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    Unit 3 What are you doing for vacation ? Section A 第一课时 010编写人:宋彩霞 组长:宋彩霞 审核领导: 温馨寄语:No pains, no gains.(不劳无获)【使用说明】1.自学P13-14内容,将“学习目标”中的词汇、句型在书中用彩色笔标出。 2.参考“知识链接”,结合自己的参考书,预习课本,整理笔记。 3.先独立完成导学案,然后将疑难问题在组内集中讨论,红笔纠错、标重点。【学习目标】1. 读准并熟记以下词汇: babysit camp babysitting camping plan2. 预习13-14页。从中找出并熟记以下重点短语和重点句型: babysit my sister go camping visit my grandmother relax at home - What are you doing for vacation? - Im spending time with my friends. - When are you going? -Im going next week. 表示欣赏赞同的话语:That sounds nice/.3. 表示时间的介词:on in at4. 会联系上下文填上所缺的疑问词。【学习重难点】 理解be doing结构所表示的将来时态【学法指导】 通过自主学习和小组讨论,掌握相应知识。【知识链接】 1. 理解be doing结构所表示的将来时态 1)英语中有多种表示一般将来时的结构,be doing结构只是其中的一种。 它用于表示“某人在近期内的打算或计划。”例如: Im relaxing at home.我打算在家放松(一下)。 Shes going camping.她打算去野营。2).区别be doing结构所表示的现在进行时态和将来时态。据时间状语 现在进行时态的时间状语提示: 表示具体时刻的句子(Its six oclock.)或短语(now) 用look,listen或祈使句等提示词来标识时间 将来时态的时间状语: 表示将来的时间。 2. for vacation意为:度假。此处的for表示目的、追求 3.Im going camping.该句用的是go + v.-ing结构,表示“去干v.-ing所指的事”. 通常介词短语用于表明v.-ing的动作在哪里做,而不用 to表示“去做” Lets go swimming in the river. 而不用 Lets go swimming to the river. I 自主学习 写出下列动词的现在分词形式camp _ babysit _ go _ play _ visit _spend _ relax _ leave_ watch_ chat _ 根据上下文的提示填上合适的疑问词A: _ are you doing for vacation?B:Im going camping.A:That sounds nice. _ are you going with?B:Im going with my parents.II合作探究1. 完成课本P13 Activity1a2. 仿P13 Activity1a 进行会话练习3. 仿P14 Activity2c进行会话练习III课堂小结:你能从这两页书中总结出你认为重要的词组和句型吗?不妨试一试。IV巩固训练 单选 ( )1- Whats your brother doing now? - He _ a kite. A. makes B.made C.is making D.will make ( )2.Listen! Some of the girls _ about Harry Potter. Lets join them. A. are talking B. talk C.will talk D.talked ( )3.Dont talk loudly. My little baby _. A.has gone out B.is sleeping C.sleeps D.went to school ( )4.- _ are you doing next Sunday? - Im going to the library. A. Who B.Which C.What D.Where ( )5. Supper is ready, Kate. - _, Mum. A.Im coming B.I know C.I will come D.Thank you ( )6.She _ sightseeing tomorrow. A.goes B.going C.is going D.go ( )7._ the afternoon of March 8, the women in the city had a big party. A. To B.In C. At D.On ( )8. Theyre going _ next week. A. / B. on C. in D. atV课堂检测 用所给词的适当形式填空1. I am _ (babysit) my sister at home this afternoon.2. Going to Hawaii for vacation _(sound) nice.3. - Where is Aunt King?- She is _(babysit) her little daughter at home.4. - How long are the Greens _(stay) in Canada?- For two months. 5. Would you like _ (vist) Linda with me?VI课后反思 在这一部分的学习中你有什么收获及疑惑?你做的比较好的方面,或者不足之处有哪些?请写在下面:第三单元 Section A 第二课时 011编写人:王红玉 组长:宋彩霞 审核领导: 温馨寄语:No pains, no gains.(不劳无获)【使用说明】1.自学P15内容,将“学习目标”中的词汇、句型在书中用彩色笔标出。 2.参考“知识链接”,结合自己的参考书,预习课本,整理笔记。 3.先独立完成导学案,然后将疑难问题在组内集中讨论,红笔纠错、标重点。【学习目标】1.读准并熟记以下词汇: hike how long away get back send postcard2.预习15页。从中找出并熟记以下重点短语和重点句型: go to for vacation go to for a week/ 3 days / Where are they going ? - How long are you staying there? - Just for four days. I dont like going away for too long. Send me a postcard from Hong Kong! Show me your photos when we get back to school. He is going to his cousins house. = He is going to his cousins.3.表示祝福的话语:Have a good time.Have a good trip.4.会联系上下文填上所缺的疑问词。【学习重难点】 运用be doing结构所表示的将来时态 (会话或写作)【学法指导】 通过自主学习和小组讨论,掌握相应知识。【知识链接】1. Send me a postcard from Hong Kong! 