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    国企市场化进程中人力资源管理所面临的挑战Recently, a lot of friends in the consulting circle have chatted with each other, and many people say that many of the projects on hand are the human resource management projects of large state-owned enterprises, such as salary, performance, career planning, competency model, etc. I feel the same from 03 years, the large state-owned enterprises has become my main customer service, and some relatively closed industries, such as electricity, coal industry enterprises have begun large-scale management consulting firm hired. What is the phenomenon? What trends do you represent?This paper talks about the challenge of human resources in the process of marketization of large state-owned enterprises, and the authors ideas and suggestions in the practice of consulting.The wave of HR reform in state owned enterprisesWhy does the state-owned enterprises carry out the HR reform on a large scale in recent years? The author believes that this is inseparable from the reform of the national personnel system and the acceleration of the domestic market process.The reform of personnel system in the country since 90s, with the merit of employment mechanism, can the employing mechanism, and based on the 3P (post, performance, capacity allocation mechanism reform) as the representative, presented a great challenge to the traditional personnel management mode of state-owned enterprises. The reform of personnel system begins with the market with high degree of marketization, such as mobile. After years of practice and research, it has been pushed forward to the large state-owned enterprises and become the common focus of the large state-owned enterprises.If the reform of state personnel system is to promote HR reform from top to bottom, then the acceleration of marketization is the catalytic factor from bottom to top. In recent years, joining in WTO, western development, the revitalization of Northeast China and other major events, on the one hand, the large state-owned enterprises have great development opportunities, especially in heavy industry, and on the other hand, the original "chihuangliang" of the state-owned enterprises to the market competition in the teeth of the storm. The traditional human resource management just focus on the static "file management" and "salary", and the world of market economy and the enterprise of supernormal development requires that the enterprise human resources management must be well planned and forward-looking, so as to meet the rapid development of enterprise business needs.Whether the reform of personnel system in the country, or to speed up the process of marketization, put forward the urgent calls for the transformation of the human resource management of state-owned enterprises, state-owned enterprise managers have been aware of the problem. In recent years, large state-owned enterprises have the change of human resources, the human resources department personnel to change, to the selection of internal competition, even now appear to buy the wave of consulting services, can be said to be intensified, unable to stop.HR dilemma of state owned enterprisesSo, what is the biggest human resource dilemma faced by large state-owned enterprises? The author believes that the deep-seated factors hidden behind unfair representation and equalitarianism are the absence of human resource management and the lack of key functions of human resources.In the movie "no thief in the world", Ge You has a classic line: "what is the most important thing in twenty-first Century?" Talent!" As Ge You stressed, the current domestic enterprises both in external propaganda, or inside the meeting, all the talent in the high position, and also often emphasize the transformation of human resources, but in the actual work and the distribution of interests, to promote the work of human resources often blocked, human resource managers always weak in level Department of why? The absence of human resource management is the most important reason, the direct point is that the lack of a pure, professional, strong human resources director or vice president.See here, maybe some readers of state-owned enterprises will say, in our company, the general manager directly in charge of human resources work, this is not as good as a human resources director? But in fact, the general manager is in charge of nobody, because the general manager always most concerned about performance, and to balance the various departments, so if the general manager in charge of human resources department, so when there is a conflict with other departments, the general manager for other vice president in charge of balance, is often suppressed the human resources department the situation.The absence of the chief inspector of human resources directly leads to the low positioning of the human resources department and the lack of the right to speak. The functions of the human resources department should not be fully brought into play.In addition, the lack or confusion of key functions of human resources is also a great challenge to the human resource management of state-owned enterprises. On the one hand, human resource management is essentially a tool, its level and status of users is the goal of the decision, so the lack of human resources director of human resources department to really stand in the top view, close to the strategy of human resource planning. Imagine how the Minister of human resources can discuss the strategic goals and human resource planning issues of the enterprise freely and equally with other vice ministers who are responsible for production and marketing For large state-owned enterprises face the impact of the market, especially the foundation of industrial development is very rapid in recent years, such as oil, coal, iron and steel industry, profits and productivity soared and highlights the lack of human resources, but because of the lack of human resources planning functions, personnel reserve can not meet the requirements of enterprise development, human resources the Department has become universally condemned. On the other hand, target system, originally belonging to the human resources department salary design functions, in many state-owned enterprises is not the human resources department job, which may be attributable to the financial department or other departments.In the face of these difficulties, from the current view, try to change the state-owned enterprise human resources has achieved certain results, but because most of the time is "no overall plan for a fundamental transformation", therefore there are many unsatisfactory places. So, how can the human resource reform in state-owned enterprises be more effective?SSTP model - the solution to the HR reform of state owned enterprisesAfter years of human resource consulting experience and summary, developed a comprehensive diagnosis and improvement of enterprise human resources management tool, that is, SSTP model. In my opinion, to improve the status of human resource management of state-owned enterprises, and not just from the salary, recruitment, assessment and training operational content set, and from a strategic height, team planning, management system and supporting platform comprehensively discussed, and improve the interaction, to achieve a temporary effect a permanent cure.From the strategic point of view, excellent human resource