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    I、Fill in each blank with the most appropriate word(用恰当的词填空)(每小题2分,共40分): 1. Those girls arent Chinese. They come from Germany. Theyre _1_. 2. That is my English magazine. Give it to _2_, please. 3. - Is there _3_ milk on the table? - No, there isnt. 4. In our village all the shops arent _4_ at lunchtime. They are closed. 5. - Is that bag heavy? - No, it isnt. It is quite _5_. 6. Helens computer is _6_ her closet. It doesnt work now. 7. - What are you _7_? - Im washing my clothes. 8. Ive got a bad cold. I think I must go and see a _8_. 9. The sun rises in the east and sets in the _9_. 10. My husband doesnt like bananas. I dont like bananas, _10_. 11. Are you going to the _11_? We need some salt and a bottle of vinegar. 12. Mike is a sales rep, He _12_ bicycles at a big store. 13. As soon as the alarm clock rings every morning, I get up at _13_. 14. In the photograph we can see the little boy is standing _14_ her mother and her father. 15. I dont like milk in my coffee. I like _15_ coffee. 16. - Is that tin of tobacco _16_ me,? - Yes, but smoking is not good for our health. 17. I like sports very much. Swimming is my _17_ sport .I love it best. 18. In winter we often skate _18_ the river, because the ice there is very thick. 19. Look! The bedroom is dirty now. Lets _19_ the floor. 20. Mr Smiths living room is very _20_. It can hold twenty people there. II、Finish the following passages with appropriate words (用适当的词完成下列短文)(每小空1分,共计20分): A. Write in a or an: My friend John is _21_ engineer and his wife Susan is _22_ teacher. They have two daughters, Anna and Christine. They are not children. Anna is _23_ air hostess and Christine is _24_ hairdresser. Anna has _25_ Italian car, but Christine has _26_ English bicycle. They dont live with their parents. They have their own apartments. B. Write in be in the right form: Mrs Smiths kitchen _27_ small. There _28_ a refrigerator in the kitchen. The refrigerator _29_ white. It _30_ on the right. There _31_ an electric cooker in the kitchen. There _32_ some cups near the cooker. The cups _33_ clean. There _34_ a table in the middle of the room. There _35_ two armchairs beside the table. The armchairs _36_ very beautiful. C. Write in proper prepositions: Here is a photograph _37_ our village. My wife and I are walking _38_ the banks _39_ the river. We are _40_ the left. III、Read and match the correct questions and answers(为下列疑问句选择正确答语) (每小题1分,共计20分): ( ) 41. Whose shirt is this? ( ) 42. Come and see my new bedroom. ( ) 43. Who is this young man? ( ) 44. Whats the matter, children? ( ) 45. Where are my magazines? ( ) 46. What are the children doing? ( ) 47. Who are you going to see? ( ) 48. What are you going to do with those flowers? ( ) 49. Can you make the tea, Sam? ( ) 50. Wheres Pamela? ( ) 51. Do you want beef or lamb? ( ) 52. Is this your handbag, Alice? ( ) 53. How are you today? ( ) 54. Whats your job? ( ) 55. What colour are your new shoes? ( ) 56. What are their jobs? ( ) 57. How do you do? ( ) 58. Wheres the teapot? I cant see it. ( ) 59. Whats the weather like here in winter? ( ) 60. What nationality are you? a. Its over there - behind the kettle. b. Were Chinese. c. No, my bag is blue. d. Yes, of course I can. e. Thank you, sir. f. Perhaps it is Tims. g. Its cold and it rains a lot. h. Theyre red. i. Neither, Mr Smith. j. Im going to see Dan. k. Im very well, thank you. l. How do you do? m. Shes next door. n. Theyre policemen. o. Im a nurse. p. Theyre playing in the garden. q. Theyre on the shelf. r. He is our office assistant. s. Were tired and thirsty, Mum. t. Im going to put them in that vase. IV、Read these situations, and tell what you might say in each situation (根据情景写出可能会说的话)(每小题2分,共计20分): 61Someone says something that surprises you or you dont hear very well 62. A friend has lost his or her bag. Ask him or her about the colour of it. 63. Someone introduces you to a stranger in a formal situation. What do you say? 64. You want Bob to open the door. What do you say to him? 65. A friend wants to turn on the light. You dont want him or her to do it. 66. Someone offers you a cup of tea. What do you say to accept the offer. 67. You and a friend are going out. You are ready, but he or she isnt. What do you say? 68. You want to know what someone will do next. What do you say? 69. Youre at a party and someone asks if you are having a good time. How do you say that you are.


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