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    最新初中英语常见语法错误100例1. 这本小说我已读了三遍。误:I've read the novel the third time.正:I've read the novel a third time.析:要表示数量或序数的增加, 在序数词前用不定冠词。又如:He saw a second plane. 他又看到了第二架飞机。2. 他在公共汽车后面追,并追上了。误:He ran after the bus, and could catch it.正:He ran after the bus, and was able to catch it.析:表示过去特定情况下的能力,可用 was (were) able to 而不能用 could, 不过这种差异在否定句中便不存在了。 如:He ran after the bus but wasn't able to couldn't catch it.3. 我正要上床睡觉,这时电话铃响了。误:I was about to going to bed when the telephone rang.正:I was about to go to bed when the telephone rang.析:be about to do sth 是习语,其意为“正要做某事”,此处的about(有的词典认为是形容词)之后通常应接不定式,不接 to doing sth。4. 他接受过良好的教育。误:He accepted a good education.正:He received a good education.析:虽然在通常情况下,accept=接受,receive=收到,但并不是说汉语中所有的“接受”都可用 accept 来对译。5. 他做这事是偶然的,还是故意的?误:Did he do it on accident or by purpose?正:Did he do it by accident or on purpose?析:by accident 是习语,表示“偶然地”;on purpose 也是习语,表示“故意地”,注意两者介词的搭配不能混淆。6. 你怎么解释事故的原因?误:How can you account the accident?正:How can you account for the accident?析:account 用作动词时,表示“认为”,是及物动词;表示“解释”“说明”等,是不及物动词,若需后接宾语,通常借助介词 for。7. 不要杞人忧天。误:Don't across the bridge until you come to it.正:Don't cross the bridge until you come to it.正:Don't walk across the bridge until you come to it.析:across 是介词或副词(不是动词),cross 是动词。8. 你要想卖掉你的产品,你就得为此登广告。误:If you want to sell your product you must advertise for it.正:If you want to sell your product you must advertise it.析:advertise for sth (sb) 意为“登广告征求或寻找某物或某人”(此时 advertise 是不及物动词);若要表示“为登广告”或“登广告宣传”,advertise 是及物动词,其后要直接跟被宣传的东西作宾语。9. 他建议我同他们一起去。误:He advised me going with them.正:He advised me to go with them.析:advise(建议)之后不能用不定式作宾语,但可接不定式的复合结构作宾语。注意这类句型的被动语态:You would be well advised to stay indoors. 你最好呆在家里。10. 气候变化会影响你的健康。误:The change in climate will effect your health.正:The change in climate will affect your health.析:affect 和 effect 两者都可以表示“影响”,但用作此义时,affect 是动词,而 effect 是名词。虽然 effect有时也用作动词,但它不表示“影响”,而表示“实现”“产生”等。11. 如果你能告诉我一些情况,我将十分感激。误:Id appreciate very much if you would tell me something about it.正:Id appreciate it very much if you would tell me something about it.析:appreciate(感激)是及物动词,其后不能没有宾语。为方便记忆,可将I would appreciate it if.视为一个固定句型。12. 他安排我去机场迎接客人。误:He arranged me to meet the guests at the airport.正:He arranged for me to meet the guests at the airport.析:arrange(安排)后可接不定式作宾语,但习惯上却不接不定式的复合结构作宾语,遇此情况可在 arrange 后加介词 for(如上面的正句)或换成从句。如:He arranged that I (should) meet the guests at the airport.13. 小孩喜欢像糖果和玩具之类的东西。误:Children like such things like candy and toys.正:Children like such things as candy and toys.析:such. as 是固定搭配,不要受汉语影响将 as 换成like之类的词。14. 昨天早上我的朋友来看我时,我还在睡大觉。误:I was very asleep when my friend came to see me yesterday morning.正:I was fast sound asleep when my friend came to see me yesterday morning.析:要表示“睡得很熟”,asleep 习惯上不能用 very 修饰,而用 fast或 sound 来修饰。15. 他不为金钱和美女所动。误:He had no attraction for money and women.正:Money and women had no attraction for him.