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    八 年级(上)英语学科导学案Module 5 Lao She Teahouse第一课时 (词汇和语法)学习目标: 1.准确认读P139 Module 5的生词和词组.( actress magic )2.掌握重点词组; in the end no idea head teacher3.重点句型:1).I wanted to see the Beijing Opera. 2).It describes the changes in Chinese society.4.语法:1)复习动词的一般现在时,一般过去时2)学习动词不定式作宾语的用法。学习过程:明确目标2分-自主学习10分-合作探究10分-展示汇报15分-巩固测评8分教学环节: 一.复习回顾,导入新课,明确目标(2分) 观察下面句子,想一想已经学过的动词的时态:(1) He lives the farthest from school. (2) I took the bus to school yesterday. 这两个句子中,第一句表示经常性、习惯性的动作, 用_(时态); 第二句表示在过去某个时间发生的动作,用_(时态); 二、自主学习(借助导学案)(10分)1.个人自学:自行拼读P139 Module 5 的生词、词组,在不会读或有疑惑的词前做标记。2.个人自学:用下列词组各造一个句子。in the end no idea三、合作探究(10分)1 . 对子互学,每个同学把自学时出现的问题与对子交流、探导。2.小组共学:组内交流对子学习中仍不能解决的问题,组长把各自组内标记较集中的词作为重点词汇列纸上,交流造句结果,并在组长的带领下熟读新词汇,做好预展准备。3. 议一议:你觉得本模块的哪些单词或词组还可作哪些变化?1)act(v.) (n.)_(n.) 2)twenty (序数词)3)college(n.) (同义词) 4 ) named _(同义词) 拓展探究1)in the end = at last 最后 at the end of +时间、地点或事情的末尾处。by the end of+时间。a boy named Jim = a boy called Jim 一个叫吉姆的男孩offer to do sth 提议做某事2)整十的序数词,改y为ie,再+th,例如 : twenty_ twentieth thirty _thirtieth forty fortieth fifty _ fiftieth sixty sixtieth seventy _seventieth eighty eightieth ninety_ ninetieth3) 语法:动词不定式作宾语。有些动词后接带to的动词不定式作宾语,如:want ,decide,learn, need, plan, would like,等,We decided to talk about the film we saw last night. 但是有些动词既可接动词不定式,也可接v-ing形式,有些表达的意思相同,如begin, start等,有些则不同(1)stop to do sth 停下来去做某事 stop doing sth 停止做某事 (2)forget to do sth 忘记去做某事 forget doing sth 忘记做过某事 (3)记得去做某事remember to do sth 记得做过某事 remember doing sth (4)努力做某事 try to do sth 尝试做某事try doing sth四、展示汇报 (15分)1. 班上展示Module5的词汇,以抽查一两个小组齐读或小组PK赛,并纠错、互评。 2. 以抽签的方式展示造句(每组完成一句)。五、巩固测评(8分)选词填空be write act tradition much interest end twenty name will键入文档的引述或关注点的摘要。您可将文本框放置在文档中的任何位置。可使用文本框工具选项卡更改重要引述文本框的格式。1.Lao She was a great . 2. Li lei wants a player when he grows up.3.Betty like to see the Beijing opera again.4.I hope to understand next time.5.Betty wants to see the Beijing opera.6.Chenglong is an excellent .7.Im a basketball fan. Are you in it ?8.Do you know the boy Tom ?9.I like the novel. It has a happy .10.We all were born in the century第二课时 听说课Module 5 Unit1 I wanted to see the Beijing Opera学习目标: 1. 掌握本单元所学单词(actress no idea )2. 掌握重点词组:1).want to do sth.=would like to do sth. 想做某事 2)take me there带我去那里3) plan to do sth. 计划做某事 4) hope to do sth.希望做某事5) take sb. to + 地点 带某人去某地方 6)a great writer一个伟大的作家7) be especially famous for特别以著名 8)know about知道关于9) for an hour 持续一个小时 10) for three hours 持续三个小时3 句型:1) It was difficult to understand the words. 2) How long did you stay ? 3 ) I hope to understand more next time.4. 语法:动词不定式(to +动词原形)教学过程:明确目标2分-自主学习10分-合作探究10分-展示汇报15分-巩固测评8分教学环节:一复习回顾,导入新课,明确目标(2分)补全对话 (每空一词)A:(1) was your weekend?B:Pretty (2) _, I (3) to Shenzhen.A: (4) did you go there ?B:I went there last week.A: (5) (6) did you stay there? B: (7) five days. 