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    Unit 9 Do you want to go to a movie?. Teaching objectives 单元教学目标Skill Focus LanguageFocus听Listen for the names of moviesListen for the description words about movies说Talk about preferencesMake plans读Read the article about the description words and movies.写Write about the movie you know.功能句式Make plansDo you want to go to a movie?Yes, I do. I want to see a comedy / a thriller / an action movie / a documentary. Does he want to go to a movie?Yes, he does. / No, he doesnt.What kind of movies do you like?I like action movies and comedies.Talk about preferencesI like thrillers and I like action movies.I like thrillers but I dont like comedies.Maria likes thrillers but she doesnt like comedies. She doesnt like thrillers. She thinks they are scary. My favorite actor is Paul Jackson. I really like his movie Rush Hour.词汇1. 重点词汇go, movie, kind, find, someone, who, student, funny, sad, really, often, think, learn, about, history, with, favorite, new, successful, weekend, too2. 认读词汇action, comedy, documentary, thriller, singular, plural, opera, Beijing Opera, scary, exciting, actor, Ben, Maria, Michele, June, Edward, Jackson, Rick, Jackie, Rowan Atkinson, Jet3. 短语 go to a movie, action movie, Beijing Opera语法Present tense to wantDo you want to go to a movie?Yes, I do. / No, I dont. I want to go to an action movie. and / butI like action movies and thrillers, but I dont like romances. Adjectives of qualityfun, great, scary, funny, exciting, sad话题Movies. Teaching materials analyzing and rearranging 教材分析与重组1. 教材分析本单元以Movies为话题,共设计了三个部分的内容。旨在通过单元教学使学生学会描述电影以及表达对不同种类电影的喜好, 并说明其中的原因。Section A 学习谈论对不同电影类型的喜好,制定计划。1a, 1b, 1c 重点学习表示不同种类电影的名词,学会谈论或询问对方想要去看的电影。 2a, 2b, 2c继续学习询问他人喜欢的电影类型。3a, 3b, 4 学会谈论自己或他人喜欢以及不喜欢的电影类型,并调查喜欢不同种类电影类型的同学。Section B 学会对不同的电影类型进行描述,并学会制作电影海报。1, 2a, 2b, 2c,2d学会描述不同的电影类型,以及谈论自己或他人喜欢或不喜欢的电影类型。3a, 3b, 4学会制作电影海报,简单介绍电影和演员的情况。Self check 检测本单元所学词汇知识,学会写短文介绍他人喜欢的电影类型,并发表看法。2. 课型设计与课时分配Period 1 Listening and speaking ()(Section A: 1a, 1b, 1c)Period 2 Listening and speaking ()(Section A: 2a, 2b, 2c)Period 3 Integrating skills ()(Section A: 3a, 3b, 4)Period 4 Integrating skills ()(Section B: 1,2a, 2b, 2c,2d)Period 5 Reading and writing (Section B: 3a, 3b, 4)Period 6 Self check. Teaching plans for each period 分课时教案Period 1 Listening and speaking()Target language目标语言1. Words && phrases生词和短语go, movie, go to a movie, action, comedy, documentary, thriller2. Key sentences重点句子Do you want to go to a movie?Yes, I do. I want to see a comedy.Ability goals能力目标Enable students to ask about others plan. Learning ability goals学能目标Help students learn how to ask about others plan. Teaching important / difficult points教学重难点The patterns “Do you want to go to a movie .” and“Yes, I do. I want to see .”Teaching aids教具准备A tape recorder and a poster. Teaching procedures and ways教学过程与方式Step Warming upIn this procedure, ask students to learn the names of different kinds of movies. Show the following picture.T: Do you know who it is in the picture?S: Cheng Long. T: Who knows his English name?S: Jackie Chan. T: Jackie Chan has acted in and directed many movies. This is his new movie The Myth. Write movie on the blackboard. Make sure they understand the meaning.T: (pointing to the picture) This is an action movie. Write action movie on the blackboard. T: Do you know Chen Peisi?S: Yes, we do.T: He is a comedy actor. Write comedy under action movie.Go on with documentary and thriller in the similar way. T: Tomorrow is Saturday. Do you want to go to a movie?S1: Yes, I do. I want to see an action movie.S2: Yes, I do. I want to see a comedy.Step Match(1a: P53) In this procedure, students will learn the names of some kinds of movies and learn to ask and talk about what kind of movies they want to see. T: How many kinds of movies do you know? What are they? S: We know four kinds of movies. They are action movies, comedies, documentaries and thrillers.T: Look at the words on the left. We have four words about movies. Please read them. And we have four posters marked with a, b, c and d. Try to match the words and pictures.Encourage the students to say something about the posters and do the match work.T: What kind of movie is it in poster b?S: Its a thriller.T: Write b on the line next to the word thriller. Do you understand?.Go on with the others in the same way. Then check the answers with the students.Step Listening (1b)First talk about movies with students freely.T: It is fine today. Do you want to go to a movie? S: Yes, I do.T: Do you want to go to a documentary?S: No, I dont.T: What kind of movies do you want to go to?S: I want to go to a thriller.Then ask students to listen to the recording and circle