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    Unit 4When is your birthday 课时1测试卷.doc

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    Unit 4When is your birthday 课时1测试卷.doc

    Unit 4When is your birthday? 课时1测试卷【学习目标】一、 Key words: when, month, January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August September, October, November, December, birthday, party 二、Main sentences:1. -When is . birthday? -Its on . 2. Happy birthday! 3. My birthday is in August. 4. How old are you?三、学习日期的表达方式和如何询问别人的生日。【预习内容】一、 根据句意和汉语提示完成句子。1. (什么时候) is your birthday? 2. (一月) is the first month of the year.3.Toms birthday is on (三月)5th. 4.Childrens day is on (六月)1st.5. (九月)10th is Teachers Day. 6. (十月)1st is National Day.7.Li Mei has a (快乐的)family. 8.How (年老的) is your grandpa?9.The English (聚会) is on July 2nd.10. (十二月) is the last month of a year.二、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。1.你妈妈生日是什么时候? -她的生日是十月八日。 - is your birthday. -Her birthday is .2.-汤姆几岁了? -他十二岁了。 - is Tom. He is .三、通过预习你的疑问是 【知识探究】一、月份的学习:十二月份名词: 这十二个月份名词的首字母在任何情况下都应 ;月份前不用 ;若表示在几月用介词 ,如;在八月份 ;在一月 ; 注:固定搭配-在上午 在下午 在晚上 ;若表示在几月几日用介词 ,如:在1月1号 若表示在某年某月某日用介词 ,如:2012年12月5日 若表示在某一年用介词 ,如:在1949年 ;在2012年 若表示在具体某一时间用 ,如:在五点钟 ;在12岁 ; 练习:用适当的介词填空。Her birthday is January 1st. He likes playing soccer Sunday afternoon.My moms birthday is August. He always gets up 6 oclock.The PRC was founded October 1st ,1949. She graduated(毕业) from the college 2009. 二、生日日期表达法: 向他人祝贺生日时,要说或唱 , 答语是 。三、How old are you? = Whats your age? 询问某人的年龄的句型是 = 它的答语是 。翻译:-汤姆今年多大了? -他12岁了。- - 【课堂作业】 一、单选题:( ) 1.I meet my best friend the morning. A. in B. on C. at ( ) 2. The twins were born(出生) a Friday evening. A. in B. at C. on ( ) 3. He often goes to school seven thirty the morning. A. in; on B. at; in C. on; in( ) 4. He goes to London to find a job age 16. A. at B. in C. on( ) 5. - ? -Im thirteen. A. When is your birthday B. How old are you C. Are you fourteen( ) 6. Li Mings birthday is _ April 11. A. on B. at C. in ( ) 7. My birthday is _ March. A. on B. at C. in ( ) 8. When were you born? I was born _. A. September, 1989 B. in July 7, 1989 C. on June 1, 1989 ( ) 9. _ today? Its Monday. A. What day is B. Whats the date C. When is( ) 10.-_ is New Years Day? -Its January 1st. A. What B. When C. How二、句型转换 1. We have a School Day at our school. (否定句)We _ _ a School Day at our school.2. There are twelve months in a year. (对划线部分提问) _ _ months are there in a year? 3. Is Beijing in China? (肯定回答) _, it _. 4. Kate has a new English dictionary. (改为一般疑问句) _ Kate _ a new English dictionary? 5. The English Party is in October. (对划线部分提问) _ is the English Party?Unit 8 When is your birthday? Section A (2a-2d3a-3c) 课时2班级: 学号: 姓名:【学习目标】一、Key words: first; second; third; fifth; eighth; ninth; twelfth; twentieth; 二、掌握序数词的变化规律,并会用序数词回答相应的日期问题。三、Listening practice and exercises practice.【预习内容】一、翻译短语:1.在5月2日 2.在8月 3.爱丽丝的生日 4.在9月5日 5.