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    Step By Step 3000 Book 2,Requirements of the course Make preparations before class Finish the homework on time Do more after-class practice,Course Assessment Attendance 10% Participation 10% Homework 10% Final examination 70%,Unit 1 Happy Family Life,Family Members Great grandparents Grandpartents Parents/uncle/aunt Daughter/son/niece/nephew/cousin/brother/sister/siblings Grandchildren Great grandchildren,Additional Words:,Step-parents/ natural parents/ adopted child /foster parents /daughter-in-law/etc.,Part I Warming up Section A Do you know the ages of your family members? Can you briefly introduce to us?,Check the keys: 87 80 53 48 X X 24 17,Section B,What is a happy family? How can we establish and keep a happy family? What is important for a family, love or responsibility?,Check the keys: 1. dates; spending special time together 2. specific; complain; request; praise 3. fatigue; insecurities; foxhole; striking out; protect 4. distant 5. all marriages; Work together to understand 6. Respect; danger; professional; physical; verbal 7. understand; win,Section C,Are there some domestic argument in your family? What are they arguing for? Who is the winner in your domestic argument, your Dad or your Mum? In your opinion, what is the art of domestic argument?,Check the keys: 40/excel/domestic argument/losing win-win/ lose-lose/win/ a gift/ returns argue over/ arent/ Who/ in control/ fear/ didnt need/ ought not to/ couldnt/ tried to/ destroy/ marriage love/ loved/ secure/discover/ garden/ cultivate/ the most precious/ own self/ bloom obtain/ our partner/ loved and respected/ control,Additional Information About Marriage,Marriage Anniversary(1): Paper wedding 纸婚、布婚(结婚一周年) Calico wedding 棉布婚(结婚两周年) Straw wedding 稻草婚(结婚两周年) Cotton wedding 棉婚(结婚两周年) Muslin wedding 羊皮婚(结婚三周年) Leather wedding 皮革婚(结婚三周年) Silk wedding 丝婚(结婚四周年) Wood wedding 木婚(结婚五周年) Iron wedding 铁婚(结婚六周年) Copper wedding 铜婚(结婚七周年),Marriage Anniversary(2): Woolen wedding 毛婚(结婚七周年) Electric appliance wedding 电器婚(结婚八周年) Pottery wedding 陶器婚(结婚九周年) Tin wedding 锡婚(结婚十周年) Steel wedding 钢婚(结婚十一周年) Linen wedding 麻纱婚(结婚十二周年) Lace wedding 花边婚(结婚十三周年) Ivory wedding 象牙婚(结婚十四周年) Crystal wedding 水晶婚(结婚十五周年) china wedding 搪瓷婚(结婚二十周年),Marriage Anniversary(3): Silver wedding 银婚(结婚二十五周年) Pearl wedding 珍珠婚(结婚三十周年) Coral wedding 珊瑚婚(结婚三十五周年) Jade wedding 碧玉婚(结婚三十五周年) Ruby wedding 红宝石婚(结婚四十周年) Sapphire wedding 蓝宝石婚(结婚四十五周年) Golden wedding 金婚(结婚五十周年) Emerald wedding 翠玉婚(结婚五十五周年) Diamond wedding 钻石婚(结婚六十-七十五周年),Part II All you need is love?,Section A 1. What qualities will you consider if you are going to find a mate? 2. In what way have you imagined to meet your “Mr. or Mrs. Right”?,Check the keys: A2: 1. Having similar social background. 2. Having the same race or same ethnic background. 3. Having the same religion. A3: 1. For instance, only 9.2 percent of Japanese marriages are now arranged. 2. In the U.S., where there are many different races, only 3percent of all marriages are between blacks and whites.,Section B What do you think it is that attracts people to each other, that makes people want to be together?,Check the Keys: 1. physical appearance that attracts 2. what somebody looks like; look beyond the physical appearance 3. the high percentage of divorces 4. falling in love with somebody; loving somebody.,A. What do you think it is that attracts people to each other, that makes people want to be together? B: I think that perhaps unfortunately in the initial stages its the physical appearance that attracts. I think unless you find somebody attractive, unless theres something about them -it could only perhaps be the way they smile or they laugh, or a twinkle in their eye, or the way a curl falls over their forehead. But something like that has to make you interested enough to find out more about that person, unless thats there I think you just dont bother. So initially physical attraction I think is all-important. A: Why do you say unfortunately? B: Because in fact it shouldnt be what somebody looks like that is important. You should be able to look beyond the physical appearance and see what sort of a person he or she is, whether theyre selfish or selfless, whether :theyre kind, caring. But I think initially youre not bothered with that. That comes perhaps later. A: In pop songs and magazines and newspapers and so on, the idea of falling in love is always emphasized, so people have this idea that you have to fall in love. Do you think this is misleading for people? Do you think people expect something that in fact doesnt exist?,B: Yes I do, in fact I think we can probably lay the blame for the high percentage of divorces - its a third I think now, isnt it? I think one in three people get divorced. Probably as far as I can see it, the reason is that they go into marriage or a relationship with a very romantic view of love which I think has been created by the pop songs, by all the love stories, by the Barbara Cartland novels, etc., that young people read. Really, you meet someone, you fall in love, and thats it, its the beginning, they live happily ever after. And I think thats the problem, because people just expect