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    Unit1教案 (3).doc

    Unit1 How often do you exercise?一 . 话题(Topic) Free time activities 二 .重点词组(Key Phrases) how often 多长时间一次 a lot of 许多 look after 照料 try to do sth 尽力去做某事 start with 以开始 as for 至于 make a difference 有重要性 do exercise 做运动 surf the internet 上网 三 .交际用语1. What do you usually do on weekends? I usually play soccer. 2. What do they usually do on weekends? They often go to the movies. 3. What does he / she do on weekends? He / She sometimes watches TV. 4. How often do you play tennis? I play once a month. 5. How often does he / she exercise? He / She exercises three times a week. 6. Its good for my health. 7. How many hours do you sleep every night? 8. Why does she only eat junk food once a week? 9. Do you think.?四. 重点难点释义(Language Points)1. What does she do on weekends? 她周末做什么? (1)询问某人在什么时间做某事在英语中用What do / does sb. do.? 来构成疑问。请注意助动词随着人称的变化而发生改变。如: <1>What does she do after school? 她放学后做什么? <2>What do they do on Mid-Autumn Festival? 他们中秋节做什么? (2)这种问题要注意问时间时介词的用法和助动词随人称的改变,他们的回答用一般现在时回答,特别要注意主语是第三人称单数时,动词要变形,如上面两个问题可以这样回答: <1>She usually goes to the gym. 她通常去体育馆。 <2>They eat moon-cakes. 他们吃月饼。2.I often go to the movies .频度副词 always, usually, often, sometimes, hardly和never是英语中最常见的频度副词,它们在句中的位置大致相同:通常放在行为动词之前,系动词be、助动词和情态动词之后。但它们所表示的含义及频度是各不相同的。 (1)always的频度为100%,表示动作重复、状态继续,中间没有间断,意思是“总是”、“永远地”。例如: The sun always rises in the east and sets in the west. 太阳总是东升西落。 Customers are always right. 顾客永远是对的。 always与进行时态连用,并不强调动作正在进行,而是表示说话人的“赞扬”、“不满”、“厌烦”等情绪,有强烈的感情色彩。例如: She is always thinking of how she can do more for people. 她总是在考虑怎样为人们多做些事。(表示赞扬) He was always asking for money. 他总是要钱。(表示厌烦) She is always asking for leave. 她总是请假。(表示不满) always与not连用,表示部分否定,意思是“不总是”。例如: The rich are not always happy. 有钱人未必总是幸福的。 (2)usually的频度为70%左右,意为“通常”、“平常”,即很少有例外。例如: He usually goes to bed at ten oclock. 他通常10点钟睡觉。 (3)often的频度为50%左右,意为“常常”,但不如usually那么频繁,表示动作重复,中间有间断。例如: He is often late for school. 他上学经常迟到。 very often语气比often重,常位于句首或句末。例如: He doesnt go to London very often. 他不常去伦敦。 (4)sometimes的频度为20%左右,意为“有时”,表示动作偶尔发生。可以位于句首,以示强调。例如: It is sometimes hot and sometimes cold. 天气忽冷忽热。 Sometimes he does it this way and sometimes he does it that way. 他有时这样做,有时那样做。 (5) hardly的频度为5%左右,意为“几乎不”、“简直不”,常和ever连用表示强调。例如: I hardly ever go out these days. 这些天我几乎不出门。 (6)never的频度为0,意为“从来不”、“永不”。例如: My parents are never late for work. 我父母上班从来不迟到。 3. He sometimes watches TV. 注意sometimes与几个形似的词的区别。 a. sometime是副词,意为“在某个时候”,“某时” eg:Will you come again sometime next week? She was there sometime last year. b. some time是名词词组,意为“一段时间”,做时间状语用 eg:I will stay here for some time. He worked on the trouble for some time. c. some times是名词词组,意为“几次,几倍”。 eg:I met him some times in the street last month. The factory is some times larger than that one. 4. Here are the results of the student activity survey at Green High School. 这儿是Green高中的学生活动调查结果。 (1)the results of的结果。如: the results of the English contest 英语比赛的结果 (2)as a result由于,因此。如: As a result, Qing Hua becomes the first-class university. 因此,清华成为一流的大学。 (3)at Green High School在格林高中 在学校用介词at。如: at Junior School在初中 at Primary School在小学5. Most students exercise three or four times a week. 大多数学生一周锻炼三或四次。 (1)exercise v. 做操;exercise n. 体操;do exercises练体操 (2)time次数 time and time again千万次的 (3)three or four times a week一周三四次 表示一周/月/年多少次,可以用. times a week / month / year,注意有两个词有单独的表示法,“一次”用“once”,“两次”用“twice”。(4)不定代词all“全部”,most“大部分”,some“一些”,no“没有一个”的用法,这些词可以在句中作主语、宾语、表语或定语。 eg:All the waiters in the restaurant are very busy. All the students in our school have to wear school uniforms. I know most people in this party. Gina has some beautiful scarfs. No children can sing this song. 6. as for homework谈及到家庭作业 as for sth. / sb. 