the words they hear in 1a. T: You are going to hear a conversation. In the conversation, the two people are talking about the movies. Please listen carefully as you look at the words in activity 1a. Youll have to circle the movies you hear in 1a. Play the tape. Then check the answers.Ask the students to listen again and repeat after the recording.Note: Make sure the students catch the right information. If not, ask them to listen sentence by sentence . Step Pairwork (1c)Ask students to practice the conversation and make their own conversations. T: Among all the movies, which do you want to see most? Now work in pairs and practice asking and answering questions about what movie you want to see. You can make your own conversations. As students work, move around the classroom to answer any questions they may have.Sample dialogue: Do you want to go to a movie? Yes, I do. I want to see a comedy. Step Homework1. Ask students to learn the new words and expressions in this unit (on page 111).2. Ask students to practice the similar conversations in activity 1c. Period 2 Listening and speaking()Target langauge目标语言1. Words && phrases生词和短语kind, singular, plural, Ben2. Key sentences重点句子What kind of movies do you like?I like action movies and comedies.Does he want to go to a movie?Yes, he does. / No, he doesnt.Ability goals能力目标Enable students to talk about movies and tell what kind of movies they like.Learning ability goals学能目标Help students learn how to talk about movies and tell what kind of movies they like.Teaching important / difficult points教学重难点How to change singular nouns to plural nouns.Teaching aids教具准备A tape recorder. Teaching procedures and ways教学过程与方式Step Free talk and Lead?鄄inIn this procedure, ask students to talk about movies freely.T: Do you like movies?S: Yes, we do.T: How many kinds of movies do you know?S: Four kinds.T: What are they?S: Action movies, comedies, documentaries and thrillersT: There are other kinds of movies. For example, children like cartoons and science fictions. Young people like romances. I dont like tragedies. (Turning to a student) Do you want to go to a movie tomorrow?S: Yes, I do. I want to see an action movie. T: (Turning to another student) And do you want to go to a movie?S: Id like to, but I have no time tomorrow. T: (Turning to another student) And what about you?S: I want to see a comedy. Ask students to practice the conversations in pairs. Step Listening (2a, 2b: P54)First ask students to pay attention to activity 2a. T: Now you will hear a conversation. Its about movies. Please number the movies 1-4 in the order you hear them. Listen, please. Play the recording. T: Now answer my questions. What kind of movies do they talk about first?S: Action movies.T: What kind of movies do they talk about second?S: Documentaries. T: And third?S: Comedies.T: And the last?S: Thrillers. Ask students to write 1-4 down in the blanks.Then ask students to fill in the chart in activity 2b. T: Now you will hear the conversation again. There are two people in the conversation, Ben and Sally. They are talking about movies. Listen carefully and find out what kinds of movies they like and what kinds of movies they dont like. And then fill in the following chart. Just listen for the first time. Play the recording for the first time. T: Listen again. And this time you draw a smiley face to show the kinds of movies they like. And the frown face to show the kinds of movies they dont like. If some movies are not heard in the recording, put a question mark under them. Play the recording for the second time. Ask students to fill in the blanks. Then check the answers. Step Pairwork (2c: P54)Ask the students to read the conversation in activity 2c. T: Read the conversation in pairs, please. First I will ask two students to read the conversation to the class. Ask two students to read. Write the four kinds of movies on the blackboard.T: Now work in pairs. And you have to tell each other the truth. After that, ask the students to do chain drills as follows.S1: What kind of movies do you like?S2: I like action movies and comedies. What kind of movies do you like?S3: I like documentaries. What kind of movies do you like?S4: I like thrillers. What kind of movies do you like?S5: I like comedies and thrillers. What kind of movies do you like?S6: I like comedies and thrillers.Step Grammar FocusAsk students to read the first grammar box.T: Look at the first grammar box. Its about the singular and plural forms of the nouns. First I will read it to you. Just listen. Read them one by one. Then ask students to repeat. T: Now I will read them again. And this time you have to repeat after me.Read them and students repeat. Then