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    六年级英语科学科教学计划书_2013-2014_学年度第一学期 科任教师_宋高建_填表时间_2013-9-2_班级情况班级六(1)(2)班人数42男57优生_63_人_67_%女36中等生_18_人_20%学困生_12_人_13_%本班学生现状分析学生情况:,六年级一共有2个班。我所教学的是六(1)(2)班,本班学生共有93人本班男女生人数不均衡,男生57人,女生36人。学生总体反映出纯朴、可爱、调皮的性格。其中男生的思维能力比较强,但学习上缺少耐心与细心,女生相对男生来说学习更加认真,但分析能力却不及男生。学习习惯:部分学生主动学习的行为,深得老师赞赏。比较喜欢上英语课,学习热情也很高,并喜欢与老师友好相处,同学之间、师生之间常在一起交流学习体会。但仍有少部分学生学习懒散、学习习惯差,如:粗心大意、书写不认真,不愿思考问题,上课开小差,依赖老师讲解,依赖同学的帮助,作业喜欢与同学对题。目标成绩上学期(2012-2013)学年度第二学期)测试成绩:平均分:79 不合格人数:9 合格率:89% 优良率:68%本学期(区或校)测试成绩目标: 平均分:82 不合格人数:9 合格率:91% 优良率:75%教学计划时间教学进度学生须掌握的知识点预见学生学习中会遇到的疑难解决方法关键第一周Unit 1 A healthy body会读课后的新单词light,heavy,strong,weak and so on.新单词难记忆,易忘记。如:c0ngratulation,centimetre and so on.多听单词,多听写,加强单词记忆。第二周Unit 1 A healthy body Part A,B1, B21.Learn new words and phrases.For Example: a healthy body,these photos and so on .2. Learn new sentences. Im taller and heavier.1、不能正确使用动词的形式。I liked to exercise.2、在交际中不能正确使用交际语言。1.反复训练用词的适当形式填空。2、在课堂中多使用交际语言,创造语言环境。教学计划第三周Unit 1 A healthy body Part C,D. E.F,G,H,I ,J1. Learn the important words and phrases. For example: have a race, come to cheer and so on.2. How to retell the story?1. How to repeat the story.2. How to improve the reading skills.1. Do more reading exercises about reading.2. Use comparatives and superlatives.第四周Unit 2 The natural worldPart A, B1,B21.Learn new words and phrases.For Example: Black Mountain,Candle Lake,the sea and so on .2.Learn new sentences.Which country has this flag.?1. Learn the names of different places. How to use these new phrases.2.Learn more phrases.1.Create the different situations and make dialogues in the pairs.2.Let students learn more places.第五周Unit 2 The natural worldPart C ,D,E,F,G,H,I ,J1.Using superlatives to talk about places.2.How to describe these placese.1.The words are difficult for the children.2.Its not easy to understand the story.1.Create the different situations and make dialogues in the pairs.2.Let students learn more places.教学计划第六周Unit 3SpacePart A,B1,B21.Learn new words and phrases.For Example:sun,huge,moon,planet,bright and so on .2.Learn new sentences.The earth is the biggest planet in Space.Using muchwith comparatives and one of the with superlatives to talk about objects in space.1.Revise the comparative and superlative.2.Create the dialogues in pairs.第七周Unit 3SpacePart C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,1. Learn the story and and catch at the main phrases.2. Write a passage about space.3. Practice their reading skills.1. Its difficult to describe space.2. How to use the superlatives.1. Give their a composition modle and ask them to write according to it.2. Creat a situation and ask them to practice their oral English.第八周Unit 4 Revision1.Practice their listening .2.Revise the new words and phrases of Unit 1-3.3.Revise the key sentences of Unit1-3.1.The reading materials are very long and difficult.How to deal with their reading materials.1.Improve their reading skills and reading habits.教学计划第九周Unit 5Faster,higher and strongerPart A,B1,B21.Learn new words and phrases.For Example:the 60m race,the 60m hurdles,the long jump,the high jump and so on.2.Learn new sentences.I think bees and ants are the most 1.How to use the adverbs correctly.2.How to describe these sports items.1.Do more exercises about adverbs.2.Use these sentences to describe the sports.3.Creat the dialogues according to these sentences.第十周Unit 5 Faster,higher and strongerPart C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J1.Learn the story and and catch at the main phrases.2.Describe an animal.3.Practice their reading skills.1.Some students wont use the comparative and superlative .2.How to use the new sentences to describe these sentences.1.Do more exercises about the comparative and superlative.2.Ask them to write a composition about sports meeting.第十一周Unit6 Famous storiesPart A,B1,B21.Learn new words and phrases.For Example:smart,brave,hard-working and so on .2.Learn new sentences.Shes smart,brave and hard-working.1.How to use the correct sentences to complete passage.2.I dont know if they will use these comparatives and superlatives.1.Create the situations to practice the new tense.2.Do more exercise about using correct forms to fill the missing words.教学计划第十二周Unit6Famous storiesPart C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J1.Learn the story and and catch at the main phrases.2.Describe these famous stories.3.Practice their reading skills.1.How to use the correct tense to describe these famous stories.2.How to use the clues to fill the missing words.1.Complete the sentences according the clues in the correct word forms.2.Do the writing exercises about using the correct forms to fill the missing words.第十三周Unit7 International foodPart A,B1,B21.Learn new words and phrases.For Example:beef,pork,salt,sugar and so on .2.Learn new sentences.3. Use the correct tense to describe their memories.1. How to use the correct forms to complete sentences.2. How to use “or,and,but or so” in the sentences.1.Complete the sentences according the clues in the correct word forms.2.Do the writing exercises about using the correct forms to fill the missing words.第十四周Unit7 International foodPart C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J1.Learn the story and and catch at the main phrases.2.Describe good merories.3.Practice their reading skills.4.Develop their reading skills though the further reading.1.How to use the correct tense to describe the things happened in the last.2.How to use the clues to fill the missing words.1.Ask them to read some reading materials and improve their reading skills.2.Do the writing exercises about using the correct forms to fill the missing words.第十五周Unit 8 Revision1.Practice their listening .2.Revise the new words and phrases of Unit 5-8.3.Revise the key sentences of Unit5-8.1. Understand these reading materials and complete the different tasks.2. Undersatand the reading materials and fill the missing words correctly.1.Improve their reading skills and form reading habits.2.Develop their reading skills though different reading materials.第十六周General revision1. Revise the new words from Unit 1-Unit 8.2. Revise the phrases from Unit 1-Unit 8.3. Do the exam paper and explain the answers and analyze the main knowledge.1. Recite and dictate these new words and phrases.2. How to use the correct words to fill the missing words.1. Recite and dectate the words and phrases more times.2. Do more writing exercises.提高质量措施1、“要抓质量,先抓习惯”。帮助学生培养良好的学习习惯和学习方法。要求学生先从行为数学做起,再到怎样学习数学,后到提高数学学习能力。激发学习兴趣,养成自主学习的习惯和方法。平时在教学中,注意抓好学生的书写、审题与检查等良好的学习习惯。2、加强学生基础知识的掌握,对知识的延伸与拓展需深入了解,特别是对各知识的融会贯通,灵活理解与运用。计划审核人: 完成计划效果:自评: A 校评:7


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