析:A has holds attraction for B这一结构表示的是“对B来说,A具有吸引力”,也就是说“A对B有吸引力或诱惑力”,即B喜欢A,而不是其相反。又如:Television has little attraction for me. 电视对我没什么吸引力。16. 她所谓生病只不过是避免见他的花招而已。误:Her illness is merely a device to avoid to see him.正:Her illness is merely a device to avoid seeing him.析:avoid后接动词时要用动名词,不能用不定式。又如:It was impossible to avoid being affected. 要想不受影响是不可能的。17. 他们在机场检查了所有行李。误:They examined all baggages at the airport.正:They examined all baggage at the airport.析:baggage 主要用于美国英语,英国英语中通常用luggage。两者都是“行李”的统称,不具体指一件行李,因此不可数,没有复数形式,也不与不定冠词或数词连用。18. 他知道她哭是因为他说的话。误:He knew she was crying because what he had said.正:He knew she was crying because of what he had said.析:一般说来,because 后接从句,because of后接名词或代词。但是由于 what he had said实质上相当于名词(the thing that he had said),所以其前应用 because of。顺便补充一句,一般说的 because 后接从句,通常是指没有引导词的句子,因为 because 已是从属连词,本身已是引导原因状语从句的引导词。19. 为了减肥,除正餐之外最好不要吃零食。误:In order to lose weight, youd not eat anything among meals.正:In order to lose weight, youd not eat anything between meals.析:原则上说,between 用于两者,among 用于三者或三者以上。但若表示三者当中每两者之间的关系时,要用between,而不用among。20. 听到这个好消息,孩子们都大笑起来。误:Hearing the good news, the children burst into laughing.正:Hearing the good news, the children burst into laughter.正:Hearing the good news, the children burst out laughing.析:burst into 和 burst out 都可表示“突然进入某种状态或发生某种情况”,但前者通常后接名词,后者通常后接动名词。21. 难怪他们遇到那么大的麻烦。误:No wonder did they have so much trouble.正:No wonder (that) they had so much trouble.析:no wonder 后接 that 从句时(难怪,并不奇怪),其后的句子不用倒装。又如:No wonder (that) she didnt like it. 难怪她不喜欢这东西。注:该结构为 Its no wonder that.之省略,其中的 no 也可用 little, small 等代之,如:Small wonder that he was so tired. 难怪他那么累。Its no wonder you cant sleep when you eat so much. 你吃得太饱,自然睡不着。22. 很多人本来可以获救的却死了。误:A lot of men died who could be saved.正:A lot of men died who could have been saved.析:对过去情况进行推测,要在情态动词后接完成式,而不能接一般式。有时含有责备或后悔之意。又如:You could might have made greater progress. 你的进步本来可以更大一些的。23. 你最好带些钱,以防万一。误:Youd better carry some money for case.正:Youd better carry some money in case.析:in case 通常用作连词,用以引导状语从句,但有时也可单独使用,起副词作用,意为“以防万一”,不过这种用法常可与其连词用法转换,如上面一句也可说成 Youd better carry some money in case you need it. 注意:for case不合英语表达习惯。24. 你最好不要让老板逮住你上班睡觉。误:Youd better not let the boss catch you to sleep at work.正:Youd better not let the boss catch you sleeping at work.析:表示意外地碰上某人在做某事,用 catch sb doing sth。25. 这部照相机不够好,我想换一部。误:The camera isnt good enough; I want to change another.正:The camera isnt good enough; I want to change it (for another).析:这里说的“换一部”,其实是指用一部照相机去换另一部照相机,所以用 change sth for sth else 这一句型。又如:You had better change that shirt for a large one. 你最好把那件衬衣去换件大号的。26. 我们写信祝贺她当选为劳模。误:We wrote to congratulate her to be chosen as a modern worker.正:We wrote to congratulate her on being chosen as a modern worker.析:congratulate(祝贺)不接不定式的复合结构作宾语。记住常用句型 congratulate sb on upon (doing) sth。27. 据说新铁路正在修建当中。误:Its said that the new railway is under the construction.