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    黄山英文导游词A Brief Introduction to Huangshan Yellow Mountain, is one of the most popular attractions in China. Its located in the southest of Anhui province. The main scenic area covers 154 square kilometers. It was listed by the UNESCO as one of the world cultural and natural heritage(遗产)sites in 1990. In ancient times Huangshan was named Yi Mountain. Yi in old Chinese means “black”. The mountain is formed by granite(花岗岩) which looks black and grey, hence called it Yi Mountain . But in the year of 746 in the Tang Dynasty, it was renamed Huangshan in memory of Emperor Huang (the first emperor in Chinese history) who, according to the legend, made immortal(不朽的) pills(长生药) at the top of Huangshan and eventually ascended(send上升、升高)to heaven. There are 72 main peaks, among which the Lotus Flower Peak is the highest peak with an elevation(高度) of 1864 meters while the Bright Summit and the Celestial(silestl天的) Capital are the other major ones.Mt. Huangshan is a world full of magic. Over 400 years ago, Xu Xiake, a famous traveler said “Having seen the five major mountains in China, one does not want to see any other mountains; having seen the all-inclusive Mountain Huangshan, one does not wish to see any of the five major mountains”. Its well-known for its four wonders. They are: the oddly-shaped pine trees, fantastic rocks, sea of clouds and hot springs.Now Ill give you a brief introduction to them. Pine trees can be seen everywhere at the mountain. They grow in the cracks of rocks, as the saying goes “No rock is not covered by pine, no pine is not grotesque(奇异风格的).” The beauty of Huangshans pines is indeed beyond description. Their roots strike deeply into the depth of the rock and attach themselves to the rocks in stark(荒凉的) nakedness. The Guest-greeting pine, the Phoenix pine and the Exploring-sea pine and so many others stand in images that always make the tourists full of imagination. These pine trees are mostly found at 800-1750 meters above sea level. They have gnarlingna:ling(扭曲的) branches and different posture, and each posture looks unbelievably enchanting(令人喜悦的迷人的). The Guest-greeting pine, which is over 1,300 years old, is a symbol of Huangshan. Grotesque rocks make Huangshan a fascinatingfasineiting(使人神魂颠倒的) place. The vivid images and shapes are formed by natures wonderful chiselingtizl凿 labor. Some of them look like people, objects, animals and birds. Such as the Flower of a Dreaming Pen, a Monkey Gazinggeizing凝视 at the Sea, and the Turtle Peak. The rocks of Huangshan are a voiceless poem. One rock after another will press its unique presence upon your eyes. Mt. Huangshan is memorable for the clouds. Its unusual when seas of clouds cover the mountain peaks, leaving only the tops appearing like islands. The seas float, stay, spread or scatter, the pines and rocks against the restless, moving clouds create changing scenes of great natural beauty.Water from the spring is odorless(无味的) and good to drink. It contains minerals which have curative effect for dermatitis皮炎 arthritis关节炎 and the disorder of the nervous system. The hot springs never run dry even during the most severe droughts, nor overflow their channels during excessive rains. The temperature of the water remains at 104F (40C) all year around. Pools have been built for drinking, swimming and medicinal baths. Besides the four wonders, Huangshans snow in winter also makes the mountain extremely beautiful. The snow covers the peaks and falls on the branches of the pines, so we see the white rocks, white pines, the whole mountain becomes a crystalkristl 水晶世界world. The snow adds great charm to Huangshan, making it a place worth visiting during the winter too. Once into Huangshan, you can hike along the steps to the top. You can also take the cable car. Three cable cars have been put into operation. The first extends from Cloud Valley Temple to the White Goose Ridge, the second is from the Pine Valley Nunnery庵 to the Pine Forest Park, and the third one, from Ciguang Pavilionpevilien to the Jade Screen Hotel. Now, friends, after listening to my introduction, lets sightsee the world famous mountain. Thank you.