularreplacementof tires 轮胎的定期更换,Watching 2-Task 1,New Words & Expressions,5. partially ad. 部分地 He ispartiallyresponsible for the accident. 他对该事故负有部分责任。 6. compensation n. 赔偿;赔偿金;补偿物 an adequatecompensation 足够的补偿 7. make profit 赢利,获得利润 But the point is that most companiesmakeprofit. 但问题是大多数公司都赚钱。,Watching 2-Task 1,New Words & Expressions,Watching 2-Task 1,2. Extensive Watching,Jack is calling Bill about goods damage. Watch the video clip and decide whether the following statements are true or false. Then write down the key words to support your answers. 1. The damage is probably caused by rough handling when the goods are unloaded. 2. The speakers finally have an agreement on the compensation issue.,False Jack says, “I can assure you all the goods were unloaded properly.”,False Jack says, “I think I need to talk with Mr. Anderson about the issue of compensation.”,Script,Watching 2-Task 1,3. Intensive Watching,Watch the video clip again and answer the following questions.,1. What is the problem with the goods? 2. What is Jacks requirement for packing? 3. How many goods are damaged according to Jacks estimation? 4. Whats Jacks request for the compensation of the damage? 5. How will Jack deal with the problem?,Jack will talk to Mr. Anderson about the issue of compensation.,Quite a lot of the items were damaged.,To wrap each item individually and pack no more than 10 items together.,About 10% of the goods are damaged.,He wants either the items replaced or a 10% reduction in price.,Script,Watching 2-Task 1,4. Language Summary,Read aloud the following sentences talking about goods damage. 1. But the problem is quite a lot of the goods are damaged. 2. Do you have any idea about the quantity involved? 3. We estimate that about 10% of the goods are damaged. 4. We would like either replacement of the items or a 10% reduction in price.,Watching 2-Task 2,1. Warming-up,Discuss the ways people use to solve disputes and list their advantages and disadvantages. Think of some other ways if you can.,Discussion Advantages: Disadvantages: Going to the court Advantages: Disadvantages:,quick, almost no cost,difficult when both sides do not make any compromise,fair, authoritative,expensive, time-consuming, confrontation, embarrassment,1. dispute n. 争端;争执;争辩 After a longdispute, he at last made a concession to me. 经过长时间的争论,他终于对我让步。 2. compensate v. 赔偿;补偿 Nothing cancompensateher for the loss of her husband.任何东西都无法补偿她失去丈夫。 3. apparently ad. 显然地;表面上地 Apparentlyhe could see nothing from there. 显然他从那里什么也没看见。 4. minimize v. 使减少(或缩小)到最低限度 The best way to handle defeat is tominimizeit. 对于失败,最好的处理办法就是把它的影响尽量减小。,Watching 2-Task 2,New Words & Expressions,5. commitment n. 承诺;约定 I felt I did not have to make such acommitmentto them. 我觉得我没有必要对他们作出那样的承诺。 6. partnership n. 合作关系;伙伴关系 They dissolvedpartnership. 他们散伙了。 7. take a hit 接受损失 Investor confidence wouldtakeahit. 投资者的信心也将会遭受重重一击。,Watching 2-Task 2,New Words & Expressions,Watching 2-Task 2,2. Extensive Watching,Jack is meeting Bruce about a dispute. Watch the video clip and tick () those that are covered in their talk.,Script,Watching 2-Task 2,3. Intensive Watching,Watch the video clip again and tick () the correct answer to each question. 1. What is improper with the packing? A. Wooden cases should be used instead of cardboard cases. B. More than 10 pieces were packed together. C. New cases should be used for the packing. 2. According to Bruce, who should be blamed for the improper packing? A. The buyer. B. The seller. C. The forwarder.,Script,Watching 2-Task 2,3. Intensive Watching,3. What is the solution agreed on by both sides for the dispute? A. A replacement of the damaged goods. B. A 10% reduction in price. C. A compensation fee equal to the value of the damaged goods. 4. Why does Bruce make the compromise? A. Because he wants to do more business with Jack in the future. B. Because he is partially responsible for the damage of the goods. C. Because he can get compensation from the shipping company.,Script,Watching 2-Task 2,4. Language Summary,Read aloud the following sentences about complaining and making apologies. 1. I think your company should compensate. 2. I apologize for the damages. 3. So we are supposed to take the hit for their mistake.? 4. We will do what we can to minimize your losses.,Watch the video clip and answer the questions. What is shipment optimizer? What advantage will it bring to the users?,Shipment optimizer is an automated decision tool that can automatically approve shipments based on rules you set and automatically stop a shipment that doesnt meet your business rules.,It can increase your supply chain performance.,Further Watching 5,Speaking 2,Whats your supply position right now?,1. Work in pairs. Complete the description of the process of insuring shipment orally. You may use the chart below as a hint.,1. freight forwarder,2. all the documents,3. the terms and the premium,4. covering note,5. the actual policy is written,Speaking 2,2. Work in pairs. The following are some steps for tracking your mails or parcels online. Put the steps into the right order and retell the process to your partner in your own words.,4 6 2 1 5 3 7,Speaking 2,3. Work in pairs. Complete and practice the conversation according to the given information.,we have to delay the shipment of goods.,the shipment time is set in the contract, we need the goods for the coming Christmas season.,we cant effect shipment on time because we found there are some quality problems with the goods.,we have to accept the delay. But the late delivery might cost us a 10% loss in profit.,Speaking 2,4. Work in pairs. You are going to have a negotiation about the goods damage with your business partner. Try to hold your position and make the other side to compromise.,Speaking 2-IV,Sample: A: The delivery of goods has been delayed for a week, and about 40% of the goods have been damaged. We would like an explanation for that. B: We are sorry. The delay was due to a heavy storm, which was out of our control. A: The goods were not properly packed. Thats the reason for the serious damage. B: I can assure you that the goods were properly packed. The storm was too strong. We are really sorry for that. A: In that case, we need compensation, either replacement


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