正:Its said that the new railway is under construction.析:under construction 是习语,意为“在建设中”“在兴建中”,其中不用冠词。类似地还有:under discussion 在讨论中 / under fire 在炮火中 / under examination 在检查(调查)中 / under consideration 在考虑中 / under repair 在修理中 / under medical treatment 在治疗中 / under attack 受到袭击 / under study 在研究中 / under review 在检查中。28. 我怎样与你联系?误:How can contact with you?正:How can contact you?析:contact 是及物动词,其意为“与联系”,不要按汉语意思在其后误加介词 with。注:contact的宾语除了是人外,也可以是地点,如:I just contacted his office direct. 我直接跟他办公室联系了。29. 如果你感到方便的话,我就来。误:Ill come if you are convenient.正:Ill come if it is convenient for to you.析:convenient 的实际意思是“使人感到方便的”, 而不是“感觉到方便的”,所以不要按汉语意思将 be convenient的主语用“人”充当。比较:Railway is convenient. 铁路方便。Traveling is convenient for people, where there are railways. 哪里有铁路,哪里的人旅行就方便。30. 这座教堂是六世纪建的。误:The church was dated back to dated from 1176.正:The church dates back to dates from 1176.析:date back to 或 date from 两者意义相同,均指“自某时起 存在至今”(=have existed since),两者均不能用于被动语态。顺使 说一句,这类句子通常用一般现在时,而不用一般过去时,除非 所谈论的主体现在已不复存在。如:The church, which dated back to the 13th century, was destroyed in an earthquake two years ago.(那座教堂是13世纪建成的,两年前在一次地震中被毁了)。31令我们感到高兴的是,他一天天地好了起来。误:To our delight, he was getting better day after day.正:To our delight, he was getting better day by day.析:比较 day by day 和 day after day:两者均可表示“一天天地”,但含义和用法均有区别:day by day含有逐渐(gradually)转变的意思,在句中主要用作状语;day after day暗示时间之长久(for many many days),在句中可用作状语,也可用作主语或宾语。比较:Day after day went by, and still no message arrived. 一天天过去了,还是一直没有消息。Things are getting worse day by day. 情况一天天变糟。32我们都指望他明天能来。误:We all depend you to come tomorrow.正:We all depend on you to come tomorrow.正:We all depend on you coming tomorrow.正:We all depend on your coming tomorrow.析:depend不能跟不定式的复合结构作宾语,因为它是不及物动词,后接宾语时,必须用depend on upon。注:depend on 后可以跟不定式的复合结构,并且也可接动名词的复合结构。另外,此句也可用从句改写:We all depend on it that he will come tomorrow.33. 这本词典是供外国学生用的。误:The dictionary is designing for foreign students.正:The dictionary is designed for foreign students.析:design用作动词除表示“设计”外,还可表示“计划”“打算”等,如:His father designed him for a lawyer. 他父亲打算要他当律师。但是,此用法通常用于被动形式,即用于 be designed for sb (sth), be designed to do sth, be designed as sth 等。如:The weekend party was designed to bring the two old men together. 这次周末聚会的用意是要使两位老人见面。The room was designed as the childrens playroom. 这个房间计划用作儿童游戏室。34我不同意我们那么早就出发。误:I disagree that we should start so early.正:I dont agree that we should start so early.析:与“agree+that从句”不一样,disagree(不同意)后不接 that 从句。顺便说一句,要表示同意做某事,可说 agree to do sth,但要表示不同意做某事,不能说disagree to do sth,可根据情况改为 not agree to do sth或refuse to do sth等。35. 我们对现金付款给予九折优惠。误:We give (a) 90% discount for cash.正:We give (a) 10% discount for cash.析:discount(折扣)的实际意思是从某物的价格中扣去的数目,而不是扣除某个数目后剩下的数目,即 discount amount of money taken off the cost of sth。36许多年轻人梦想出国。误:A great many young people dream to go abroad.正:A great many young people dream of going abroad.析:动词 dream(梦见,梦想)后不能接不定式,若语义上需要这类结构,通常用 of doing sth。