你爸爸的生日 二、写出下列的序数词:第一 第二 第三 第五 第八 第九 第十二 第二十 三、通过预习你的疑问是 【知识探究】Listening: Fill in the blanks.Mr. Smith: Now, Alice, are you?Alice: Im .Mr. Smith: is your birthday?Alice: Its on , Mr. Smith.Mr. Smith: Oh, OK. And Frank?Alice: Frank here today, but his birthday is .Mr. Smith: Thank you, Alice. And Eric.Eric: is on January 17th.Mr. Smith: On January 17th. OK. And June, is her ?>Eric: Her birthday is on .攻克序数词:英语中数词分为 和 两类。我们已经认识了基数词。下面一起来学习序数词。表示 称为序数词。仔细阅读下面基数词和序数词的变化以及序数词的简写。并总结一下规律。基数词 序数词 简写 基数词 序数词 简写one 1st twelve 12thtwo 2nd thirteen 13ththree 3rd fourteen 14thfour 4th fifteen 15thfive 5th sixteen 16thsix 6th seventeen 17th seven 7th eighteen 18theight 8th twenty 20thnine 9th twenty-one 21stten 10th thirty 30theleven 11th thirty-one 31st一变 first ,二变 ,三变 , 四至十九加 。五变ve为 加th。八加 ,九去 加th。二十变y为i加 ,在加th。从21到29变个位数。(注意:序数词前必须加定冠词the。)英语中基数词变为序数词时,一般在基数词后加词尾 ,但有几个词变化特殊,只要记住下面这个口诀,这些问题即可迎刃而解。口诀基变序有规律,词尾大多加上th; 一二三特殊记,词尾字母tdd;八去t, 九除e; f 来把ve 替;整十基数变序数,一定要将y变ie;若是碰到几十几,十位基数个位序。活学活用根据句意填入适当的基数词或者序数词。1. Today is her little brothers birthday. He is eight years old.2. There are months in a year.3. Teachers Day is on the of September.4. Three and six is .5.We go to school days every week except(除了) Saturday and Sunday.6. Childrens Day is on the of June.7. Monday is the day of a week.【课堂作业】一、 根据汉语提示完成下列句子,每空一词。1.I think (第十二个问题)is very difficult.2.When is (你哥哥的)birthday?3.His birthday is (在11月21日).4. (他们的生日)are on the same day.5.Do you (想要去参加)her birthday party?二、按要求完成下列各题,每空一词。1. Today is Womens Day. How about having a party? (同义句转换) Today is Womens Day. having a party?2. Jenny has a pair of new shoes. (改为一般疑问句) Jenny a pair of new shoes?3. The twins are eleven years old. (对划线部分提问) the twins?4. Her birthday is on May 17th. (对划线部分提问) her birthday?5. Is your birthday on October 1st?(肯定回答) , .Unit 8 When is your birthday? Section B (1a-1d) 课时3班级: 学号: 姓名:【学习目标】一、Key vocabularies: English test; school trip; birthday party; basketball game; 二、Listening practice and learn some new phrases: 三、Talk about the activities after class and try to make your own calendar.【预习内容】一、预习1a,翻译短语:1.英语测验 2.学校郊游 3.生日聚会 4.篮球赛 5.英语晚会 6.二、根据汉语完成句子。1.-学校郊游什么时候? -在9月26号和27号。- is the ? Its .2.你们学校举行篮球赛吗? you have a at your school?三、通过预习你的疑问是 【知识探究】一、 Listening material: Fill in the blanks.John: Hey, Sally. Can I you some ?Sally: ,John.John: When is your ?Sally: My is on October .John: OK, and when is the ?Sally: The ? Its on .John: Good. And, umm, how about the ?Sally: The school trip is on and .John: And when is the ?Sally: Oh, thats on Friday, .John: OK. Thank you.二、 Some main points:1.party的用法作名词,意为 。构成以下词组:生日聚会 ;举行聚会 ;在聚会上 ;英语聚会 ;欢迎会 ;2.trip的用法作名词,意为 。可构成以下词组:出差 ;火车旅行 ;出去旅行 ;学校郊游 ;蜜月旅行 ;3.比较game与contest game作名词,意为 ,可构成以下词组:篮球赛 ;排球赛 ;电脑游戏 ;奥林匹克运动会 ;contest作名词,意为“比赛;竞争”。构成以下词组:举行比赛 ;汉语比赛 ;演讲比赛 ;选美比赛 ;【课堂作业】一、单选:( ) 1. The boy is only _. A. eight old months B. eight month old C. ten months D. ten months old( ) 2. My friends _ a birthday party for me. A. is B. are C. has D. have( ) 3. Our school has _ Art Festival every year. A. a B. an C. the D. /( ) 4. Mrs. Green is _ mother. A. Jim and Kate B. Jims and Kates C. Jim and Kates D. Jims and Kate( )5. _ ? Its June 3rd. A. What the date B. Whats day is it C. Whats the date D. What day is it( ) 6. Mothers Day is _ second Sunday in _ May. A. the; / B. the; a C. /; the D. a; the二、根据下面的对话情景,在空白处填上恰当的句子,使其句意连贯、通顺。