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    传播优秀Word版文档 ,希望对您有帮助,可双击去除!英语(新标准)(一年级起点)三年级下册第七模块第二课时教学设计 设计者:大华小学 王冬华一、教材分析本课是外研社新标准英语一年级起点三年级下册第七模块第二课时,本模块的话题是谈论将来的活动。本单元的情境是Daming和Sam跟同学们一起去采摘。在第一单元的基础上,第二单元主要语言点是用特殊疑问句“How manyare there in?”句式询问和回答人或者物品的存在和数量。二、学情分析三年级下学期,学生的学习能力逐渐提高,听、说、读、写都有了一定的基础。本课的重点结构仍是“there be”句型加上新的数字教学,学生之前已经学习过一些数词,可以引导学生通过观察发现构词规律的方法,学习新的数词。三、教学目标1.语言技能(1)听:全体学生能听懂:How many apples are there in the box?(2)说:全体学生能说:How many apples are there in the box?(3)读:全体学生能认读:thirty(4)写:全体学生能拼写重点单词:thirty2.语言知识(1)全体学生能运用How many apples are there in the box?(2)全体学生能理解运动:thirty(3)感知课文的语音语调3.情感态度敢于开口,表达中不怕犯错误4.学习策略能够在小范围内展开合作分享,积极解决问题5.文化意识在学习和日常交际中,进一步注意到中外文化异同四、课时目标传播优秀Word版文档 ,希望对您有帮助,可双击去除!在达成知识与技能目标的基础上,能够运用How many are there?问答物品的存在和数量。五、教学重、难点1.重点:there be句型和数词2.难点:there be句型和数词六、教学资源PPT教学课件, 教学卡片, CD-ROM七、教学过程(一)导入Revision and lead in(3分钟)1. Greetings Chant: Numbers2. Free talkT: Can I ask you some questions? Are there many children in your class?Ss: Yes, there arechildren.T: How many boys? How many girls?Ss: Count and answer: There are T: Are there any monkeys in the picture? (PPT出示“小山”图片)Ss: No, there arent.T: Are there any monkeys in the picture? (PPT出示“猴子”图片)Ss: Yes, there are about(用about进行大约估计)T: Lets watch the CD-ROM and count.3. Ss: Watch and repeat.T: How many monkeys are there?Ss: There are twenty-six.【设计意图】导入环节从数字的chant开始,然后通过师生Free talk复习第一单元there be句型和数字,为第二单元学习做准备。(二)Task presentation and Text-learning(10分钟)今天我们继续学习用there be 句型谈论物品的存在和数量,我们要先闯过果园Fruit Farm,动物园Zoo,学校School三关,再进行最后的校园知多少大赛,对我校了解最多的同学,将成为学校代言人!传播优秀Word版文档 ,希望对您有帮助,可双击去除!【设计意图】向学生介绍本课要学习的内容和要完成的任务,学生们知道要学什么,学了之后可以做什么。第一关: Fruit Farm1. Questions:T: How many apples are there in the box?Ss: Watch and answer. There are twenty-six.T: How many pears are there in the box?Ss: There are thirty.T: Teach the new word: thirty 渗透th组合、ir组合发音,对比教学thirty/ thirteenSs: Learn the new word and count from 30 to 39通过摘梨活动在情境中数数30到39,并强化thirty发音2. Read after the CD-ROM, then answer the question.T: Are there any peaches?Ss: No, there arent any peaches.【设计意图】通过问答不仅巩固学习there be 句型和单词,也对课文材料有整体的理解。(三)练习巩固 Practice(13分钟)1. Read the text. 自读课文巩固内容。Read by themselves then read in groups to practice.2. Read and remember. 记忆力大比拼传播优秀Word版文档 ,希望对您有帮助,可双击去除!师生问答T: Are there many apples at School A?Ss: Yes, there are.T: Are there many apples at School B?Ss: No, there arent.生生问答S1: How many apples are there at School A?S2: There are【设计意图】记忆力大比拼,首先要记住出现的数字,然后听清楚问题,再通过记忆搜索出正确的数字回答问题。这个活动从听、说、记等多方面训练语言的综合运用。第二关:The zooT: Show a picture and ask: Are there many animals at the zoo?Ss: Yes. There are manyat the zoo. (说的越多越好,适当引导学生用否定句)There arent anyat the zoo.T: How many animals are there?Ss: Watch, listen and answer the question.T: Numbers: ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, one hundredSs: 发现整十的数字规律,对比十几的数字,总结teen和ty传播优秀Word版文档 ,希望对您有帮助,可双击去除!Learn to say it line by line. Then chant and do the actions.(四)语言运用Production(7分钟) 第三关:Our SchoolDo an interview about our school.1. Ask questions about numbers.(学生提出自己感兴趣的问题,越多越好)How many teachers are there in your school? (English teachers, PE teachers)How many children are there in your school? (boys, girls)How many classes are there in your school? (classrooms)2. Share the information in groups. 3. Ask and answer. 校园知多少大赛【设计意图】本环节首先让学生提出自己感兴趣的问题,巩固如何提问,然后小组内通过问答分享信息,最后通过校园知多少大赛,全员参与的问答活动,选出得分最高的学生,作为校园代言人,学生用英语做事情并获得成功的体验。(五)课堂检测: Test (5分钟).单项选择( )1._ apples are there in the box? A. How many B. How much( )2. Twenty plus ten is _. A. thirteen B. thirty( )3. There _ a teacher in the classroom. A. is B. are( )4. There _ twenty-six monkeys. A. is B. are ( )5.There _ a bed in the classroom. A. is B. isnt. 阅读判断正确的写T, 错误的写FMy name is Tim. Im from Hongqi Primary School. There are 46 teachers and 1045 children in my school. And there are 30 classes. I am in Class 2 Grade 3. There are 13 boys and 20 girls in my class. Our teacher is Miss Li. I love my class. I love my school. ( )1. There are thirty-six teachers in Hongqi Primary School.传播优秀Word版文档 ,希望对您有帮助,可双击去除!( )2. Tim is in Grade Two.( )3. There are thirty boys in Class 2 Grade 3.( )4. There are thirty-three children in Tims class.(六)小结与布置作业 Summary and homework(2分钟)1. Summary“there be”特殊疑问的问答和数字2. Homework(a. b必做,c选做)a. Copy the sentences.b. Retell the story.c. Introduce your school or class.(仿照阅读,介绍自己的学校或班级)(七) 板书设计Module 7 Unit 2 How many apples are there in the box?How many apples are there in the box? There are twenty-six. (thirty)


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