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    课题Module4unit 1课型新授总 个学案单授课时间学生姓名主备人审核人年月日1. 能正确读出并拼写单词新单词学习目标2.掌握文章的内容并能运用所学的知识点短语以及知识点的运用 ;since /for +时间学习关键学习过程个性修订Step1 前 自 (2 分)1咳嗽 _2.发烧 _3. 痛 _4.腹部 _5.痛,疼痛_6.牙痛 _ 7.有病的 _8.自以来_9.量体温 _10.拿, 定,拍 ,吃,喝_( 去式)_( 去分词)_11.快餐 _12.心 _13.健康(名) _(形)_step2 Listen the dialogue and answer the questions1.Whats wrong with Daming?He has got a _ _ and a _.2.How long has Daming been like this? _3.Why has Daming got a stomach ache?Because he has _ breakfast and _ _ food.第 1 页4.Does Daming do any exercise?_ _. He _ done much _ _ he got acomputer last year.5.What should Daming do to keep healthy?He should _ _ fast food and _ _ everyday.He should also _ some exercise and _ some _.step 3Read the text carefully and find the answers:1.感冒 _2.量某人的体温_3. 快餐食品 _4.自从周五 _ 5. 有害 _ _6. 有好 _7.做 8.太多 9.在前面 _10.停止做某事_11. 一天三次_12.那就是 所在 _13.例如: _注:快速 住以上 。第 2 页step 4Sentences:1. 我胃疼并且头疼。I ve got a _ _and _ _ _.2. 你像这样多久了? How long _ _ _ _ _?3. 首先,停止吃快餐每天吃早饭,第二进行一些锻炼, 像跑步,并且我将给你一些药,一天服用三次。First, stop _ _ _and _ _every day. Second,get some exercise,_ _ _. And Ill give you somemedicine._ _ _ _ _ _.Step5 Complete the passage with the words and expression in the boxIt is easy to look after your h. Just do some e,sas running. Do not eat fast food! It may give youa sache .Most illness are not dbut when youca cold or get a cough, you may also get a f. Thismeans your tis higher than usual. You must go to the doctor.第 3 页达标测试( M4U1 )时间: 5 分钟总分: 10 分一单选( 5 分)1.“What a nice day! How long have you had it?”“two years”.A.ForB.SinceC.InD.After2.Mr.Green _in China since five years ago.A.livedB.has livedC.livesD.is going to live3.”Do you know that we won the football match?” “Yes, we _ news”.A.have just heardB.hearC.to hearD.just have heard4._have you stayed in New York? “For about two weeks”.A.How soonB.How oftenC.How longD.How far5.He has_for three or four days.A.got a headache B.had a cough C.fallen ill D.caught a cold 二、用 since 或 for 填空( 5 分)1. We have learned five lessons _the beginning of this term.2. Mrs.Liao has been in hospital _last week.3. I have stayed at my aunts _two weeks.4. He has studies very hard_he came to our school.5. Weve been waiting _20 minutes.【选做】阅读( 20 分)A.Education is the key to the development(发展 ) of our country. But millions of children from poor families cant go to school. So the CYDF(China Youth Development Foundation)(中国青少年发展基金会 ) decided to carry on a plan, called Project Hope, to help the children go back to school.The Project is very necessary(必要的 )。 As we know, children are the hope of our country .But the Chinese government is not likely to give enough money to the children who have dropped out of school, so CYDF built Project Hope to raise money. Now most people in China have given money. But 40 million more children still need help. More people in China and abroad should“join ”the Project.根据短文内容选择最佳答案:1.Many children cantgo to school because of_.A. their parents B.their jobs C.their poor families D.the places they live in 2. The CYDF is a/an _of China.第 4 页A.governmentB.organizationC.projectD.school3. “is not likely to ”in this passage means_.A.won tB.didn t C.cantD.shouldnt4.Project Hopes job is to _.A.help those who have dropped out of school B.help poor people and make them richC.build schools for poor peopleD.improve the level(水平 )of our life5._built Project Hope。A.The Chinese governmentB.World HopeC.OxfamD.CYDFBWith the development of our society, education is becoming more and moreimportant . We can get a lot of knowledge, understand the world and improveourselves because of education. However, in our country, especially in some countryside, some parents cantpay for the education of their children. Even when the children reach the school age, they have to pay at home and help their parents. It is reported that more than 30 million children between the ages of 6-14 cantgo to school. Most of them come from the poor countryside. And about 40 million poor children still need help. Some of them have gotten Project Hope s help, and they needntpay for schooling, even the books. But they still need more help and love.6._is becoming more and more important.A.GameB.TravelingC.EducationD.Playing7.In countryside, many children cantgo to school because of_.A.their poor familyB.their agesC.their parentsD.the school8.Most children between the ages of 6-14 come from_.A.poor townsB.poor countryC.citiesD.abroad9.Nowsomeof the poor students can go to school again withthe helpof_.A.teachersB.parentsC.Project HopeD.people10.Which of the following is True according the passage? A.We can get a lot of knowledge because of the government. B.None has gotten the Project Hopes helpC.There are no poor children need help and love in ChinaD.Lots of children can go to school without paying for schooling and books.教学反思:第 5 页


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