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    课题: Section A ( 2c 3c)【学 习 目 】一、知 目 :重点 : competition ,fantastic ,which ,clearly, win, though,重点短 : both. and , as as .the singing competition, work hard.重点句型 :1)sb.+be+ adj_er/more adj.+than +.2)be+sb.+ adj_er/more adj.+than +.?3)sb.+ do+as+adv+as+./ sb.+be+as+adj+as+ .4)Do/Does +sb.+do +as+adv.+as+.?/be+sb.+as+adj.+as.?5)Who /which + be+adj._er/more adj.or.?学 重 点:比 的 化 及 两人的差距。二、能力目 :1) 自己所喜 朋友的特征;2)能从文字表达中 取有关人物特征的信息三、情感目 :通 人不同点的肯定和包容, 学生 立尊重他人尊重自己 良品 【学 程】【 前 】一、短 互 : 1.跑得快 _ 2.唱歌比 _ 3. 唱得如此好 _4.the one with shorter hair_5.唱得更清楚 _6.the most important thing_ 7. 学会一些新的 西_二、写出下列形容 或副 的比 。1. fast _ 2. high _3. short _4. late _5. fine _6. funny _ 7. early _8.thin_9. hard-working _ 10.clearly_11.fantastic_12.well_三、 2d 的 且首字母填空。1.We had the singingc_ yesterday.2.A park is f_ for children to play.3.W_ is better, this pen or that pen?4.Does your English teacher speak English very c_?5.I dance well, t_, I sing badly.【 内探究】一、引入新知 : 情境, 出新 或新重点句子。Ask two students to sing the same song ,the others compare.eg: Ask : Who sings better, Liu Ying or Li Lin? Liu Ying sings better than Li Lin does. Liu Ying sings more clearly than Li Lin. We had a singing competition just now.二、合作探究Task1:小 合作,利用 完成2c.eg: A; Is Tom smarterthan Sam?B: No, he isn t .Sam is smarter than Tom.A:Does Sam run faster than Tom?B: No, Tom runs faster than Sam.Task2:小 合作,操 in 2d.第 1页Task3:展示且点评 . the singing competition , which, fantastic, more clearly, though, good/well-better.Task4:仔细阅读grammar focus, 然后点拨。Task5:做练习题,完成3a-3cTask6:检查且点评。三、疑难点拨1.singing competition意为 :唱歌比赛2.though 意为:虽然 ,不能与 but 连用。(常置于句末,前面用逗号与主句隔开)3.fantastic = very good. 比较级: more fantastic4.clearly比较级 :more clearly. good/well的比较级: better.5.Which / Who. 比较级词 .or.? 表示选择。6.主语 +动词 +as +adj./ adv.+ as+比较对象 意为:与 .一样、相同7.形容词级前可以用 a little, much, a lot, even.8.win v. 赢得,获胜(过去式 won;现在分词 winning ,名词 winner)“ win + 比赛 / 战争 /荣誉 /奖品 /名次 ”【课堂练习】一、选择()1.Her room is _than _.A.bigger, myB.biger, myC.bigger, mineD.biger, mine()2.He has shorter hair _Bill.A. asB. sameC. ofD. than()3.Sam is much _than Jim.A. thinB. thinerC. thinnerD. thinnest()4.Allan is _more outgoing than Jack.A. littleB. veryC. tooD. a little()5.The girl isn t short. She is _ than beforeA.short.B. tall C. tallerD. shorter()6.John is _ than Peter.A. funnierB. funC. funnyD. more funny()7.My sister is _ more outgoing than me.A.moreB. mostC. a littleD. little()8.Li Ming jumps as _ as Liu Qiang. A. higherB. highC. more higherD. more high()9.Who runs _, Li Gang _ Zeng Wei? A. fast, andB. faster, andC. fast, orD. faster, or()10. I think English is _ math . Yes, I think so.A. much important than B. so important asC. as important asD. as more important as二、用所给词的正确形式填空1. He has _(short) and _(curly)hair than Sam.2.Lucy enjoys _(tell) jokes, she is much _(funny) than others.3.The weather this winter is _ (cold) than the weather last winter.4.Pedro is _(smart) than Paul.5.Is Chunxi Road much _(noisy )than Qintai Road?6. A duck can certainly swim_ (well)than a hen.7.I have a lot of homework _(do)this evening.8. Of the two girls, I find Lucy the_ (quiet).9. John is_(thin)than Tom.10.The story is_(interesting)than that one.【课后练习】第 2页一、按要求完成句子变化1.Sam speaks Chinese well. Tom speaks Chinese better.(合为一个句子)Tom speaks Chinese_than Sam .2.Tom is short Jim is shorter (合并为一句 )Tom is _ Jim3.I am a little heavier than her (改为同义句 )She is a little _ than me.4.I am younger than her (改为同义句 )She _ than me.5.at, who, more, school, hard-working, is(?)( 连词成句)_6.you, friendly, are, sister, as, your, as(?)( 连词成句)_二、补全对话:A:Who is Lisa?B: She is my best friend.A:_?B: No, she is taller than meA:_?B: Yes, she is more outgoing .A:_?B: She likes playing volleyball.A:_?B: Yes, she is in the same class with me .A:_?B: She is thirteen. She is younger than me .三、根据汉语提示,补全句子。1.Who is _ ( 健康), your father or your mother ?2.2.I m _ ( 大) than you .3.Jim s pen is newer than _ ( 你的)。4.Our school had a English _ ( 比赛) lastyear.5.My sister dances _ ( 好) than me .6.Today is _ ( 热) than yesterday.7.My brother is as_( 高) as my cousin.8._( 虽然) it was raining yesterday, it wasn t cold.第 3页


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