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    20192020 学年度潍坊市奎文区初中学段第二学期初一期末考试初中英语英语试卷总分值 120 分一、听力测试共20 小题;每题1 分,计 20 分一请听对话,依照所听内容选择与其意思相符的图画。对话读一遍。12345二听对话,选择正确的答案。每段对话读两遍。6 How old is the boy s brother now?A TenB Twelve C Fourteen7 Where was Tom born?A In London B In Manchester CIn a small town near London 8 How did Jim go to school yesterday?A By bike B By busCOn foot 9 Did Jack see the film?A Yes, he didB No ,he didntCWe dontknow 10 Who did Kate go to visit her grandparents with?A Her mother B Her father CHer parents三听下面的对话和咨询题,选择正确的答案。每段对话读两遍。11 A He went to the park B He went to the zoo CHe went to school 12 A Yes, he saw itB He saw many animals CYes, he did13 A At home B At the zooCAt school 14 A By busB By bikeCOn foot15 A No, he forgot it B Yes, he didC Sorry, I don tknow 四、请听短文,依照所听内容完成以下表格。短文读两遍。When was the oldest child born in the family? In 1 _Mark is eleven and Roy is 2 _Gloria has a lot of 3 _ in her school What does Gloria do on weekends? Goes 4 _Roy and Mark like to go for a 5 _二、选择填空每题1 分,计 15 分16 At weekends , the old people go for _ ride for half _ hourA a, anB a, aC, aD,17 The weather is very cold outside Please _ your coatA put onB wearC dressD get dressed18 The Sutong highway Bridge , a_ bridge, is already open to traffic A 32 kilometre longB 32 kilometres longC32-kilometre-longD32-kilometres-long19 -When did he work _ tile railroad?-From 1904 to 1909 A atB onC forD of20 When the young man heard the news , he _ to his houseA hurried goingB hurries goingC hurried to goD hurries to go21 Look! There are some books on tile floor Can you _?A pick it upB pick up itC pick them upD pick up them22 I _ Quincy last Sunday It was interesting _ there A reach; to playB arrived at; playingC got;to playDgot to;to play23 There is a big garden _ lots of trees and flowers behind his house A onB withC toD in24 -Is Shanghai bigger than Tokyo 东京 ?-No Tokyo has over 30 million people ,it is bigger than _ in China A any other cityB any other cities C any citiesD any city25 -What does your father look like?-He _ A likes historyB is tall and thinC is a history teacherD is 40 years old26 -Kate, do you know _ it is from here to the gym?-About twenty minutes walk A how longB how farC how soonD how often27 - _ the film about Zhan Tian you?-It s very exciting A What do you thinkBWhat do you likeCWhat do you think ofDHow do you think of28 It _ them three years _ the new school A took ; to buildB spent; buildingC cost; buildD paid; built29 -Is there _ in today s newspaper?-Yes A man entered our teachersoffice _ the window last weekA something new ; throughB anything new ; throughCnew anything ; throughDanything new ; across30 Weifang is one of _ We like it _ A the most beautiful cities ; lots ofB the most beautiful cities ; a lotCthe most beautiful city ; a lotDthe beautiful cities ;lots of三、完形填空每题1 分,计10 分Once there was a boy in a small town His31is to be a train-driver But the boy was born32armsHe didn tgive up舍弃, and trained to use his33 asbandsHe couldn tgoto school, so he spent all his time34 trains coming and going because he lived near a station One day he saw an empty35He thought for some time and then climbed in He started36with his feet easily The boy was short ,so37noticed him in the train The train arrivedat a small station and then the boy38 it back with his feet When he was near the 39 ,its train driver caught up with the train and stopped itAt first he was very angry ,but when he sawthe40, he was so surprised He couldn tbelieve it was true I have no arms , but I liketrain, said the boy quietly 31 A dreamB jobC questionD family32 A withB aboutC withoutD for33 A legsB faceC feetD ears34 A planningB watchingC makingD asking35 A planeB busC carD train36 A herB himC itD them37 A anybodyB nobodyC somebodyD everybody38 A droveB pushedC pulledD caught39 A villageB countryC cityD town40 A womanB manC boyD girl四、阅读明白得每题1.5 分,计 21 分AA lot of boys and girls in Western countries are wearing the same kind of clothes, and manyof them have long hair , so it is often difficult to tell whether是否 they are boys or girls One day, an old man went for a walk in a park , in Washington ,and when he was tired, hesat on a chair A young person was standing on the other side of the pool Oh! the old man said to the person sitting beside him on the chair Do you see thatperson with the glasses and long hair? Is it a boy or a girl? A girl , said the neighbour She is my daughter Oh! the old man said quickly Please forgive me, I did not know that you were hermother Im not said the other person, I m her father 41 Is it a boy or a girl? The word it here means _A heB sheC the personD the pool42 The meaning of forgive is _ A 不记得B 责骂C舍弃D 原谅43 The old man thought his neighbour