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    考 点 对 接(Unit 1,Book 3)【考点考例一】remind 的用法Please remind me _ he said he was going. I may be in time to see him off.(2006 全国 I)A. where B. when C. howD. what【知能 】remind表示“提醒,使想起”。【常 构】 remind sb to do sth remind sb of/about sth remind sb (that) remind sb what/how.固定用法:That reminds me.那使我想起来了。 ( 表示某事 使你想起要 或要做的事情。)【 例 接】I don t want them to remind me of her.(p 7)【考例答案】 B【考点考例二】 介 to 的短 Weve just moved into a bigger house and theres a lot to do. Lets _it. (2010 福建 )A. keep up withB. do away withC. get down toD. look forward to【知能 】英 中有些短 中的to 是介 , 而不是 不定式符号,后面 接名 或动词 -ing 形式。常 的 介 to 的短 有:get down to着手;look forward to期待;admit to承 ;be accustomed to 于;be equal to 任;be related to与有关;come near to几乎要;get/be used to 于;pay attention to注意;stick to 持;apply oneself to集中精力 ( 做事 ) ;be devoted to 心于 / 致力于;be opposed to反 ;用心爱心专心- 1 -contribute to有助于;refer to指的是;object to反 【 例 接】He had looked forward to meeting her all day, (p 7)【考例答案】C【考点考例三】There be.句型There is a great deal of evidence _ that music activities engage differentparts of the brain.(2009浙江 )A. indicateB. indicatingC. to indicateD. to be indicating【知能 】 Therebe 构 上属于倒装 构,句子的真正主 是be之后的名 。主 后面可接非 。其中 在分 表示主 , 去分 表示被 ,不定式表示将要做某事。如:There are hundreds of visitors waiting in front of the Art Gallery to have alook at Van Goghs paintings. (2006上海春)There is a new problem involved in the popularity of private cars that roadconditions need to be improved.(2003上海 )For many cities in the world, there is no room to spread out further, of whichNew York is an example. (2008四川 )【 例 接】There was Hu Jin waving at him and calling, (p 7)【考例答案】B 。考 点 对 接 (Unit 2,Book 3)【考点考例一】even though引 的状 从句ViewerscontinuetowatchTV _ theycomplainaboutthequalityoftheprogramming. (2011上海春 )A. even thoughB. as ifC. as long asD. unless【知能 】even though意 “即使,即便”,引 步状 从句,常与even if互 。如:There was never any time for Kate to feel lonely, even though she was an onlychild.(2005 宁 )【 例 接】Even though her customersmight getthinaftereatingYong Huisfood, they were not eating enough energy-giving food to keep them fit. (p 10)【考例答案】A用心爱心专心- 2 -【考点考例二】包含get 的短 After that, he knew he could _ any emergency by doing what he could to thebest of his ability. (2010浙江 )A. get away withB. get on withC. get throughD. get across【知能 】get away with被放 ; ( 做了坏事 ) 不受 get along / on同某人相 ;( 某事 ) 展get through通 ( 地方、考 、 案等) ;打通 ( 电话 ) ;完成 ( 任 ) ;度 ( 时间 )get (sth) across (to sb) (使某事 ) 播或 人理解包含 get 的常 短 有:get into坐 ( 、出租 等) ; 入学校;穿( 衣服、鞋子 ) ; ,陷入;get over从中恢复 来;克服( 困 ) ;解决 ( 等 ) ;爬 ,越 get down to (doing) sth开始 真做某事get away from 脱,逃脱get in (使 ) 入;拿 屋【 例 接】He couldnot have Yong Hui gettingaway withtellingpeople lies!(p10)【考例答案】C【考点考例三】“ a序数 + n. ” 构First impressions are the most lasting. After all, you never get _ secondchance to make _ first impression. (2010北京 )A. a; theB. the; theC. a; aD. the; a【知能 】“a序数 ”表示“又一,再一”。如: What do you think of the book?你 得 本 怎 ?Oh, excellent. Its worth reading a second time.非常好, 得再看一遍。“the 序数 ”,表示“第个”。如:Jim is the third person to win such a big prize.吉姆是第三个 得 大 的人。【 例 接】Wang Peng was enjoying a second plate of dumplings so he sighed.(p 15)【考例答案】C用心爱心专心- 3 -


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