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    七年级下外研版英语单元综合测试第二学期期中测试题一 : 最佳答案(40 分)() 1. What _ he _ now? He _ a book.A. is doing watchingB. does do are readingC. is doing is readingD. do doing reading() 2. Let _ go home _ 8:00.A. they atB. them at C. they onD. them on() 3.He wants _ at the pool. But now he _ his homework.A. to swim is doingB. swimming is doingC. t o swim doesD. swimming doing() 4. What is he waiting _?A. forB. inC. atD. from() 5. He likes _ TV.A. readingB. watchingC. seeingD. looking at() 6. This _ _ my brother, S cott. He s playing _ soccer.A. is aB. is theC. areD. is () 7. Here _ your books.A. isB. areC. beD. () 8. _ photo, I m swimming _ the pool.A. In second atB. At second atC. In the second at D. At the second in() 9. _ you for your help.A. ThankB. ThanksC. To thankD. Thanks () 10. _ do you usually go to bed? _ 9:00 o clock.A. Where atB. When atC. How inD. What in .()1 1. Everyone _math hard in our .team.A. studysB. studyC. studiesD. studying()12. Our PE teacher _ a ball _ teach us a new game.A. uses, withB. use, forC. using, toD. uses, to() 13. There will be at least one car _ every family_ the future.A. in, onB. in, inC. at, forD. to, at() 14. Will there be newspapers in the future? No, there _.A won t. B. isn t C. won t be D. will be not ( )1 5. Will they send their messages_friends _ email? Yes, they will.A. for, byB. at, withC. to, byD. by, to()1 6.Tom s family is _ a picnic.A. haveB. havingC. hasD. had() 17.No one will be cold and there will be _sunshine.A. manyB. lot ofC. lots ofD. a lot()1 8. There will be _ rain and _ winds.A. heavy, strongB. large, bigC. big, heavyD. strong, big() 19.There will _ lots of rain in the next year.A. haveB. beC. hasD. is() 20. _ are you going to do this summer holiday? I m going to visit my grandparents. They live in America.A. WhenB. HowC. WhatD. Where() 21.This is _study. It s nice and comfortable.A. Lucy and LilyB. Lucy s and Lily sC. Lucy s and LilyD. Lucy and Lilys() 22 We can see _ sun in the daytime and _ moon in the night.A. a, aB. an, anC. the, theD. a, the() 23.My grandfather is ill. _ .A. SorryB. Excuse meC. Thats too badD. I m sorry to hear that() 24.“ Look! This shirt is beautiful.” “ _?”A. Why not try on itB. Why not trying it on C. Why not try it onD. Why not trying on it() 25.“ What will the future _?” “ No one uses a pen. ”A. be likeB. beC. likeD. like as() 26.There _ going to _ three parties this holiday.A. be: beB. is; beC. are; beD. are; are() 27.Please look _ your little brother.A. atB. forC. likeD. after() 28.Let s _ home.A. goesB. goC. to goD. going() 29.We use the money _ a second-hand car.A. buyB. to buyC. buyingC. buys() 30.The Blacks _ a football match at this moment.A. watchingB. are going to watch C. is watchingD. are watching() 31. Linda, when shall we take a walk?After I finishmyhomework.A. checkB. checkC. to checkD. checking() 32.Behind the door _ some apples.A. isB. areC. beD. /() 33. Can I help you, madam? I d like a kilo of _ .A. milkB. cakeC. bananaD. apple() 34.School _. Let s go home.A. beginsB. is offC. is overD. is over there() 35. _ is your new bike? 1,000 yuan.A. How manyB. How muchC. How aboutD. Where() 36. Do you read English _ ?A. every morningB. in morningC. on every morningD. in every morning() 37. Mrs. Green comes from _.A. EnglishB. AmericanC. AustraliaD. Japanese() 38. It _her three weeks to study lessons.A. spendsB. costC. wasteD. takes() 39. I will go to the hospital this afternoon. There is_ with my nose.A. nothing wrong B. wrong nothingC. anything wrongD. something wrong() 40. I think Dick can _ his camera in the lost and _office.A. find, findB. finds, findsC. find, foundD. found, find三阅读理解。