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    英雄联盟冷门小知识(Hero League unpopular little knowledge)1.EZ will not be taken away by E in the upcoming robot Q, but will only be a little dizzy after E.2. dragon Q is actually a group control, can break Carter and the bounty.3. copies will be the clown bears fear to E.4. the scorpion grabbed the big ball with great grip, and he stopped in the air.5. sword Ji Kaida hide grass, can interrupt.6. small, head, ghost is 3 growth only hero alliance.7., except for the ice cold instability, the small method is the longest hero.The 8. level is only 5 seconds full advantage of the cooling time, so dont go to catch him without brain9., in the face of the big league control team, not easy and open the face of the group.10. alchemy now version time later, then turn mask is disgusting.11.VN is not the strongest ADC, single no, her strong concept is no late meat in her eyes.12. the potion of the prophet now lasts only 5 minutes.13. crocodile is a high hero of class 3. Please pay attention to the line.There are 14. days of the combination road early can hook opposite.15., the coffin board is ancient sorcery spirit, her dream is a nightmare, and the little strong combination is Meng Yu and alchemy.16.EZ should not be interrupted when amplified unless killed.17. the law of fear of the scarecrow is that 1.3.5 fear runs in its own direction, and runs 2.4 to his back.18.AP can play in the single most violent juggernaut. This can have, will bear.The 19.5AP team is very good at matching, 5ADC. A crow said more awesome20., if there are grasshoppers, werewolves, and other heroes, the main output, preferably with a purifying or mercury belt.21., after the big jump, if the player is out of line, pan Sen will disappear. This has really happened once. I cant find the whole picture. I thought I ran into a ghost22. the big shells of the captain do not hurt very much, but if you keep standing in the ring and you have bad luck, you will not be surprised by your mother.23. widows are in a state of infinite invisibility.24. E Galen crit, so a galleon sacred sword after you know.25. big snake woman how to judge Galen, Carter, some monkeys in the turn of animation, the answer is in turn before the first hero orientation as the judgment standard.26. how to see the equipment bought in the spring after the death of an enemy hero, and the answer is the enemy heros body.The 27. hurricane the highest price of the hero has a big mouth, Wei Ruth, teemo.28. against the EZ winning almost zero flow of evil religion.29. do not drink Xuejian because Galen Galen on the basic skills of output, a blood sucking vampire to gun.About 30.20 of the bureau is best not to use the playing field, one is the Desolator efficiency is not high, two on the road is often a hit two, three is a lot of game player not deliberately watching a small map, no consciousness, you may have to send BUFF, and then be damned31. the snowmans size is terrible at level 6, and inside it must be blown to bits32. play to play the advantages of tau arrests, the success rate is very highThe big 33. stone but some obstacles, such as not to rush tower after the people in front of the tower (the enemy tower himself on a straight line), nor across the crystal34., play Darius, do not take too many head, first, teammates can not develop, and the two is the team may be contradictory34. down the road, the other side is robot assisted, self help, it is better to attack some of the strong, Qin female what is best not to use?35. Kennan skills AP plus Chengdu is not high, so AD Kennan spell is also very powerful36. play bald, dont big big angel37. a sister is a succubus, BMW is the tortoise, Benz is Sagittarius38. choose Teemo has stealth in the middle to get a team must have lost blood39. energy heroes are difficult to play, for example, shen. Blind person40. encounter ice birds, do not be afraid, not God is the pit, five percent is God, and the rest will let you.41. head than below 10 are not very inferior, do not give up easily, at this time to more wandering, plug eyes42. single Ruiwen beat Galen, dont struggleMore than 43. dozen wild care about Iron Man44. fire bears have burns45., leopard female Q shoot out, try to run in the opposite direction, the damage will be higher46. small skills are AP addition, there are small escape skills animation is very long, if small up, anti armor will soon make you stand up47. the shield of a robot seems powerful, but its easy to break48., play stones yourself, do not open a group when you are not big, otherwise you will find that you have been playing soy sauceForty-nineAkali 6 is an outbreak, be careful50. naked big general will not have any good end, except for individual51. disadvantages of the bureau also can recover, but if his teammates quarrel in a good