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    Unit4 At the farm.doc

    Unit4 At the farm第1课时教学内容:Unit 4Part A Lets talkLets play教学目标:1. Enable the Ss to listen, read and say the words:tomato, potato, green beans, carrot. 2、 Master the the sentences: I like . I love to Theyre .Can use these sentences in the real situation.教学重点:Learn the new words and sentences and use them freely.教学难点:Can describe the things with the sentences: I like . I love to Theyre . Can use these sentences in the real situation.教具准备: Tape,pictures教学过程:Step1. Warm-up1、Free talk. Whats the weather like today? Is it cold? Can you.?2. Sing a song : <An apple a day> Show some apples and say: Look at the apples. Theyre _. (red/ round/ big)Step2. Presentation1. Teach: tomato T: I have a riddle for you. Theyre red . Theyre round and juicy. Some are red. Some are yellow. What are they? Theyre tomatoes. Teach the new word tomato. Say the sentence: tomato, tomato, Its a tomato. Show some tomatoes and say :Theyre tomatoes. Have the students to describe the tomatoes: Look at the tomatoes. Theyre _.(red/big/nice)(3)T:Apples are s kind of fruit. Tomatoes are a kind of vegetables, and a kind of fruits, too.2. Teach: Potatoes(1)Show the word potato, have the students try to read it: potato, potato, its a potato. Show some potatoes and say:Theyre potatoes. Can you spell it ? Do you like potatoes? Yes, I do./ No, I dont.Lets chant: Potatoes, potatoes, theyre good. Potatoes, potatoes, I love to eat.(2) Show some pictures of potatoes and describe them: Look at the potatoes. Theyre_.3. Teach:green beansT: Theyre fruits.Theyre green. What are they? Guess! Theyre green and long. Theyre a kind of vegetables. What are they? Green beans. Teach green beans.4.Teach: carrotsShow a picture of a carrot and ask: Whats this? Its a carrot. Teach carrot. Show some carrots and ask: What are these? Theyre carrots.T:Carrots are good. I like carrots.What do you like? Have some students to answer.Make a new dialogue.T: What do you like?S1: I like tomatoes. T: Do you like potatoes?S1: No, I dont. T: Try some. Theyre yummy.Step3. Consolidation1.Listen and read the new words. Show the cards quickly and have the ss to read. 2. Lets chant. Listen to the chant. Pay attention to the pronounciation of the word: try, cry. Follow the flash and read it.Step 5 Homework1. Listen and repeat the contents.2. Copy the new words four timesBlackboard design:Unit 4 At the farmLook at the . Theyre . tomatoes potatoes carrots green beans第2课时教学内容:Unit 2 Part A Lets talkLets play.教学目标:Teaching aims:1. Help students grasp the new sentences “What are these? Theyre . Are these .? Yes, they are./ No, they arent.2. Can use the sentences in the real circumstances.教学重点:Learn the new sentences and use them freely.教学难点:Learn to use the sentences: “What are these? Theyre . Are these .? Yes, they are./ No, they arent.” in the real circumstances.教具准备: Tape,pictures教学过程:Step 1. Warm-up1.Lets chant. I like tomatoes. I like potatoes. .2.Look and guess. Look at the first letter of the words and guess. Step 3. Presentation1.T each: What are these? Theyre .(1)Enjoy a song. Old Macdonald T: Old Macdonald had a farm. There are many animals at the farm. There are many vegetabls at the farm, too. Can you spell farm? Lets go to the farm and have a look.OK?(2)Show some pictures of vegetables and ask: What are these? Show the word:he, she, we, nose. Have the students try to read: these. Have them to answer: Theyre tomatoes. Lets chant.These, these, look at these.What are these? What are these?Tomatoes, tomatoes.Theyre tomatoes.Yummy and red. 2 T each: Are these .? Yes, they are./ No, they arent. Show some apple trees with green apples and ask: What are these? Are these pears? Yes, they are./ No, they arent. Show some apple trees with red apples and ask: Are these apples? Yes, they are. They are big and red. Read the new sentences. Look at the pictures, ask and answer in pairs.31) Listen to the tape carefully, ask some questions.Q1. Are the carrots big? Q2: What colour are the tomatoes?2)Read after the tapetogetherhalf A and half Bstudents perform the dialogue3)Lets play.A: What are these?B:Are these tomatoes?A: No, they arent.B:Are these apples?A: Yes,they are.Ask and answer in four students.Step 4.Consolidation and extension. Do workbook 27Step 5 Homework1. Listen and repeat the contents.2. Recite the contents to their group leaders.Blackboard design: Unit 4 At the farmWhat are these? Theyre . Are these .? Yes, they are./ No, they arent.