第一节: (30分)(A )An old tiger is in the forest. He doesnwant to looktfor food. He wants otheranimals to give him something to eat.He sees a monkey and says,“hungry,Im monkey. Gothere and give mesomething to eat.” “ Oh, tiger,” says the monkey,“ I can not do that now. There isanother tiger over ther e. He wants something to eat, too. He doesn t let me giveany food to you. I m afraid of him.” “ What? Where is he? I must see him.”“ Come with me, ” says the monkey.The monkey and the tiger go to a bridge.“ Now, look down at the water. Doyou see him? ” “ Yes, I do. I must eat him!” With these words, the tiger jumps intothe water.41.How many tigers are there in the story?A.There is only one.B.There are two.C.There are some. D.There are many.42.Other animals in the forest _ the old tigerA.are heavier thanB.are much bigger thanC.are afraid ofD.are stronger than43.The monkey goes to the bridge _.A.to find some foodB.to help the tigerC.with the tigerD.with other animals44.When the tiger sees another tiger, he is very _.A. happyB. hungryC. worriedD. angry45.Which sentence is right?A. The tiger jumps into the river.B. The monkey jumps into the river.C. The tiger eats another tiger.D. The monkey likes the tiger.( B)Spring Festival( 春节 ) is coming. All Chinese people think that it is the most important time of the year.Not only we children but also our parents like it. We like it because we can have a 20-day vacation( 假期 ), eat delicious food and wear new beautiful clothes. Parents like it because it is a new beginning( 开始 ) and they may hope for the best for the next year.My parents are very busy these days. They clean the rooms, wash the clothes, prepare( 准备 ) the foods for the festival and so on. I do my best to help them. We are tired but happy.During the festival, eating is very important. The most famous food for thefestival is dumplings( 饺子 ). It means the reunion( 团圆 ) and the warmth( 温暖 ) ofthe family. Almost every family eat dumplings on the Spring Festival evening.How wonderful Spring Festival is! I almost can t wait for its coming.() 46.is the most important festival of a year in China.A. Children s DayB. Mid-autumn DayC. Thanksgiving DayD. Spring Festival() 47. The children like the festival because they like to spend the holiday fordays and wear new clothes and eat nice foods.A. 15B. 17C. 20D. 45()48. The writer s mother and father hopefor the next year.A. for the bestB. to get more moneyC. to live betterD. to go abroad( 出国 )() 49. The writer s parents feel tired but happy because they are.A. preparing for the festival B. rich enoughC. OKD. on the way to spend the holiday() 50. The best title for the passage is.A. I Like Spring FestivalB. Spring Festival Is ComingC. The Wonderful FestivalD. Let s Get Ready for Spring Festival( C)Hi! Let me tell you something about my beautiful house. I live in a nice and new apartment building. The building has eighteen floors. There are about eighty families in the building. That is to say, about two hundred and forty people live in the building.My home is on the twelfth floor. We have two bedrooms and a sitting room. They are big and clean. There are a lot of big trees and beautiful flowers around our building. I like looking out of the window in my room. I can see cars and buses running in the street. I can see people walking in the street, too. They look so small! I can also see a lot of tall buildings. I am happy to live in this beautiful community.根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。 (每题 2 分)()41. There are _ floors in the building.A.twelveB. twentyC. eighteenD. eighty()42. How many people are there in the building?A.Twohundred.B. Threehundred.C. Two hundred and forty.D. About two hundred and forty.()43.There are many _ around the building.A.carsB. trees and flowersC.shopsD.buses()44. What can I see from the window in my room?A.I can see cars and buses running in the street.B.I can see people walking in the street.C.I can see a lot of tall buildings.D.A, B and C.