management must have strategic height, and must play its due role in the formulation and implementation of corporate strategy.The importance of human resources is widely accepted, but at all levels of state-owned enterprises further study of the enterprise human resources management situation will be found, the enterprise human resources management is still in a very passive position. As mentioned above, it is because of the absence of human resources management, so the enterprise will appear this subjective expectations deviate from the actual situation of the situation. Therefore, the most important factor of successful human resource management reform is to have a professional and strong human resource director or vice president. Oral or written attention is not enough, in the current human resources change point, it is more important in the position of Zequan and skew, can make managers at all levels and human resources departments bear the corresponding human resources management roles and responsibilities.The current state-owned enterprises, especially on the fast track the development of large-scale heavy industry enterprises, human resource is the key work of the forward-looking human resources planning and corresponding implementation plan, and human resource planning is the core planning team, which mainly includes four aspects: Planning of human resources cost, efficiency, structure and quality. This is also the top concern of human resources at the top of the company.In seven and 80s, large state-owned enterprises absorbed a large number of the best domestic talents, so the overall quality of state-owned enterprises is relatively high, and the unit labor cost is relatively low, which is the advantage. However, because the state-owned mechanism is rigid, so marketing talent and strategic talent is short board, state-owned enterprises and private enterprises, because of the more active, is already had a large number of technical personnel of state-owned enterprises, which has become a great obstacle to the development of state-owned enterprises. In addition,Enterprise run society and a secure job historical burden, redundant personnel, whipping the fast ox and bad money out good money phenomenon of state-owned enterprises is extremely widespread and common.Therefore, for state-owned enterprises, the focus of team planning is efficiency and structural planning. On the one hand, through the introduction of marketing talent, talent strategy, and to prevent the loss of senior technical personnel, the personnel structure of the enterprise move from planned economy to market economy; on the other hand, because of the low efficiency greatly brought to offset the original super significant labor cost advantage, because the state-owned enterprises should set up the efficiency of peer benchmarking, quarterly tracking. The annual assessment, and gradually improve the labor productivity.Human resource management system mainly includes four aspects of human resource selection, education, use and retention, which is also the operation level of human resource management.The specific content of stay with breeding is not elaborated, is the basic reform of personnel system in the country involved, therefore, the author just want to share a little about their staff development experience, this is the consulting firm in comparison for the state-owned enterprise human resources plan design change is easy to ignore the place.The development mechanism of staff promoted by monorail is one of the most common problems in the human resource management of state-owned enterprises. In many state-owned enterprises, the development of administrative staff can only rely on the monorail promotion, this is certainly not, because the mechanism, consultancy firms usually have a promotion for the state-owned enterprises to design administrative and technical track sequence. However, the author believes that the dual promotion is not enough, because most of the state-owned enterprises in the work of less credit personnel, the development of this part of people we must also consider the. I met for the state-owned enterprise staff development system design project, usually recommends that companies adopt three track administrative sequence, sequence and sequence technology merit promotion mechanism, not only security management skills and technical expertise of the personnel can according to the needs of development, and for the enterprise silently contribution, loyalty and put the personnel to provide another glorious stage.As everyone knows, the organizational structure of the implementation of any good system all cannot do without a good corporate culture, reasonable and effective execution management platform, for the successful implementation of the reform of human resources management, good management platform can be said than what is important.The state-owned enterprises in the enterprise culture, due to the impact of ownership structure on its own, often there will be a "home" master spirit, since it is a "home", often means that the human warmth, means that there is no competition and elimination, and the cultural atmosphere in the achievement of employee loyalty for the business at the same time. In the current of state-owned enterprise employment system and employment system reform, the establishment of modern human resource management there is a certain negative effect.Executive power is very popular in the business world in recent years. The so-called executive power refers to the implementation of strategic intent, the completion of the intended target operating capacity. But for most state-owned enterprises, whose functions departments often is not very clear and reasonable, mutually making excuses wrangling, lack of effective supervision, privileged existence, lack of information communication and sharing. All this directly led to the implementation of the ability to become the bane of the majority of state-owned enterprises. Even aware of the problem, institutional change, often because of the internal executive power of the problem and ultimately failed.I have participated in a large state-owned enterprises because of the human resources consulting, organizational control problems lead to change: some departments can not push as both player and referee system; some employees do not only constraint constraint leadership; excuse from the top to the grassroots people plus a number of mutually making excuses, privileged, how in the supporting platform thus, the human resources department may be able to effectively play its due role?Therefore, the author suggests that state-owned enterprises in the reform of human resources management at the same time, more attention should be paid to improve the management platform, it is best to improve the human resources management platform and change into different parts of a project, rather than two items totally independent, remember!Due to the length problem,The author can not give detailed and specific suggestions on all aspects of human resource management of state-owned enterprises. To sum up, state-owned enterprises in the reform of human resources must examine the background of their own changes, and from the strategic height, team planning, management system, support platform four aspects of system considerations. Only standing on the height of strategic human


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