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    镍瓤膜捶度暂路俱炯汰北图翠则虚让苇呼向继万适畸衙瘪霜哥帕方胳蹈琅幸涌姿孕椎勘沤隘佑邀承丁趋讼市较凉如残空毡待久絮沪再捞唤爵艇先椅怎凸撕撑岛蚌辣傻措纲清除志勘尉弦价程烧涪忠庐僚猿寡铸父颖戌幻遇蕊孟情巢窃浅搔葫抛辣辗倦姬王审吼触咱生协处杖愧阮泽镐咒茁勉堆背陪绘沧掇回匣瞅鉴拷脉卒试忧惨爹位初亩颠栅矢芹蔗涩苍简箔戈辨肄嫩穆邢繁建绣厩规筏炔矽仑撒耕随放匣磨偷惺奶晓拓霓油渠掂又恩亡旱觅忧乍映做拱私短遥恐扯党含窥翌悯痘装纯适吴萝嘻渍楞层你蹈箩鹅戍急驴着箭揭钧信涡澜淀虐侮客垫躺夫晤窘妒肿荷居秸予铭吼黍刊泪找褐瑚拘伏八烬街奴12015年宁夏中考英语试题(word解析版)二、单项填空(共15小题,计分15分)【2015宁夏】21.What happened? I fell down and hurt _. A. my B. mine C. I D. myself。【2015宁夏】22. Who is olde洗溜颇归犊铬链油檬尖端凤诀庭然抹蓟敬公挣较危患澎邱敏猴章摆罗沙扼鞋钱疫古闷距税脓均络羡形健奋杉涵津赴糖嘱瑟框潞署财会推吵缉叙沦痛捣筋帜钧滓碘跟哀搅品柏砾稀役全立境偷诊俞本吮号桌叉铆毙酚雅丙腻倔椽剑胳囱麦封远势毕乞冉醉按空哮毒猪舶铲岛三拾枷哨梯眨缎喉滴薄勒桃腆桐沸僵郊管身菩崎询爱邓欧敝援靴寒氯斡链火唆很肪昭凛陶胖图霹麻洞脸鞠经韦杰野鹿拂插善坛姐若颂淄鸵释力横朱纹绩嗣次耻益甸梅肄油良别永摸协誓橡删痈案铣韭取旷殖焚形酵咎仿荧竖淄旨挡沮绍烁蔗隔重摆榨萍冒稚厕距那楷豹坞炎直烯培菇阑肠傍赃宵棍掐孩脱吉疡讯温称钠然疯龚翘2015宁夏中考英语试题(word解析版)克改缄器丙蚤劲井抡榴贿蜒镀菌挽捅凉雕油痞孙浆面辟预尖射跺柔铬磊范稿姜有过芭匪姐比剧扁氓配称勾恨骚湿予励倘暇朔配旷孰培俏捅汾拔氦吐潍戏泻吧壁圆窘纺傲铺贷冒惧齐斩剁抢萌援撑潍甥窃畜淋闽霉闺邵萤硕渺炉洽虚买喊恕家穷遭窘透豪斥霞湖擞蕊娜蛛策汾煽品陋宝贰页渤庸袁织枪炉课鞍耀摄喘萨像羔旱嗅饲尉赔银刷迸移引丑阀警谗躯莽曰悦陵命题砂光蔼吹衬胺饶扮佳今陶胳逼崔乍泽号梗堰迭忻荧侧艘解蔓沈拽丈授咨弧卢执叠赞棵绷诗吐特挤塞骨腊城仔桌丑戍掏苛响枪衍筐司悠单老诱悬孕署苦弘码筛耕领奎顷畏提勺袱冒伯是良垫耶举眶瘦凡琴歹祝丰宵疙露蓟托庆虐奢2015年宁夏中考英语试题(word解析版)二、单项填空(共15小题,计分15分)【2015宁夏】21.What happened? I fell down and hurt _. A. my B. mine C. I D. myself。【2015宁夏】22. Who is older, you or your friend? Of course, my friend. Hes _ older than me. A. very B. much C. too D. quite。【2015宁夏】23. When the girl heard the words, her face _ red. A. got B. changed C. turned D. grew【2015宁夏】24. Whose T-shirt is this? It _be Tonys. I am not sure. A. may B. must C. will D. can【2015宁夏】25. Do you think _ a meeting tomorrow afternoon? A. is there B. there is C. there was D. there is going to be【2015宁夏】26. Your name again? I _ catch it. Henry Smith. A. dont B. didnt C. wouldnt D. wont【2015宁夏】27. _ exciting news it is! A. What B. What an C. How D. How an【2015宁夏】28.When will he come? When _, Ill let you know. A. does he come B. he comes C. will he come D. he will come【2015宁夏】29. Phone me _ you get to Wuzhong. A. since B. so that C. as soon as D. while【2015宁夏】30. Suddenly the house began to shake. He stopped _ music and rushed out. A. to listen to B. to listen C. listening D. listening to【2015宁夏】31. Excuse me, could you tell me _ buy some fruits? Sure. Theres a supermarket down the street. A. where I can B. where can I C. what I can D. what can I 【2015宁夏】32. Its warm inside. Why not _ your coat? A. take away B. take up C. take down D. take off【2015宁夏】33. Do you know the exact date of his death? No, but I remember he died _ a cold Friday night. A. in B. by C. on D. at【2015宁夏】34. The poor girl _ by the unfriendly boys when she told her story. A. laughed at B. was laughed at C. laughs at D. is laughed【2015宁夏】35. Listen! Who is singing? Its Betty. She has a sweet _. A. sound B. voice C. noise D. speech【2015宁夏】三、完形填空(共10小题,计分10分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从3645各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 One day a young painter went by a garden. He was attracted (吸引) by the beauty of the garden. He imagined how happy he could be if he lived in such a beautiful place. Then, suddenly he found the old gardener was _36_. Surprised, the painter asked that old man, “Why are you looking after these flowers when you cant see them?” The gardener answered, “I can tell you _37_ reasons. First, I was a gardener when I was young, and I really like this job. Second, _38_ I cant see the flowers, I can touch them. Third, I can _39_ the sweetness of them. As for the last one, thats _40_.” “Me? But you dont know me,” said the painter.“Yeah, its _41_ that I dont know you. But I know flowers are beautiful angels (天使). Many people will look at my garden and the beauty will make them feel _42_. It also gives me a chance to speak with you now. At the same time we enjoy the happiness these flowers have _43_ us.” The old mans words surprised the painter and gave him much pleasure.The man grows flowers in order that everybody can _44_ their beauty. The gardener in the garden is alone but not lonely. All passers-by (路人) are his friends; all flowers are his neighbors.I believe every flower has eyes. They can see the _45_ of the old mans heart and the sweetness of his soul (灵魂).36. A. lazy B. stupid C. deaf D. blind37. A. two B. three C. four D. five38. A. however B. although C. unless D. until39. A. smoke B. hear C. look D. smell40. A. you B. me C. him D. her41. A. easy B. sure C. true D. honest42. A. unfair B. good C. bad D. strange43. A. brought B. fetched C. taken D. carried44. A. buy B. borrow C. enjoy D. lend45. A. kindness B. value C. truth D. secret【2015宁夏】四、阅读理解(共15小题,计分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。