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    课题Unit 1What s your hobby? 4 数:9授 : 2019 年 3 月 15日(周 一 第 5 节 14 高 2 班)2019年 3 月 16日(周 二 第 1 节 14 高 3 班)第 3周第 1节教学内容Reading & Writing中的 Part A教学目 来学生能用 I like , I love 等句型口 表达个人 好来源学。科。网 Z。 X。X。K 来源:ZXXK源 :学生能以第一人称和第三人称 面表述自己和他人的 趣 好。教学重点学生能以第一人称和第三人称 面表述自己和他人的 趣 好。教学 点学生能将 趣 好第一人称的叙述方式以第三人称 行复述教法和学法指 教学法教学程序 Step OneLead-in1. BrainstormingTeacher : “What are in your minds when you see the word hobby? (Write the word “hobby”on the blackboard)Students : Compete with each other and write the related words about “hobby ”on the blackboard .hobby( 意 :激活学生已有的 知 。通 比 启 学生的主 思 , 学生的 极性、主 性,也 后面的听 做好最基 的 。)Step TwoWord Study1. Matching gameTeacher : Show the words and related pictures of different hobbies on the screen.Students: Work in pairs an d match the words to make phrases as the example.2. Listen and checkListen to the tape and check the answers.3. Liste n and completeListen to the tape again and complete the sentences under each picture to talk about hobbies.( 意 : 和名 的配 活 ,以及将 学 与具体的 片相 合,帮助学生以 生 的形式学 。并通 听力和完成句子的 面活 学生在听、写方面巩固 。)第 1页Step ThreeListening1. Pre-listeningTeacher: Ask several students about their own hobbies. The dialogue as follows :T: Whats your hobby ?S: .T: So your favorite is .Students: Make up dialogues in pairs according to the example presented by the teacher and student.( 意 :通 , 系学生的生活 ,巩固前两个活 中的重点 并引出另一重点 favo rite,以帮助学生 除在接下来的听力中的 言障碍。)2. While-liste ning( 1) Listen and tickTeacher: Lead students to look through the three pictures, and ask them what are the hobbies the pictures tellus.Students: First, loo k through the pictures and get the main idea of each picture by answering the teachersquestion. Then l isten to the tape and tick out the picture of Li xiaonian s hobby.( 2) Listen and completeStudents listen to the tape again and complete the sentence in activity 5. If they can t, listen to the tape again.( 意 : 通 此活 , 学生能根据 片提供的信息 听力内容的能力以及在听的 程中把握材料的大意, 取主要信息的能力,同 的活 提供 言 。)3.Post-listening( class work and pair work )Teacher : Play the tape sentence by sentence and lead students to repeat them.Students :Listento the tape again and repeat sentence by sentence.( 意 :在句子的跟 中,使学生掌握关于 趣 好的重要句型。 后面的 做好最基 的准 )Step Four: Speaking1. Read and underlineStudents read the dialogue and underline the sentences about hobby. Teacher writes the sentences on the board.( 1) What s your hobby ?( 2) I love .( 3) Do you like ?( 4) Theyre my favorite.( 5) Im crazy about 第 2页If students cantunderstand the words or sentences, teacher should explain them .( 意 : 并划出关于 趣 好的 句, 学生重点关注 些句子。)2. Activity 7: Listen and repeatStudents read the dialogue after the tape, focusing on the sentences talking about hobby.( 意 : 通 跟 , 学生 趣 好的句型 行反复口 表达。 以下的 操 做好 言上的准 。)3. Practice and act( 1) First teacher makes short dialogues with several students. For exampleT:Whats your hobby, XXX?S:I like T:Do you like ?S:Yes/ No.T:But I don tlove . Im crazy about ?Students make dialogues in pairs, following the example. Then some of them act out theirdialogue in thefront to the class.( 2) Students make dialogues with partner to talk about the hobbies related with their major to identify whatkind of hobby should be developed to study theirown major ( preschoo l education).( 意 : 通 的 操 ,运用 趣 好的句型。并 合学生的学前教育 , 学生意 到 需要在 余 培养怎 的 趣 好。)Step FiveHomework1. Summarize and add the names of hobbies.2. Make a dialogue with the partner to express your hobby.( 意 : 趣 好的 并加以 充,以复 堂 并 散学生的思 。 操 旨在巩固句型运用。 )第 3页板书设计Unit 1Whats your hobby?Reading and Writing教研组长教学反思(签名)第 4页


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