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    1,-By David from Xinxiang No, 1 High School,Section A,Unit 6,Topic 3 I will remember our friendship forever,2,-By David from Xinxiang No. 1 High School,Section A,Unit 6,Topic 3 I will remember our friendship forever,3,Ask and Answer questions:,Revision:,1. Who won the race, the tortoise or the hare? 2. Why did the hare lose the race?,4,$ 1 one dollar,$ 2 two dollars,five cents,USA dollars,Revision:,5,RMB,¥,one yuan ¥1,ten yuan ¥10,100 yuan ¥100,50 yuan ¥50,6,10 pounds,penny pence or pennies,pound 英镑,7,franc法郎 200 francs,8,马克(德国) 100 mark,9,日元 10000 yen,ten,thousand yen,10,Look at the picture and talk about it.,a graduation ceremony,Lead in:,This summer well graduate from Xinxiang No. 1 High School. Will you have a graduation ceremony?,11,When will we graduate from our school?,This summer .,What should we do to get ready for the graduation ceremony?,We should.,Talk about our graduation ceremony.,12,Look,listen and say,1a,Now listen to the tape and try to answer the questions.,How time flies!时间真快呀! 2. get ready for sth.=be ready for sth.为做准备 3. first of all= first首先 4. pass a final examination (exam)期末考试及格 5. Its a piece of cake.= A thing that is very easy. 小菜一碟 6. be able to do sth.=can do sth. 7. give speeches at the ceremony 在典礼上发言 8. Where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者,事竟成。,1b,13,Answer the following questions according to 1a.,What will they do to get ready for the graduation ceremony? What does Michael think of the final examination? 3. Will they give speeches at the ceremony?,They will prepare some gifts.,He thinks it is a piece of cake.,Perhaps.,14,Work alone,Read 1a again and fill in the blanks.,They will _ from Renai International School. There is going to be a _ which they have to pass. They will hold a _ before leaving school. They are going to prepare some _. They will never forget their _.,graduate,final examination,(graduation) ceremony,gifts,friendship,1b,15,Group work,Discuss what you will do before leaving school and report to your class.,take photos with one another,prepare gifts for teachers and classmates,have a class get-together,exchange photos with each other,write best wishes to each other,prepare speeches,make plans for the future,see friends off,2,eg. I will , I will.,16,Listen read and say,3a,1. get ready for sth.为做准备 get ready to sth.,2. colored chalks 彩色粉笔,3. a dozen pencils/ dozens of eggs 一打铅笔(12支)/ =lots of eggs,4.be valuable for sb. to do sth. 对某人来说做某事时有价值的,5. Its the thought that count. 礼轻情意重。,6. do a good job= Well done./ Good job.,3b,17,Fill out the table according to 3a.,What will they do for the graduation ceremony?,will decorate their classroom.,will write some words on the blackboard.,has got dozens of cards.,has prepared a large package of presents.,18,In the supermarket,Make conversations about shopping for the coming graduation ceremony. The following expressions may help you.,I need for the graduation ceremony. Sorry, I have no Do you have any other colors/sizes/materials/kinds? What size ? The size of the Ill buy Its The color is How much is/are ? It is/They are yuan/pounds/dollars/pennies.,3b,Group Work,19,Listen to the tape and mark True (T) or False (F).,( ) 1. Michael wanted to buy a CD and a notebook. ( ) 2. Michaels favorite color is green. ( ) 3. Michaels friend likes Jay Chous music very much. ( ) 4. Michael spent six pounds in total. ( ) 5. The shopkeeper didnt sell Michael two things for five pounds.,T,T,F,F,F,4,Work alone,20,Exercises:,( )1.-Could you tell me_ your name, please? - Sure. L-I-S-A. lisa. A. how spell B. how to spell C. how do you spell D. how is ( )-We must finish the work before the teacher comes back. -_. A. It doesnt matter B. Its a piece of cake C. Its my pleasure D. With pleasure,B,B,21,( )3.-The workers _ our new library already. - Really? Ill go there and borrow some books. A. decorated B. are decorating C. have decorated D. were decorated ( )4. Did you see who the driver was? No, the car ran so fast _ I couldnt get a good look at his face. A. that B. which C. as D. after ( )5. There are _ desks and chairs in the classroom. A. four dozens B. dozen of C. dozens of D. dozens,C,A,C,22,first of all, a piece of, handwriting, chalk, dozen, dozens of, pound, penny,Useful expressions:,1. Its a piece of cake.小菜一碟。 2. Where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者事竟成。 3. Its the thought that counts.礼轻情意重。,Talk about what we should do before leaving school.,What have you learned today?,Summary:,23,A composition: 写一篇关于毕业典礼的短文, 抒发你的离校感言。(80字) 2. Workbook Exercises: 练习册: Unit 6 Topic 3 Section A.,Homework:,24,Goodbye!,Class is over!,


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