department will lose52. example Delevan, these mouth standing output, the best use of the strong control protection53. Delevan big axe in fly back will generally have a little bit of ballistic dislocation, so be careful54. on the single Jess strong stage in 6, before 6, please be careful, 6 after the front is not pressure too miserable, equipment is not too bad, find the opportunity to spell a fight, there are big heroes generally winThe 55. moon was in a single PA, is weakened somewhat.Morgana is a 56. before the late strong mage, disadvantage is that unlike other mages have very strong explosive force, usually a second death57. Carter invincible theory does not exist, it can be said that he can not fight most of the master, such as the above Moganna can end violenceThe 58. princes of any large displacement skills are out, even the small range hit the back dragon Q can put people hit the wall59. stone people on a single, evaluation of its technical standards, basically is how to control the blue, no brain Q die59: teamfight Teemo can lose, must die60., you must know that some heroes are king of the wild zone, for example, not with a team of monkeys on the opposite side of the road, in a small wild areaThe ice wall of the 61. ice bird will attract the towers hatred when it is lowered across the tower62. friends play Galen in the beginning is not very contrary try not to take out the meat, first make a cruelThe 63. rival road is Tyrone these assassins, their best changeline, dont let the master Road64., Zhao letter breakthrough distance of 600., which means that in addition to policewoman, at the beginning of any ADC in A people will eat his set of skills, be careful65. mm, Carter will break his hourglass is large (and probably have a BUG is of no great importance, revon can open after the hourglass releases a blast off)66., the monkey break up can block the big67., people who play with ice urgently need teammates to cooperate and protect, and people who play VN are the focus of individual technology, and in a word, the team contribution of ice is much larger than that of VNRuth W hurt 68. Wei full level 3 stack after the maximum hit 15%, a hurricane every arrow has effect, you know69., the brute king can use the back of the city within 5 seconds of opening, and is not interrupted (hard, controllable, interrupted). The brute king can be played in all circumstances except the strike of the flyThe big 70. is not invincible state sword Kyi, Kensai Q is invincible state71., their own monkeys and stones at the same time open large, you can play the enemy role, flying out of sight72. Galen Q removable reducer, formerly E removable E drive is now slowing, ignores unit collision73. ice birds have two lives, remember74. on this road, a hero with blue stripes is always better than a hero without a blue stripe75. Akali put a smoke bomb inside the eye can see people76. lions used to collect savage values at three wolves, and then dropped them off on the second line77., if you are in the first 1 minutes and 55 seconds to hold the BUFF to grab wild, basically get a blood, but this is often more harm than good, because you may lose several soldiers, and then hit the net78. and two female chelah Qin is the weakest of the auxiliary initial constitution, so they caught the basic die79. most of the time, half of the meat up, far more than ADC up, a lot of terror80. when the nightmare is big, when you hide in the grass, he does not have the field of vision, he is not big to you81. can play a good card is not much, not every card is the wind82., the technology is not good card, basically even Q, Q less than people83. cards in the big gain view, the enemy hero can get card passive, that is, the enemy heroes at this time, the additional soldiers can add two dollars84. play on line dont kill the poison, as long as you come across the soldiers, peace of mind can make money on the later end opposite the storm85., you need to know what is the pre hero, typical policewoman clown, you must know what is the late hero, such as VN dead brother, so a game of rhythm control in how much time, take good care of yourself86. Shindelar couldnt have gathered 9 balls to make it bigger87., after a banshee veil, the circle passing through the small will be broken, will not be dizzy, and then come back again and again, through this circle will not be dizzy88.RANK doesnt mean everythingEighty-ninePlay wild, if hit a road has collapsed badly (pay attention to the collapse of the terrible), then give up the road, because you may send a head, and then be scolded dead90., Matt the highest splash damage is 200, 5 is useless91. laws wear three sets: shoes, masks, abyss wands. The abyss is different from the book of penetration, wear in percentage after penetration calculation, the abyss is reduce