was _ A a womanB a manC a girlD a boy44 The old man thought that his neighbour was the girl s mother because his neighbour_A was wearing a skirtB had a beautiful faceChad long hairDwas youngBSally and her brother Jim are traveling to Europe They like to travel by train or by ferry because they can see a lot of beautiful sights in different places and they usually travel atnight Now they are sitting in a train It s dark outside and others are sleepingThe window neartheir seats is open Sally is lookingout of the window She can see some thin clouds in thesky The Moon behind the thin clouds is very beautiful and bright She enjoys the Moon verymuch and doesntfeel tired Jim is sitting near her and sleeping Tomorrow they will take a ferryto Paris45 Sally and Jim are traveling _ A by ferryB by trainC by planeD by bike46 Why do they like to travel by train or by ferry?A Because its very cheapBBecause they can travel very fast CBecause they can enjoy the beautiful sights DBecause they can sleep in a train47 Sally can see _ in the skyA some clouds and birdsB some clouds and the MoonCthe Moon and a planeDsome snow48 Jim is _ A looking out of the windowB enjoying the MoonCsleepingDsinging49 Sally and Jim will reach _ tomorrowA ParisB LondonCRomeD BeijingCHealth Centre9:00-17:3016 Yongle StreetTel:380 1452Free exam for those who are over seventy years old!Sunny English ClubFor students 16:00-18:00 Every Saturday 200 yuan a month9 Zhouyu StreetTel:378 5290Foreign teachers, English songs,film and more!Ocean Museum9:00-17:00 From Thursday to SundayThe price of the ticket:50 yuan, 132 Xueyuan StreetTel:542 987150 Sunny English Club is for _A nursesB studentsC policemenD teachers51 You will pay _ if you want to stay in the English Club for half a yearA 300 yuanB 600 yuanC 1,200yuanD 1,800yuan52 You can visit Ocean Museum on _A SaturdayB MondayCWednesdayD Tuesday53 One can get free exam in Health Centre if he she is _A 17B 67C 69D 7354 If you are interested in the life of fish, you should go to _ A 9 Zhouyu StreetB 132 Xueyuan StreetCSunny English ClubD16 Yongle Street五、阅读表达。 计 10 分Do you like watching sitcoms情形喜剧?What is a sitcom? It s the combinationof situation and comedy Today, many people like watching sitcoms because they are veryinteresting and relaxing Sitcoms usually tell stories about common 一般 peoples life How many sitcoms did you watch? I Love My Family is the first sitcom in China, and thereare many sitcoms such as The Family of Northeast ,Home with Kids Many people like My OwnSwordsman武林外传 The sitcom Friends is also very popular in America Do you like towatch them?1 Whats the meaning of combination ? 1 分A 并列B结合C分裂2请将划线句子译成汉语。3 分3请写出 popular的反义词 _ 1 分4 What is the first sitcom in China? 2 分5 Whats the title题目 of the passage? 5 个词以内 3 分六、按要求完成句子,每空一词。每空 0.5 分,计 10 分1 He gave back the book to me yesterday 同义句转换He _ the book _ me yesterday 2 Miss Gao rides to work every day 用last month 改写Miss Gao work _ work _ last month 3 He finished school when he was fourteen 同义句转换He finished school _ fourteen 4 He left school in 2005 对划线部分提咨询_ he _ school?5 It was 1 st yesterday对划线部分提咨询_ the _ yesterday?6 I like drawing Every day I spend half an hour practising drawing 同义句转换I likedrawing _ me half an hour _ drawingevery day七、词汇考查每题1 分,计 10 分依照首字母或汉语提示写单词。1 Winter lasts from December to F_ in China 2 My father went on h_ last month He had a good time3 Turn down the TV , please The baby is a_4 Everyone h_ they will come to Beijing in 20185 After the two astronauts walked out of the spacecraft , they w_their hands to us 6 Im tired now I _ 花费 an hour cleaning the classroom by myself 7 Her father gave a_ 金色的 watch to her as a birthday present8 Shakespeare was a_ 成功的 poet9 There are20_ 乘客 on the bus10 Boeing 747 travels the _最远 of all the planes , from London to Beijing 八、动词运用每题1 分,计 10 分The Greens liked1 travel on holiday One day,Mr Green and his wife decided2do some shopping in Sun Rise Supermarket for the holiday They3 stoptheir carinfront of the supermarket Then they entered the supermarket Half an hour later they4buy a lot of things and returned to the car They couldn t 5 opentile door Oh,dear!said MrsGreen What6 we6do? Lets7 askthe policemanSaid Mr GreenThe policeman was very kind and happy8 help them A few minutes later he9open the doorJust at that time ,an angry man10 come near to them and shouted, What are you doing with my car? The Greens looked at the number of the car and their facesturned red九、书面表达总分值l4 分依照以下提示写一篇日记,记录 5 月 1 日星期二 你和你的同学Darning and Lingling一起去参观历史博物馆的事。提示:1天气:晴朗2距离:博物馆离家大约3 千米。3交通工具:骑自行车去。4时刻: 8 点动身, 10 点回家。5内容:见到了许多照片,事物等,学到了许多东西。6游人:见到了许多父母和小孩、学生和老师,还有外国人等。注意:1词数: 80 左右2日记的格式已给出。TuesdayMay 1, 2018sunny_


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