第3课时教学内容:Unit4 Part A Lets spell. Read, listen and number.listen, circle and write教学目标:1. Learn the pronunciation of the letter “or”.2. Learn to distinguish the pronunciations of “or” ,can read the words . 3. Enable the Ss to spell the word with”or”in the sentence.教学难点:Learn to distinguish the pronunciations of “or” .教具准备:Tape , word cards教学过程:Step 1 Warming up& Revision1. Review Lets chant in Unit 2 Part A Lets spell.2. Review “ lets talk.” In Part A.Step 2 PresentationLets spell1.Sing the song. Old Macdonald. T: Old Macdonald had a farm. He works hard on a farm. Teach work, work hard. T: Who works hard in our class? Show the clock and say: Its 7:00. Its time to do homework. T: How to spell homework? S1: .T writes the word on the board. Guide the students to write together.Guide the students to try to read and spell the word. Experience the pronunciation of letters “or”: / :/2. Teach “world map”:T: Whats the homework? Homework1: Read the world map. Show work, word, have them try to read world, world map.T: How to spell world map? S1:.T writes the word on the board. Guide the students to write together.Guide the students to try to read and spell the word. Experience the pronunciation of letters “or” 3. Teach horse, forkT: Homework 2: Read the story about the horse. Teach the word: horse. Guide the students to try to read and spell the word. Experience the pronunciation of letters “or”:/ :/Show the word: for, fork. Have them to read and spell them. 4. Lets chant.Step 3 Practice1.Listen, read and numberIdentify and read the word: fork, for, born, world, horse, word;Listen to the tape and number them. Check the answers.2. Listen and write: First look at the pictures and read the sentences. Then listen and write. Check the answers. Read the sentences.3. Do the exercises on workbook.Blackboard design:Unit 4.My homeHomework world maphorse for 第4课时教学内容:B Lets learn. Draw and say.教学目标:1.Help students grasp the new words: bed, sofa, phone, table, fridge .2.Help students finish Draw and play.3.Can understand the sentence: These are . Theyre. 教学重点:1. Grasp the words: cows, hens, sheep, horses.2. Master the sentence: These are . Theyre. 教学难点: Use the words and sentences in the real circumstances.教具准备:Teacher prepares a picture, some cards, a radio and some tapes. Students prepare some cards.教学过程:Step 1. Warm-up1). Lets do. Act like a cat. Act like a dog.2). Lets chant. In Part A Lets chant.Step 2. Presentation1.Teach: horse(1).Listen and ask: Whats that? Its a horse. Teach horse. Show some horses and ask: What are those? Theyre horses. How many horses do you see? Two horses. Four horses. Six horses. .(2).Describe the horses. These are horses. Wow! Theyre _. ( red, brown, white, tall, small)2 Teach: sheepShow a horse and a sheep: How many horses? Two. No, the white one is a sheep.Show the word: she, meet.Try to read: sheep. How many sheep? One sheep, two sheep, three sheep, four sheep.Say something about the sheep: Look at the sheep. Theyre_.3Teach: hens(1).Show some eggs and say: What are those? Theyre eggs. Where are the eggs from? (hen) Teach hen. Hen, hen, its a hen. Show two hens and ask: What are those? Theyre hens.Say something about the hens. The hens are _.4、Teach cowT: Eggs come from hens. What about milk? Milk comes from cow. Teach cow. Show the word: how, cow.Lets do: Cow, cow, milk the cow.4. Show the picture in Lets learn. Describe the animals with the sentences: These are_. Theyre _.Work in two students. 