注意此用法的否定式:Little did I dream of succeeding so well. 我做梦也没想到会这样成功。37这个女人不很聪明,很容易受骗。误:The woman is not very clever and easy to be cheated.正:The woman is not very clever and easy to cheat.析:在“be easy (difficult) +不定式”这类结构中,句子主语通常应是 it(如说:It is easy to cheat the woman.),通常不能是指人或物的名词。但有时也可以用指人或指物的名词作主语,注意此时该主语必须是其后不定式的逻辑宾语,且此时该不定式要用主动式表示被动意义(不直接用被动式)。又如:The question is easy to answer. 这个问题很容易回答。(不能用 to be answered)38这条消息对她没有一点影响。误:The news did not effect her at all.正:The news did not affect her at all.正:The news had no effect on her at all.析:effect 和affect 均可表示“影响”,但前者是名词,后者是动词。两者的关系大致为 affecthave an effect on,如:To affect a policy is to have an effect on it. 影响一项政策就是对该政策具有一种影响。注:effect 也可用作动词,但不表示“影响”,而是表示“引起”“产生”或“实现”“达到”等。39我泼了些鸡蛋在衣服上。误:I spilled some eggs on the dress.正:I spilled some egg on the dress.析:有的学生认为,egg(鸡蛋)只用作可数名词,其实那是误解。egg 通常是可数的,其意是指一个个可以数的 egg,但是当它敲碎后,我们见到蛋壳内的鸡蛋,便是一种物质了,也就不可数了。顺便补充一点:作为食物的 egg,可能是可数的也可能是不可数的,其区别依然是看它是否能实实在在地被“数”。40我拿了别人的雨伞。误:Ive taken somebodys else umbrella.正:Ive taken somebody elses umbrella.析:若语义上需要所有格,该所有格通常加在 else 上。41她不喜欢她丈夫开快车。误:She didnt enjoy when her husband drove fast.正:She didnt enjoy it when her husband drove fast.析:enjoy(喜欢)在现代英语中除极个别的口语用法外, 通常只用作及物动词,其后应跟有宾语。上句中 it 用作 enjoy的宾语,其后的 when 是时间状语从句,而不是宾语从句。42这就等于说他是个骗子。误:This is equal to say that hes a cheat.正:This is equal to saying that hes a cheat.析:be equal to 的意思是“等于”“能胜任”“能应付”,其中的 to 是介词,不是不定式符号。又如:Her sight is equal to threading a needle without glasses. 她的视力很好,能不戴眼镜穿针引线。43他给自行车装了前灯。误:He equipped a head light on his bike.正:He equipped his bike with a head light.析:equip(装备)通常要以被装备的对象作宾语, 不能以装备物作宾语,其句型通常为“equip装备对象with装备物”(注意相应的被动形式)。又如:We are going to equip the room with air-conditioning. 我们打算给这个房间装上空调。注意不说:Were going to equip air-conditioning in the room.44他设法躲避惩罚。误:He tried to escape from punishment.正:He tried to escape punishment.析:escape 表示逃避或躲避不愉快的事(如危险,处罚,不幸,灾 难等),是及物动词,其后无需用介词。但若是表示从某体场所逃走、从管制或监禁中逃走、液体或气 体从管中漏出等,均为不及物动词,可与介词 from 连用。 如:Some gas is escaping from the pipe. 煤气管在漏气。A lion has escaped from its cage. 有一只狮子从笼子里逃 走了。比较:He escaped prison. 他躲避了监禁。(本该入狱但逃避了,即逃避了不愉快的事,及物) He escaped from prison. 他越狱了。(已经入狱但逃走了,即从管制或监禁中逃走,不及物)45他除了身体不舒服外,每天都上图书馆。误:He goes to the library every day except that he is not well.正:He goes to the library every day except when he is not well.析:except that和 except when 均可后接句子,但两者在语义上有差别:即后者的 when含有“当时候”的意思,前者则没有这层意思。比较:I know nothing about him except that he is Paris. 我只知道他是巴黎人,其他的就什么都不知道了。He never came except when he was in trouble. 除了(当他)遇到麻烦(的时候)以外,他从不来。46法官非常注意这一情况,即孩子在家里并不快乐。误:The judge paid a lot of attention to that the child was unhappy at home正:The judge paid a lot of attention to the fact that the child was unhappy at home析:按英语习惯,除极个别介词(如 except, but 等)外,一般的介词之后均不能直接跟 that 从句。如语义上需要接这类从句,则通常使用 the fact that 这一结构。注:在这类句型中,the fact 用作前面介词的宾语,其后 that从句为修饰 the fact 的同位语从句,用以说明 the fact 的具体内容。47我们了解他的性格。