谈及某事/某人,如: (1)as for the book Harry Potter谈起哈利波特这本书 (2)as for my father谈到我的父亲Section B 1. How often do you exercise? 你多久锻炼一次? ( 1 ) how often 多久 how often 是针对动作发生的频率提问,回答应该是频率副词或表频率的副词词组,如 once, very often, every day, never 等。 e.g. How often do you watch TV? 你多久看一次电视? Twice a week. 一周两次。 e.g. How often does he go back to London? 他多久回一次伦敦? Once a year. 一年一次。 (一次 once, 两次 twice, 三次或三次以上用 times .e.g. 4 times 4 次; some times 几次。) ( 2 ) exercise 这个词可以用作动词,也可以用作名词,在这个句子中是用作动词,意为“锻炼”。 e.g. You should exercise more. 你应该多锻炼(运动)。 exercise 作名词时,可以是可数名词,也可以是不可数名词。 e.g. Walking is good exercise. 散步是很好的运动。(不可数) e.g. We do English exercises every day. 我们每天做英语练习。(可数) 2. 疑问词how的用法 (1)怎样,用什么手段,方法。 How did he do it? I dont know how to swim. (2)情况如何(指身体健康状况) How are you? Hows it going with Tom? (3)how many,how much表示“多少” how many后接可数名词复数,how much接不可数名词。 How many times do you go to the park? How many tickets do we need? How much water is there? How much are those pants? (4)how often是对动作发生的“次数”提问 eg:How often do you play tennis? How often do you surf the internet. 3. time表示不可数名词,意为“时间”。 表示可数名词,意为“次数,倍数”。 eg:What time is it? Time and tide never wait for men. I go to the movies three times a week. The size of the new museum is four times larger than the old one. 注意“次数”的表达方法 一次 once 两次 twice 三次或三次以上用基数词加上times,three times、five times、one hundred times. 表示“几次”的表达方法是:twice a month、once a month、three times a week、once a year. 4. be good for意为“对有好处”,其反义词为“be bad for”。 eg:Drinking milk is good for your health. Eating too much sugar is bad for your teeth. Reading English is good for studying English. 5. as for意为“就而论”,“至于” eg:As for fruit,I eat it sometimes. 6. want sb to do.意为“想让某人做某事”。 eg:He wants me to do exercise every day. His mother wants him to be a reporter. 有很多动词后面用这种结构做动词的复合宾语。 如:ask sb. to do sth. tell sb. to do sth. help sb. (to) do sth.等 7. exercise的用法。 (1)作可数名词复数exercises。意为“运动、体操”。 (2)作不可数名词,意为“练习、习题”。 eg:I have to do so much exercise. He bought a new exercise book. (3)作动词,意为“练习、运动”。 eg:How often do you exercise? I exercise every day. 课文解析SB. 3a but Im pretty healthy. I exercise every day, usually when I come home from school. And my eating habits are pretty good. I try to eat a lot of vegetables, usually ten to eleven times a week. And I eat fruit every day and I drink milk every day. Of course, I love junk food, too, but I try to eat it only once a week, oh, and I sleep nine hours every night. So you see, I look after my health. And my healthy lifestyle helps me get good grade. Good food and exercise help me to study better. 1. pretty表示“十分”作副词用,我们以前学过quite和very也有这种意思。其中它们的程度由浅入深为quite pretty very. eg:He is quite serious. It sounds pretty good. Nina can sing English songs very well. 2. I exercise every day, usually when I come home from school. 我每天锻炼身体,通常是放学后。 3. eating habits“饮食习惯”。 4. try to do sth意为“尽力去做某事”。 eg:Try to get here early. He tried to pass the exam. 5. ten to eleven times a week.“每周十到十一次”。 注意这种表达。“to”为介词。 翻译:(1)两到三次。 twice to three times. (2)每月四到五次。 four to five times a month. 6. Of course. “当然”。 7. So you see, I look after my health. “所以你看,我很在意我的健康”。 look after 意为“照顾、照看”。 eg:Can you look after my baby when I leave? Please look after your own bags carefully. look还可以和许多词搭配,但意思不一样。 (1)look at“看,认真地看”。 eg:Please look at the blackboard. Some people are looking at the notice. (2)look for“寻找” eg:Old Henry looked for his dogs, but he didnt find it. Im looking for my lost pen. 8. Good food and exercise help me to study better. 好的饮食和锻炼帮助我学得更好。9. She says its good for my health. 她说它对我的健康有益。 (1)此句为宾语从句,says后面跟的从句的时态必须和主句中谓语动词时态保持一致,都用一般现在时。如: She says both of us are good students. 她说我们俩都是好学生。 (2)be good for ones health对某人的健康有益 be good for sth. 对某物有益,be not good for sth. 对某物有害。