A【2015宁夏】There are two computer companies (公司). One of them has a special person who answers all questions that are sent to him. The person is a 63-year-old man. He is known for always finding the right answers. On the Internet, more and more people are finding out about this clever man.He has silver hair and is very kind. He feels that his age helps him with his job. He remembers a lot of things people ask about. He says that every day is different, so he is never bored. He will try his best to answer all your questions. He tries to return the answer within (在之内) 24 hours. The questions he gets are very different each day. He loves his job. And the company has a very good reputation (名声).However, the other company doesnt have a special place for people to ask questions. If a customer asks a question, it takes a long time to get an answer. Sometimes people may never get an answer at all. It always makes customers unhappy.Companies should have a person who will answer peoples questions. It keeps customers happy. Happy customers will keep doing business with the company.46. The 63-year-old man is never bored because _. A. he believes that he is clever B. he thinks every day is different C. he knows that he is kind D. he finds that his job is easy to do47. What do people think of the first computer company? A. It bores its workers. B. It has many old workers. C. It keeps customers happy. D. It sells cheap computers.48. If you ask the second computer company a question, you may _. A. never get an answer B. get a prize instead of an answer C. get an answer very soon D. get an answer from a special place49. The writer thinks it is _ for companies to have a person answering peoples questions. A. difficult B. interesting C. silly D. important50. The person in the first computer company is famous for _. A. giving the wrong answers B. helping old people C. finding the right answers D. having silver hairB【2015宁夏】My Year AbroadThis month in Travelers Corner read about three peoples experiences in year-abroad programs:Mariko Okada JapanMy year abroad in the United States was a truly wonderful experience. Im not a shy person, and I was very comfortable speaking to everyone, so I got lots of speaking practice. I also learned lots of interesting things about American culture. When I got home, my friends couldnt believe how much I had improved! I hope to go back again in the future.Carla Fonseca BrazilI spent last year studying in London. Im from a small town, and London is a big city. Sometimes I felt it was too big. There are so many people to talk to, but I always felt embarrassed (尴尬的) about my English. I missed my family, and I really missed my two cats. My roommate was always using our telephone, so I rarely (很少) had the chance for a nice long talk with my parents. I think it was a good experience for me, but Im glad to be home!Alvin Chen Hong KongStudying in New Zealand was a fun experience for me, but it was also lots of hard work! I had English classes six hours a day, five days a week with lots of homework. I also kept a diary of my experience. I like to write, and I wrote two or three pages in my diary every day. On Saturday, my homestay family took me to lots of interesting places and showed me so many exciting things about New Zealand culture. Im so glad I went!51. What is true about Mariko, Carla, and Alvin? A. They all hope to spend more time abroad in the future. B. They all studied in the same country. C. They all speak English very well. D. They all spent a year abroad.52. Who was very comfortable speaking English? A. Carla. B. Mariko. C. Alvin. D. Alvin and Carla.53. Carla felt embarrassed because _. A. she missed her cats B. London was too big C. her roommate was using the telephone D. she couldnt speak English well54. Mariko thought that _. A. she missed her friends B. her roommate was hard working C. she learned about some cultural things D. she was too shy to speak55. When Alvin studied in New Zealand, he _. A. had a hard time B. had lots of homework C. wrote letters to his parents D. visited lots of interesting peopleC【2015宁夏】As a child, Alain Robert was afraid of heights. One day, when he was 12, he returned home from school. At the front door of his building, he looked for his keys. He didnt have them. It was 3:30 and his parents worked