二、自主学习(借助导学案)(10分)1. 个人自学:自己熟读课本P139Unit5的单词、词组。(actress no idea)2.个人自学:Part1Part7,划出学习目标中的重点词组、句型及不定式结构的句子,并写出相应的汉语意思;完成Part3, Part4,Part7的练习。三、合作探究(10分)1 .对子互学,交流自学时遇到的问题,互教互学。2.听Part2录音,抢答这个部分的问题。3.听Part3录音,大声跟读,理解对话大意。. 4小组共学:交流探究对子互学时仍不能解决的问题。组内标记较集中的做好标记,准备于班上质疑。组长分配角色,小组内大声朗读对话,做预展准备。 5.班上质疑探究小组交流遇到的问题。 拓展探究 hope与wish 的区别 1) hope to do sth. 希望做某事或可以接that 引导的宾语从句例如:I hope to see you again。 I hope that you come to my party.不可以说 hope sb. to do sth.2) wish to do sth.想要做某事 。例如:I wish to visit Beijing.wish sb. to sth.希望某人做某事 。例如:My father wishes me to study hard.四、展示汇报 (15分)1.抽两个组展示对话。 2.抽检两个组代表展示Part3和Part4的答案。五、巩固测评(8分) ( )1.Do you want basketball with me this afternoon?A. playing B. play C. to play D.played ( )2.Its difficult for me English. A. to learn B. learn C . learning D. learned( )3.Mr Brown stayed at home and taught his daughter . A. paint B. painting C. painted D .to paint( )4.We have to tell you .Maybe you will be in it. A. interesting something;interested B. something interesting,;interesting, C. something interesting,;interested D .something interested;interested( )5.Parents often tell me too much time on TV. A. dont spend B .not spend C .not to spend D. not spending( )6.When Im in trouble , my sister always A. offers helping B. offers to help me C .asks me to help D. asks me at help第三课时 新授课(阅读课)Module 5 Unit2 I wanted to see the Beijing Opera学习目标:1. 掌握本单元所学单词(act magic )2. 掌握重点词组:(1)one of +the +形容词最高级+名词复数 “最之一”(2)the life of sb.“某人的生活”(3)over fifty years=during fifty years“在五十年间”(4) be born “出生”(5)head teacher “校长”(6)return to “回到去”(7)be named=be called“被叫做”(8)after finishing school“完成学业以后”(9)take place“发生”(10)common people“普通人”(11)the Peoples Artist“人民艺术家 ”(12)magic show“ 魔术表演”(13)all over the world “世界各地”(14)give a warm welcome to sb “热烈欢迎某人”(15)take place“发生”3句型:(1)Teahouse is one of Lao Shes most famous plays. (2)The story of Teahouse takes place in Beijing.4. 语法:动词不定式(to +动词原形/not +to +动词原形)作宾语教学环节:一.复习回顾,导入新课,明确目标(2分)选词填空 turn learn interesting walk name watch1.It was interesting English.2.I hope on the moon one day .3.It takes me a long time the TV play.4.Lao She the Peoples Artist.5.Tom is one of the boys in the class.6.Remember off the rights when you leave. 二、自主学习(借助导学案)(10分)1. 个人自学:自己熟读课本P139Unit2的单词、词组。(show magic)2.个人自学:尝试回答Part1中的问题。阅读Part2的的短文,独立完成Part3、4、5的练习。三、合作探究(10分)1 .对子互学,交流自学时遇到的问题,互教互学。2.听Part2录音,抢答这个部分的问题(标题与短落搭配)。3小组共学:交流探究对子互学时仍不能解决的问题。组内标记较集中的做好标记,准备于班上质疑。组长分配任务,小组内大声朗读短文,做预展准备。 4.班上质疑探究小组交流遇到的问题。 拓展探究 .双宾语在英语中,有些动词后可以接两个宾语,指人的是间接宾语,指物的是直接宾语,这两个宾语称为双宾语。句子结构:及物动词+间接宾语+直接宾语。有时可用“及物动词+直接宾语+介词(to/for)+间接宾语。如:Give me the book.