如: (1)Vegetables are good for our health. 蔬菜对我们的健康有益。 (2)Junk food are not good for our health. 垃圾食品对我们的健康有害。 10. . but Im pretty healthy. 但是我很健康。 pretty adv. 非常 pretty做副词时表示程度上加深,可以修饰形容词。如: pretty good非常好 pretty charming非常迷人 11. I try to eat a lot of vegetables. 我尽量多吃蔬菜。 (1)try to do sth. 尽最大努力做某事。如: I try to beat him in the round. 这个回合我尽力打败他。 (2)try doing sth. 试着做某事 如:I try doing this difficult experiment. 我试着做这个实验。 12. So you see. 那么你明白了吧。 see = understand 13. I look after my health. 我照顾我自己的健康。 look after = take care of 照顾 如:look after my pet照顾我的宠物 14. And my healthy lifestyle helps me get good grades. 并且我的健康的生活习惯可以帮助我取得好成绩。 grade 分数、成绩 get good grade 取得好成绩 15. Good food and exercise help me to study better. 健康的食物和锻炼帮助我学得更好了。 (1)help sb. with sth.帮某人做某事 如:Stella helps me with my history. 史黛拉帮我学历史。 (2)help sb. to do sth. better 帮某人把某事做得更好 如:Hui Yi helps me to know the information for going abroad better. 惠毅帮我更好地了解到出国的信息。 16. I think Im kind of unhealthy. 我想我有些不健康。 kind of 后加形容词,表示有点儿,有几分,稍微。 如:kind of lovely有几分活泼 17. Yuck! 呸!语气词,表示反感、厌恶,反义词为yum 五.语法知识1. 频度副词 always, usually, often, sometimes, hardly和never是英语中最常见的频度副词,它们在句中的位置大致相同:通常放在行为动词之前,系动词be、助动词和情态动词之后。但它们所表示的含义及频度是各不相同的。 (1)always的频度为100%,表示动作重复、状态继续,中间没有间断,意思是“总是”、“永远地”。例如: The sun always rises in the east and sets in the west. 太阳总是东升西落。 Customers are always right. 顾客永远是对的。 always与进行时态连用,并不强调动作正在进行,而是表示说话人的“赞扬”、“不满”、“厌烦”等情绪,有强烈的感情色彩。例如: She is always thinking of how she can do more for people. 她总是在考虑怎样为人们多做些事。(表示赞扬) He was always asking for money. 他总是要钱。(表示厌烦) She is always asking for leave. 她总是请假。(表示不满) always与not连用,表示部分否定,意思是“不总是”。例如: The rich are not always happy. 有钱人未必总是幸福的。 (2)usually的频度为70%左右,意为“通常”、“平常”,即很少有例外。例如: He usually goes to bed at ten oclock. 他通常10点钟睡觉。 (3)often的频度为50%左右,意为“常常”,但不如usually那么频繁,表示动作重复,中间有间断。例如: He is often late for school. 他上学经常迟到。 very often语气比often重,常位于句首或句末。例如: He doesnt go to London very often. 他不常去伦敦。 (4)sometimes的频度为20%左右,意为“有时”,表示动作偶尔发生。可以位于句首,以示强调。例如: It is sometimes hot and sometimes cold. 天气忽冷忽热。 Sometimes he does it this way and sometimes he does it that way. 他有时这样做,有时那样做。 (5) hardly的频度为5%左右,意为“几乎不”、“简直不”,常和ever连用表示强调。例如: I hardly ever go out these days. 这些天我几乎不出门。 (6)never的频度为0,意为“从来不”、“永不”。例如: My parents are never late for work. 我父母上班从来不迟到。 2. 注意sometimes与几个形似的词的区别。 a. sometime是副词,意为“在某个时候”,“某时” eg:Will you come again sometime next week? She was there sometime last year. b. some time是名词词组,意为“一段时间”,做时间状语用 eg:I will stay here for some time. He worked on the trouble for some time. c. some times是名词词组,意为“几次,几倍”。 eg:I met him some times in the street last month. The factory is some times larger than that one. 3. 不定代词all“全部”,most“大部分”,some“一些”,no“没有一个”的用法,这些词可以在句中作主语、宾语、表语或定语。 eg:All the waiters in the restaurant are very busy. All the students in our school have to wear school uniforms. I know most people in this party. Gina has some beautiful scarfs. No children can sing this song. 4. 疑问词how的用法 (1)怎样,用什么手段,方法。 How did he do it? I dont know how to swim. (2)情况如何(指身体健康状况) How are you? Hows it going with Tom? (3)how many,how much表示“多少” how many后接可数名词复数,how much接不可数名词。 How many times do you go to the park? How many tickets do we need? How much water is there? How much are those pants? (4)how often是对动作发生的“次数”提问 eg:How often do you play tennis? How often do you surf the internet. 5. time表示不可数名词,意为“时间”。 表示可数名词,意为“次数,倍数”。 eg:What time is it? Time and tide never wait for men. I go to the movies three times a week. The size of the new museum is four times larger than the old one. 注意“次数”的表达方法 一次 once 两次 twice 三次或三次以上用基数词加上times,three times、five times、one hundred times. 表示“几次”的表达方法是:twice a month、once a month、three times a week、once a year.


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