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    ,第四讲,Practical Writing Translation II 商务合同翻译,翻译理论与实践第4讲2-应用文翻译商务合同翻译,4 CONTRACT TRANSLATION,4.1 合同翻译的要领:合同翻译必须遵守合同的严谨性、准确性、规范性和简洁性。 4.1.1 语篇结构: 从总则到条款先宏观后微观, 具有高度的程式化 ,有助于为当事人创造理解文本内容的语篇语境; 4.1.2 词汇:用词极其考究,具有特定性,选词专业化、正式、准确,通常要通过一些书面词语来体现,因为英语中许多书面词语都源于法语、拉丁语和希腊语,语义范围明确,较少有联想意义,主要用于庄严,正式的文体。 4.1.3 句式:采用陈述句,而不使用疑问句、祈使句和感叹句。使用完整的长句可以准确界定权利和义务关系,排除被曲解或误解的可能性。这些长句往往含有许多分句或定语、状语等附加成分的简单句或复合句,状语可用来界定履行权利和义务的条件、方式、地点和时间等。 4.1.4 文体: 是各种文体中正式程度最高的一种,即庄严文体(the frozen style)。不讲究文采、韵味、修辞等,“准确规范”是国际商务合同翻译的灵魂。合同翻译的目的就是让译语读者正确理解原语合同对双方权利和义务的规定,采用Eugene A .Nida 提出的“功能等值”标准作为商务合同翻译的标准,(翻译的最终目的是让译语读者对译语的反应和原语读者的反应等值)则能达到这一目的。,翻译理论与实践第4讲2-应用文翻译商务合同翻译,4.2 EXAMPLES OF CONTRACT TRANSLATION:,1. 如果发生不可抗力事件,任何一方无须因不可抗力事件而未能或延迟履行其义务,而对另一方可能蒙受的任何损害,费用增加或损失承担责任,且该未履行义务或延迟履行义务不应视为对本协议的违约。 If an event of Force Majeure occurs, neither party shall be responsible for the damage, increased cost or loss which the other party may sustain by reason of such a failure or delay of performance, and such failure or delay shall not be deemed a breach of this Agreement. 例中的shall所表述的规定和要求,都带有指令性和强制性,充分体现了原文所表达的法律文件的权威性和约束性,如果不履行shall所规定的合同上的义务,则视为违约。,翻译理论与实践第4讲2-应用文翻译商务合同翻译,2. 如果承包人切实履行并遵守上述合同的所有条款、条件及规定,本义务即告终止,否则这种义务仍然完全有效。 译文:If the Contractor shall duly perform and observe all the terms, provisions, conditions and stipulations of the said Contract, this obligation shall be null and void but otherwise shall be and remain in full force and effect. 这是一个典型的同义词并列使用的例句,译文中连用了几组同义词,其中 ,既有名词同义词的并列,如terms, provisions, conditions和stipulations;force和effect,又有形容词同义词的并列,如null和void,还有动词同义词的并列,如be和remain。以使译文语义严密。,翻译理论与实践第4讲2-应用文翻译商务合同翻译,3. 任何一方不按时支付16.3条所述之费用,即构成违约。如果这种不支付给(合作经营)公司造成损失,违约方应承担赔偿责任。如果这种不支付给或延期支付使(合作经营)公司蒙受重大损失,即构成严重违约,守约方有权终止(合作)合同, 并有权提出赔偿损失的要求。 Should rather party hereto fail to pay on schedule the contribution referred to in Article16.3, it will be deemed as having breached the Contract. Should the Company suffer damage due to the failure to make contribution, the breaching party will make compensation. Should the Company suffer serious damage due to the failure to make or the deferment in contribution, it will be deemed as materially breaching Contract. The other party shall have the right to terminate the Contract and to claim damage on the breaching party. 准确往往要求重复表达同一概念的同一术语,只要准确无误,千万不要害怕反复使用同一词语。试图避免重复会使句子不够准确。,翻译理论与实践第4讲2-应用文翻译商务合同翻译,4.使用古词语,在合同翻译中,适当使用古词语对行文的确切性十分重要。 对带有“此”、“之”、“在”、“凭”、“由”等词的短语的翻译,可以使用一些由here, there和where加上表示方位、方式或原因的介词构成的古词语,用以强调和确定语义。这些词的用法有一下规则: 4.1 here = this : 1)hereby(=by means of this; by reasons of this 特此;兹;因此); 2)hereinafter(=later in this contract, etc以下;在下文 3)herein(=in this 此中;于此); 4)hereof(=of this 于此;在本件中)。,翻译理论与实践第4讲2-应用文翻译商务合同翻译,4.2 there = that: 1)therein(=in that在那里;在那点上); 2)thereto(=to that or it随附;附之); 3)thereof(=of that;from that source 由此;因此); 4)therein(=whit that or it 与此;与之); 5)thereafter(= afterwards此后)。 4.3 where = which,与介词组合,一般作关系副词,引导定语从句: 1)whereby (= by what;by which凭此条款;凭此协议)2)whereof(=of which关于那事)等。,翻译理论与实践第4讲2-应用文翻译商务合同翻译,合同用词: Terminate Commence Be deemed to In lieu of Prior to Whatsoever Require Consent Hereby Hereof Herein Hereafter,日常用词: Stop Begin Be regarded as In place of Before Whatever Ask Agree By reason of this Of this In this Later in the same Contract,翻译理论与实践第4讲2-应用文翻译商务合同翻译,4. 