黄山中英双语导游词Friends, Hello! Now that we have arrived at the Huangshan scenic area south of city of tangkou. Here to give you some information about Huangshan scenerys profile.The yellow mountain, located in the southern part of Anhui Province, is part of the nanling mountains, China, the whole mountain area is about 1200 square kilometers. Middle section of the Huangshan mountains, are the best parts of the yellow mountain, we also want to visit Huangshan scenic area, covering an area of about 154 square kilometers. It internally in Huangshan city, South o she County, Huizhou district, xiuning County and Yixian County, North Huangshan District; the five counties, districts are under the jurisdiction of Huangshan city.Huangshan in China before the Tang dynasty named Black Mountain, black is black, blue black blue black rocks on the Hill, the ancients gave it this name. Legend of Chinese ancestors Emperor Huangdi in the us following the completion of Zhongyuan harmonized working, creating Chinese civilization, came here to herb of immortality, bath in the hot springs, which attained the immortal. Famous Tang dynasty of Emperor Ming Huang Li long JI is believe it, in tempo, six years (747) under the edict, rename the Black Mountain Huangshan. Mean, this mountain is a mountain of Yellow Emperor. From then on, the name Huangshan has been up to now.Friends, not far from thousands of you, even miles here, will do down and take a look at the beauty of Huangshan? Isnt it just to feel a life happy? Yes, Huangshan is a beautiful beautiful, can be said that the mountain of the day, be able to climb it, and see that it is indeed a great joy in life. In a long, long time ago, in a long geological history, natures infinite force, shaped Huangshan the exquisite elegance and all sorts of exotic landscapes, stunning, is enchanted.Here, I put the yellow mountain “four unique” respectively, made a presentation.Speaking of Huangshan mountain “four”, ranked first was pine. Huangshan songqi in what place? First of all, is singular in its strong vitality, where soil-vegetation and crops, and Ponderosa are long out of the yellow gang of hard rock. Huangshan pines everywhere, they peak, long cliffs, long in shenhe Valley, lush and vibrant. For thousands of years, this is how they burst out from rock, root deep into the crevices of rocks, not afraid of marginal arid, without fear of rain and snow storm, Selsun, tieguzhengzheng. Can you say do not odd?Secondly, Huang Shansong also singular in its unique natural style. In General, Huang Shansong conifer stubby dense, dark green leaf color, branches with curved, Crown flat, showing a simple, robust, powerful and imposing, but every pine tree, each strain pine on the looks, sapling, and spirit, all different, there is a strange beauty. People according to their different patterns and romantic charm, respectively, give them appropriate natural and elegant and interesting names, such as welcoming pine, black tiger pine, pine Pinus, Dragon claw, in Wolong research on Korean pine Pinus, unity, and so on. They are the Huangshan pine representatives.Stone, is constituted of scenery in Huangshan mountain and a “must”. In Huangshan everywhere you can see strange and odd-shaped rock, these stones vary, some people, some like, some of it reflects some myths and legends and historical stories, vivid, lively and interesting. Stone at 121, the popularity of higher “flying stone”, “fairy play”, “magpie”, “sea monkey view”, “immortal Sun boots”, “three Penglai island” and “Rooster call gate”.These rocks have a behemoth, some of Kit Kat exquisite; separate scenes, sometimes combining several ingeniously combined with pine or King. Some formations for viewing location and angle had changed, also changed, became a stone of the second King, such as the “golden rooster called heaven” also called the “five old