A: , Alice?B: Its May 10th. Its my birthday.A: Oh! .B: Thanks.A: I want to buy a gift for you.B: Yeah! Its very nice of you. (At the supermarket)C: ?A: Yes, please. I want to buy a schoolbag for my friend.C: ?A: Oh! How about the red one, Alice?B: It looks nice.A: OK! ?C: Thirty-five dollars. A: Well, Ill take it. Thank you.C: .Unit 8 When is your birthday? Section B (2a-3b) 课时4班级: 学号: 姓名:【学习目标】一、 Phrases and words: soccer game; school trip; School Day; book sale; English Day; art festival; Sports Day; party; dear; student; thing; term; busy; time; there;二、Main sentences: 1. This is a really busy term. 2. Have a good time. 三、Know about some festivals in western countries. And write a note to a friend.【自主探究】一、 Read the school notice and translate the phrases below.1.亲爱的学生们 2.本学期 3.一些既有趣又好玩的活动 4.学校郊游 5.球类比赛 6.学校日 7.艺术节 8.英语晚会 9.图书特卖 10.忙碌的学期 11.玩的愉快 二、Read again and answer the questions.1.When do they have a school trip? 2.Which month is a great month? 3.What ball games do they have? 4.Is the School Day on October 21st? 5.What event do they have in the school library on December 3rd? 【知识探究】1. This is a really busy term. busy的用法busy是 词,意为 。如:Mary is busy doing her homework. = Mary is busy with her homework.玛丽正忙于她的作业。提炼词组:忙于做某事 = 翻译:他正忙着举行聚会呢。 填空:Tom is busy (play soccer),but we are busy our homework.2. Have a good time. ,它的同义句有: 。time的用法time当不可数名词讲的时,意为 ;当可数名词讲的时,意为 ,如:我们没有时间了。 ;如:我一天刷三次牙。 3.英美主要节假日 新年、元旦:New Years Day 情人节:Valentines Day 愚人节:April Fools Day 劳动节:May Day 母亲节:Mothers Day 感恩节:Thanksgiving Day 圣诞节:Christmas Day 中国的主要节日元旦:New Years Day 儿童节: 春节: 八一建军节: 元宵节: 中秋节: 妇女节: 国庆节: 【课堂作业】一、用基数词或序数词填空。1.Tom is (eleven) years old.2.I am the (two), and you?3.Mr. Wang is on (twelve) floor of the building.4.Look! There are (twenty) apples on the tree.5.May 10th is her (thirty-one) birthday.二、单选。( )1.“Whats the date today?” “ .”A. Its June 17th B. Its Sunday C. Its twenty to three D. Its fine( ) 2. The question is much more difficult than this one. A. sixth B. six C. sixteen D. sixty( ) 3. Tom was born in London May 4th. A. in B. at C. on D. from( ) 4. is difficult. A. Lesson fifth B. The lesson fifth C. Five lesson D. The fifth lesson( ) 5. I am busy my homework. A. in B. on C. for D. with三、阅读理解,根据短文回答问题:Hi, my names is Sally, This is my calendar. My birthday is on August 23th.The basketball game is on September 3rd.The volleyball game is on October 29th. Well have an English party on November 10th. This year we dont have an art festival. But in December we will have a chorus competition.1. When is Sallys birthday? 2. Whens the basketball game? 3. Is the volleyball game in October? 4. Is there an art festival this year? 5. When is the English party? 2.I am the (two), and you?3.Mr. Wang is on (twelve) floor of the building.4.Look! There are (twenty) apples on the tree.5.May 10th is her (thirty-one) birthday.二、单选。( )1.“Whats the date today?” “ .”B. Its June


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