that, and its not like that. A. So what is it, do you think, that really sustains a relationship, that keeps a relationship going? B: Well, I think you have to differentiate between falling in love with somebody, which I see as more superficial, and loving somebody, which I see as a deeper emotion and one that perhaps lasts. Falling in love is superficial attraction, being attracted to somebody physically, having fun together, whereas loving somebody I think is an emotion that grows, it comes with shared experiences, perhaps enjoying doing the same things together, shared hobbies, shared interests, suffering together as well, going through the bad times, helping each other, supporting each other. I think all that needs time to grow, and Id call that love, and I think thats what makes a relationship last.,Can you describe your “just-right” wives?,C: one of the biggest decisions they make in life as the “just-right” wife for him definition of what the “just-right” wife is the millionaire man and the poor man her physical qualities different words by her physical qualities by her athletic qualities in two different atmospheres also have their definitions of the “ just- right” wife the German mans definition is different from the Spanish mans.,I-Inject -投入 L-Loyal-忠诚 O-Observant -用心 V-Valiant -勇敢 E-Enjoyment -喜悦 Y-Yes - -愿意 O-Obligation -责任 U-Unison - -和谐 所以爱,就是投入、忠诚、用心、勇敢、喜悦、愿意、责任,还有和谐,Part III First Meetings,Vocabulary: baseball diamond 棒球场 frizzly frizi adj.卷曲的 yearbook j,bk n.年鉴;年报;年刊 platonic pltnik adj.柏拉图的, 柏拉图哲学的;(男女关系)精神上的, 纯友谊的, 柏拉图式的 hit it off 投缘,一见如故 chap tp n.小伙子, 小家伙; 家伙 vt. frizzy hair/ glasses/ funny/ monologue Kerry: a wine bar; pizza Coralyn : a fancy-dress party; the man dressed as Cheshire Cat Jill: outside a cinema; coincidence/ hed also missed the film Carole: a boat/ the river bank; fell in river/ he dived in and rescued her,Ka:I was on my way home from junior high and in order to get to my house you have to walk by this baseball diamond. And there was a game of baseball going on and it looked kind of interesting, so I stopped. There werent very many people watching. And there was this guy and he wasnt really very good-looking, but he had frizzly hair and glasses and he was really funny. He did this kind of monologue thing, which was great. And I went home and I told my mother I was going to marry him after talking to him for half an hour. And when I got to high school, he was president of the student body and he asked me out and weve got our picture in the yearbook together holding hands, and its really nice.,Ke:Well, Id arranged to have a drink with a. friend of mine aa woman friend of mine whos a platonic friend of mine. And she.insisted on bringing this friend of hers whichwho she aid Id like to meet and. I thought she was trying to fix us up and I said, “Please dont!” Umbut she did bring this friend. Umand we hit it off. And .after the wine bar we went to to have a pizza and we all got .had a few more drinks and.the other woman who.ended up ordering a pizza that had a bunch of stuff on it that I really like and she .I ordered a pizza that had a bunch of stuff on it that she really liked, so we picked at each others pizzas all night and we realized that we weresort of had an ideal relationship, so that we could order really any pizza on the menu and wed both be happy. And .anyway we ended up living together and still are.,Coralyn: Umwe met at a party and it was a fancy-dress party. A friend of mines twenty-first and it was quite big and I went dressed as Alice in Wonderland and this person, this guy that. I married was dressed as the Cheshire cat. And it just seemed so amazing that, you know, we were both from the same thing and we started chatting and ended up being together.,Jill: Well, .Id arranged to go to the cinema with a group of friends and .unfortunately I missed the train that would have got me to the cinema on time, so all my friends has gone in and I was left standing outsidethe film had started. So I wasnt allowed in. And. There was a chap outside, hed also missed the film and we started to talk and we talked quite a bit and he said,“Lets go down the road and see that film, because that one hasnt started at the Odeon.” So we went down there and well, weve been going out ever since!,Carole: I I first met my partner. When he was on a boat and I was on the river bank, standing and looking generally into the distance and he was coming in to land with boat and he threw me a rope and said,” Would you mind catching this?” And I caught and missed and tripped over it and fell in the river and he had to dive in and rescue me. And that was it!,PartIV;A Valentine Story,QUESTION Can you accept a blind date?,Valentine,1月14日 Diary Day 日记情人节 2月14日 Valentines Day 传统情人节 3月14日 White Day 白色情人节 4月14日 Black Day 黑色情人节 5月14日 Yellow 丰满的 thrust rst vt. 赞颂 n.致敬, 欢迎, 敬礼,Listen to the tape and finish EXX,An ending?,KEYS: Book; choked; disappointment; take you to dinner; tolerant smile; went by; rose; big restaurant; test; understand and admire,Assignments: 1.Finish the rest part of this unit. 2.Prepare the dictation of unit 1. 3.Preview unit 2.,


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