show the following.Nouns ending in How to make the plural formsExampless,x,ch,shAdd-esbus-buses, box-boxesconsonant + yChange y to i, then add -esfamily-families, baby-babiesvowel + yAdd-sboy-boys, toy-toysf,feChang f or fe to v, then add -eswolf-wolves, knife-knivesanything elseAdd -sdesk-desks, door-doorsThen ask them to read the questions and answers in the second grammar box and sum up the sentence structure. T: Now please read the questions and answers in the second grammar box. When you read, you should pay attention how to use “do” and “does”.Show the following:Do I /we/you/they want?Yes, I/we/you/they do.No, I/we/you/they dont.Does he/she want to?Yes, he/she does.No, he/she doesnt.Explain to the students as follows.T: The verb do and dont are used with the first person, the second person and the plural form of the third person. And the verb does and doesnt are used with the singular form of the third person. Write the following on the blackboard.dont = do notdoesnt = does notAsk student to work in pairs, practicing “What kind of . do you like? I like .”Sample conversation: A: What kind of movies do you like?B: I like comedies.Step HomeworkAsk students to 1. Change the following words into plural forms.boy family classmate bus knife baby wolf toy box watch Key: boys, families, classmates, buses, knives, babies, wolves, toys, boxes, watches2. Ask students to finish activity 1 in the workbook.Period 3 Integrating skills()Target language 目标语言 1. Words && phrases生词和短语opera, Beijing Opera, find, someone, who, student2. Key sentences重点句子I like thrillers and I like action movies.I like thrillers but I dont like comedies.Maria likes thrillers but she doesnt like comedies. Guo Peng likes comedies and he likes Beijing Opera. Ability goals能力目标Enable students to talk about the movies they like and they dont like.Learning ability goals学能目标Help students learn how to talk about the movies they like and they dont like.Teaching important / difficult points教学重难点How to use “and” and “but”.Teaching aids教具准备Some pictures of the actors. Teaching procedures and ways教学过程与方式Step Free talk and Lead?鄄inAsk and answer questions about the kinds of movies.T: Do you want to go to a movie? S: Yes, I do. T: What kind of movies do you like?S: I like action movies. T: (Turn to another student) Do you want to go to a movie?S: Yes, I do.T: What kind of movies do you like? S: I like comedies. .Ask students to do chain drills as follows. S1: What kind of movies do you like?S2: I like documentaries. And what kind of movies do you like?S3: I like comedies. What kind of movies do you like?S4: I like action movies. What kind of movies do you like?S5: I like thrillers. What kind of movies do you like?.Step Filling in the blanks (3a: P55) In this procedure, ask students to learn the usage of “and” and “but”. Put up the pictures of Cheng Long and Zhou Jielun.T: Do you know who they are?S: Yes, they are Cheng Long and Zhou Jielun.Show the following.Cheng LongZhou JielunIHeSheAsk a boy to answer questions. T: I like Zhou Jielun, but I dont like Cheng Long. Do you like Cheng Long?S: Yes, I do.T: Do you like Zhou Jielun?S: Yes, I do.Write the following sentence on the blackboard.He likes Cheng Long and he likes Zhou Jielun.Ask a girl to answer questions.T: Do you like Cheng Long?S: Yes, I do.T: Do you like Zhou Jielun?S: No, I dont.Write the following sentence on the blackboard.She likes Cheng Long but she doesnt like Zhou Jielun.Ask students to read the sentences on the blackboard and learn how to use “and” and “but”.T: If both ideas in a sentence are the same, we use “and”. If the two ideas in a sentence are different, we use “but”.Ask students to read the four sentences in activity 3a and then fill in the blanks.Check the answers. Step Pairwork (3b: P55)Ask students to practice the conversation and make their own conversations. T: Look at the people in the picture. Of all the movies, which do they like? Which do they not like? Read the conversation in 3b. Now work in pairs and practice asking and answering questions about the other people in the picture. You can make your own conversations. Sample conversation:S1: What kind of movies does Robert like?S2: He likes thrillers and he likes action movies.Step GameIn this procedure, students should be told how to play this game.Ask students to read the sample conversation in the picture. T: OK. Now we will play a game. But first I have to tell you how to play this game. Write “likes comedies and thrillers. _”on the blackboard.Find a group to help demonstrate how to play this game.T: Do you like comedies and thrillers? S: No, I dont.T: Do you like comedi


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