从香港给我寄一张明信片! send常用于 send sb. sth. = send sth. to sb. Eg: Please send an e- mail to your pen pal. = Please send your pen pal an e-mail.2. Show me your photos when we get back to school. show常用于 show sb. sth. = show sth. to sb. Eg: Show him your radio. = Show your radio to him.类似的动词还有哪些?请思考: 3. photos 照片,复数其单数形式为photo 以o结尾的名词变复数规则:两人两菜加es,其他一律加s tomato tomatoes potato- potatoes heroheroes negro- negroes 4.“get back to +地点名词” 表示“回到某地” Eg:get back to school get back to the city 当get back 后面的地点是here , there , home时 ,to要去掉。 get back here get back home lateI 自主学习 英汉互译how long _ relax at home _ get back_ go camping _ go hiking_玩的愉快 _看望我的祖父母 _ 给我寄一张明信片 _II合作探究1.熟读并完成课本P15 Activity3a2.仿P15 Activity3b 进行会话练习3.仿P15 Activity4思考如何写假期计划?III课堂小结:你能从这页书中总结出你认为重要的词组和句型吗?不妨试一试。 IV巩固训练 单选 ( )1- _ are you staying at home? - About three days. A.How long B.How much C.How often D.How ( )2.Show me your photos _ you get back _. A. after, school B. when,to school C.what, to school D.how, school ( )3. - _ are you going? - Im going to the library. A. Who B.Which C.What D.Where ( )4.What about _ for a walk with me ? A. goes B. go C. going D.went 根据上下文的提示填上合适的疑问词 A: _ is Dave doing for vacation?B:Hes going to his cousins house.A: _ is he going?B:Hes going on Monday.A: _ _ is he staying ?B: Hes staying for a week. 写作练习:国庆节快到了,写写你打算去哪度假,什么时候走,在那呆几天等。 National Day is coming. _ _ _ _V课堂检测 填入恰当的句子补全对话 A: 1_ B: Im staying at home . 2_A: Im going hiking in the mountains. B: 3_A: Nobody. Would you like to go with me? B: Sure. 4_A: Lets go tomorrow afternoon. B: _A: We are staying there for one day. B: OK,see you then.VI课后反思在这一部分的学习中你有什么收获及疑惑?你做的比较好的方面,或者不足之处有哪些?请写在下面:第三单元 Section B 第三课时 012编写人:段显峰 组长:宋彩霞 审核领导: 温馨寄语:No pains, no gains.(不劳无获)【使用说明】1.自学P16内容,将“学习目标”中的词汇、句型在书中用彩色笔标出。 2.参考“知识链接”,结合自己的参考书,预习课本,整理笔记。 3.先独立完成导学案,然后将疑难问题在组内集中讨论,红笔纠错、标重点。【学习目标】1.读准并熟记以下词汇: bike ride sightseeing go sightseeing fishing go fishing2.预习13-14页。从中找出并熟记以下重点短语和重点句型: go bike riding take walks rent videos Where are you going for vacation? Whats like? Hows the weather there? = Whats the weather like there? Who are you going with? = With whom are you going? Can I ask you a few questions about your vacation plans?【学习重难点】 谈论度假【学法指导】 通过自主学习和小组讨论,掌握相应知识。【知识链接】1. Whats it like there?意为 “。怎么样?”- Whats the weather like today? 今天天气怎么样? - Its quite windy. 风很大。 - Whats Miss Billie like? 比莉小姐长得怎么样?- She is a little fat, not beautiful but very lovely.她有点胖,不漂亮但很可爱。 2.Can I ask you some questions about your vacation plans? 1) some 一些,通常用于肯定句、疑问句,而否定句中用any。但在表示有礼貌的请求的问句和期望得到一个肯定回答的客气问句中,用some不用any. 2) 区别question 与problem problem指客观存在的需要解决的问题,也指理科课程的习题或与数学、事实有关的问题。 the problem of population solve the problem of pollution work out the math problem question 指由于对某事物感到疑惑不解而提出的需要解答的问题。 ask the question answer the question find out the answer to the question 3) plan a. 名词 plan for “。的计划” Eg: Tell me about your plans for the October 1st holiday. b. 动词 plan to do“计划做某事” Eg: I plan to buy him a T-shirt for his birthday. I 自主学习 英汉互译,从II栏中找出I栏的汉语意思。 I II 1. go sightseeing A.去钓鱼 2.go bike riding B.去度假 3.take walks C.骑自行车旅行 4.take a vacation D.租碟子 5.go fishing E.去散步 6.rent videos F.去观光旅行II合作探究1.完成课本P16 Activity1a2.仿P16 Activity2c并参考Activity2b中的问题进行会话练习III课堂小结:你能从这两页书中总结出你认为重要的词组和句型吗?不妨试一试。 