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    1,Unit 5 还盘Counter-offers,2,学习目标,熟悉还盘和回复还盘信函的写作步骤 熟悉还盘和回复还盘信函的写作原则 掌握还盘和回复还盘信函的常用句式,3,A counter-offer is virtually a partial rejection of the original offer. It also means a counter proposal put forward by the buyer. The buyer may show disagreement to the price, or the packing, or the shipment and state his own terms instead.,4,还盘概述,一方报盘,对方若不同意其内容,可以还盘。还盘是指对所收到的发盘条件表示不同意或不完全同意,但愿意就交易的达成做进一步的洽商的回复,也称还价。根据联合国国际货物销售合同公约的规定,受盘人对货物的价格、付款方式、质量、数量、交货时间与地点及一方当事人对另一方当事人的赔偿责任范围或解决争端的办法等条件提出添加或更改均属于还盘。,5,Structure of the Counteroffer,Open the letter by thanking the recipient for his offer. Decline the original offer by providing the recipient with detailed and reasonable reasons. Put forward the desired business conditions and try to persuade the recipient to accept them. Close the letter by expressing expectations for a favorable reply.,6,In making a counter offer, one has to state the terms most explicitly and use words very carefully so as to avoid ambiguity or misunderstanding, the same way as one usually does in making an offer. When a buyer reject an offer, he should write and thank the seller for his trouble and explain he reason for rejection. Not to do so would show a lack of courtesy.,7,示例1,Dear Sirs, We are in receipt of your letter dated on July 12, offering us 100 cases of liquor at US $400 per case on the usual terms. In reply, we regret to inform you that we find your price too high. We find that we can obtain a price of US $370 per case from a local firm. We have been very pleased with your products,8,however, the difference in price is too big. If you can see your way clear to meet these figures, we would be pleased to place with you an order that will carry us for the rest of this year, and that order is likely to be one of the largest that we have ever placed with you. We wish to receive your favourable reply as soon as possible. Sincerely,9,be in receipt of 已收到,We are in receipt of your letter, requesting us to quote for 1000 dozen of mens shirts. We are in receipt of your L/C covering 1000 pairs of leather shoes,10,We regret to .that ,We regret to say that we no longer manufacture the article you enquired about We regret to inform you that due to problems with our supplier, Item No. 10-14-71, ABC company, is not yet available.,11,too high过高,偏低on the low side 偏高be on the high side 太高、太低too high/low 有点儿高(低)a little high/low Compared with other suppliers, your price is rather on the high side. Our products are of high quality, so our price is a little high.,12,还盘信函的种类一、买方要求降价的还盘信函,要求降价就是对价格条件的还盘,这样的还盘信要注意表明降价的理由,例如:报价高于当地市价;可以用较低的价格获得类似质量的商品;可以从别的供应商处以较低的价格购进该商品;该商品的市场疲软等。并提出降价的幅度。,13,示例3,Dear Sirs, Thank you for your letter of August 2 quoting for black tea at $1000 per case of cartons, but we regret that at this price we cannot place an order. We are working to a number of long term contracts under which it is impossible for us to revise our prices /and had your own,14,prices been within our reach we could have placed regular large orders. We therefore hope you will reconsider your quotation and find it possible to offer a lower price, calculated on the basis of monthly order for a minimum of fifty cases. Faithfully yours,15,示例2,Dear Ms. Brook, Thank you for your letter of May 13 about the offer for your bamboo chairs. Although we appreciate the quality of your products, we regret to say their price is too high for us to accept. Referring to the Sales Confirmation No.89SP-754, you will find that we ordered 500 bamboo chairs of the same model at a price 5% lower than,16,your present price. Besides, since we placed the last order, price for raw materials has decreased considerably. Accepting your present price will mean great loss to us. We would like to place repeat orders with you if you could reduce your price at least by 3%. Otherwise, we will have to shift to the other suppliers for our similar request.,17,We hope you will take our suggestion into serious consideration and give us your reply as soon as possible. Yours truly,18,拒绝降价就是对买方提出的价格条件的否定还盘。