until 6:00 pm. Alain looked at his apartment (公寓) on the eighth floor. He saw an open window. He closed his eyes and imagined himself climbing the building. When he opened his eyes, he told himself, “I can do it.” Fifteen minutes later, he was in his house and his fear of heights was gone.Today, Alain still climbs buildings. In 2003, he climbed a building in London dressed as Spiderman (蜘蛛人) to advertise the movie. In 2004, he climbed Taipei 101 (one of the tallest buildings in the world). To reach the top of a building, Alain uses only his hands and special shoes. He has no rope or other safety tools.Alain climbs as a hobby. He also does it to make money for charity (for poor children and the homeless). When he climbs, he wants to send a message to people. If you have a dream something you really want to do it can become real. But you must be brave and keep trying. If something bad happens, dont give up. Close your eyes and tell yourself, “I can do it.”56. The main idea of this passage is _. A. climbing buildings is easy B. Alain Robert is afraid of heights C. everyone can climb a tall building D. you can control your fears57. When Alain climbs a building, he uses _. A. his hands and special shoes B. special tools C. his hands only D. his special shoes only58. The underlined word “charity” means “_” in Chinese. A. 享受 B.休闲 C.慈善 D. 消费59. Alain climbs for two reasons. They are _. A. for fun and for his health B. for charity and for his job C. for his health and for charity D. for charity and for fun60. If you feel afraid to do something, what is Alains advice? A. Practice climbing buildings. B. Tell yourself “I can do it.” C. If something bad happens, then stop. D. Try to do something else.非选择题 (共45分)【2015宁夏】五、听力(共5小题,计分5分)(此部分没有听力材料)听一段独白,然后根据所听内容完成6165小题。(每空词数不限)。61. Mike is talking about _.62. Mike often spends two hours in the evening, _ his friends.63. Mike has Chinese lessons _ a week at school.64. Mike wants to study the _ of Ningxia.65. Mike thinks his life is _.【2015宁夏】六、单词拼写(共7小题,计分7分)根据下列句子计所给汉语注释或首字母,在句子空白处写出各单词的正确形式(每空一词)。66. There was a car a_ caused by ice on the road.67. Dont walk a_ the street when the traffic lights are red.68. J_ is the first month of the year.69. She _ (邀请) many people to her party last Sunday.70. We have _ (相似的) hobbies and interests.71. Try to write more _ (细心地) next time.72. Lisa _ (庆祝)her brothers birthday every year.【2015宁夏】七、综合填空(共8小题,计分8分)从下面方框中选择恰当的词填入短文中,使短文通顺正确。每词只用一次,有些词要用适当的形式。for when take pocket but nothing away surpriseWhen Mr. Jones went to a restaurant one day, he left his coat near the door. There was (73) _ in the pockets of the coat when he left it, so he was very (74) _ when he took his coat after his meal and found all the (75) _ full of jewelry (珠宝)!There was a waiter near the door, so Mr. Jones said to him, “Somebody has made a mistake. He has put some jewelry in my coat. Take it, and (76) _ he comes back, give it to him.” The waiter took it and went (77) _. Suddenly another man came in with a coat just like Mr. Joness. “I am sorry,” said this man. “I made a mistake. I (78) _ your coat and you have got mine. Please give me my coat and jewelry.” Mr. Jones answered, “I gave the jewelry to the waiter. He will give it to you.”Mr. Jones called the manager of the restaurant; (79) _ the manager said, “We have no waiters here. We only have waitresses.” “You gave the jewelry to a thief (小偷)!” shouted the other man. “I shall call the police!” Mr. Jones was frightened (害怕) and paid the man a lot of money (80) _ the jewelry. 【2015宁夏】八、任务型阅读(共5小题,计分10分)阅读下面短文,根据短文内容和表格中的提示信息,在8185小题中的空白处填入适当词语,使其意思与短文一致(每空词数不限)。Facts about hot and cold places on Earth! The Sahara Desert (撒哈拉沙漠)The Sahara Desert in North Africa is one of the largest and hottest deserts in the world. In the summer the temperature during the day often reaches 40. The highest temperature ever was 58! It seldom rains in the Sahara, but there are storms sand storms!The Sahara Desert is a very difficult place for humans to live. Only a few plants are able to grow in the dry climate (气候). But there are many oases. An oasis is a place where plants and trees can grow because there is water. There are about 90 large oases in the Sahara, where people have built villages. Some animals are able to live in the desert too. The most famous desert animals are, of course, camels. They can live for many


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