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    外研版 Book 2 Module 4 课堂练习.doc

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    外研版 Book 2 Module 4 课堂练习.doc

    Part 1 INTRODUCTION, READING AND VOCABULARY & FUNCTIONI. 根据本部分所学单词及所给的提示写出所缺单词的准确形式。1. A good hotel manager should know his guests likes and d_.2. The walls are covered in oil _ (绘画).3. I like modern pop songs, while my mother likes t_ ones.4. The street was _ (有生气的) with the sound of children playing.5. Have you thought about the problem from every a_?6. Some of the younger pop bands try to _ (模仿) their musical heroes from the past.7. One student performs the experiment, while his partner _ (观察) it.8. The doctor had to a_ a new method to treat this disease.II. 用适当的介词填空。1. Lucy became interested _ music at the age of 4.2. This question is not easy to answer, so you have to think _ it very carefully.3. The kitchen is full _ smoke.4. The new teacher came into the classroom, _ a book under her arm.5. My grandfather was very fond _ giving advice to all my friends.6. The two shirts are of the same colour but different _ style.III. 根据括号内的汉语提示补全下列句子(每空一词)。1. John _ _ _ _ _ (意欲赢得第一名) in the race and kept practicing every day.2. People easily _ _ _ (对厌烦) doing exactly the same work all day long.3. I cant _ _ _ _ _ (忍受他对我的态度) any longer.4. My younger brother _ _ _ _ (痴迷于足球) and plays it almost every day.5. Its important to _ _ _ _ (养成健康的生活习惯) during our childhood.6. This is a traditional Chinese painting I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (能从绘画风格看出来).Part 2 GRAMMARI. 用括号内动词的正确形式填空。1. I couldnt help _ (laugh) when I heard the funny story.2. Dont be so upset. No one can avoid _ (make) mistakes.3. I cant afford _ (buy) a car.4. To see is _ (believe).5. Have you finished _ (read) the new novel written by Anne?6. The policeman offered _ (take) the child home.7. The children are looking forward to _ (spend) the summer vacation abroad.8. The manager decided _ (give) each of the two young men a chance to prove themselves.II. 翻译下列句子。1. 每天吃水果对身体有好处。_2. 这周五记得把书还给布莱克教授。_3. 告诉他也是浪费时间,他不会听的。_4. 尽管天下起雨来,农民们仍继续在地里干活。_Part 3 FUNCTION, LISTENING AND VOCABULARY, PRONUNCIATION, SPEAKING, WRITING, EVERYDAY ENGLISH, CULTURAL CORNER & TASKI. 选用方框内合适的单词或短语并用其正确形式填空(每个单词或短语限用一次)。destroy, express, portrait, put off, at the end of ., be successful in ., take turns, in ones fifties1. There are several family _ hanging on the walls of the old house.2. We _ attracting excellent young men to the company.3. The school sports meeting _ until next Thursday.4. An earthquake happened last night and _ lots of houses.5. You cant both use the bike at once; youll have to _.6. I decided to go to the meeting as a(n) _ of support.7. David changed his style of painting _.8. _ the story, the princess and the young man lived happily together ever after.II. 选用方框内合适的选项完成下面对话。(有两个多余选项)A. Youve got it right.B. Yes, I do.C. What do you make of it?D. Theres an exhibition on.E. I like it very much.F. Where shall we meet then?Tom: What do you plan to do this weekend?Jerry: 1. _ And I am going to see it on Saturday morning.Tom: I heard about it. Its an exhibition of Picassos paintings, right?Jerry: Yeah. 2. _Tom: Well, Im not quite familiar with his paintings. But its said that Guernica is the greatest one of his works. 3. _Jerry: I think its fantastic! You can see a lot of things beyond the picture. Why dont you come with me?Tom: It sounds interesting. 4. _Jerry: Ill pick you up at your home at 8 a.m.Tom: OK. See you.答案Part 1I. 1. dislikes 2. paintings 3. traditional 4. alive 5. aspect6. imitate 7. observes 8. adoptII. 1. in 2. about 3. of4. with 5. of 6. inIII. 1. aimed to win first place 2. get tired of3. stand his attitude to / towards me 4. is crazy about football5. develop / form healthy living habits 6. can tell by the style of paintingPart 2I. 1. laughing 2. making 3. to buy 4. to believe 5. reading 6. to take 7. spending 8. to giveII.1. Eating fruit every day is good for the body.2. Remember to return the book to Professor Black this Friday.3. Its a waste of time telling him he wont listen.4. Although it started to rain, the farmers still went on working in the field.Part 3I. 1. portraits 2. are successful in 3. was put off 4. destroyed5. take turns 6. expression 7. in his fifties 8. At the end ofII. 1-4 DACF


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