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    9A Unit 3 Language 宾语从句(1) 学案.doc

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    9A Unit 3 Language 宾语从句(1) 学案.doc

    9A Unit 3 Language 宾语从句(1) 学案一、本节重点:(带 * 的为今节课必须掌握的知识点)* (二)、引导词:1、如果是 陈述句, 由_引导,_可省略;2、如果是 _, 由该疑问词引导。( 有时可用疑问词+ to do 互换)3、如果是 _, 选择疑问句、和反意疑问句,由whether/if引导.注意:只能用whether 的3种情况:(1) 句中有:_ _(2) 介词+_(3) _ + to do 4、如果是 祈使句 , 常用不定式.:如 ask sb (not) to do (表请求); tell sb (not) to do sth(表命令) eg. (1)“Please study hard!” Mother said to me.Mother_ me _ _ hard. (2)“Dont play on the street,”he said to the children. He _the children _ _ _ on the street.*(三)、语序:用_语序即:主句 + 引导词 + 主语 + 谓语 + 其他(四)、时态:(1)主句为现在时,从句的时态根据_而定; (2) 主句为过去时,从句的时态用_时态。 具体改法为:1、一般现在时 2、现在实行时3、一般将来时 4、一般过去时5、现在完成时 6. 过去完成时二、中考链接:1、I hear well have a new foreign teacher soon. Do you know when _?Sorry, I have no idea _. (2008年中考题) A. he will come B. will he come C. is he coming D. he was coming I always tell students 2、I cant remember _ I put the book,and I need it for my homework now.(2011年中考题) A. where B how C what D why3、Its surprising that he got suh a high mark! ( 2012年中考题) Yes,I wonder _ it. A.how did he do B.how he didC why did he do D that he did 4 _on the road because its really dangerous.(2013年中考题)A not to play B to play not C not playing D not play5、我经常请教音乐老师怎样才能够弹好钢琴。(2010年中考题)I often ask my music teacher _ _ _ the piano well.6. 我想知道你今天上学为什么又迟到了。(2011年中考题)I want to know _ _ _ late for school again today.7. 我不明白他们为何对这位美国歌星如此疯狂。(2012年中考题)I cant understand_ _ _so crazy about this American singing star.8、你知道在哪里买这种邮票吗?(2013年中考题)Do you know _ _ _ this kind of stamp?三、把下列句子改为同义句:1.“Dont play football on the road,children ,” said Father. Father _ the children _ _ _ football on the road.2. “Please keep quite”, she said to me. She _ me _ _ quite.3、I dont know when I will come back. (改为同义句)I dont know _ _ come back.4、He doesnt know what he should do on weekends(同义转换) He doesnt know _ _ _on weekends5、Could you tell me how I can get to the post office? Could you tell me how _ _ to the post office?四、翻译下列句子:1.能保持健康是最重要的。 It is most important that _.2.你知道我们每天需要几个小时的睡眠吗? Do you know_?3. 我不确定是否必须吃早餐。 I am not sure_.4. 你能告诉我每天应该吃那些食物吗? Can you tell me_?5. 我想知道我们应该多久锻炼一次。 I wondered _.6.我需要知道如何使自己感觉轻松。 I need to know _.五、拓展练习: ( A 层学生)(一)单选题:1. - Where does he come from?- Pardon?- I asked where _.A. did he come from B. he came from C. he comes from D. does he come from2. Do you remember _ last time?A. what is your teacher saying B. what your teacher saidC. what your teacher says D. what did your teacher say3. I dont know _or not.A. whether he is at home B. if he is at home C. that he is at home D. whether is he at home4 - Did you tell your brother where Susan _?- Yes, but I didnt tell him she _ until next week.A. has gone, wont come home B. went, dont come homeC. had been, wouldnt come home D. had gone , wouldnt come home5. There isnt much difference between the two. I really dont know _.A. what should I choose B. which I should chooseC. which should I choose D. what to choose6. The teacher said that the earth _round the sun.A. goes B. go C. went D. will go7. Did you find out _?A. she was looking for whose child B. whose child was she looking forC. whose child she is looking for D. whose child she was looking for8. I d like to tell you that you _the exam.A. have passed B. had passed C. pass D. will pass9. “Could you tell me_?” “ Yes. They _ to the library.”A. where are the twins, have been B. where were the twins, have beenC. where the twins are, have gone D. where the twins were, have gone10. Our father said that he _ a new computer next week.A. will buy B. have bought C. would buy D. buyB层学生:(二) 把直接引语改为间接引语1. “Please take good care of you little sister.” Mum said to Kate. Mum Kate .2. They wondered. “Shall we buy some food before we go for a picnic?”They wondered .3.Does the little girl like to swim in the swimming pool? I wanted to know. I wanted to know .4.“Will you join the Party or not?” Lucy asked John. Lucy asked John_.9.“Must I arrive the station at 6 oclock ?” Mr White asked.Mr. White asked _.6. “Dont be late for school,” the teacher said to us.The teacher _.7.“Can you pass the book to me ,Kate?” Jim said .Jim _.8. “I visited the museum last week.” He told me. He told me_.9. “Man will die if there is no water or air,” he said. He said_.10. “I have finished my homework .” he told me. He told me_.C层学生拓展运用(语法选择)My English teacher told us 1 there would be an English evening class in our school. My Classmate Kate asked me 2 I was interested in it. I said “yes”. Kate was also interested in it. So we asked the teacher when and where 3 . We also asked the teacher 4 it would cost. The English teacher answered all the questions. He said that 5 our English if we took part in it.( )1. A. if B. when C. that D. where( )2. A. whether B. that C. which D. when( )3. A. will it begin B. it will begin C. would it begin D. it would begin( )4. A. how many B. how much C. how often D. how long( )5. A . we will improve B. will we improve C. we would improve D. would we improve六、小结:What have we learned today?_七、Homework 1、背本节重点; 2、完成目标手册:P53-54 3、家庭默写八、Enjoy a song “ You Look Wonderful Tonight”1、Its late in the _shes wondering _clothes to wear.She puts on her make-upand brushes her long blonde_.And then she asks me, Do I look all right?And I say, Yes, you look _tonight.2、We go to a party and everyone turns to seeThis beautiful lady_ walking around with me.And then she asks me, Do you feel all right?And I say, Yes, I feel wonderful tonight.3、I feel wonderful because I see the love light in your eyes.And the wonder of it all is_ you just dont realize how much I love you.4、Its time to go_ now and Ive got an aching head,So I give her the car keys and she helps me to bed.And then I tell her, as I turn out the light,I say, My darling, you were wonderful tonight. (repeat)


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