()45. Which of the following sentences is NOT true?A. The building is tall.B. The people look very small when they are walking in the street.C. The community is very beautiful.D. The building is nice and new.三 阅读理解第二节(每空 2 分,共 10 分)Do you like this lovely rabbit in the pictures? Now you can find her on some of our pens, pencils, erasers and rulers.Miffy is a little rabbit girl in a series of picture books drawn by Dutch artist Dick Bruna. Miffy was created in 1955. After Bruna told his one-year-old son storiesabout a little rabbit, he drew a rabbit. He didn t draw trousers on the rabbit. Instead, he drew a dress on the rabbit, so Miffy became a girl. Bruna drew Miffy in a very simple way with only a few lines and colors. He drew more than 100 books. Each book tells a story and has 16 pages. The stories are about things that children can understand, or situations they will face, such as having meals, going to school and sleeping. The stories always have happy endings. Children love the stories.Miffy was a character in a children s book at first, but her pictures are nowused on many other things like clothes, stationery, toys and so on.阅读短文,回答下面的问题。1. What does Miffy look like?_2. When was Miffy born?_3. Who drew the rabbit ?_4. How many books did the writer draw?_5. Why do the children like the stories?_四 .用所给词的适当形式填空(10 分)anythingrobotspendcityflyablehouseworkanswerotherworkspacehappyIn one hundred years everyone will carry a small computer. And the computerwill give people the 1.to all their questions. We will all have 2.at our home. So we ll3.beto let robots do most of the 4.While making a t elephone call, we ll also be able to see the people onendtheatthe same time.A lot of people will live and work under sea or in 5.because there willbe big towns and 6.there. Robots will do most of the work, and peoplewill just 7.two or three days a week. They ll be 8able. toto the moon in a spaceship and 9.their holidays there. How 10._ life in the future will be!五完成句子( 12 分,每题 2 分)1. 祝你五一期间过得愉快!_ _ during May Day!2. 网上购物是很安全的。It s safe _ _ on the Internet.3. 我们的班长承诺他会让我们的教师保持干净。Our monitor _ he _ _ our classroom clean.4. 请问,去银行怎样走?向前走,它就对着广场。 _ _, how can I get to the bank? Go down this street, it s _ the square.5. 我们可以用电脑做任何事情。We_ _ _ on computer.6. 我们明天将动身去杭州。Well _ _ Sanya tomorrow.六 .补全对话:(5 分)A: What can I do for you?() B: Thank you1. Howmuch are they?A: Two yuan a kilo.() B: That is not all.2.A: OK. Is that all?B: No, I would like some meat, too.A. Two fish, please.B. How much are they all?C. I want some pears, please.D. Here is the money.E. How much do you want?() A:3.B: Three and a half kilos.A: Good. Here you are.() B:4.A. Er, sixteen yuan all together.() B:5.A: Thanks very much. Please come again.B: Yes, I will. .书面表达( 15 分)请你以校办公室的名义用英语发一则 Notice。告知初二学生明天将去四个地方作调查,注意事项写在提示里,题目: Notice 。写作提示:1. visit four places2.tomorrow,leave after breakfast at 8:003. lunch at the place of visit4.come back in the afternoon5. four groups, each group to a place 6.each class a group, say which place you want to visit,then tell the office_参考答案 :1-5 CBAAB 6-10DBCAB16-20CDBAC21-25BCABD26-30 CDBBD 31-35DBAAB 36-40 ACDDC41-45 ACDDA46-50DCAAB51-55 CDBDB三1She wears a dress.2She was born in 1955.3Dick Bruna4He drew more than 100 books.5Because the stories always have happy endings.四1. answers2. robots3. able4. housework5. space6. cities7. work8. fly9. spend10. Happy五1. Have fun2. to shop 3. promises, will make4. Excuse me, opposite 5.can do anything6. leave for六. 1.C2.A3.E4.B 5. D七参考范文:NoticeAll the students in Grade Two will visit four places tomorrow. You will leave school after breakfast at 8o clockLunch. will be at the place of visit. All must come back in the afternoon. Each class will be a group. There ll be four groups together.Each group will visit a place. Please tell the school office which place you want to visit.School Office in No.14 Middle School


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