这样的还盘信要注意强调坚持原价并阐述无法降价的理由。例如,正处在销售旺季,已收到对方所在地区进货尚的大量订单;销售利润已低至极限;着眼点应在该商品的质量上等等。或者推荐对方购买与所要求价格相近的,价格较低的替代商品。,二、卖方拒绝降价的还盘信函,19,示例4,Dear Sirs, Thanks for your letter of April 12. We regret to find that we didnt agree on the price. Much as we would like to cooperate with you in expanding sales, we are regretful that we can not accept your counter-offer, as the price we quote is rather realistic. Through our study of your,20,market situation, we are confident our offer is competitive. As a matter of fact, we have received a lot of orders from many countries at that price. If you could accept our price after careful consideration, please do let us know. On account of a limited supply available at present, we would ask you to act quickly. We are looking forward to your early reply. Yours sincerely,21,示例5,Dear Sirs, We have carefully considered your counter-proposal of 20 August to our offer of porcelain wares, but very much regret that we cannot accept it. In fact, the prices quoted in our letter of 15 August leave us with only thesmallest margins, and are lower than those of our competitors for goods of similar quality.,22,The porcelain used in the manufacture undergoes a special patented process, which preserve originality and increases durability, the fact that we are the largest suppliers of porcelain wares in this country is in itself evidence of the good value of our products. We hope you will give further thought to this matter, but if you then still feel you cannot accept our offer we hope it will not prevent you from approaching us on some,23,We shall always be happy to consider carefully any proposals likely to lead to business between us. Sincerely yours,,24,三、卖方作出降价让步的还盘信函,作出降价让步就是对买方提出的价格条件有条件地进行减让的反还盘。这样的还盘信要注意坚持原报价的合理性、突出给予降价让步的动机和意愿。例如,原报价符合市价;考虑到以前获得的帮助、双边的贸易关系;为发展与对方的业务等。还要明确降价的幅度和实现降价的附带条件:数量折扣、规定日期内订货的折扣等。,25,示例7,Dear Sirs, We acknowledge with thanks receipt of your enquiry of June 1, and are pleased to hear that you are interested in our porcelain wares. In the letter, you asked us for a special price discount of 5%of the price list. While appreciating your order, we feel we must point out that our listed prices have already been cut to the minimum possible, and our,26,goods are unobtainable elsewhere at our rate. We are sure the good quality of our products and reasonable price will equip you with great competitive edge in your market. We should, however, be pleased to allow you the requested 5% if you care to raise your order to 6,000 sets and we await your confirmation before putting the matter in hand. With our best regards. Yours faithfully,,27,示例6,We have received your letter of Feb. 27 and in your letter you mentioned that you found our quotation for the above mentioned commodity too high to accept. You explained that the similar goods of Spanish origin have been offered at a price about 10% lower than ours. While we do not doubt what you said, we are sure that the quality of the Spanish goods is far from being comparable to ours,28,However desirous we are to develop trade between us, we very much regret that we cannot accept your counter-offer. The best we can do is to allow you a 2% reduction in price. Please note this is the best we can do and we hope you will accept it. As our stocks are running low, it is advisable for you to make an immediate decision. We are looking forward to your favourable reply. Yours faithfully,29,四、要求提价的还盘信函,对原定价格的提价或是对对方价格条件的还盘:由于某些不利因素的影响,卖方对双方曾经同意的某种商品的价格上调。这样的还盘先要注意说明提价的客观性:商品市价在上扬、材料价格上涨、运输费用的提高等。