God”, “magpie” also known as “fairy Guide” is a moving account of the change of scenery. Also had some strange plants, under different conditions, not Lenovo, therefore has a different name, such as “sea monkey view” also known as “monkey Wang Taiping” is.Clouds again. Although clouds can also see other mountains in China, but none can match the spectacular Huangshan clouds and is constantly changing. About this, there is another name of Huangshan, known as “yellow”. Its not in vain, there is historical evidence. Famous Shi Zhixue called Pan Zhiheng of the Ming dynasty, lived in Huangshan mountain for decades, wrote a voluminous book of 60 volumes-Huangshan mountain records, titles of the Yellow Sea.Huangshan scenic spots, hotels and many other landscape named with this special “sea” Association, some landscape ornamental in the clouds, to be even more true, charm was also more. These have proved that the “Yellow Sea” that is worthy of the name.Finally, tell us about the hot springs. We often say, and before the tour of hot springs is the Huangshan Mountain Hotel Spa, in ancient times called tangquan, from purple Pinnacle emission. Named with its hot spring scenic spot, is the first to arrive after entering the southern gate of Huangshan scenic spot. Hot spring water is sufficient, water temperatures remained at about 42 degrees year-round, water well, and contains useful minerals for the human body, there are some medical value, skin diseases, rheumatism and diseases of the digestive system, does have a certain effect. But only bath, you cannot drink; said it is drinkable, is not science.Known unknown is a fifth of Huangshan must, its winter and snow, snowflakes swirl of light, clamp with mist, accompanied by the mountain breeze didnt love chasing the mountain, fly in a ravine. Huangshan suddenly changed his appearance, land of pale green is gone, Park trees everywhere blurred, everything is s hining brilliantly. The ancients described: “one night, chilling trees YINHUA opened. ”Yellow mountain like a silver world as a whole, as if being in a Crystal Palace.In addition to “land with five unique features”, the waterfall of the yellow mountain, Sunrise and sunset, are spectacular and strange.朋友们,你们好!现在我们已经到达黄山风景区南边重镇汤口。在这里先向诸位介绍一下黄山风景的概况。黄山,位于中国安徽省南部,属中国南岭山脉的部分,全山面积约1200平方公里。黄山山系中段,是黄山的精华部分,也就我们要游览的黄山风景区,面积约154平方公里。它在黄山市境内,南邻歙县、徽州区、休宁县和黟县,北连黄山区;这五个县、区也都属于黄山市管辖。黄山在中国唐代以前叫黟山,黟是黑样子,因为山上岩石多青黑青黑的,古人就给它起这样一名字。传说咱们中华族的先祖轩辕黄帝在完成中原统一在业、开创中华文明之后,来到这里采药炼丹,在温泉里洗澡,因而得道仙。唐朝著名的皇帝明皇李隆基非常相信这个说法,就在天宝六年(747年)下了一道诏书,将黟山改名黄山。意思是,这座山是黄帝的山。从那以后,黄山这个名字就一直到现在。朋友们,你们不远千,甚至万里到这里,就要亲眼看一看黄山的美吗?不就是要感受一次人生快乐吗?是的,黄山是绝美绝美的,可说天第奇山,能够登临它,亲眼看看它,确实是人生的一大乐事。在很久很久前,在漫 长地质历史代,大自然的无穷力,塑造了黄山那绝美的风采和种种奇特的景观,令人倾倒,令人心醉。在这里,我把黄山“四绝”分别作个介绍吧。说起黄山“四绝”,排在第一的当是奇松。黄山松奇在什么地方呢?首先是奇在它无比顽强的生命力,凡有土的方就能出草木和庄稼,而黄松则是从坚硬的黄岗岩石里长出来的。黄山到处都生长着松树,它们长峰顶,长悬崖峭壁,长在深壑幽谷,郁郁葱葱,生机勃勃。千百年来,它们就是这样从岩石迸裂出来,根儿深深扎进岩石缝里,不怕贫瘠干旱,不怕风雷雨雪,潇潇洒洒,铁骨铮铮。你能说不奇吗?其次是,黄山松还奇在它那特有的天然造型。从总体来说,黄山松的针叶短粗稠密,叶色浓绿,枝干曲生,树冠扁平,显出一种朴实、稳健、雄浑的气势,而每一处松树,每一株松树,在长相、姿容、气韵上,又各各不同,都有一种奇特的美。人们根据它们的不同的形态和神韵,分别给它们起了贴切的自然而又典雅有趣的名字,如迎客松、黑虎松、卧龙松、龙爪松、探海松、团结松等等。它们是黄山奇松的代表。怪石,是构成黄山胜景的又一“绝”。在黄山到处都可以看到奇形怪异的岩石,这些怪石的模样儿千差万别,有的像人,有的像物,有的有的反映了某些神话传说和历史故事,都活灵活现,生动有趣。在121处名石中,知名度更高一些的有“飞来石”、“仙人下棋”、“喜鹊登梅”、“猴子观海”、“仙人晒靴”、“蓬莱三岛”、“金鸡叫天门”等。这些怪石有的是庞然大物,有的奇巧玲珑;有的独立成景,有的是几个组合或同奇松巧妙结合成景。还些怪石因为观赏位置和角度变了,模样儿也就有了变化,成了一石二景,如“金鸡叫天门”又叫“五老上天都”,“喜鹊登梅”又叫“仙人指路”就是移步换景的缘故。也还有些怪厂,在不同条件下看,会产生不能的联想,因而也就有了不同的名字,如“猴子观海”又叫“猴子望太平”便是。再说云海。虽然在中国其它名山也能看到云海,但没有一个能比得上黄山云海那样壮观和变幻无穷。大约就是这个缘故,黄山还有另外一个名字,叫“黄海”。这可不是妄称,是有历史为证的。明朝有位著名的史志学家叫潘之恒,在黄山住了几十年,写了一部60卷的大部头书-黄山山志,书名就叫黄海。黄山的一些景区、宾馆和众多景观的命名,都同这个特殊的“海”有关联,有些景观若在云海中观赏,就会显得更加真切,韵味也更足了。这些也都证明,“黄海”这个名字是名副其实的。最后,介绍一下温泉。我们常讲的和游览的温泉是前山的黄山宾馆温泉,古时候又叫汤泉,从紫石峰涌出。用它命名的温泉景区,是进入黄山南大门后最先到达的景区。温泉水量充足,水温常年保持在42度左右,水质良好,并含有对人体有益的矿物质,有一定的医疗价值,对皮肤病,风湿病和消化系统的疾病,确有一定的疗效。但是只能浴,不能饮;过云说它可以饮用,是不科学的。为人所不知的是黄山还有第五绝,那就是冬雪,轻盈的雪花纷纷扬扬,夹带着云雾,伴随着山风没在山恋上追逐,在深谷中飞腾。黄山骤然间换了模样,满目的苍绿不见了,到处朴树迷离,一切都是显得晶莹透亮。古人形容说:“一夜寒风起,万树银华开。”整个黄山宛如一个银色的世界,仿佛身处水晶宫。除了“五绝”之外,黄山的瀑布、日出和晚霞,也是十分壮观和奇丽的。


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