5.Draw and play(1) Draw some animals and vegetabls at the farm,then talk about it in pairs.S1: This is my farm.T: Its so big. Are thses _?S1: Yes, they are.T: Are these _?S2: No, they arent. TheyreStep 5 Homework1. Listen and repeat the contents.2. Copy the new words four timesBlackboard design:Unit 4 At the farmThese are _ Theyre _ cows hens horses sheep第5课时教学内容: B Lets talk Lets play教学目标:1. Help students grasp this sentence “What are those? Theyre Are they.? Yes, they are. No, they arent.2. Can use the sentences in the real circumstances.3. Finish Lets play.教学重点:Grasp the sentence “What are those? Theyre Are they.? Yes, they are. No, they arent.”教学难点: Use the sentences in the real circumstances.教具准备:Teacher prepares a radio, a tape and some beautiful pictures.教学过程:Step 1. Warm-up1、Greetings2、Lets do.Step 2. Presentation 1、Teach: What are those? They are (1). Show a picture of a farm: Look at the farm. Its so big. There are a lot of animals. Hold some pictures of animals and ask: What are these? Theyre . Have some students to ask.Point to the pictures of animals and ask: What are those? Show the word: nose, home, these, then try to read those.Have some students to ask. Ask and answer in pairs.(2).Lets chant.What are these? What are these?Theyre hens. Theyre hens.What are those? What are those?Theyre cows. Theyre cows.2、Teach: Are they ? Yes, they are. No, they arent. (1). Show the part of the animals, then have them to guess. Ss guess: Are they horses? Yes, they are. No, they arent. Teach the new sentences.(2). Make a dialogue in pairs.S1: What are those?S2:Guess!S1: Are they horses?S2: Yes, they are.S1: How many horses do you see?S2: .4、Listen to the tape A. Answer the question.How many horses does the farmer have? Are they hens?B.Follow the tape, read the dialogue. C.Together(twice)-half A and half Band half C-some students perform it5、Lets playHave some stuednts act the animals, the others guess.A: What are those?B: Are they ?A: Yes, they are./No, they arent.Step4 Homework1. Listen and repeat the contents.2. Recite the contents to their group leaders.Blackboard design: Unit4 My home What are those? Theyre .Are they cows? Yes, they are. No, they arent.第6课时教学内容:Unit4 Part C Read and tick, Look and write, Lets check, Look and match Lets sing.教学目标:1. Review the words in the unit.2. Review the sentences in the unit.3. Do the exercises.教学重点:Review the words and sentences.教学难点:Enable the students to use the sentences freely.教具准备:Tape pictures教学过程:Step 1 Warming up& Revision1. Greetings.2. Lets chant on Page 39.3. Review the dialogue on Page 38 and 414.Revise the words in Unit 4.Step 2 PresentationARead and write1.Show the picture and say: This is Old Macdonalds farm.What vegetables does he have? What animals does Old Macdonald have? Lets go to the farm and have a look.2.Read and tick on Page 20, circle the key words and then check the answers.3. Follow the tape and read this short passage. Have some students to read.B. Look and write.1. Hold some pictures of animals and say: These are . Have some students to say.Point to the pictures of animals and say: Those are .Have some students to say.2. Draw a pictures of animals and write down the sentences.3. Read the sentences in pairs.C. Lets check1. Listen and tick.2. Listen and repeat. Check the answers.D. Look and match1. Read the words and write down the meanings.2. Read and match.E. Lets sing1. Show the picture of this part. T: Mary has a little lamb. 2. Listen to the tape and learn to sing the song.Step IV. Homework:(1)Read all the words in this unit.(2)Read the dialogues in this unit.( Encourage the Ss make dialogues in English after class.)Blackboard design:Unit 4 My hometomatoes potatoes carrots green beans cows hens horses sheepThese are cows.Those are sheep.


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