5限定责任,慎重处理关键细节 英译合同中容易出差错的地方,不是陈述性条款,而是一些关键的,如金钱、时间数量等细节。 为了避免出差错, 译合同时,应使用一些有限定作用的结构来界定细目所指定的确切范围。 4.5.1 用and/or限定 常用and/or 翻译合同中“甲和乙/甲或乙”的内容。 1) 如果上述货物对船舶和(或)船上其它货物造成任何伤害,托运人应负全责。 The shipper shall be liable for all damage caused by such goods to the ship and/or cargo board.,翻译理论与实践第4讲2-应用文翻译商务合同翻译,4. 5.2 用by/between限定 常用by and between强调合同是由双方签订的,因此双方必须严格履行合同所赋予的义务。 兹经买卖双方同意按照以下条款由买方购进卖方售出的以下商品。 1) The Contract is made by and between the Buyers and the Sellers; whereby the Buyers agree to buy and Sellers agree to sell the under-mentioned goods subject to the terms and conditions as stipulated below.,翻译理论与实践第4讲2-应用文翻译商务合同翻译,4. 5.3 限定时间 合同对时间的要求准确,翻译起止时间时,常用以下结构来限定准确的时间: (1) 双介词 (用双介词英译含当天日期在内的起止时间): 自9月20日起,甲方已无权接受任何定单或收据。 Party A shall be unauthorized to accept any order or to collect any account on and after September 20. (2) not (no) later than ( 用“not (no) later than+日期”翻译 “不迟于某时间” : 本合同签字之日一个月内,即不迟于12月15日,你方须将货物装船。 Party B shall ship the goods within one month of the date of signing this Contract, i.e. not later than December 15.,翻译理论与实践第4讲2-应用文翻译商务合同翻译,4.6 TRANSLATION OF CONTRACT OF BUSINESS,No. 005327 Date: May 18, 2011 Buyers: Peter Company Limited ( Co. Ltd.) 18 Lincoln Street, London, U.K. Sellers: John Hayde, Inc. 20 Maiden Lane, New York, N.Y., U.S.A. This Contract is made by and between the Buyers and the Sellers; whereby the Buyers agree to buy and the Sellers agree to sell the under- mentioned goods on the terms and conditions stated bellow: Name of Commodity: Printed Cotton Sheeting Specifications: No. 127 30s x 30s, 68x60 35.36 inch in width 40 yards per piece,翻译理论与实践第4讲2-应用文翻译商务合同翻译,Quality: As per sample submitted by Peter Company Limited ( Co. Ltd.) on March 9, 2011. Quantity: 40,000 yards. Price: USD 6.6 per yard CIF London Amount: USD 264,000,00 Shipment: Shipment with the first ten-day period of June 2011. Partial shipment not allowed. Destination: London Terms of payment: in order to cover the order, a credit for 100% value of goods will be arranged with the Bank of London against the commercial bills. This Contract is made in duplicate and each party shall keep one copy. This Contract shall come into force after the signature by the authorized representatives of both parties. Buyers : Peter Company Limited ( Co. Ltd ) Sellers: John Hayde, Inc. Manager: ( signature) Manager: ( signature),翻译理论与实践第4讲2-应用文翻译商务合同翻译,FOR REFERENCE: 商务合同,合同编号: 005327 签订日期:2011年5月18日 买方:皮特有限公司 ( 英国伦敦林肯街18号) 卖方:约翰. 海德有限公司 (美国纽约市梅顿巷20号) 本合同系买卖双方共同订立。据此,买方同意购买,卖方同意出售符合下列条款的商品: 货物名称: 印花棉布 产品规格:标号:127 纱支:30s x 30s, 68x60 宽度:35.36英寸 长度:每匹40码 质量要求:以买方2011年3月9日所寄样品为准。 订购数量:40 000码 产品价格:伦敦到岸价每码6.6美元 装运: 2011年6月上旬装运。不得分批发运。 目的地: 英国伦敦 支付条款:买方见票后,将委托伦敦银行开立全额贷款的信用证。 本合同一式两份,双方各保存一份,并在双方代表签字后生效。 买方:皮特有限公司 卖方:约翰. 海德有限公司 签字: (经理) 签字: (经理),翻译理论与实践第4讲2-应用文翻译商务合同翻译,购销合同 4.8 购销合同,合同编号: 第2003089 合同签订地:北京 买方:中国化工进出口公司 公司地址:中国北京二里营 卖方:宏顿化工有限责任公司 公司地址:美国纽约市凯瑟琳大街1025号 买卖双方经协商一致,特制定本合同,同意按照合同条款的规定买卖以下货品。 货品名称与规格: 货品数量:15 000桶 单价: 中国宁波到岸价6美元/桶 总价款:90 000美元,翻译理论与实践第4讲2-应用文翻译商务合同翻译,包装:密封桶装 产地:伊拉克 付款条件:即期不可撤销信用证 保险:由买方承担 装运时间:2011年11月25日 装运港:美国纽约 目的地:中国宁波 发货标签(唛头):每个包装件上都要标明目的地、总件数、毛重和净重、计量单位。标签要贴在包装件的右侧。(对于危险品或有毒物品,其种类和常用标志都要在每个包装件上标明。) 其他条款: 1. 其他依照交付条款与本合同相关的事宜可以另附说明,并视作合同的一部分。 2. 本合同有中文和英文两个版式,两种版本的内容真实一致。 补充条款:如果本合同的任何其他条款与本补充条款发生冲突,本补充条款视为最终条款,并具有约束力。 