,30,示例8,Dear Sirs, We wish to inform you that we have increased the prices of the porcelain vase we quoted you in our letter of May 16 by 2%. Our new prices will take effect on May 21 and we will keep this offer for two weeks. There are two reasons for the rising of the prices. First, the rise in freight cost due to the explosion of oil prices; second, the increase in the prices of materials.,31,We know frequent changes of prices are the most unwelcome, but we need to cover the increasing costs and can not keep the original prices any more. In fact, the new prices are still about 2% below the market level. The reason why we offer the low prices is that we would like to continue our business with you. Furthermore, we are confident the good quality and fashionable designs of our vases will help you a lot to stand firmly in your market.,32,We wish you will place your orders as soon as possible. Yours faithfully,33,还盘实用句型,1. We regret to say that your quotation is out of line with the prevailing market at this end, so it is difficult for us to accept it. 2. As you dont agree to reduce your price , we will have to purchase the goods elsewhere. 3. The offer is firm (good/open/valid) subject to your reply by 6 p.m., Beijing time, Wednesday, May.,34,4. We would like to point out that it is our practice to set a smallest quantity for any sale, which enjoys a special price discount of 2% of the pricelist. 5. We feel we must point out that our listed prices have already been cut to the minimum possible, and our goods are unobtainable elsewhere at our rate. 6. Information here shows that the makes you offered can be purchased from other sources at much lower prices.,35,7. With your price Im afraid youll stand very little chance of obtaining the business. 8. We are of the opinion that if you could increase your order to 3000 pieces we would allow a 5% discount. 9. Taking into consideration our friendly business relations, we would exceptionally comply with your request by reducing our price to $25 per piece CFR San Francisco. 10. In view of the fact that we have done a lot of business with buyers at this price, we can not reduce any price any further.,36,P59 Ex.1,We have received your letter of April 9, in which you mentioned that you find our quotation for the iron wire too high to accept. Much as we would like to cooperate with you in expanding sales, we are regretful that we cannot accept your counter-offer. There are three reasons for this. First, the prices of materials have increased largely; second, your order of 1000kg is the minimum,37,quantity we require and I am afraid no discount is available for such an order; third, with high quality considered, our price is very reasonable. Besides, through our study of your market situation, we are confident our offer is competitive. As a matter of fact, we have received a lot of orders from many countries at that price.,38,We are confident the good quality of our iron wire will help you a lot to stand firmly in your market. And as our stocks are running low, it is advisable for you to make an immediate decision. If you cannot accept our price, we welcome you to pay attention to other products of ours. We will give prompt and favorable response to any other inquiries of yours.,39,英译汉,1. 鉴于当前行情看涨,我方恐不能接受贵方400美元的低价。 2. 我方希望贵方能重新调整下价格以使其与国际行情保持一致。 3. 尽管你方出价低于我方的一般价格,但是为了能与贵方开始生意往来,我方愿破一次例。 4. 倘若贵方能适当地考虑本公司所处的境况,而设法将价格降到这个价位,我方将不胜感激 5. 如果贵方能将贵方的报价降低5%或者我方将我方还价上涨5%,我们就能达成这笔交易,40,6. 如果贵方愿意多买200箱该产品,我方可将价格降至到青岛的离岸价每箱122美元。 7. 尽管价格一直在涨,但是我方乐意给你方打些折扣以维持我们双方的友好贸易往来。 8. 贵方提出的条件将使本公司的生意无利可图,因此我方希望贵方能把价格降到接近我方的数目。 9. 由于贵方报价与市场价格不一致,我方不得不拒绝贵方的报价。 10. 为了推广按摩机,我方乐意在本月内将产品目录上所有产品降价8%。,41,汉译英,1. The first-class soybeans are running out of stock. 2. We would like to accept if you could reduce your price by 2%. 3. We have quoted to you the lowest price and we have done a lot of business at that price. 4. This firm offer will subject to your acceptance in 10 days. 5. We accept your counter-offer in order to maintain our long term good relationship.,42,6. As the market is declining, we hope you would reconsider our offer and call to accept as soon as possible. 7. Please remind your customers of the price adjustment caused by the rising market. 8. We could reduce our price somewhat, but we could in no way go down to anywhere near the figures as quoted in your letter.,43,9. Information here shows that the makes you offered can be purchased from other sources at much lower prices. 10. Through friendly negotiation, we eventually reached a deal at the price of $60 per dozen.,44,个人观点供参考,欢迎讨论,


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