IV巩固训练 单选 ( )1- May I ask you _ questions? - Of course. A. a lot B.much C.some D.any ( )2. Mr. Smith doesnt exercise very often,but he _ after supper. A. takes walks B.has some walk C.takes for a walk D.has a alking ( )3.- _ did the movie last?- About 2 hours. A.How many B.How long C.How often D.How much ( )4.- How about _ fishing there? - Thats a good idea. A. go B.going C.to go D.goesV课堂检测 用所给词的适当形式填空1.My grandpa usually takes _(walk) after supper.2.They plan _ (go) hiking this weekend.改错( )3.I am planing to have a relaxing vacation this summer. _ A B C( )4. We are going sightsee in the countryside. _ A B C ( )5. How are Canadas Great Lakes like? _ A B - They are beautiful. CVI课后反思 在这一部分的学习中你有什么收获及疑惑?你做的比较好的方面,或者不足之处有哪些?请写在下面:第三单元 Section B 第四课时 013编写人:张银涛 组长:宋彩霞 审核领导: 温馨寄语:No pains, no gains.(不劳无获)【使用说明】1.自学P17内容,将“学习目标”中的词汇、句型在书中用彩色笔标出。 2.参考“知识链接”,结合自己的参考书,预习课本,整理笔记。 3.先独立完成导学案,然后将疑难问题在组内集中讨论,红笔纠错、标重点。【学习目标】1.读准并熟记以下词汇: famous take a vacation Greece Spain Europe something lake leave countryside nature forget a lot finish tourist2.预习17页。从中找出并熟记以下重点短语和重点句型:think about decide on something defferentspeng time in the beautiful countryside This time I want to do something different. I know there are many people there who speak French. I hope I can forget all my problems. I just finished making my last movie.【学习重难点】 谈论度假 制定假期计划【学法指导】 通过自主学习和小组讨论,掌握相应知识。【知识链接】1. This time I want to do something different. 当形容词修饰something, anything , nothing时,要放于其后。 Eg: Theres nothing new in todays newspaper. 相同类似的词还有:somebody, sometime, something, somewhere, someone,anything, anyone, anybody,everything, everybody,nothing.这些词的共同特点是作主语时谓语动词均用第三人称单数。2. I hope I can forget all my problems. 辨析:forget to do与 forget doing a). forget to do意思是“忘记做。”, to do表示将来的动作 b). forget doing意思是“忘记曾经做过。”,doing表示过去的动作*辨析:forget与 leave 3. I just finished making my last movie. finish doing 做完某事 4.leave for 与 leave from a) leave for 动身前往。 for后的地点是目的地 b) leave from 从某地方离开 from后的地点是离开的地放I 自主学习 英汉互译think about _ plan to do _ the Great Wall _ 出发去香港 _一些不同的_ 完成做某事 _ II合作探究1.熟读并完成课本P17 Activity3a2.仿P17 Activity3a 完成Activity3bIII课堂小结:你能从这页书中总结出你认为重要的词组和句型吗?不妨试一试。 IV巩固训练 单选 ( )1My auncle is a farmer . He lives in the _. A.countryside B.nature C.lake D.school ( )2.Susan forgot _ the window yesterday. A thief got into her house. A. to open B. closing C.opening D.to close ( )3.Why are you looking at the bag all the time? Is there _ on it? A. nothing strange B.something strange C.strange anything D.strange something ( )4.I know there are many people _ speak French. A. what B. who C. whose D.where ( )5. -Can you finish _ the book in about a week? - Ill read after you. A. read B.reading C.to read D.reads ( )6.Im leaving the city _ Hainan_ a vacation next month. A.to, for B.to,spend C. for, for D.for, to ( )7.Sam enjoys _ stamps. And now he has 226 of them. A.to collect B.collected C.collects D.collecting写作练习:请用英语写一篇短文,内容为你和你的好朋友计划周末去北京看你们的一位老师,顺便在北京游玩。不少于50个单词。 _ _ _ _V课堂检测 用所给词的适当形式填空1.I finished _ (watch) the soccer game.2.I forgot _.(bring) my English book this morning. Can I borrow yours?3.Are you still thinking about _(leave)?改错( )4. My brother finished to write the letter to his pen friend yesterday. A B C _ ( )5. How often are you studying in France? _ A B - For one year. CVI课后反思 在这一部分的学习中你有什么收获及疑惑?你做的比较好的方面,或者不足之处有哪些?请写在下面:


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