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    Unit 3 Computerswords and expressions学案教学目 1) 掌握本 元 的正确 音2) 掌握 solve,personal ,anyhow,和短 so that , deal with 用法3) 培养学生自主探究的能力I 案1 听 音 掌握 和短 的正确 音2掌握本 元重点 的拼写及 性的 化3完成 源与学案 P19 基 Ex.1,2II 探究案 .Language learning1solve vt. 解决,解答solution n.方法 的解决方法_eg:I think I can solve the difficulties.It was clever of you to solve the problem辨析解决solve 重 出一个答案solve a problem/mystery/puzzle/difficultiessettle 象常是某种争端an issue /argument /quarrel /matter活学活用At first ,he thought he had already _the problem, but that was notthe case A settled B answered C solved D explained .2 personal adj. This novel is written from personal experience. Those are my personal letters. You have no right to read them. The host gives us a warm personal welcome. : personal adj. _ _ _personally adv. Personally, I am against his plan. The host welcomed his guests personally. : personally _ _3. anyway adv.Anywayadv. _somehow adv. _ The door won topen anyhow. Anyhow, it is worth trying. : anyway = anyhow 意思是_ 2. _运用: 果,一些学生在考 中失 。不管怎 ,他 没有灰心(放弃)。_4. so that 察探究 The book is so difficult that nobody can understand it. He left so quickly that we didnt have time to say good-bye. He is so funny a boy that we all like him. There are so many cars on the street that I couldtget through. We have so little money that we can tbuy a car.第 1页 Students have so much homework to do that they spend little timeplaying.归纳sothat 意思是 _, 用来引 _从句,有以下 构: so+ _/_+that 从句 so+_+a/an_+that 从句 so+_/_/_/_+ 名 词 +that从句运用 用 sothat 翻 1 个孩子有如此多的作 要做,以致于他不能得到足 的睡眠 2 他如此的痴迷于网 游 以致于 反了法律拓展 : ( 1) such 用法(火箭班 )( 2) so + adj./ adv. + that 构中,把 so + adj./ adv. 提到句首 ,句子要使用部分倒装 构。如:So interesting is the story that I have read it twice.So fast did he walk that I couldn tfollow. 。5 deal with 察探究 How did you deal with the water pollution of this area? Such people are difficult to deal with. This book deals with West Africa.归纳deal with 介 ,相当于及物 ,后接 。意思是_ _ _提示在特殊疑 句中deal with 常和 how 用,而 do with 常和 what 用,因 what 作 do 的 。运用 Can you tell me _to deal with it ? _have you done with my bike ? I dontknow what to _ _all the food left. How do you _ _a car accident after ithappens ? 有了 的帮助,你会 理信息是不 的。_ . 案1. 完成句子 _( 在 的帮助下 ) his friends, he finally solved theproblem. The maths problem _ (很容易解决) He was_( 如此生气以致于 ) he left the roomwithout saying a word. _(在某种程度上 ), I am not quite against surfing the Internet.2. 单项选择1) Last summer I took a course on _ poisonous gases.A. how to deal withB. what to deal withC. how to be dealt withD. what to be dealt with2) The Chinese government is still lookingfor all possible _to theproblem of unemployment第 2页A questionsB meansCmethodsD solutions3) Susan advised me not to buy the vase, but I bought it _.A. howeverB. thoughC. anyhowD. therefore4) I haven seent Ann for _ longthat Ihave forgotten what shelooks like. ( 08四川) A. suchB. veryC. soD. too5) Perhaps I m not quite fit for the job,but _,please let me try.A.in factB.anyhowC.soD.otherwise6) I found that I had much difficulty in _the argument between the twofamiliesA receivingB settlingC upsettingD solving7 Thereis_ much work to doand he was_ worried aboutfinishing it in time that he was quite nervous all day long.A. so; soB. such; suchC. so; suchD . such; so8) 1. Yesterday morning he got up earlier than _, for it was nota(n)_ day. A. common; usualB. usual, ordinaryC. usual, normalD. common, ordinary9) How did the police _that accident ?A deal inB deal withC do withD deal on10-Would you like me to help you with those heavy bags?-I can manage it myself. Thank you _.A thoughB. somewayC. anywayD. the same way第 3页


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