=Give the book to me . My parents bought me a new bike.=My parents bought a new bike for me 双宾语中接to的动词有give, show, pass, lend, take, teach, tell等。双宾语中接for的动词有buy ,cook, read, get ,sing, make等。四、展示汇报 (15分)1.抽两个组展示Part1中的Ask and answer。 2.抽检四个组代表展示Part3、4的答案。五、巩固测评(8分) 单项选择( )1.Stop .Its time for class. A. talk B. to talk C. talking D.not talk ( )2.We need more exercises every day. A.to do B. doing C.does D.did( )3.The Great Wall is a good place in autumn . A. to visit B.visit C.visiting D. visited( )4.Who broke the window ? But its not me . A.No idea. B.Good idea. C.I see . D.OK( )5.My teacher gave about learning English .A. me some advices B.an advice to me C.some pieces of advice to me ( )6.Did you see them computer games just now? A.to play B.play C.playing D.played第四课时 新授课(综合运用课)Module 5 Unit3 Language in use学习目标:1. 掌握本单元所学单词(actress magic )2. 掌握重点词组:(1)offer to sth“提供做某事” (2)decide /plan/ want/ hope to do sth“决定/计划/想/希望/做某事” (3)make/ let/ have sb do sth “使/叫/让某人做某事” (4)go to the theatre“去剧院” (5)the actors and actresses clothes“男女演员们得服装”3 句型:(1)I want to spend my holiday in Beijing. (2)They plan to see a film tomorrow. (3)Lao She started to teach /teaching Chinese in London in 1924. (4)We decided to stay at home because it was raining. (5)It describes the hard life of Ah Q and make people think about society.4. 语法:动词不定式(to +动词原形)作宾语教学过程:明确目标2分-自主学习10分-合作探究10分-展示汇报15分-巩固测评8分教学环节:一. 复习回顾,导入新课,明确目标(2分) 动词不定式作宾语的短语:want /would like to do sth 想要做某事decide to do sth 决定做某事plan to do sth 计划做某事hope to do sth 希望做某事agree to do sth 同意做某事offer to do sth 提议做某事try to do sth 尽力做某事stop to do sth 停下来去做某事remember/forget to do sth 记得/忘记要去做某事learn to do sth 学习做某事二、自主学习(借助导学案)(10分)1. 个人自学:自己熟读本模块P139的单词、词组。(atress magic)2.个人自学:认真阅读P3841里的文本内容,独立完成Part1、2、3、4、8的练习。三、合作探究(10分)1 .对子互学,交流自学时遇到的问题,互教互学。2.小组共学:交流探究对子互学时仍不能解决的问题。组内标记较集中的做好标记,准备于班上质疑。组长分配任务,做预展准备。 3.班上质疑探究小组交流遇到的问题。 拓展探究 1.choice(名词) (动词)2.furniture家具(不可数名词),没有复数形式,也不可以用a/an来修饰There is lots of new furniture in their house.他们家有很多新家具。3.own 拥有(动词) 拥有者(名词) 4.Find /think /feel+it +形容词+不定式,其中it 为形式宾语,不定式为真正宾语。如:I find it difficult to learn maths.我发现学数学很难。四、展示汇报 (15分)1.抽一两个学生读p38框中中的句子。 2.抽检四个组代表展示Part1、2、3、4、8的答案。五、巩固测评(8分) 填入适当的词完成对话,每空一词Mary: I went the theatre last month when I was in England.Li Lei: What was the(1) in the theatre ?Mary: It was Romeo and Juliet (罗密欧与朱丽叶).Li Lei: (2) was it ?Mary: Great. As you know,my main interest is drama. I wanted to watch some dramas by Shakespeare. So my parents (3) to take me there.Li Lei: Did you (4) it ?Mary: I try understand it,but it was (5) .My English was not good (6) .Li Lei: I think it is still a (7) way to learn English well. We must work (8) at it.


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