magic resistance aura, like the Scarecrow and Archangel passive, corrosion blade cut magic resistance are calculated before wear quite fat92. the W of the plane can be interrupted while taking off93. three-phase ADC is better than traditional ADC because the three-phase flow only requires a large piece, which can cause great damage94.ADC turn in two after the big brother is the best choice.The 95. sharp Q is a wall that can travel through a small number of Summoner canyonsThe 96. bears passive is very good, so the bear can go out LANTIRNThe 97. large Barbarian King will be killed in the other spring98., the brute Kings W effect is against him, attack, back to him when slowing down, that is, there is a chicken head patternThe 99. W is almost 100%, equivalent to the fixed body deceleration100., when the crow is big, even if there is blue BUFF blue can not afford to use, so remember to pass skills101., opposite, if there is EZ brilliant, in the residual blood run, do not run along the road, back to the city, do not fight in the tower, as far as possible in some places can not see the vision back to the city102. the two sides Kiran and bear killing each will have extra gold bonus104., using a male gun smoke bombs, there will be unexpected results, explore the grass and lost sight105. others can share E snake poison unlimited E, such as Teemo, mouse107. qualifying, if the opposite side of Galiot, then the best one here to choose UD fight wild108. gem gun combination of early outbreak is very strong, we should try to play advantage109. the Titans must be placed in the rear, regardless of whether the rear is tank or crispyThe 110. robot is to pull over, wood is put in the past, it is the two pull to the middle, which means that wood can quickly cut the battlefield, but the robot and Titan can disrupt the basic formation, people should pay attention to pay attention to the robot, dont open the big monkey pull over, and some of the sameAfter the 111. card dies, the teammate has no gold coin to add112. basically every pet heros pet can be a transport target, and a clowns box is OK113., fire men can not be used as their own ejection target, so when a man meets a fire man in the field, his big one hurts at most114.EZ is a former can reduce attack speed and increase blood (inserted, God Post Bar people say EZ beta W can be added to the blood, but also the first in the league, Lacus can also group stealth )The 114. day inflammation leader clown, dark cutting leader Tyrone, steal tower card.The 115. team is not a problem, the key to see whether together114. now the Dragon turtle is indeed in an awkward position, in the wild area.115., do not see the Raiders, it is difficult to score116.AD stone people are just for entertainment. Dont take it too seriously117. knife sister just out of skills, attributes are like this: W125 points real damage, R hundred percent Vampire118. enemy heroes hit you when you will see, there will be a special mark, so that you will know how many people are there in your fire119. play Carter best with a large control to perfect release strokes120. attack when sent, not interrupted, but will be defeated by hard control121., the bounty will trigger black cuts (so the womens guns have been so OP lately. Just when the first big league home Xinjiang nut cake will cut) black fungus121. the original captain opened the W and was able to counter fill it123. stone playing field is good, although the efficiency is not high, but not easy to be caught dead to level 6 people are invincible124., the big fish is a non directional type, pay attention to the small fish from the people put away a little more125. Spider Queens set of skills does not have common cooldown, which means 6 skills can be added127., digging graves big enough to survive for 10 seconds, for the dead song, give me 10 seconds to save the world !128., play alchemy, you can give up the beginning of the two wave soldiers, and then the line to the tower under pressure, while others add, then use E to throw others into the towers range129., all potions go out, in fact, is a good choice130., the beginning of playing wild, you can see more equipment bar, to see when the opposite side of the plug in the eye, and then count 3 minutes or so to go GANK131., when you start buying equipment, you can empty the first column, causing you to buy eyes and plug the illusion of eyesThe top left corner of the game interface hero League, the four word is returned to the main game interface169. the poison of alchemy can continue to trigger the effect of the maskThe 170. bald head is a hard spell machine gun171. to 50 minutes or so, the game is not strength, but mentality172. tanks are always useless. Youre a blood bank for other people173. qualifying, if the


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