买方(签字):中国化工进出口公司 汪海堂 卖方(签字):宏顿化工有限责任公司 Homan Kerch,翻译理论与实践第4讲2-应用文翻译商务合同翻译,SALES CONTRACT FOR REFERENCE: SALES CONTRACT,Contract No. 2003089 Place: Beijing Buyers: China National Chemicals Import and Export Corporation ( Erliying, Beijing, China) Sellers: Hongton Chemicals Ltd. Co. (1025 Catherine Street, New York, NY) This contract is made by and between the Buyers and Sellers, whereby the Buyers agree to buy and the Sellers agree to sell the under-mentioned goods subjects to the terms and conditions as stipulated hereinafter. Name of commodity and specification: Quantity: 15,000 cans Unit price: USD 6 CIF Ningpo, China Total value: USD 90,000 altogether Packing: Sealed cans Country of origin & Manufacturer: Iraq Terms of payment: irrevocable L/C at sight Insurance: to be covered by the buyers Time of shipment: Nov.25th, 2011/5/16 Port of loading: New York, United States Port of destination: Ningbo, China,翻译理论与实践第4讲2-应用文翻译商务合同翻译,Shipping Marks: on each package shall be stenciled conspicuously: port of destination, package number, gross and net weights, measurement and the shipping mark shown on the right side. ( for dangerous/ for poisonous cargo, the nature and the generally adopted symbol shall marked conspicuously on each package.) Other terms A: Other matters relating to this Contract shall be dealt with in accordance with the Terms of Delivery as special overleaf, which shall form an integral part of this Contract. B: This Contract is made out in Chinese and English, both versions being equally authentic. Supplementary condition(s) Should any other clauses in this Contract be in conflict with the following Supplementary Condition (s), should be taken as final and binding: The seller: Hongton Chemicals The buyer: China National Chemicals Import and Export Corporation (signature): Haman Kerch (signature): 汪海堂,翻译理论与实践第4讲2-应用文翻译商务合同翻译,4.9 TRANSLATE THE FOLLOWING INTO ENGLISH:,购销合同 合同编号:SC-3 卖方:中国粮油食品公司 买方:温哥华加拿大食品公司 买卖双方在平等自愿的基础上签订本合同。经过协商达成如下协议: 商品名称:长城牌草莓酱 ( strawberry jam ) 规格:340克听装。 数量:1 000箱 (每箱50听)。 单价: CIF温哥华, 每箱30加元。 总值: 30 000加元。 包装: 纸板箱装。,翻译理论与实践第4讲2-应用文翻译商务合同翻译,保险: 由卖方按发票金额110%投保一切险。 装运期:2011年8月 装运港:中国宁波 目的地:温哥华 唛头:由卖方选定 支付条款:凭不可撤销、可转让即期信用证付款。信用证须不迟于装运月份前30天到达卖方。有效期应为最后装运期后15天在中国宁波到期。 签订日期:2011年1月12日于北京 地点: 中国北京,翻译理论与实践第4讲2-应用文翻译商务合同翻译,SALES CONTRACT,NO.: SC-3 Done and signed in Beijing on this 12nd day of January, 2011. Sellers: Chins National Cereals, Oils whereby the Buyers agree to buy and the Sellers agree to sell the under-mentioned commodity according to the terms and conditions stipulated below: Commodity: Strawberry Jam, Great Wall Brand Specifications: In cans of 340 grams Quantity: 1000 cartons ( each 50 cans) Unit Price: CA$ 30.00 per carton CIF Vancouver,翻译理论与实践第4讲2-应用文翻译商务合同翻译,Total Value: CA & 30 000. Packing: In cartons Insurance: To be effected by the Sellers against All Risks for 110% of invoice value Time of Shipment: August, 2011 Port of Shipment: Ningbo Port, China Port of Destination: Vancouver, Canada Shipping Mark: At Sellers option Terms of Payment: By irrevocable, transferable, sight L/C, to reach the Sellers 30 days before the time of shipment. The L/C shall be valid for negotiation in China until the 15th day after the date of shipment.,翻译理论与实践第4讲2-应用文翻译商务合同翻译,


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