误:We are familiar to his character.正:We are familiar with his character.析:familiar(熟悉的)有以下两类用法须注意:一是表示某人熟悉某事物,此时通常只用作表语,且在其后连用介词 with; 二是表示某事物为某人所熟悉,此时可用作表语或定语,其后通常连用介词 to。比较:We are familiar with the saying. 我们熟悉这条格言。The saying is familiar to us. 这条格言我们熟悉。48到目前为止,这工作很容易,但情况可能有变化。误:So far the work is easy but things may change.正:So far the work has been easy but things may change.析:so far有两个主要意思:一是表示“到目前为止”,强调的是从过去持续到现在的一段时间,所以通常与现在完成时连用;另一个意思是表示“到这种程度或范围”,此时可根据情况选用时态,如:I can only help him so far. 我只能帮他到这种程度。49. 我想笑,但是不敢笑。误:I felt like to laugh, but I didnt dare.正:I felt like laughing, but I didnt dare.析:feel like 中的 like 不是动词,是介词,所以其后只能接名词或动名词,不能接不定式。feel like 的主要用法有“想要”“摸起来像”“(感到)像是”,如: It feels like silk. 这东西摸起来像丝绸。I feel like catching a cold. 我像是感冒了。50. 每周推出数以百计的新唱片,但(其中)没有几张能进入每周流行榜。误:Hundreds of new records are produced each week but a few (of them) get into the charts.正:Hundreds of new records are produced each week but few (of them) get into the charts.析:few 和 a few均表示复数意义,few 表示数量很少或几乎没有,强调“少”,含有否定意义;a few 表示数量虽然少但毕竟还有,强调“有”,含有肯定意义。比较:His theory is very difficult, and few people understand it. 他的理论很深奥,没有几个人能懂。His theory is very difficult, but a few people understand it. 他的理论很深奥,但是有些人懂。51. 劳驾,能借个火吗?误:Can you give me a fire, please?正:Can you give me a light, please?析:fire 表示“火”,主要指燃烧的火; 表示火柴或打火机等的 “火”,英语用 light。52. 据说他对她是一见钟情。误:Its said that he fell in love with her at the first time he saw her.正:Its said that he fell in love with her the first time he saw her.析:the first time(第一次)在此用作连词,引导时间状语从句。此句也可改为:He fell in love with her when he saw her for the first time.53. 起初我还以为他很腼腆,后来我才发觉他是不爱理人。误:First I thought he was shy, but then I discovered he was just not interested in other people.正:At first I thought he was shy, but then I discovered he was just not interested in other people.析:比较 first 与 at first:前者意为“先”,用来说明顺序,暗示接下去还有其它动作或事件要发生,因此其后往往接 有(或暗示有)then, next, last 等词;而后者意为“起初”“开始”,它强调的是前后对照,暗示接下去的动作与前面的动作有所不同甚至相反,因此常有 but, afterwards, soon, at last等相呼应。比较:First my car broke down, then I lost my key: it never rains but it pours! 先是我的汽车出了故障,接着又丢了钥匙,真是祸不单行! / At first things went well, but later on we ran into trouble. 起初事情进展得很顺利,但后来我们遇到了困难。54. 许多年轻人都喜欢听流行音乐。误:Many young people are fond to listen to pop music.正:Many young people are fond of listening to pop music.析:表示喜欢做某事,通常用 be fond of doing sth,而不用 be fond to do sth。55. 他们原谅了他的鲁莽。误:They forgave him to be rude.正:They forgave his being rude.正:They forgave (him) his rudeness.正:They forgave him for being rude.析:forgive(原谅)之后可以接名词或代词作宾语,也可以接双宾语,还可以接动名词(通常有逻辑主语)以及用于 forgive sb for doing sth 等,但是它通常不接不定式的复合结构。56. 他用惊恐的眼神看着他周围的每一个人。误:He stared at everyone around him with frightening eyes.正:He stared at everyone around him with frightened eyes.析:比较 frightening 与 frightened:前者指“令人害怕的”,后者指“感到害怕的”。比较:frightened eyes 惊恐的眼神。frightening eyes 吓人的眼神。The man was frightened. 这


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